Learnings From Dr. Wayne Dyer- What Lights You Up/

Learnings from Dr. Wayne Dyer: What Lights You Up  – Vol. 440, Feb. 8, 2018

Wayne Dyer, the author, lecturer, and philosopher, who died on August 29, 2015, believed in living life according to what “lights” us up. He was given tenure at St. John’s University in New York and walked away from it. Why? Because, he said that he had done the same thing over and over again, and needed to move onto something new, something that was more interesting to him. He needed to live what he felt was his life’s purpose.

He wrote his book “Erroneous Zones,” and brought it to bookstores across America to sell. It was a book that gave step-by-step advice on how to escape negative thinking and gaining control of one’s life. That was the beginning of his writing career. Here are some of the important teachings from that book:

Remember that the past doesn’t equal the present. By this Dr. Dyer meant to let go of any self-limiting labels based on your past behavior. Letting go of guilt and worry, to stop punishing yourself for something that is long over.

Anger is self-destructive. Manipulation through anger is bad for those around you.

Become excited by exploring the unknown. By challenging the convention you will come up with new ways of understanding life.

Beware that procrastination can become fear of failure, confrontation or being uncomfortable. Prioritize those things that you need to do, and get them done. It will allow you to feel much better with the action taken and accomplishing what you set out to do.

Remember that happiness is a choice.

Dr. Dyer has a couple very important questions for us to ask ourselves to get in tune with what we are here on earth to do. You have the power to choose what you do with your life. You also have the ability to love yourself by creating a positive self-image, without linking it to any achievements. The only approval that you need comes from yourself.

What lights your fire?
What makes you feel really good?

Most people accept living ordinary lives, doing ordinary things wondering why it is that they are unfulfilled. Instead, Dr. Dyer asks us to surrender to our highest place. He asked us to get in touch with what is important to us, so we can live lives that matter. So, we can be of service to the planet. So we can be and do what we are here to do.

Dr. Dyer said, “When you stay on purpose and refuse to be discouraged by fear, you align with the infinite self, in which ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST.” He also said that all human beings have within them the same essence of consciousness, with the process of creativity and genius. Genius is the potential that lives inside every human being and can show up in many ways.

How about you opening yourself up to allowing your genius to show up, allowing you to live your life on purpose?

Photo by symphony of love

221: What’s The Point of Education Anyway?

Is the purpose of education to get A’s and B’s or is it to prepare our young people for life’s challenges. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck comments on the role of failure as an important lesson that is not being learned in school anymore.

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What Is The Point of Education Anyway?

What is The Point of Education Anyway? – Vol. 429, Feb.1, 2018

We live in an interesting world where education is concerned. Children are told that they need to get high marks so that they can get into decent colleges so that they can get decent paying jobs. There is only one problem with this scenario and that is that this isn’t the way the world outside of school works at all.

Since when did you, as an adult, know how to do all the new things you needed to learn to succeed on a job, instantaneously? How many mistakes did you have to make before you learned your job? The reality of life is that we try all sorts of things and fail at some of them. We make the changes necessary and then we can succeed.

What happens to a kid who gets out in the world and hasn’t a clue how to handle failure? I will tell you what happens. They get very upset because they never learned how to overcome challenges. We are doing our kids a great disservice with this sort of expectation.

Education needs to be about learning how to try new things. It is about learning critical thinking skills so we can assess the information that we are given both through the so-called news, which I think of personally more as propaganda – as well as figuring out what to pay attention to with the overload of information that we all are given these days. We need to be able to assess what is important to us and what isn’t. And, we need to be able to know what is true and what is not. That is the real point of education.

Pain + reflection = progress. This is the equation that we need to teach our kids and the equation that we need to remember for ourselves as we go through life.

Photo by mrobisonabc

220: Teaching Our Kids What Matters

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck comments on what she thinks today’s kids should be learning

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5 Tips to Slow Down Your Intake of Alcohol

5 Tips to Slow Down Your Intake of Alcohol – Vol. 438, January 25, 2018

First of all, I would like to educate you as to the damage that alcohol can do to your brain. It really is a toxin to your brain. If you are drinking more then one drink as a woman more then three times a week and two drinks as a man three times a week, you are doing damage to your brain. If one drinks just one to seven drinks a week, the brain has been shown to shrink. This according to a 2008 study in the Archives of Neurology.

In Amen Clinics article Alcohol is Not a Health Food posted June 15, 2017, Dr. Amen writes of the Lancet publishing a study of 115,000 subjects reporting that alcohol increased the risk of cancer and physical injuries.

We know that alcohol causes fatty liver disease, damages the cerebellum, which helps with coordination and of mood. Vitamin B1 is not absorbed as well, predisposing people to serious cognitive problems, because the prefrontal cortex nerves are not firing in a normal functional manner.

Sugar abuse is also an issue with those who drink a lot of alcohol, stimulating your appetite, even if you feel full. It increases the production of insulin, which can lead to low blood sugar, decreasing your decision-making ability.

