How to Have a Great New Year

Happy New Year World (2010)How to Have a Great New Year – Vol. 341, December 31, 2015 

This may be a bit shocking, however, my first bit of advise for you is to not make a bunch of New Years Resolutions that you won’t end up keeping anyway. Just get that out of your head now! Instead I would like you to think about your life and what it is that is working for you. Do you have a good feeling about the work you do? How are you getting along with the people in your life? Are the relationships feeling healthy and loving? How about your living conditions? Do you like the area in which you live? Do you like the way your home is set up? How about your finances? Are they doing well enough to keep you content and away from worrying about how you will care for yourself? And, what about your health, physical and emotional? How are they doing? What about your spirituality? Are you feeling full up in that area of your life?

From working with people in the area of mental health for 22 years and counting, there is usually one area that is creating the most distress and from there, other areas of one life gets polluted with that bad energy making life harder than it needs to be. 

The biggest problem that most people have is allowing toxic people into their lives. All sorts of horrible issues can arise, from headaches, to having accidents all the time, to becoming angry, feeling depressed and frustrated, getting irritable and even having panic attacks. So, if you take an inventory of those people with whom you associate personally and professionally. If you realize that there are one or more people in your life making you miserable, the best thing that you can do is first do your best to clear the air. Let the person know what is going on. Tell them the behavior or the comments that they are making and what it is doing to you. Be honest about it. Then tell them an alternative way to handle the situation going forward. If they are unwilling or unable, it is time for you to remove yourself from that situation.

If it is at your job, get a cross promotion to a different office or a different location if that is possible. It just isn’t worth putting up with feeling miserable because it will wear you down and take your health away. I can promise you that much. If it is a family member, again you will have to take space and spend less or even no time with them if that is what it takes. If you have an abusive spouse, you truly need to first find out what is going on with them medically and get that addressed. If the problem is still there, you will need to separate yourself from that person. It will allow you to find someone who can love and respect you without all the emotional (and physical, if any of that is happening) duress you are currently under. Abuse can be anything from yelling about every little thing, not even pointed in your direction, yet upsetting you just the same, to manipulating you from spending time with your family and friends, isolating you, to physical and sexual abuse.

I have had a couple of clients who suffered terrible headaches because their parents thought they had the right to drop by any time they wanted to visit with their grandchildren. They got that one wrong. The parents are the ones who have the right and responsibility to their own children. Grandparents are given the right to visit when it fits the schedules of the parents and if the parents can do so without the parent being abusive to their own adult children. That was the case with both of my clients. Their parents were very abusive to their own children and thus some separation was necessary and boundaries created.

If you are in a job that you don’t feel is fulfilling, its something that you are doing just to make some money, take the time to think about those things that made you happy as a kid. Those things that when you did them time flew by. Get in touch with those things. Next, figure out if you want to be inside, outside, traveling or in one place. Think of different sorts of jobs that you could do that would fulfill these dreams. It can be done. I did it when I made the decision to stop doing low level work in mental health and got into hypnosis. I have travelled across the country and the world to study as well as to do my work. I love writing and presenting to groups of people and recording my podcasts – so I have found the best combination for me in my career as a hypnotist. I was unhappy in Massachusetts for a long time, dreamed of moving to Southern California and here I am now building my practice out here and loving it. So, nothing needs to b set in stone as long as you are alive and breathing. Create the sort of compelling future that will allow you to be happy and contented.

If you don’t have a spiritual practice, I suggest you figure out something in this world you can do to add to it. Find some cause that resonates with you and volunteer. There are few things that are more fulfilling then volunteering for a cause you believe in. It fits my definition of spirituality because you are making the world better for you having been here.

Financially, figure out what you need to live on and add some money to that for entertainment. It should equal about 55%. The financial people all say to pay yourself first putting some money into an emergency account, another account for expensive things that you want but have to save for to purchase with cash like a car or a downpayment on a home. Put some money into your investment/retirement account and give 10% to charity. You will need about 55% of your earnings to live on, so the rest is divided approximately 10% each other category except for the 5% you put into your ongoing educational fund for books, seminars, courses, and trainings. If you are self-employed, these can be a tax deduction. Ask your tax advisor.

If you are out of shape, find something that is active to do that you enjoy, or you won’t do it. I love walking by the ocean out here. Not necessarily in the sand, though it is a great way to “ground” the electricity of the body into the ground if done barefoot. If you like to dance, go out dancing. If you enjoy sports go play some on a regular basis. Get your butt off the couch and go do something that will get your heart rate up, your endorphins released bringing a healthy glow to your face. After the first month of regular activity you will be amazed how easy it is to go and have fun having created a new habit.

