Mental Health Resources

National Mental Health Association

National Institute of Mental Health

National Alliance on Mentally Illness

Addiction-Management-Recovery – Help with alcoholism, drugs, codependency, smoking, sex, porn and other addictions.

SelfhelpMagazine – SelfhelpMagazine is trusted educational site developed by licensed mental health professionals since 1994. We offer thousands of articles, a large support community, books, blogs, cartoons, over eight FREE email newsletters, and telephone-based classes (TeleWorkshops). Tell us what you need!

Medication Resources

National Library of Medicine

Food And Drug Administration

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

General Healthcare

Center for Disease Control

Mesothelioma – An extensive database of information and resources for patients and their families to have a better understanding of Mesothelioma Symptoms and the various aspects of life expectancy.


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