Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 8:30 — 7.9MB)
Master hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discuss Randi Zuckerbergs book “Pick Three”
Jul 16 2018
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 8:30 — 7.9MB)
Master hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discuss Randi Zuckerbergs book “Pick Three”
Jul 12 2018
Kate Spade & Anthony Bourdain: What’s Going On Here? Vol. 458, July 12, 2018
I am on Quora a lot. It is a forum for people to ask questions and others to give answers, from all around the world. There are so many questions on there about what makes an individual happy. Many times the questioner comes from the perspective of whether the rich are happier than others. Other times there is a question of why one can’t be happy, given whatever the issues are that the questioner is dealing with, many times feeling overwhelmed, ‘down’ or anxiety ridden.
I answer these questions from the perspective of watching the richest people in our society get involved in drugs, alcohol addiction or perhaps sex addiction. I raise the issue that if money made one happy, we wouldn’t see people like Kate Spade who was worth billions of dollars kill herself.
Why did she do it? I don’t know, as I didn’t even know who she was before this news was told to me, not being at all interested in designer anything.
Anthony Bourdain, a television celebrity chef, also committed suicide that same week. Apparently, he was reported in CNN online to have had a heroin habit in the past. Again, I don’t really know much about this gentleman since I don’t watch television.
What I do know is that there are many more people who are finding it easier to commit suicide than to deal with the emotional pain that they are feeling. It’s a terrible thing to have these stories all over the media, as it can indeed put ideas into other peoples’ heads that it is quite fine to take one’s life. This is especially true of our youth, many who don’t yet have fully developed pre-frontal cortex’s to stop impulsive decisions.
Though there was a time when I believed in the medical practice of psychopharmacological medication, I have since changed my view. We know from research on the placebo effect that these mind-altering, body damaging drugs only work about 30% of the time. This, thanks to the 40 years of research that Dr. Irving Kirsch of Harvard University and Dr. Walter Brown of Brown University have done.
Instead of medicating our kids, we need to teach them how to deal with their emotions. We need to let them know that it is normal to feel sad, to feel shame when they do things that harm others, to feel regret at times, as well as to feel guilty. They need to know that there are ways to deal with these emotions, in allowing them to feel them, and then do what needs to be done to move past them. As humans, we all have feelings and each is there to teach us something very important. Medicating these feelings, shuts the feelings down so that they cannot be accessed to learn from.
I do understand that there are times when people need medications, however, they need to be given to a very tiny percentage people, instead of as they are now handed out like candy.
Hell, there is a reason why there is a “black box” on antidepressants that warn of teens, in particular, having suicidal or homicidal thoughts as a side-effect of these drugs.
I tend to think that many of the suicides and mass killings are a direct result of the side-effects of these medications on the younger people who take them. It is a travesty that is forced on us by ‘big pharma’ to make money. Lots of money!
Dr. Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychiatrist who does her best to help the majority of her patients safely come off these medications. She too feels that instead of masking the normal feelings we humans experience, we are best to learn from them.
So, what can we do if we see that someone close to us is demonstrating depressive symptoms?
If you have a kid who is sullen and demonstrating that they are having a hard time, ask what is going on, in a very soft and sensitive manner. Listen carefully to what your kid is saying and then do what you need to, to help them out. Remember, you are the adult, and therefore it is up to you to give the loving support that you can.
Not all kids are open to the help, however, it is important that you let them know that you are there, that you care and are interested in helping them feel happy with their lives once again.
The last thing you want to do is demand your kid get help because they will get very upset and “dig in their heels.” What you want to do is to get them to a place where they are willing to work with someone to help them deal with their feelings and move beyond the negative feelings. If they say they don’t like a certain professional, try another. Rapport is very important in the healing process.
Our kids deserve our loving attention, and nothing less. Be ‘present’ and show that you care and are interested. It will make for a much happier and healthier kid.