Another area that brings all sorts of problems to people is the lousy diet that is eaten by the average American. Do yourself a favor and limit your use of fast foods. Most of it is garbage to your body. Next, get rid of all the processed foods that you have in your kitchen. Check out your fridge and freezer as well. If there are ingredients on those packages that you can’t pronounce heave them into the trash. Better there then poisoning your body and the body of your family. Stick to one ingredient foods and combine them to make delicious whole food meals. Real food taste great.Give it a try and in about a month’s time you will wonder how it was that you ever ate that other chemical tasting crap.

Minimize your use of sugar. Honey and molasses are fine once in a while in small quantities. And by all means stop using those poison packets of sugar substitute. I don’t care what they call it, its been proven to make you more hungry on top of interfering with your bodies natural mechanisms. So stop using it. If you like Stevia, that is okay.

I wouldn’t do all of these things at once. Take care of your relationships first and then focus on your health and wellbeing. It is amazing how far one can come in a year’s time with a bit of respect for one’s mind and body. Because I have to tell you that the reason that people find themselves in such lousy situations and then getting sick or hurt is because they feel so totally stuck with the status quo. Many don’t even realize all the stress they are under in certain circumstances. However, it is these toxic circumstances that ruin your health and your happiness. So, take this New Year and focus on what feels right for you. You have but one life that we know of for sure, and you have the right to feel loved, respected, healthy and fulfilled. However, it is up to you to make the necessary changes to move forward into more happiness.

126:How Do You Know That Your Practitioner Has Your Best Interest At Heart

When you come to the conclusion that seeking some assistance is the wise course of action, how do you choose the best person to help you with your issue? Here are some guidelines from Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.


If I only knew then what I know now, Recovery does not mean Recovered, “Yes Virginia, it is possible for an Addict to be Recovered.”

 If I only knew then what I know now, Recovery does not mean Recovered, “Yes Virginia, it is possible for an Addict to be Recovered.” – Vol. 340,December 24, 2015

So, Donna N. responded to my recent weblog Why Do 12-Step Programs Fail 95% of The People in Them? She had some additional concerns about the role of sponsors in the fellowships of both NA and AA having very strong feelings about both and wanted me to share them with you.

Donna points out that when a newcomer is just starting to get clean, they are extremely vulnerable. They are looking for both guidance and support from someone who genuinely cares. Donna’s concern as she stated it to me, is that the fellowship is practically like a cult in the way the fellowships are set up. They get you to become dependent on your sponsor, calling every day at first.  Because they ask you to get a sponsor before you have six months of “clean time” with someone with over a year of sobriety, you are being set up to fail.

From Donna’s perspective knowing what she knows as a “recovered addict” for over five years now, is that those with addictions who just attend NA and AA meetings are no healthier then the newcomer, by only going to meetings. She actually believes they are sicker, because of the fellowship reinforcing the notion that these people are “addicts’ giving the participants the suggestion to have urges and withdrawals should they ever use again, because that is what addicts experience. This is totally different from being “recovered” as Donna has been since our work ended in September of 2010. She never feels the urges to use, ever, and has even successfully used opiate medication after breaking her wrist and dealing with a torn rotor cuff subsequent to her work with me, without ever going back to abusing these medications. She has a couple of barely touched bottles of opiate based pain relief medication prescribed from her doctor from those two earlier times. These are the types of drugs she was once addicted to. So, she obviously is not in any way a person who could be considered an addict at this late date.

The sponsor she chose was a woman who had several years of sobriety at the time.  Donna’s states that it is like the blind leading the blind into a burning building. Because the sponsors have zero idea in how to work with someone with the severe issues that an addict comes with. Lay people have no understanding of the mental health or illness of the person they are sponsoring. She states that addicts are just looking for love, care and understanding – especially while they are trying to get clean and back into society. Most sponsors try to give these to their charges, however, they too can be sicker than the person they are sponsoring. In Donna’s case her sponsor had eating disorders on top of her drug addiction, and was physically was ill with heart disease from her smoking. She was indeed and still is sicker than Donna ever was in this sense.

Donna’s point is that, “clean time” does not equate to “health or well being time.” Being “recovered” means that you are healed, body, mind and spirit. One, can live a fulfilled and healthy life with clear respectful boundaries for themselves and with others on top of not “using.”

