I have the utmost respect for Dr. Mercola – a doctor who has always done very deep research on any of the subjects on which he writes – all backed up with research that is actually true research mainly because the man knows how to interpret the garbage from the real. This isn’t an easy thing to do given the multple ways that the numbers in research can be manipulated and the ways in which the phrasing in acedemic writing can be misleading.
So, with that as the introduction to this man who has always fought for the truth against the powers that be – for our rights as individuals to be educated on how our bodies actully function and what is necessary to regain function – and it most certainly has little to nothing to do with pharmaceutical creations, I am putting this link to his article which thoroughly explains what is happening behind the ‘smoke and mirrors’ of what you are being told to be so fearful of and instead brings you to what you must understand as your rights being taken away for nepharious reasons – most espcially that of control and greed – as is always the case when we look underneath these situations all through history – a history that Dr. Mercola brings to our memories because our memories fade too quickly. Here is the article and read it a couple of times till your totally digest what the man is saying – it’s not fun, but it is necessary for all of us to stop pretending that the problem is in one place when it is really a much larger problem that needs to be contained as was done a century or more ago when similar circumstances were found.
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