Jul 09 2018
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 10:33 — 9.6MB)
Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses fulfillment.
Jul 05 2018
Being Independent Minded, Vol. 457
Since this is July 4th week, I believe it is a great time to think about what it means to be an independent thinker. Why is this important now? Because there are too many people out there who are doing all the things that they feel they ‘have to do” or “should do” in order to ‘fit in’ with the rest of society.
Do you realize that over 80% of working Americans have little to no interest in what their companies do? And, that 70% of all American workers don’t like their jobs? This is a deplorable situation.
Being in the world of health care for over 35 years I can speak to the manner in which people are paid very low salaries to do caretaking roles in home health care, as certified nursing assistants, as mental health counselors and today, even doctors and nurses are finding it hard to make a living good enough to pay for their educations.
We hear almost every day of how people are being laid off with yet another merger or acquisition because there is too much overlap in the personnel. Or, perhaps the company decides to move to a distant local, leaving many employees without jobs, moving being out of the question for them.
When I meet teenagers and college age kids, I tell them that their best bet is to learn everything that they can about marketing and sales, particularly online, so they can build their own businesses, without having to feel that some boss is going to tell them that layoffs are coming.
It’s not easy working for one’s self, bringing in sales, to make a living, but it is a lot easier to make this happen if one understands the technology of today and the art of sales and marketing. Unfortunately, I never had such training in school or in any of the professional training I did, which made things more difficult than need be. However, sadly this is true for most every practitioner out there. We learn how to help people, and the business of doing business isn’t ever taught.
That being said, I would never, ever want to work for another person again. I have had so many clients, friends, and even family members who have been treated as if they were garbage. This even after being of service to the same company for 19 or 20 years. One has to ask the question as to why there is so little respect, care or interest in the health and wellbeing of the employees? I don’t have an adequate answer to that question. However, what I do know, is that we were all put here on this earth to do amazing things using our talents, interests, and education.
I was speaking to a neighbor earlier today, explaining the weird lifestyle that I live, always moving around, yet having been able to see the world while being a part of miraculous healing. Working with amazing professionals who truly understand what it means to “be of service.”
I wouldn’t give that up for anything.
This woman told me that I was an “original” which is true enough. She went on to tell me to continue doing the good work that I am.
Well, it’s is always great to get positive feedback while explaining the work one does. However, it is even better to feel the fulfillment that comes from doing what your ‘inner wisdom’ or what we in the hypnotic community would call “the subconscious, unconscious mind” tells you is your purpose, you calling, your reason for being.
I challenge you to really get quiet and listen to that inner voice in the back of your head. You know that one that you have been ignoring all these years, being practical. Listen to what it tells you and get aligned with that, because then you will understand what being “independent-minded” really is, bringing you so much better health, well-being and inner peace.
Jul 02 2018
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 9:27 — 8.7MB)
Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck talks about how to be present for our children and what is normal behavior and what should be cause for concern.
Jun 26 2018
**RETURNING THE JOY TO YOUR MEDICAL PRACTICE and Life BY Designing a Career That Works for You Without All the Stress You Currently Have In 1 DAY.
This VIP DAY teaches physicians, like you about self-care through self-love so you can be healthier, happier and more fulfilled, allowing you to more easily provide the care you always dreamed to deliver to your patients.
This will be accomplished through holistic processes that you can do in minutes a day,. Even better, you will be able to teach these techniques to your patients to help them to follow-through on your Medical advise and suggestions more readily.
The Problem?
So, Do these situations resonate with your professional life currently?
Are you a physician who is questioning why you are being treated as a non-human being, merely as a cog in the ‘medical industrial complex”, without any say as to when or how you work?
Are you a physician who is feeling not only burned out, but burned by a system that really has zero interest in your own personal health?
Are you a physician who can understand that you create other opportunities to bring in a lucrative income, without being treated as if you were a teenager who cannot be trusted, instead of the professionally educated and trained professional you are?
