Vol. 93, October 2010- Remaining Positive in A Negative World
CNN is on everywhere you go these days. Most of the news on it is very negative. Here is one way that you can can change the negativity you may be feeling into a more positive mindset.
CNN is on everywhere you go these days. Most of the news on it is very negative. Here is one way that you can can change the negativity you may be feeling into a more positive mindset.
Do you feel overwhelmed in life by all the responsibilities that you have? Are you doing some sort of addictive behavior because it allows you to stop feeling that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach. The power of your unconscious mind can do amazing things when it is allowed to work for you instead of creating the unconscious thoughts and behaviors that make you feel that you are no longer in control.
Suzanne shares examples from her own life on how she made adjustments to raise her own personal worth in her own mind.
Hypnosis is often used to treat sexual compulsion, but in this case, Suzanne works with a client to treat his sexual dysfunction. As It turned out, many complicated issues clouded this couple's intimacy, and hypnosis was the answer to clearing their conscious.
Suzanne shows examples of "Parts Therapy," a quick way to get a the heart of an emotional problem using hypnosis.
Vol. 103, May 26, 2011 - Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Dominique Strauss Kahn : Which one might be a sex addict?
Suzanne talks about her experience with war veterans, and urges her readers to consider mentioning hypnosis as a treatment for war-related mental trauma.