A young woman comes in to see me with a life long pain in her shoulder. Medical care did not help. So what did that pain mean? Read the posting to find out.
There are many reasons why a person may feel anxious. Everything from sexual infidelity to controlling parents. Hypnosis can clear you of your anxiety no matter the reason fairly quickly. In this way you can create the life that you desire and deserve.
According to the specialist on panic attacks, the lack of being able to feel emotions may be the cause of the problem. Using NLP and hypnosis it has been my experience that people can stop stuffing their emotions while learning how to feel them once again. This is important for they serve a purpose and once that is understood you can release the negative emotions fairly easily.
Labeling people with psychiatric illnesses can create not only the lack of a sense of self, worse, it never allows one to move past the notion of having a mental illness. I have found in my work that many people who were labeled with mental illnesses that the psychiatric community felt were to be managed, never to be healed have been able to heal themselves of these problems. This article speaks to how this was done in the case of an anorexic.