I have to tell you that having been a patient as well as a professional health care provider, it is rather upsetting to see how you are being treated. It is even worse to know that even though I had an appointment with my own general practitioner, he never got back to me regarding the screenings he suggested. Why? Because, six doctors left the practice that he is in, leaving him to work six days a week, 12 hours a day from what he told me. Apparently he doesn’t have time to do the appropriate follow-up, so I will be leaving his practice!
Sound familiar to you at all?
With only 5 to 7 minutes per patient, how on earth are you to understand what is happening with your patient? There isn’t the time to get a comprehensive history, or take the time to discuss ALL the options?
I know how one is supposed to deliver appropriate care, having been raised by a dentist who owned his own practice. To tell you the truth, it was the only thing my Dad ever wanted to do from the age of five, in 1928, when dentistry was a bit barbaric compared to today.
My father loved his profession, loved helping his patients to feel better both physically and emotionally with the great artistry he had, matching the perfect color and shape to his patients’ natural teeth. He loved the fact that he owned his own life, instead of being owned by someone else.
I could only believe that when you entered the field of medicine, you too were looking forward to owning your own life, having plenty of time off to do what you wanted, while being able to spend whatever time was necessary to deliver the best of care to your patients, instead of rushing from one patient room to the next, without a break for your own human needs!
As the daughter of a self-employed dentist from a previous era, when owning one’s practice and thus one’s time and life, was the norm, I, recognize the need, to be a force for change for those of you who are ‘sick and tired’ of the unrealistic expectations placed on you from your employers and your patients. There is no way that one can be all things to everyone, and even less so given the hostile environments in which many of you are working.
The electronic systems, further take you away from the rapport one needs to build with one’s patients, while sucking the time from your day to do the real work of “doctoring,” Many doctors who I have communicated with, have stated that these EMRs are ineffective in giving better care, and are merely there for the insurance reimbursements.
The Real Reason Why I Am Offering VIP Days to Physicians Specifically:
Sadly, we know that there is an average of 400 medical residents that commit suicide each year from the unbearable stress they experience during their training. We also know that there are about 400 medical doctors who commit suicide a year. We also know, that this is because of the regrettable situation that medical doctors confront if they choose to get mental health services for themselves. It is seen as a ‘demerit’ on their record, instead of being praised for acting with integrity, dealing with whatever may be causing these ill feelings, same as a competent doctor would advise a patient in a similar situation
So, what is the solution to this rather sick manner in which, you, our doctors are being treated?
We at Dawning Visions Hypnosis, believe that every human being has the ability to heal themselves with the use of proper nutrition, healthy beliefs, a healthy environment and the self-talk to make it happen.
When I graduated college, I knew that I wanted to do something in the healing professions. I just did not know what that would be, given my own challenges, first with overcoming many learning disabilities and later having to deal with my own mental and physical health issues.
I began my career in the field of mental health over 35 years ago. I started out working in venues for mentally ill adults, where I quickly learned what DID NOT work for my clients. To put it plainly; being told that they had little to no say in what they did day-to-day was bad enough. Having been over medicated and then blamed for being sedated made me angry. It was obvious that the so-called mental health system was anything but, so I knew that I needed to figure out a way to help my clients to receive the care that they deserved to help them be as independent as they could be. My job, as I understood it, was to help them aspire to be as healthy, happy and productive as they could be. I am not a “God” of “Goddess” so, all I could do was give them what they needed as an advocate for their health and wellbeing, to do as well as they could.
What I learned from having been in the system on an out-patient basis myself, was that one could either control their health problems, or allow their health problems to take over their lives.
The mind – the amygdala to be specific, where all the emotions reside, is the part of the brain that needs to be attended to, for a person to reframe their thoughts, while letting go of any limiting beliefs that are hampering one’s quality of life.
Over the past 17 years, I have been able to help my clients let go of all sorts of addictions, mood dysregulation, anxiety, and somaticized pain, many for over 15 years and counting.
