130:What Every Parent Should Know About Their Teenager

If you are a parent, especially of teenager, then you know all about frustration. However, how many of you have truly listened to your teen and heard the world from their perspective? Today we have a raw and real interview with a teen who tells it like it is. *WARNING* This raw and real interview contains mild profanity. Use your own judgement as to where you listen to this and whether you can handle the truth.

So It’s Three Weeks Into The New year: How To Make Yours Count For You!

Happy New Year 2016So It’s Three Weeks Into The New year: How To Make Yours Count For You! – Vol. 345, January 21, 2016

Like many of you, I have received a ton of email messages regarding the New Year and all the great deals that one can take advantage of because IT IS THE NEW YEAR. I have to say that I have taken advantage of a few of those deals that I feel will bring Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. to its next level of growth and beyond. For that very reason, I am very grateful for the great deals that came in at year’s end.

However I have a more meaningful message for you: Figure out that one thing that you really, really want to accomplish for the year. I don’t mean something that you feel you “should” do or “ought” to do. I mean something that you really have wanted to do because your soul has let you know that this one thing is more important to you then anything else you could be doing with your time and money (if applicable).

I will give you a bit of an inside view of my own thinking process so that you can better understand what I mean. First of all for the past 13 years I have been working at learning and sharing all that I have learned about how the body, mind and spirit work together in the healing process. Over those 13 years I have met some super inspirational people. You can meet them on the testimonial pages of this website. They truly are my heroes, for being willing to confront what most scares them – looking at their past behaviors, and then doing the real work to transform their lives for the better.

However, there has been one problem for all these many years and that was that I haven’t been able to reach anywhere near the amount of people that I would have liked to have reached given the results that even my most challenging cases have realized.

On top of that fact, is the sad truth that our youth are very unhappy – that is if you look at the numbers of kids killing themselves – Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10 – 24 according to the CDC records in 2013.  Eating disorders are the FIRST cause of death for young women 15 – 24 years of age. And, too many of your youth are overdosing on drugs and getting alcohol poisoning by binge drinking.

We as a society have to take a closer look at what it is that we are telling our kids about who they are and what it is like to have “normal” feelings – feelings that need to be validated and worked with, not medicated with drugs be they licit or illicit.

My next huge goal is to train those who have an interest in healing our drug addicted, sex addicted and eating disordered youth. That is, those who have a decent understanding of the underlying psychological and medical conditions that go along with these populations. Because this is the thing: if we don’t use our skills and knowledge to heal our youth while they are young enough to easily heal, then it is on us, the adults, isn’t it?

I want to take this a step further and create a non-profit that will be monetized by donating 10% of income of Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. The non-profit is going to be in the business of helping our kids get the required help they need from the non-profit providers who work with them. Because it is my contention that though it is great that many are interested in helping those in Africa (myself included having done a bit of that in the recent past), we need to care for our own kids right here in America – they are having a hell of a time of it.

So, what are your dreams? What is it that you want to take a stand for, create or be a part of for this next year. Again, it needs to be something that you are truly “moved” to do because you deeply care about whatever that one thing is. Make a commitment to yourself to take the time and energy and focus on that one thing and watch your world become all the richer for doing so.

129:Living a Life of Excellence

Don’t be average. Be excellent!

Healing Losses: The Fastest and Healthiest Way To Do So

LossHealing Losses: The Fastest and Healthiest Way To Do So – Vol. 343, January 14, 2015

Over the years, I have had many clients who have experienced great losses. “Losses” includes everything from several animals and three grandparents of a 19 year old who called saying he was too sad to write his music, to a 18 year old who lost four of her closest friends in the three years previous to meeting with me on a totally different issue. I have had older clients who have lost mobility due to disease processes in their ankles and legs, and I have had others who were no longer able to work because of serious mental health issues. The more interesting cases were those that included a gentleman who told me that he had nothing in common with his father and couldn’t care less for him as a human, and then found out how much he loved and admired him after going through the healing process. Each and every one of these is a loss which needs to be validated and treated.

Now, in the conventional world, this process could take years to heal enough to move on with life. However, with hypnotism all of my clients were able to heal their losses in a matter of minutes to hours depending on the type of loss involved. Interestingly enough, the harder losses were those that limited a person’s ability to ambulate or to work, not a death of a loved one.

