Dawning Visions Store

Welcome to the Dawning Visions Store. On this page can be found all of the products that I have made available for purchase to date. All books are sold via Amazons bookstore and clicking on a book selection will open an Amazon window. All MP3’s are sold on this website and clicking on a selected MP3 will add it to your cart.  All MP3 payments are currently via PayPal only. Please feel free to check back here frequently for new additions.


Special Bundles

Clearing a Path To Contentment (Basic)

How much do you want to be content? This bundle contains 2 hypnotic inductions, a book of Suzanne Kellner-Zinck’s life and a report on happiness to create a path to contentment in your own life. These items are available at a significant savings over the cost of the individual products.:

  1. Learnings From My Journeys: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul (Book)
  2. Your 14 keys to Happiness Report 
  3. Improved Self Esteem and Increased Motivation (Hypnotic induction)
  4. End Depression Part 1 (Hypnotic induction)


Clearing a Path To Contentment (Deluxe)

How much do you want to be content? This bundle contains everything available in the basic clearing a path to contentment bundle, plus some extra items to enhance the experience and accelerate the results. These items are available at a significant savings over the cost of the individual products.:

  1. Learnings From My Journeys: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul (Book)
  2. Your 14 keys to Happiness Report 
  3. Improved Self Esteem and Increased Motivation (Hypnotic induction)
  4. End Depression Part 1 (Hypnotic induction)
  5. Stress reduction audio (Hypnotic induction)
  6. Video to quit anger and end depression (Hypnotic induction)
  7. Video to raise your self esteem (Hypnotic induction)
  8. Flash cards with instructions on reducing stress
  9. Flash cards with instructions to quit anger and reduce depression
  10. Flash cards with instructions to increase self esteem and motivation
  11. An audio guide with step by step instructions on how to get the best out of this program




Bundle of Happiness

How well can you imagine improving the quality of your life immediately? Get 7 of Suzanne’s best hypnotic inductions in one bundle for a great savings over what each program would cost individually. Any one of these  7 inductions could transform one area of your life. Together, they can take you to the next level. Here’s what you get in one, easy to download package:

  1. Improved Self Esteem and Increased Motivation
  2. Stop Smoking Now and Forever
  3. Never Procrastinate Again
  4. Fearless Presenting  
  5. Never Be Afraid of Your Dentist Again
  6. Fearless Flying
  7. Perfect Pre-Post Operative Hypnotic Induction


MP3 products

Improved Self Esteem and Increased Motivation

Confident people are capable of believing in themselves allowing them to achieve to an incredible degree that which they put their minds to. With higher self-esteem achieved it becomes ever easier to increase your motivation to achieve the results that you would like to have in your life’s endeavors. It is time for you to use the strength of your inner mind to allow you to finally enjoy the fulfillment and joy that life has to offer you.

“I have only listened to your Improved Self-Esteem and Increased Motivation recording three times and I’m already noticing that I’m getting small projects done that I’ve been “meaning to do” for a long time. I meditate almost every day but I found myself going much deeper then usual with your induction method. The proof is in the results! Thanks.”

Paula Richards

Stop Smoking Now and Forever

Once you have made the decision that you are “done with the old smoking habit” it will be easy for you to stop once and for all with this MP3. You will be able to let go of the triggers for you smoking while understanding the value behind the reasons for becoming a non-smoker for the rest of your life. You will find better ways to deal with the stressors that you feel smoking helps to alleviate thus allowing you to once and for all become a non-smoker for the rest of your life.

Never Procrastinate Again

After you use this MP3 for three weeks straight you will find yourself able to do whatever it is that you need to get done even if you do not particularly want to do it.

Fearless Presenting

Perfect for anyone who needs to do presentations for their business or as part of their job description. Have fun sharing your knowledge from now on as you receive the positive feedback from those you have enlightened with your information.

Emotional Eating Be Gone

You have been medically checked out and there is no reason for you to be gaining weight, so now you realize this is due to emotional distress. This MP3 will help you to get to the cause of the eating behavior and help you to release it.

Sleep Soundly

Do you feel exhausted due to lack of sleep. Do you find yourself irritable as you try to get through another day? Worries and upset prevent the sleep that we require to be healthy.  Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of the pills and sleep through the night? With the use of “Sleep Soundly” you will be able to get the sleep your body requires to wake up feeling refreshed and energetic. All you need to do is play this MP3 right before you go to sleep.