You see, as you probably know, it is the mind that controls the body. More specifically, it is the thoughts one thinks, that determines how one is going to feel in all aspects of one’s life.
Bruce Lipton Ph.D., cellular biologist and author of, “Biology of Belief,” speaks to this quite well, explaining how we are all in a hypnotic state up to the age of 7 or 8, meaning that we all record the information that is in our environment in our subconscious mind – otherwise known as the amygdala. Because, the ill health, both physical and emotional, is being caused by the negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and self-harming habits that reside in the amygdala.
Anyone who is going to be able to truly assist you in creating a life without this ill health, a life without the anger, frustration and loss of your career goals, will be a person who has the tools and techniques to help you to access the material right where it lives, in the amygdala of your brain . This is why conventional therapy is so very long ,usually very minimal in relieving the emotional pain resulting in limited results. At least that is what my clients have told me through the years, and I certainly experienced the same thing during my 14 years of mental health care.
The conscious talk therapist is speaking to the pre-frontal cortex, where the executive function operates. The problem with working in this way is that the reasoning, rationalization and judgment gets in the way of being able to truly let go of the problematic issues. The with practitioner with whom you work, needs got have the tools and techniques to by-pass this part of the brain, in order to help you to be able to access the material that is causing the emotional and physical anguish from which you currently suffer. A weekend course in hypnotism and/or NLP is not enough to do the ob. Like you, a competent hypnotist or NLP practitioner has spent many years learning their art and science to develop methods that create the change in the amygdala to release you from the pain and frustration that is keeping you from truly enjoying your life and your career.
It is my belief that if one is dedicated to helping others, then one ought to have the appropriate tools to end the suffering of those who employ them. Medications that are foreign to the body and never get to the underlying “cause” of the problem are never going to help any person heal – unless we are talking about killing bacteria, funguses, or viruses with the appropriate compound to do the job. Otherwise, we are just kidding ourselves that we have truly helped our clients to move on in their lives. II am speaking mostly of psychotropic drugs that are handed out like candy, even though they have been shown to act only as good as a placebo for almost 40 years now by researchers, Dr. Irving Kirsch of Harvard University and Dr. Walter Brown of Brown University. Given all the side effects and the fact that they can be next to impossible to titration off of, why even go there, when your own mind has the ability to clear these issues in mere minutes!
With that in mind, I am offering holistically oriented health care professionals to apply these same tools and techniques to themselves, That is so you can finally create a “compelling future for yourself.” I do believe that even the most cynical of professionals would have a hard time arguing against a program that has been tested and proven to work for 16 years and counting.
I know for a fact that many of the so-called “evidence based” medical interventions are anything but, having suffered from my own overdosing of medication even with all the appropriate blood work done in a timely fashion. My own kidneys started slowing down, hair thinning out and permanent damage done to my thumbnails. Why, because the pharmaceutical companies only run their testing on men, who have a very different biochemistry then we woman, and of course children and elders as well.
We also know that many of the “Big Pharma” companies remove test subjects that don’t conform to the positive results they would like to demonstrate, skewing their results in a very unrealistic way. We know this from the many times they have been sued for false advertising, and harm done to many, especially those on the Medicare and Medicaid here in the United States. The government does not like paying for harmful drugs for their insurance members.
So Here Is My Offer to You, the Medical Heroes of the World:
I would like to invite you to a 1 Day VIP Day where you will be able to spend the morning clearing any and all emotional blocks that may be keeping you from creating your happiest most fulfilled life.
In the afternoon, you will be creating your own individualized plan to create your own compelling future based on your own values and beliefs, finally being able to deliver care in the manner that works inside your principles of what constitutes true health care.
Time Savings For You!