Donna never made it past the 4th step of the 12 steps because her sponsor never continued with her, even though Donna repeatedly requested that of her.  So, as a result Donna never finished her Step work, which is from my perspective as a healer who works with addicts, one of he more important tools that the 12-step programs give. They need to apologize to all those they hurt and make amends to these people. Without this being accomplished, Donna missed out on the most important aspect of what the 12-step program could have offered her. All because her sponsor couldn’t be bothered, most likely because she still had the addict’s mind, she didn’t really care. Most addicts by their very nature are very selfish people, unable to truly empathize with or care for another person until they have the help necessary to help them to do so. It is a fact that an addict has stopped maturing emotionally from the time the addiction took hold of them. For his reason it is imperative that an addict in recovery get the correct mental health treatment to learn how to act in an age appropriate fashion. It is the addict’s inability to act in an age appropriate matter that creates many ill feelings and a lack of feeling like they can fit in with “normal” people their age.

Donna states. Wish I knew then what I  know now-but If I can help one person, it will make it ok.

I tend to agree with everything that Donna is stating here. The idea that one who has been through the same problems, as being enough to help others is dangerous. The only reason that I have the results that I do with my clients is because I worked very hard to heal my own issues, worked in the field of metal health for several years, got some formal education, both in mental health and through a year and a half of nursing school before dropping out, finding it wasn’t for me. Lastly, l Iearned hypnosis and NLP. I continue my learning about the body, mind and spirit on a daily basis, it being fascinating to me and of course very helpful to my clients.

Donna’s other concern is of telling stories of self-harm or harming of others in the second half of the meeting, as being destructive to anyone listening. These stories are told to scare the other participants into believing that they would always be addicts and would always have to be mindful of staying away from these substances. That in itself is not a bad idea for addicts. The problem comes when one believes that they will always have to be an “addict” with all the connotations that involves. It leaves the feeling of loss of hope which Donna was unwilling to buy into, luckily for her. It was this belief that allowed her to find an alternative way to heal herself so the addiction became a part of her past history, period.

The truth as Donna shows, is that someone who has made the decision to become a “non-addict,” meaning one who no longer has the thoughts and behaviors of an addict, needn’t be concerned about this issue on a daily basis. Donna doesn’t have time to waste on such matters really. She doesn’t have time for meetings or even the notion that one “needs” a meeting to stay sober – another form of co-dependence which is unhealthy.  This instead of teaching an addict how to let go of their addiction and with it, the ability to focus on much more productive and fun things then endless 12-step meetings that take away any and all hope of living a “normal life.,” are what forced Donna to leave the whole notion of 12-Step programs behind as the antiquated method they are based on the manner in which we now understand the workings of the unconscious mind.

I am deeply grateful to Donna for enlightening us with an “insiders’ view of the destructive nature of the 12-step programs, especially where addictions to substances are concerned. Donna herself, knows too many people who attended 12-step programs as their only method of staying “clean” and ended up dying as a result of an overdose. This because their hearts couldn’t deal with the drugs they ingested, unknowingly to them. It is to testament to Donna, that she escaped from, because she had the foresight to realize that there had to be a better way. Now, she realizes that had she stayed with her sponsor and the NA people that they were friendly with, she most likely would have been one of the sad statistics.

Our sincere hope is that if you have any addiction issues at all, that you engage a program that is based on something that is more advanced then the 12-steps as hard as that is to find out there in the world. We would like to see addicts be fully recovered and living happy and fulfilling lives, leaving their addictions in the past, living in their present, creating their future as Donna has learned how to do.

125:What Can You Learn From A 15 Year Old

As adults, we are often at the mercy of our preconceived beliefs. However, find out what a daring 15 year old did that you can learn from.

Give Yourself the Best Christmas Present Ever: How To Quit Smoking On Your Own

Gifts? Already?Give Yourself The Best Christmas Present Ever: How To Quit Smoking On Your Own ,- Vol. 339, December 17, 2015

I was a passenger in a car with a women who had given up smoking a few times in her life. The stress of dealing with an ill son had brought her back to her “best friends” even though she knew they were killing her. She complained of loss of breath while walking even small distances, and this is a slightly built petite woman we are speaking of here. She spoke of the coughing that was problematic at times, and most of all she hates the stench from it.

She asked me more about the work that I did in hypnosis and was inquiring what was involved in having me help her to stop smoking. She may be interested in having me to do the work with her. But, you know what? She didn’t ask me to do the work with her. Instead she put down the cigarettes with the thoughts of what she wanted to gain from stopping this disgusting habit all on her own. She wants to be able to work out, go to yoga, walk around this beautiful area we live in without loss of breath. She wants to know her lungs are clear as they were the last time she stopped smoking a few years ago. She doesn’t want to have the stench on her anymore. And, the savings from not purchasing them would be an added benefit.