Do I really have a Sexual Compulsion

Find out what a sexual compulsion is so you can see if this applies to you. This MP3 then goes on to explain why hypnosis is a great way to let go of it.

Releasing Sexual Compulsions

This MP3 is the hypnotic induction that will bring you through all the same processes that I do with my clients in my office that has freed them of this worrisome behavior.

Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

All my eating disordered clients ask me the same question: If you treat me for my eating disorder, will it be gone forever? I am happy to report that once this problem is taken care of your quality of life will be much better. You will no longer be abusing your body with your behaviors associated with your eating disorder. You will no longer have any of the guilt associated with this problem no longer living a double life. You will notice much better relationships forming with all the people that you care about, most especially yourself. Living a life free of fear of being found out will allow that once wasted energy to be used for more important and productive endeavors enriching your life. Most importantly think about all the time and energy you will be able to put toward those things that are truly important to you while allowing your body to heal. It is a most magnificent life awaiting you for the minimal time and energy required with the treatment that is explained in this book. I promise, and I never make promises that I cannot keep. This is proven with the increased health and well being of those clients who have undergone this treatment.

Note: The induction that goes with this MP3 is available for free by signing up for the Dawning Visions Hypnosis Newsletter.

Never Be Afraid of Your Dentist Again

If you are a person who experiences fear of the dentist, putting off appointments forever, this hypnosis induction was made especially for you. All you need do is sit back in a recliner and follow the instructions on the recording. In a couple of weeks you will find yourself released of the fear while allowing you to to have the dental care that will keep you healthy.

End Depression Part 1

If you are a person who is carrying around anger, you ought to know that it is one of the main reasons that people have heart attacks. With this 25 minute MP3 you can easily let go of any anger you may have allowing yourself to lead a happier and more healthy life.


End Depression Part 2

In this recording, you will be able to let go of the depressed feelings you have in two different ways. One is to allow them to float away, and the other is to learn why your subconscious mind created them so you can know that they have outlived their usefulness to you, allowing you to let them go. This is a recording that you can return to over and over again to tune yourself up, should any depressed feelings or negative thoughts hinder you life.

Fearless Flying

This induction will allow you to fly without fear while being totally relaxed and in control of your body and mind during the entire flight.

Perfect Pre-Post Operative Hypnotic Induction (only for medical professionals)

Great for those nervous patients who have to undergo a surgical procedure. With this MP3 your patients will be relaxed, their bodies able to help you to do your job much easier, while allowing the patient to heal much quicker given the positive attitude they will have as a result of using this MP3.

They only need to listen to it daily for two weeks right before going to sleep and for one week after the procedure for the best results.

You will absolutely love the great result that both you and your patients will receive with this very simple addition to your treatment plan.

Books written by Suzanne Kellner-Zinck


Books recommended by Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

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Improved Self Esteem and Increased Motivation with Fireside Video


Confident people are capable of believing in themselves allowing them to achieve to an incredible degree that which they put their minds to. With higher self-esteem achieved it becomes ever easier to increase your motivation to achieve the results that you would like to have in your life’s endeavors. It is time for you to use the strength of your inner mind to allow you to finally enjoy the fulfillment and joy that life has to offer you.

“I have only listened to your Improved Self-Esteem and Increased Motivation recording three times and I’m already noticing that I’m getting small projects done that I’ve been “meaning to do” for a long time. I meditate almost every day but I found myself going much deeper then usual with your induction method. The proof is in the results! Thanks.”

Paula Richards

Lessen Your Stress with Fireplace Video

Modern life is filled with so many potential sources of stress. When you feel overwhelmed and don’t know what to do, why not give this video from Suzanne Kellner-Zinck a try. This hypnotic induction is designed to guide you into a trance state which will allow you to feel relief from your current stress as well as provide your subconscious with the tools to handle future stress. How much do you want to feel relaxed right now.

Quit Anger Quickly with Fireside VIdeo

If you are a person who is carrying around anger, you ought to know that it is one of the main reasons that people have heart attacks. With this 25 minute MP3 you can easily let go of any anger you may have allowing yourself to lead a happier and more healthy life.

Sign Up Now for your Free 1/2 Hour Consultation

If you have found this website helpful and informative and either you or someone you care about has an issue that might need clearing. Then Suzanne would like to invite you to experience a 1/2 hour free no obligation consultation via phone or Skype. Suzanne has successfully helped people all over the world, why not give her the chance to help you. Get the facts about your personal situation from a caring professional source and change your life for the better today!

Sign Up Now for your Free 1/2 Hour Consultation