Just so you know in advance, we will be spending 8 hours working together to get this all done. This makes it a much quicker and more practical method , then if you were to have to commit to doing the work over a period of months, with all the travel time required. So, this is a time saver for sure. And, of course taking a day away from your practice, will be a lot easier then having to take several days away, right?
The End Result for you is:
Having a plan in place based on how you want to “Create Your Future the Way You Want it,” being happy and fulfilled at work, while being a loving supportive to your family.
I am inviting you to go on a journey into yourself.
A journey that will allow you to feel free and autonomous in your life.
A journey that will allow you to feel happy and fulfilled.
The second 4 hours: We will work on your compelling future, living your life with your profession fulfilling you, while having the time that you would like for your family, friends and self.
How Would Your Life Feel Different if you:
How Are We Going To Accomplish This For You So Quickly?
Through proven techniques that allow you to use your mind the way that it was meant to be used.
How would you love to learn these same techniques to use with your patients and clients to help them to heal themselves? Would that be valuable to you in increasing the value of your work with your patients?
Would that increase the value you create for your patients to help you get more referrals from happy patients?
Would you have better retention of your patients?
What would that be worth to you?
Who This Isn’t For:
If you are already happy with your practice and the income that you are making and the day-to-day life you are leading, this program isn’t for you.
If you are fine with the way the medical world is operating today, this program isn’t for you.
If you feel you know everything that you need to know already, this program isn’t for you.
Who This Is For:
However, if you are in a position where you feel that you could use some extra easy to use tools and techniques to bring your life to true wellness, contentment, happiness and fulfillment – this program is most certainly for you.
What that means is that I need you to be 110% committed to doing whatever it takes to get your increased wellness, fulfillment and happiness during your VIP Day. This is what it took for me to create the life of my dreams and that is what it will take for you to do the same:
It takes a different viewpoint, a different perspective to make a life that works best for you, because as you well know, your colleagues, many of them, are NOT feeling very good about their choice of being in health care. This is because of the mentality of the masses who are involved in health care. You may be experiencing the same negative feelings.
You need a whole new way of perceiving your life and the way that you make your livelihood based on over 16 years of success, moving people who are very ill, to being happy, healthy and fulfilled. If it can work for them, it can most assuredly work for you. That is only if that is what you desire.
Plus, I know that you have been in your pain for a long while. I also know, that given the medical industry, you are unable to access the sort of mental health care that you are to refer others to, given the fact that it is looked down on. You could very well put your career at risk.
So, why not work with an experienced hypnotist, who has a proven record of dealing with the most challenging of issues, where no one need know what you are doing. There is no way for any of your bosses or colleagues to know that you are are getting help from me, so it is highly confidential as well?
You Need A Venue That Is Peaceful & Luxurious Away From Your Everyday Life:
The one variable that is of greatest importance is that you choose a venue that is outside your normal life, getting you away from all the normal pressures and expectations. This is a day that is being created just for you, for you to do the deeper work. It requires that you are very well cared for, feel relaxed and cared for, to meet your objectives for YOUR VIP Day.
With that in mind, you can choose whatever location you would love to do your VIP Day in. We will meet there. Of course, depending on if it is local or international we will have to allow for the cost involved in getting to the venue. However, it is most important that the location works best for you.
By investing in yourself for this 1 day:
A Few Stories From Happy Clients Who Needed Help With Their Careers
Here are some stories of others who I have helped to change their professions to something that has worked out so much better for them. They were not doctors, but the methods used are the exact same ones we will be using for your program:
“As Suzanne worked with me on a breakthrough and Time Line Therapy (R) while we were at the American Board of Hypnotherapy Conference in Newport Beach, California, I felt what I had always wanted to feel, that a practitioner knew and understood my history and cared deeply that I recover from it.
Having worked with Suzanne gave me the congruence I needed to begin my hypnotherapy practice. I had taken so many classes, learned so much information, talked with so many people, read so many books but as yet had not had an experience of the processes of the “breakthrough”, “Time Line Therapy (R)” and “hypnosis” working for me. Consequently, I was reluctant to work with others in these processes.