I only learned that she had put the cigarettes down because I had called to thank her for giving me a very funny and useful sales DVD by Jim Rohn, one of the masters of sales training and motivational speaking. It was during this conversation that she gave me her method for stopping smoking.

This is the truth. Only about 5% of the people out there who smoke need help stopping. The grand majority do exactly as this woman did. They first make the decision to stop smoking. They next make the decision that they needn’t use any of the harmful and almost useless substances out there that are supposed to help you stop smoking – most of the time they are great failures – from the Zyban, which is really the antidepressant Wellbutrin, to that nasty nightmare creating Chantix, to the patches, to the awful tasting gum and please stay away from those horrid e-cigarettes. I have written other weblogs on here about the many dangers of those things.

I can tell you quite honestly that of all the clients that I have helped stop smoking over the 13 years I have been in practice, only two of them were what I would consider physically addicted to their cigarettes. For all the other ones, it was just a matter of a trigger response mechanism.

If you want to stop and not replace the smoking with another harmful habit like over eating, hey, the arm action is pretty close, right? You need to come up with something else that you can do for all the triggers there are to your smoking. A glass of water is a good one, as is tapping on your steering wheel if you are driving. There are so many creative ways to occupy yourself that one needn’t fall back on other self-destructive habits when stopping to smoke. A simple deep breath of fresh air could take care of most of the triggers.

The best way to come up with something that will work well for you is to put yourself into a relaxed state. If you meditate or know how to do self-hypnosis, both of these will work. While there in that state, imagine the trigger to your smoking and then in your own mind, see yourself cutting that connection between your trigger and the cigarette. Once that is done, think of something else you can do that is healthy and last the same amount of time it takes to smoke a cigarette – a couple of minutes maximum. Try a few things and see what works the best. Your unconscious mind will let you know. Then go ahead and replace your smoking with that new behavior. Do this for every trigger to your smoking.This is important because whenever we take out an old behavior we need to replace it with a new one.

My new friend didn’t need to deal with all her triggers. She simply made the decision knowing that she was able to stop in the past. Its only been a few days now, and that is okay. Because it all starts with the first day of not smoking, right?

Good luck with putting these strategies into place to get fresh air back into your lungs, allowing your lungs to clear all the dirt out, allowing you to come back to health again. Everything is better when you can move around without getting out of breath, when you no longer turn people off with the cigarette stench and when if you are a closet smokier as this woman admitted to be – you can be honest with your loved ones about truly not being a smoker. Imagine what you will do with the couple to a few thousand dollars you will save no longer subsidizing your state with the huge tax on those cancer sticks.

124:You Are Good Enough!

Don’t let other people control your self esteem. Find out where your real value comes from.

A Very Special Person Who Is Living Her Calling

angelsVol. 338, December 10, 2015 – A Very Special Person Who Is Living Her Calling

A couple of nights ago I went to a meeting and it was there that I met an amazing woman. Let me tell you her story and you will most assuredly agree with me that she is amazing.

This particular woman had done her medical school education in her home land of India. When she came to the U.S. it was difficult to get residency in internal medicine, her first choice at the time. This is because, as she explained it to me, that she hadn’t done her medical training here in the U.S. among other things. Back then she was informed that she would have a better chance of gaining entry into a psychiatry residency. So, she went into psychiatry as her specialization. She said that there are some scary things that occur in the unit that she works in dealing with very ill, angry mentally ill patients. Every day one of her co-workers gets hurt. However, she finds that every day is different, unlike internist work where you follow a list of symptoms to get a diagnosis, which she feels would be boring.

The thing that is amazing about this woman is the loving care that she puts into her work. She says that her clients are depressed having psychotic episodes, having such a hard time when she first starts with them. Over time, her patients will start smiling, lowering their medications and doing better then even she thought. She finds this work amazingly gratifying. I think of her as an angel brought over here from India to help our most seriously mentally ill. Having worked in the field of mental health years ago with very severely ill clients. I understand the hard work this can be. My clients did not act out in the angry way that this psychiatrist’s patients do, and yet there were those times when it did get a bit hairy.

Now, I have the best clients ever, all of them so motivated to get well. I learned everything that was of any real help to my hypnosis clients from my mental health clients all those years ago, for which I am eternally grateful. I am even more grateful to this psychiatrist for the wonderful service she is performing living what is her calling here in her adopted home land.

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