Wake Up Doctors: Stop Giving Antipsychotics to Teens and Do This Instead – Vol. 168, Sept 30, 2012

In her article, More Kids Than Ever Are on Antipsychotics: But is There an Alternative? (Forbes online, August 18, 2012) Alice G. Walton reports that the prescribing of antipsychotics for…

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How Could There Be a 80% Increase in Mental Health Discharges for Kids 5 to 13 Years Old? – Vol. 116, September 1, 2011

According to Joseph C. Blader of Stony Brook State University of New York as reported in Archives of General Psychiatry, August 1, 2011, discharges for psychiatric hospitals rose by more…

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Emotional Abuse Signs: What is Verbal Abuse and the Signs of an Abusive Relationship- Vol. 143, March 22, 2012

Being in practice for the past decade there are certain clients who come it to see me that are in toxic relationships that they feel are full of love and…

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Repair a relationship: What you need to know on how to be happy in a relationship. – Vol. 113 August 11, 2011

There are many instances when people come to my practice who are unhappy in life. Sometimes it has to do with their problems getting the better of them. However, there…

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Let Us Set The Monkeys Free – Become “Recovered” – Vol.90 July, 2010 –

At a recent conference on addictions that Suzanne and I attended, I noticed that all of the prominent speakers that had substance abuse issues acknowledged that they had referred to themselves as "in recovery". My question to you is: would you rather be “in recovery” or “recovered”? My question to the prominent speakers is: Are they truly free of addiciton??

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