Because of her thorough, meticulous, energetic digging for information about my history and her knowledgeable and artful use of the processes, I felt she deeply cared and was committed to helping me have the emotional freedom I wanted and that I wanted to give to my clients. Having achieved my personal goals quickly and rather painlessly, I learned how to work with others in the same dedicated way and have had fabulous results with my clients since then.
Suzanne’s experience, knowledge, commitment, dedication and attention to the details in taking my personal history and in the interventions she planned were great assets but her deep unwavering caring is what did it for me.
I am forever grateful.”
Sandra Bright, Murrieta, CA
Certified Hypnotist, Master Practitioner & Trainer Level
Certified Time Line Therapy, Master Practitioner & Trainer Level
Neuro Linguistic Programming, Master Practitioner & Trainer Level
“I first met Suzanne a little over a year ago. At that time I was struggling with career decisions and having difficulty coming to grips with what I really wanted to make my life’s work. We all have certain blocks and self-imposed limitations. Suzanne helped me to calm my mind so that I could more clearly see and deal with the issues that had been holding me back from pursuing my dreams. I learned to trust in Suzanne’s skills, her genuine concern for me, and her tenacity in helping me get unstuck and moving towards my goals. I have recommended Suzanne to others and will continue to do so. She is a special resource that more people need to know about and utilize.”
David Krentzman
President, Rainmaker Associates
“Wow! My first session with Suzanne accomplished more for resolving deep emotional issues than I had done in six years of therapy. After one afternoon with Suzanne, my depression is POOF — gone! My resentment about chores and work is POOF — gone! All cravings for comfort food and comfort activities (addictive computer game playing, escapist reading) are POOF — gone!
This is amazing to me, for I had done various pillow-pounding and crying and confronting and catharsis-ing and family-sculpting and empty-chair Gestalting over the course of those six years, and had made lots of progress. I had become far less screwed up, able to pursue goals, and no longer compelled to help everyone who crossed my path.
However, despite all this work in various forms of cognitive and deeper emotional therapy, I became increasingly stymied and plagued with procrastination, depression, and various forms of addictive behaviors, all of which got worse as the years passed. Mini-binging on comfort food packed an extra 170 pounds around my middle over a period of 20 years. A dread of marketing restricted my income to a level of stark subsistence where I was sliding deeper and deeper into debt, with no end in sight. My depression grew from chronic grey “blahs” to moments of blackness when I wondered if my life was worth living. Worse, my comfort activities were no longer effective at soothing the pain. Worse still, my finances reached such a crisis that I was constantly anxious and stressed out. I considered going back into therapy, but (a) I doubted it would be useful since I had “been there, done that” — and (b) I needed faster results.
What convinced me to try Suzanne’s hypnosis was her description of how her process works to access and resolve the deeper emotional issues underlying the problem feelings and behaviors. During her timeline work with me, we went back to at least seven core moments in my childhood. Her process enabled me to reach new understandings on a gut level and release the painful emotions that were tied to those moments. Several were so early in my life that I had no actual memories of them, only the knowledge that they had occurred. One was even further back in my family’s history — between my Dad and his father — before I was born. But it was relevant to my work and my stuckedness, so we went there and did the work.
As a result of two afternoon sessions with Suzanne, my feelings of sadness and the accompanying desire for comfort foods and activities are simply gone — dissolved. My procrastination is also gone. When I get up in the morning, I’m eager to get to work on building my new life, both as an entrepreneur/businesswoman and as a novelist. I decide easily and quickly what I want to do next, and have invented a system for “triaging” all the urgent demands on my time. My dread of marketing no longer paralyzes me, and even though I still feel some anxiety about reaching out and contacting strangers, it’s mostly the nervousness anyone might feel about exploring unknown territory and learning a new skill that was previously frightening even to contemplate.