So the question you may have now is exactly how I manage to help my clients to so quickly deal with their losses? Well, in the area of a loved one passing away, it is a matter of having that individual go through the process of seeing the person the last time, then hearing about their passing to the other side and then envisioning themselves at the wake (if applicable), funeral and grave side, hearing all the positive things that were being said about the deceased. Lastly, they bring in the love and positive learnings that that person gave them. holding that in their hearts and souls. It is a beautiful and fairly quick process that takes about 15 minutes per lost person.

For those who have lost an ability that most of us take for granted such as being able to walk easily without any pain and for as long as we desire – that is a bit more difficult. The main goal is to allow the person to grieve the loss and then realize that there are other ways in which to find happiness in place of that loss. For the woman whose ankles were losing bone due to a disease she had, she had to grieve the loss of being able to do her beloved dancing as well as no longer being able to walk more then a few feet at a time. In its place she found other activities that she enjoyed and created a life around those activities instead. This was not an easy change for her to make, however she realized that it was a fruitless exercise to continue feeling the emotional pain of no longer being able to do those things that she once loved to do. Instead, she made it her business to lose the 50 pounds she needed to, and she did so while working with me without the ability to exercise, only through changing her diet. So, for any of you who find exercise an excuse to not lose weight, well, here is an example of someone who wasn’t even allowed to swim any longer. She was able to drop the weight, though it took a bit longer then if she could burn her calories as a healthier ambulatory person could.

My 19 year old client spent a couple of hours with me and we regressed him back so that he was aware of all his losses and then we did the grieving work. The next session he asked me for a piece of paper. I gave him a small one not knowing what he needed it for, and he started writing his lyrics right there in front of me.

My 18 year old client, was the original person that I created the grieving of lost friends and family for, right there on the fly. She came in the next week and told me that she felt her friends were with her especially her ice hockey teammate – as if she was on her shoulder as she played in the playoffs for her high school. The next thing that came out of her mouth was that she wanted to become a pediatrician.

So, how do you heal losses? Well, if you are smart, hypnotically, because you are able to gain the love and care of the persons you loved, and heal the ill feelings that you may have had all in a matter of a few minutes time. Seriously, this is one of the greatest gifts my clients receive when we do this work.

I forgot to mention that another very important loss is for those parents who were negligent or abusive. These too are healed very quickly by getting the positive learnings off the negative emotions. The client will most often realize that it wasn’t a matter that their parent didn’t love them, so much as their parent didn’t have the ability to give love, unable to care for him or herself in the first place.

This is usually a very small piece of the larger area of work that I do with any of my clients. However, it is an important one to recognize, because there really is no reason for someone to feel depressed and stuck in life because of a loss.

128:Caring & Being Interested

When you really care about someone, do you just tell them what they want to hear or do you tell them what they need to hear? Truly caring about someone means helping them face reality, not avoid it.

Some Simple Things to Keep Anxiety at Bay

Keep CalmSome Simple Things to Keep Anxiety at Bay – Vol. 342, January 7, 2016 

The other day I was with a client of mine who suffers from anxiety. She is a 22 year old college student who was feeling that she was losing her life to this anxiety that would sometimes lead to panic attacks. Logically she knows that she isn’t going to die as a result of the anxiety that she is experiencing, but emotionally it is a whole other story.

She asked me before we started our sessions together what she could do to ward off the panic attacks before they ever got the best of her. You see, this is a very smart young lady that I am working with, who realized that if she inquired, she may be able to get a technique to help her before I ever saw her.

The advise that I gave her was to do something that is so simple anyone can do it.

Technique 1:

What you do is take in a deep breath for the count of 4.

You hold it for the count of 4.

You release it for the count of 4.

Do this 5 times.

What this does is oxygenate the blood as it goes to your brain, resulting in relaxing you, allowing the anxiety to disappear.

Technique 2:

Getting yourself outside your head will help you. So, call a friend, read a book, or watch something funny on television.

Technique 3.

Another thing you can do is think about what the steps are that occur leading up to your anxiety and do them in reverse order. You will find that you cannot bring on the attacks any more.

Try out these techniques and see if you find them helpful. I bet if you give them a try, no longer will your anxiety get the best of you, allowing you to move on with your life.

127:How To Stop Allowing Others To Distract Your From Your Chosen Journey

People in our lives are usually with us for a reason, a season or a lifetime. How do you handle it when the time has come to part ways? Find out. As an extra bonus, this episode contains a guided hypnotic induction that will help you with this process.

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