164:Are You Really Caring For Yourself To Be Your Best? !2 Types of Self – Care

How do you best care for your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well being. Find out what Master hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck has to say.

Sometimes You Just Have To Change Direction -Adam Markel’s “Pivot”

Vol. 379, September 15, 2016 – Sometimes You Just Have To Change Direction -Adam Markel’s “Pivot”

Near the end of last year I took my first Millionaire Mind Experience with New Peaks. It was at that event that Adam Markel had started to pre-sell his new book Pivot. The idea behind the book is that when things aren’t working out the way that we would like them to, we need to do a “pivot’ – to get on a better track.

For the past 14 years I have been working in the field of hypnotism as it is applied to people with all sorts of obsessive compulsions. These ran from smoking cessation to very debilitating and in some cases potentially deadly eating disorders and drug addictions.

As a result of reading Adam’s book, I have rethought the direction of Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. There are many changes in our society that have become difficult for people to navigate and it is these directions that I am moving the company forward.

First, there is an epidemic of type 2 diabetes, which wouldn’t be occurring if the treatments given were doing their job. The treatments can’t do their job because diabetes is really a systemic problem which causes malfunctions in many of the body’s systems: cardiovascular, nervous, pulmonary, immune, and circulatory. This is because though the insulin levels vary, so do the leptin levels, one balancing out the other in normal functioning. Leptin is the hormone that keeps your appetite in control.

Diabetics urinate a lot and in so doing lose much of the water soluble nutrients needed for the body to function normally. It is a matter of malnutrition really. So, the way to help people to overcome their type 2 diabetes has every thing to do with eating a much better quality of foods. I am rolling out an online program as well as an upgraded program where I will be leading a small group of participants a couple times a month for the support that can be very helpful in helping one to make their weight loss and increased nutrition goals.

I am also going to be rolling out a program specifically for C-Suite executives who are fed up with the likes of their corporate positions, yet are fearful of leaving and doing something different with their lives. That could be a c level position at another corporation that is better aligned with the clients values and interest, moving onto self-employment doing something that the client find more attractive or even a lateral move in the same company. This will be limited to 12 participants because we are going to be traveling to spiritual places all over the world and a smaller intimate group would be far more conducive to the process then a larger one.

Lastly at the end of next year I am going to be rolling out a Mastermind for those who have been in my previous group trainings who would like to join an intimate group of 12 to further along their careers, personal, financial, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lives. We will be traveling to spiritual places around the globe 3 times a year and meet monthly on the phone to make sure everyone is keeping on track with the projects that they are working on.

These projects are both very meaningful to me and exciting to be offering to those who are interested. Because they are lll new programs, those who join me for the Beta edition of them will both receive a discount and be able to collaborate on making these the best offerings for the participants possible.

So, if you are going through a “pivot” in your life, or believe that one is coming along soon – no longer feeling fulfilled, or may fearful of losing your job doe to layoffs, perhaps you would be interested in receiving priority notice for when these new offerings come out. If so, just send an email to: suzanne@dawningvisions.com and let me know which program you would like more information about and why you would b interested in it.

I look forward to hearing form each of you, and working to create something truly special for your improved life and career.

Photo by mig rod

163:How To Become Healthy

This episode is all about how your subconscious affects your health and some practical tips on what to do about it.

How The Radio & Television News Pollutes Your Mind & Your Life

 How The Radio & Television News Pollutes Your Mind & Your Life – Vol. 378, September 8, 2016

 So I am at work, feeling rather well, and listening to the radio station WBVF, working away.

They have contests every once in a while, where they have contestants call in.

 This morning the question was: Which has the highest odds of your being killed by: Being hit by lightening or killed on an amusement park ride? Being killed in an airplane or hit crossing the street? And the questions just went on like that for about 10 questions! 

 Then… I went to break, was just glancing at the Boston Globe, and the insert for Macy’s department store. In there was an ad for tee shirts. One had the saying on it  “shhhhh, nobody cares”

 The television was on and tuned into CNN news, giving all the worlds depressing news.

 So, now I just want to go home and am feeling depressed.

 Wonder why that is?  !!!!!

I don’t even feel like working!

 I think they should play Ellen Degeneres all the time, with Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny cartoons in between.  

The above day’s musings were inside an email form Donna N.  A past client and now contributor of ideas and blog posts to the DVH, Inc weblog.

So, my question is: Why is it  that we can never get away from the endless stream of sensationalized news that is broadcast, sometimes vey loudly, making it more invasive then it already is? Why is it that when I want to go for an evening with some friends, that televisions are blaring from all over the restaurant? Or, worse, why is there sometimes a television or… two…. or three running all around the room while a radio is blaring out loud music?

I don’t get what it is about this country that noise has to be everywhere people go to be with one another. It’s a travesty. I for one would prefer a quiet space in where I can talk to my friends without having to yell above all the mayhem!

Most of the millionaires that I follow regularly on the internet, who get paid to speak from the stage, will tell you that the first thing that they make sure happens in their lives, is to no longer watch or listen to the news. First, it takes a lot of time away from more productive and fulfilling endeavors. Second, it hijacks your life by leaving one feeling depressed and anxious, just as Donna related about her experience above.