Four weeks later, I am still in a state of WOW!!!!!
Thank you Suzanne!”
Wyn, Natick, MA
“When I began with Suzanne, I was your typical skeptic because I am a very practical person. I’m a don’t tell me show me type of person. Because of my own brother’s personal testimony of his success with Suzanne with respect to stopping smoking after 30 years, I just put my trust in her hands.
Even though I was still a skeptic, I started to see results and results are what made me a believer in Suzanne. One of my primary goals was to turn my finances around. Within my first month, I put together a $6,000 private commission real estate deal with no realtor involved. In addition my part-time business tripled.
Even though I had started advertising , 2/3 of my business increase came from the repeat business of customers prior to my ad. I am now more focused, productive and moving toward my goals of financial independence since my affiliation with Dawning Visions Hypnosis. The real difference between my current success and previous successes is the exponential speed of my progress through hypnosis.”
Rich McDonough, Boston, MA. 10/05/03
The cost of the VIP Day will be:
$5,000 for the VIP Day if done within an hour of me.
$7,500 for travel and hotel to a location more then an hour from me.
Returning The Joy to Your Medical Practice & Life In 1 Day
So, again if this is something that you are interested in pursuing and you have the funds to cover the cost – just answer the 6 questions that I have below and email them to me at:
suzanne@dawwningvisions.com – please put “***VIP DAY APPLICATION QUESTIONS” IN THE SUBJECT LINE SO I SEE YOUR EMAIL!
If I fail to respond in 48 hours, please resend the email with ***2nd Time Around: Application for VIP DAY. With so many emails coming in, sometimes things get lost. It that occurs, I apologize in advance.
Please Answer These 6 Questions to Help Us Assess if This Is A Good Match For You!
2. What are you looking to change with your VIP Day? In other words, what isn’t working for you in your practice now, and where do you want to be once your VIP Day is completed?
3. Why do you feel that am I the correct person for you to do this work with?
4. Why do you believe working with a hypnotist will be the best way for you to break through your old perceptions and create new ones that will give you a new lease on your life both professionally and personally?
5. Have you ever been hypnotized before? What were you hypnotized for? What was your experience like?
6. Please give me 3 dates and times that would work in your schedule, including weekends, and I will get back to you with the one that best fits my schedule. You will need to allow 45 minutes for the call, so I can address all your concerns and questions.
Please include your whole name
Please include your email address
Please include your cell phone number so we can easily text one another.
Please include 3 dates and times when we can talk further to see if this is indeed a good match
For you.
I am here to serve you in the best way possible, allowing your the ability to create a life that works for you. If we decide that this is a good match, I promise you that you will be leaving your VIP Day much happier and more content, knowing that you do indeed have control over your time and therefore your life. You just needed to let go of those things that weren’t working for you, and create those situations that do work for you.
Most sincerely,
Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP & Time Line Therapy®️
Advanced Clinical Hypnotist
Master Practitioner of NLP & Time Line Therapy®️
Phone 781-315-1719
Email: suzanne@dawningvisions.clom
P.S. We are putting 15% of your investment for your VIP Day, into a program that I am doing with my partner Anh Kim Phan called “Collaboratively Clearing Kids’ Cancer.’ We will be working only with terminal kids from 3 to 26 years old, helping them to build up their immune systems, and using their naturally fantastical minds to help rid themselves of their cancer. I know that this is possible having visualized my own meningioma away back in 2009 – 2010. If I could do it as a grown woman, these kids can do it much more effectively given that they are already in a state of Hypnosis. Remember what Dr. Bruce Lipton said – all kids are in a hypnotic trance state till their prefrontal cortex is developed at the age of 25 for females and 26 for males. Anh Kim was very ill for over 10 years without even a diagnosis given. She healed herself of multiple chronic illness through her knowledge of chemistry.
Why is this important to us?
