What is depression and what to do about it.
A client of mine who had been free of substance abuse for over 15 years was afraid that she was going to pick up again since her roommates started drinking again. When she went to get counseling things did not go the way she thought they would which is what sent her looking for a different way to receive the help she knew she needed. Read her story here.
There are many reasons why a person may feel anxious. Everything from sexual infidelity to controlling parents. Hypnosis can clear you of your anxiety no matter the reason fairly quickly. In this way you can create the life that you desire and deserve.
CNN is on everywhere you go these days. Most of the news on it is very negative. Here is one way that you can can change the negativity you may be feeling into a more positive mindset.
According to the specialist on panic attacks, the lack of being able to feel emotions may be the cause of the problem. Using NLP and hypnosis it has been my experience that people can stop stuffing their emotions while learning how to feel them once again. This is important for they serve a purpose and once that is understood you can release the negative emotions fairly easily.
Vol. 103, May 26, 2011 - Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Dominique Strauss Kahn : Which one might be a sex addict?
Suzanne discusses the necessary steps to get at the "cause" of a particular problem, and how to find the right therapist to help you deal with those problems.
The holidays are upon us. Here are some simple ways in which to take some pressure off and perhaps allow you to feel less alone and depressed if you are feeling this way.