It has just been reported that sexual abuse lingers for decades. I would say that anyone who has been a victim of it female or male would have been able to tell you this from the beginning of time. This article addresses the true cost in terms of health and socioeconomic terms
Tag: body
Mar 31 2014
Think First Before You Swallow That SSRI Antidepressant Pill – Vol. 136, Jan. 26, 2012
This past couple of weeks has given me an illuminating insight into some of the notions that Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. speaks to in his book The Biology of Belief when he says, “we are made in the image of God and we need to put Spirit back into the equation when we want to improve …
Jan 13 2014
When Will Marketers Stop Screwing With Self-Conscious Teens Body Images? – Vol. 133, Jan. 5, 2011
Katie Kindlan wrote on the December 6, 2011 ABC News Blog of the “picture perfect” computer generated models that the huge clothing retailer H&M is using on their website to sell their swimming suit and lingerie online. They claim that doing this allows the garments to be the main focus of their shopper’s experience. I …
Aug 15 2013
PTSD for soldiers:How to cure depression naturally without turning to the drugs being promoted as cures for PTSD – Vol. 114, August 18, 2011
It seems that the United States government is the largest drug pusher that there is looking for the easiest way to take care of emotional issues by pushing drugs instead of dealing with the cause of the problem. In the MSNBC report of August 2, 2011, it was reported that a 6 month, randomized control …
Mar 16 2013
Stress: You Feel it, But Do You Know What It Is Doing To Your Body?
Feeling the stress of the world throughout your body? Suzanne suggest a few ways to reduce stress in your life, including the use of self-hypnosis.
Dec 29 2012
Is Quitting Smoking Weed ((Marijuana) the Same As Quitting Smoking Tobacco (Cigarettes, etc.)?
Vol. 181, December 29, 2012 Smokers truly believe that they are “addicted” to nicotine. However, the truth of the matter is that they are more involved in a habit of “trigger-response” with triggers leading to the use of cigarettes. The trigger can be anything from drinking alcohol to being bored to the people with whom …