I had a brother who died before he was four years old of leukemia. I was only 2 months old at the time so I don’t have any memories of him. But, what I do have is many memories of my parents never overcoming the loss of their only son. My two older sisters, losing a brother, and not really understanding why at the ages of 5 and 7. Meanwhile, my dad was bringing my bother to the hospital for treatments and mom was occupied with me.
This past September 9th my mother peacefully passed away at the age of 84. I promised her the evening before she died, that I would get this program up and running so that other families wouldn’t have to deal with what she and the rest of my family did – most especially David, my brother.
We know that if we rebuild the immune system of these kids, and help them have a positive mental attitude, that many of them will be able to have normal lives just like other kids their age. That is the goal, and we stand by it.
For those who succumb – we can help their families to grieve their loss and hold their loving memories in their hearts in a matter of minutes instead of years, if ever.
Jun 07 2018
Our Teens Need Our Unconditional Love and Support, June 7, 2018
Our teens are in grave trouble. Too many of them are feeling depressed and anxious. About 13% of teens 12-17 years old have experienced one major depressive episode and one in three teens are dealing with some form of anxiety according to Child Mind Institute.
We adults need to do a much better job of taking care of our kids. I can tell you from 16 plus years in hypnosis practice, that my teen clients are feeling overwhelmed with all the things that they feel they need to do to make everyone else but them, happy with them.
Many are feeling the stress of participating in one or more sports to get scholarships to go to college. Many are in multiple advanced placement courses, also to be able to attend the best colleges possible and perhaps get a scholarship. Many are so overscheduled with activities during their days that they are exhausted by the time they are able to finally get to bed.
Why is it that we adults feel the need to put this ridiculous pressure on our kids? Because, the reality of the situation is that there are many more ‘average’ kids, then ‘extraordinary’ kids, by definition.
I know that while I was in California, I worked with one kid that was very clear that she felt that her upper-class mother, in particular, wanted to increase her own status through her college kid’s academic career. The only problem was that this kid had some fairly severe issues with not being able to do her school work and never felt that she was loved and appreciated for who she actually is, by her own mother. This is because she didn’t live up to her mother’s expectations given this teen’s issues with autism.
You know, if you have a child, it is your job to love and accept them unconditionally, respecting them for who they are, not the kid you wished you had. Having grown up myself without ever speaking till I was 5 years old with the help of a speech therapist, and needing all sorts of extra help and tutoring to make it through elementary school – I can tell you it is frustrating enough. I was blessed to have loving parents who only wanted me to have what I needed to be able to create a life that would work for me with appropriate skills in learning. I never felt lesser than anyone, thank God, but I can relate to the absolute irritation of having to do 10 times the amount of work my sisters had to do, for much lesser grades to get through school.
If you want to have healthy teens who love themselves enough to take care of themselves, instead of developing all sorts of mental illnesses, understand that your job as a parent is to help your kids receive what they need to be effective adults – through unconditional love and sharing your wisdom (those lessons you learned going through the “school of hard knocks’). Lead with love while giving credit for applying themselves to do the best they could in whatever situation they are in. Give them the support necessary to succeed, without adding to their own self-doubts. And by all means, stop believing that your kid is there to fulfill whatever it was that you never did achieve for yourself. That isn’t and will never be their responsibility. Their responsibility is to be the best they can be based on who they are and the interests that they have in life.
One other thing that I have noticed through these years, is the absolute crap our kids are given to eat. Fast food is void of nutrients and is damaging to your kid’s health – stop feeding it to them. Candy with artificial dyes and flavors are horrible especially for kids on the autism spectrum. They need whole, real foods to eat, given the lack of a very important microbe in their gut. This is why they have intestinal problems. Eat real food and give that to your teen. They are growing and need the nutrition to have half a chance to develop healthy bodies and functional minds.
Let’s stop kidding ourselves that our teens need to be everything we want them to be and allow them to be who they are, doing those things that matter to them, including time for rest and reflection.