It is my belief that we have this infortainment news these days to both dumb down our society and to bring the population’s anxiety to a very high level. I realized this happened around the time Walter Cronkite went off the air in 1981. It intensified as our government got our country militarily involved in countries we had no place in going. One cannot solve a civil war for another country – witness Viet Nam and many other horrible situations since. One can’t push democratic ideals on peoples who live tribal lives, nor should we. And, yet our government is always pushing its way into the lands of others, stealing the precious resources while pretending to give a damn about the citizens of these countries. One gets a better idea of the truth behind this statement if one travels to foreign lands to witness the absurdity.

In the mean time the Kardashian’s are thrown at you everywhere you turn as if they have done a damn thing to merit all this attention lavished on them, never mind the sick amounts of money they earn for their dysfunctional life style.  Just the sort of role models I want for my younger relatives… not.

I don’t own a television and don’t want one. I can find all the news I desire to read or hear about on my cell phone or i-pad looking more for ideas that have to do with making the world better for our having been here. There are plenty of people doing amazingly positive things both here in the United States and abroad, and it is those things that I want to be educated about. Organizations like Pencils of Promise, that builds schools in Africa for one. Or, the community organization that I volunteer in to prevent teen drug addiction. Because in the end, what is a life that is filled with superficial bullshit, sensationalize garbage and meaningless tidbits? Sadly, this is what brings the world to the place we are now at with most people so overly medicated for illnesses they don’t even have – being sad, is not the equivalent to being depressed. Worrying about something for appropriate reasons does not mean you have an anxiety disorder, and keeping your things overly tidy doesn’t mean you have OCD. Just like self-medication does not always equate to addiction. We need to get real and help our citizenry, especially our kids, learn how to regulate their own emotions, learn the difference between those normal human emotions and dysfunctional emotions.

I believe that if we had a world where beautiful music were played, comedies that weren’t filled with the anger of sarcasm, interesting things learned from nature and science on the television, maybe we would have many more functional and happy people on this planet, especially here in the United States. This is the place where things are massively less expensive then almost anywhere else, with the exception of those soul killing, emotionally deadening, mentally disabling, bodily destructive drugs handed out like candy these days.

Turn off your television and go out and get some fresh air instead. Have an interesting conversation with someone you enjoy being with. Play a game of tennis, or some other sport with your friends. Take a lovely bike ride somewhere beautiful, or how about a walk along the beach, especially at dusk as the sun is setting.

There are so many things we can do to engage in our lives. That is my suggestion to you now. Go and engage in something that will bring you solace, excitement joy and maybe even perhaps a feeling of love. I can promise you that being without your television for a very short period of time will allow you to notice how wonderful life can be when we choose what we want to spend our limited time doing, instead of falling for the status quo.

162:Understanding Your True Identity &The Strength That Brings to Your Life’s Aspirations

Who you really are is more important than the mask you present to the world. Find out more about your inner world and how vital it is for your happiness.

So, You Believe Your Child is Depressed: Maybe Your Child is Only Dealing with Loss

So, You Believe Your Child is Depressed: Maybe Your Child is Only Dealing With Loss – Vol. 377, September 1, 2016 

Over the years that I have been in practice, I have received calls from younger people who were very sad about losing special people in their lives and pets. I even had a psychiatric nurse bring her 18 year old daughter to me after she was very sad over breaking up with her boyfriend.

So the question I have for you is this: What is the difference between being sad over normal events in life versus being clinically depressed?

Many times the behaviors and thought processes look very similar, but there is a difference. That difference comes down to whether it is “situational” in nature. A young woman who has gone through a breakup of her relationship does not need to be put on medication to heal her depression. What she needs is to understand that there was some good that came from the experience such as learning that she was able to love another human. She needs to forgive her ex-boyfriend for breaking up with her. Mostly she needs to understand that maybe the relationship had gone its course. She can now realize that she would be able to have another relationship with someone with whom she is more compatible. This client saw me exactly one time to heal this situational sadness.

I had another client who was 19 years old at the time. He had lost three of his grandparents and a couple of his pet birds, and was feeling very sad. This sadness was getting in the way of his being able to write his music. So, he came in for a session and I regressed him back in time to find out what the events were that were bringing on his sadness. From there he was able to do a process where he was able to heal each of his losses. By the next week he was asking me for a piece of paper. The lyrics were coming back as well as they were before all this sadness entered his life.

I had a young 18 year old who came into see me because she was having an issue with her ice hockey coach. Her mother was in the session with us and scribbled a note to me letting me know that she had lost four of her young friends in the last three years.  For each friend,I had her go back to the last time she saw them alive, then to when she heard that they had died, then I had her go through the wake and funeral in her own mind, hearing all the great things that were being said about each of her friends. By the next week she felt clear and knew that her friends love was inside of her. One of her friends who played hockey with her, was now a positive spirit with her as she played.

There are other cases where my clients did have severe depressive symptoms where they were isolating, not eating enough, or too much, and sleeping all the time. These teens were unable to think clearly, were no longer doing any of the things that they used to love to do and were either angry and irritable or sad and crying a lot. In these cases much more in depth work needed to take place, so that they could heal themselves from their depression. In these cases they had felt depressed for most of their young lives and felt like they didn’t belong in the world.

So, you can see that there are very clear differences between someone who is experiencing some sort of loss, compared to someone who was having a very difficult time coping with life.

In either case, hypnosis is a great tool, because without bodily destroying medication, the teen is able to get in touch with what the real issue is and clear it out, while working toward having a life that feels much better to be living.

Photo by shawncampbell

161:Raising Your Children with the New Realities of Work

All parents are responsible for preparing their children for the world. Here’s some information to help you prepare your children for the world of work.

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