Tag: Depression

Pop a Pill or The Alternative Medicine: Hypnosis

Today there is a constant popping of pills to take away all of the symptoms that we are feeling in our bodies. Wouldn’t it be better if we were to find out what our body is trying to tell us by going to the cause instead of using medication with all the side effects?

The Dangers of Drugs: Medication and Illicit – Life Is Precious -Vol. 119, September 22, 2011

By Donna N. While I was forming this idea in my mind, as I often do when I get the compulsion to write these articles, I began to think of my Godchild, Zach, a 16 year old, and perhaps the dearest person to me, other than my dad who has pretty much lived his life at …

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Vol. 94 November 2010 – Stuck In A Funk No Matter What You Try?

Stuck in a funk. Learn how hypnosis and NLP are different from the traditional talk therapy out there.

Psychiatrist Could Have Used Some Mental Health Services Herself -Vol. 117, September 8, 2011

Sadly enough there are many practitioners of mental health who themselves are in crisis who could use the assistance of one of their colleagues. In a Washington Post article written on August 3, 2011 it was reported that psychiatrist Margaret F. Jensvold, a graduate of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine fatally shot her 13 year …

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Repair a relationship: What you need to know on how to be happy in a relationship. – Vol. 113 August 11, 2011

There are many instances when people come to my practice who are unhappy in life. Sometimes it has to do with their problems getting the better of them. However, there are other times when their lousy feelings about themselves is coming from a different place, mainly from their spouses, or partners in life. With clients …

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PTSD for soldiers:How to cure depression naturally without turning to the drugs being promoted as cures for PTSD – Vol. 114, August 18, 2011

It seems that the United States government is the largest drug pusher that there is looking for the easiest way to take care of emotional issues by pushing drugs instead of dealing with the cause of the problem. In the MSNBC report of August 2, 2011, it was reported that a 6 month, randomized control …

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Are You Smoking to Cover Up A Deeper Problem?

Suzanne use personal history techniques to help a client understand the reasons for his nicotine addiction.

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