All You Have to do is Believe in Spirit – Vol. 89 June, 2010
Spirit has guided me through all I have been through lately and I know as long as I continue to believe in Spirit, all will work out for the better.
Spirit has guided me through all I have been through lately and I know as long as I continue to believe in Spirit, all will work out for the better.
Are you a person who puts on a "mask" pretending to be the person that you believe others will like better than the natural you? It takes a lot of energy to do this while you are decreasing your own sense of self. Being in control of your own life is based on being true to who you are and allowing others to accept you as a result.
Apparently Michael Jackson was spending almost £100,000 month on prescriptions he was getting from his private physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. Apparently the doctor added insult to injury first by using…
A client's past family history, causes him to grind his teeth while sleeping, which in turn costs the man thousands of dollars in dental bill over the years. Suzanne uses hypnosis to change his feelings toward his family, thus relieving his body of the stress causing the habitual teeth-grinding.
Volume 178, Nov. 30, 2012 It is amazing to me how many of my clients come in telling me of their loving relationships. You know all the great things their…
As I was reading the “Shape” magazine for this month I came across yet another article called “The Accidental Addiction”. It was a report on the sad situation of increased…
Why do so many Americans fear death? After doing a bit of research on the subject I found that there are different types of fear of death. 1) Fear of…