So here are the 5 Tips to Slow Down Your Intake of Alcohol:

1. Choose friends that do not make a habit of drinking and are not into going to bars. Because, if you hang out with such people, what do you think you will be finding yourself doing? I know that I have found myself in this position and have made it my business to not go on outings to bars. If I do, I have one drink and that is it. The best part of this solution is that I know that I am in control of myself and that I won’t be having a hangover the next day. The amount of calories I have drunk, alcohol being loaded with calories, is reasonable.

2. If you are going to drink, drink something that is without alcohol between your drinks of alcohol. This does two things. First, it cuts down on the amount of alcohol you are drinking while keeping you hydrated as alcohol is a diuretic.

3. Take your time with your drink. During the winter I like a shot of Kahlua in a mug of coffee. I drink about half of it and then add another coffee to the rest. In this way, I have plenty to drink volume-wise, with only one shot. It saves about $4 on each shot as well. So it’s actually a much better deal.

4. Schedule something for the next morning, because you will be more likely to watch your drinking if you know there is something that you want to do the next day.

5. Realize that your health is the most important thing that you have, which includes having good judgment. Be mindful of what you are doing. Know that if you are unable to control your drinking, that perhaps you have an issue with it and get some help with it.

I have two other articles that I wrote a long time ago that speak to the warning signs of drinking habits right here:

And here is another one that will help you to understand if you have an issue with alcohol abuse:

Have yourself a wonderful and productive New Year, minus the abuse of alcohol, saving some brain cells and keeping your liver healthy while you are at it!

Photo by One Way Stock

219: Healing Difficult Relationships

Sometimes not all of our relationships work out the way we would like. Here is some advice from Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck on what to do about it.

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Lets Let Go of Those Pesky Health Myths

health photoLet’s Let Go Of Those Pesky Health Myths – Vol. 427, Jan. 2018

There are so many myths that run around the media that have absolutely no research to back them up. I found an article though in businessinsider.com, Jan 2, 2018, Called “The Definitive, Scientific answers to 20 Health Questions Everyone Has.” I thought I would share some of these items with you so that you can let go of these false beliefs. Perhaps it may even make your life a bit easier in the end. I chose 14 of the myths that I felt were worthy of sharing with you. Here we go:

1. Sugar does not make you or anyone hyper based on a 1995 meta-analysis of sugar studies in JAMA, 1995, Nov 22-29 “The effect of sugar on behavior or cognition in children. A meta-analysis” by Wolraich, ML, et al.

2. Over the counter cough syrup does not work because it doesn’t have enough antihistamine in it to be helpful. In the United States codeine isn’t allowed to be in non-prescription cough medicine. Prescription cough suppressants have a better ability to help. This according to 2014 Australian study “Over the Counter medications to reduce cough as an adjunct to antibiotic for acute pneumonia in children and adults” by Chang, CH, Chang AB and Chang AB.

3. Olive oil does indeed seem to protect the heart with it’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects according to a study of older women done in 2015 and published in JAMA called “Mediterranean Diet and Invasive Breast Cancer Risk Among Women at High Cardiovascular Risk in PREDIMED Trial, A Randomized Clinical Trial” It also found that women who followed a Mediterranean diet had a reduced risk of breast cancer.

4. Sugary drinks do indeed lead to diabetes along with weight gain, and obesity based on a 2006 review of 50 years of studies called “Intake of sugar-sweetened Beverages and weight gain: a systematic review” published in The American Journal of Nutrition.

5. You don’t need a sunscreen with more than 30 SPF, though you do need to look for one that will protect you against both UVB and UVA rays. The FDA suggests that you reapply every two hours.

6. MSG in Chinese food has never been scientifically proven to cause headaches.

7. Nuts will not make you fat if you limit the amount that you eat to a cup of nuts. Nuts are very healthy for you because they have omega-3 fatty acids which are good for your heart, with a good amount of protein and fiber. They also provide many trace nutrients.

8. Walking is as effective as running for heart health.

9. Eggs do not raise cholesterol levels in the blood according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition article, “Dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis” by Berger S. et al.

10. You can indeed drink too much water especially if you are working out very strenuously. The main problem is that a condition called hyponatremia can occur where sodium levels get too low. Just drink fluids which have electrolytes in them to prevent this from happening.

11. Whitening toothpaste does not whiten your teeth according to the American Dental Association. However, they have been shown to be more toxic than regular toothpaste.

12. You can use plastic in the microwave so long as it is marked as “microwave safe” meaning that it is free of phthalates because they are a possible carcinogen that can be migrated into the food when it is heated up. These substances allow plastic to be flexible.

13. Red wine isn’t better for you than white wine, though red wine has less sugar in it then white wine.

14.  Watching television or looking at LCD screens will not ruin your eyes according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. If your eyes get tired, give them a break from looking at the screen.

Though I did know some of these myths were not true, there were some that were eye openers for me too.

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