
alcoholism photoAlcoholism – Vol. 466, Sept. 6, 2018

Alcoholism is a very huge problem in our society today from those who are fairly young binge drinking at college to the elders who are self-medicating their pain. The statistics are grim. 

Six people a day die from alcohol poisoning, and most of them are not college kids. Adults from 35 to 64 years of age account for 76% of those deaths, with 75% of them being men. 

Only 8% of those who suffer from alcohol use disorder in the United States ever receive treatment for it. 

Women who drink can find themselves having unprotected sex, contracting STDs and unwanted pregnancies. In some cases, they are sexually abused, especially if they experience blackouts.  

When people who have major chronic health problems such as diabetes, heart problems, and liver disease, alcohol causes even worse problems. 

Sadly, alcohol is one of the more difficult things to give up. For one thing, many of the people with this problem will deny that alcohol is the problem. It doesn’t matter if it other issues arise as a result, they will have a very hard time acknowledging that alcohol was the cause. 

Until I took care of a friend who had congestive heart failure and a problem with alcohol, I never knew that people could have an issue called ‘pre-satiation,’ meaning one is filled up on alcohol calories and therefore won’t eat food. I also did not realize that a person could go from eating normal meals to not being able to eat even the blandest of foods like plain scrambled eggs, retching with each bite, the stomach no longer able to take in the food. 

Lastly, was the issue of an alcohol coma – where the body is unresponsive to any stimuli, the body so poisoned by the alcohol. 

One has to ask the question of how one can get into this particular state, and I can tell you from watching someone go through it, it is a matter of living for the release from pain that one is experiencing. In this case, it was the horrific physical pain of arthritis in the left hip, to which no medical painkiller was given that was hearty enough to do the job, along with the loss of quite a few friends over a period of months. To be clear, this process only took a matter of nine months – from no alcohol use to this condition. 

Sadly, his friends would always tell him to drink a Guinness, knowing that he loved it, without any regard for the negative effect it would have on his health, especially with the heart condition. It doesn’t matter the level of education of the people involved, drinkers love drinking with other drinkers, period. Once the beer started flowing, it did not stop till more liquid in beer was ingested then was allowed for an entire day’s fluid given the heart condition. His heart just couldn’t effectively deal with all of it. 

There was nothing I could do to stop the problem. I did tell his entire medical team including his general practitioner what was going on, and no one seemed to be able to do a thing about it. I was told I was the problem and to be gotten rid of, so I ended up leaving the house while he was in the hospital the second time for the alcohol poisoning and rehab after that. 

It seems that until a person is hospitalized, no one is willing to take the steps necessary to help someone else, especially when they don’t want the help. And, therein lies the problem. To my mind, if someone isn’t in the right mind to take appropriate care of themselves, it is time for those who have the onus of caring for the health as a professional person, seeing the negative indicators from the health issues that are already being treated, then an intervention needs to happen. Sadly, this is not the way it works, at least in Connecticut. 

I could go into all the symptoms that an alcoholic experiences, but it isn’t really anything that you don’t already know – irritation, anger, getting into fights, lost time at the workplace, staying at bars till all hours of the night, hiding the alcohol at home, etc. The problem really is that unless the person with the problem wants the help, or unless they end up hospitalized as happened in this case, there is very little that can be done about it. It is really up to you whether or not you choose to stay or leave. But, I would say after this whole horrible experience, it is better to leave then be abused by a person who is unwilling to confront the issue head-on, blaming you for the problems they are having. And even with the rehab, who is to say that alcohol won’t become a problem yet again in the future? Depending on the statistics one finds between 5% to 30% ever fully overcome their alcohol issue. Those are very poor odds, less than placebo in fact. 


Become an Empowered Patient

patient doctor photoBecome an Empowered Patient – Vol. 465, Aug. 30, 2018

Over the years I have been in the hospital too many times. On some of the occasions, I felt like I was getting great treatment. That was usually when an acute problem like my broken ankle or a kidney infection were the culprits. On other occasions, I felt as if the doctors could not care less about my health, and that was when chronic issues were being dealt with. In order to help you to be empowered, here are some ideas that can help you to be heard by your medical team.

  1. If the doctors are speaking to you in language you do not understand,, ask them to tell 

      you what you need to know in language that you understand. Ask as many questions as you


2.   Remember that it is your body that is being treated, so make sure you understand 

      everything that the medical team is doing to you. Know what the negative outcome could

be, because you have the right to be informed. It’s called “informed consent.”

3. You have the right to refuse treatment. Get yourself a second opinion before consenting

    to treatment. Misdiagnosis is a real problem, so you want to know that you are being 

    treated for the problem that you have, not something that you do not.

4.  If the treatment is toxic, invasive or long term, you need to make your own decision

     as to whether or not it is worth having the treatment. This is an especially good time

     to get a second opinion.

5.  I have found with my older friends that surgeons are only too happy to recommend 

     surgery even when physical therapy could have taken care of the issue, as when one

     has a rotor cuff injury. Research other ways that are less invasive then surgery before

     going ahead with it. Surgery has many risks involved. For example, I knew a woman who 

     was healthy and happy as could be. She went in for a hip replacement and died a week

     later contracting sepsis while she was in the hospital. 

6. If your doctor is unwilling to listen to your concerns, getting agitated with your questions 

    or fear about your condition, it’s time to find a new doctor. Never allow a doctor to bully

    you. Yes, doctors may be overwhelmed in their jobs, but compassion is called for here.

7.  Do research on your condition so that you have an idea what you are dealing with, making

     It easier to get the care that you need, without taking unreasonable risks. 

8.  Have a friend or family member with you if you can. It is hard to remember what you are 

     being told when you are already upset. You will be happy that you had that person along. 

9. Have a list of the medications and conditions that you have, to help the doctor to 

    have a better understanding of any issues that may need to be taken under consideration

    In your care.

10. Thank your compassionate and competent medical team members. They do work hard, 

      and would greatly appreciate your appreciation of their efforts. 

Always remember that the more informed you are about your own situation, the better the 

treatment you will receive. Never put up with doctors or nurses who act arrogantly to you. Report them if you feel it is necessary. However, do remember that they are people too, and have their own lives to contend with as well. So, don’t expect them to be super people, but do expect them to be compassionate and helpful while you are in their care.

243: Depression – What Causes it Really?

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses the root causes of depression.

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8 Ways Meditation Benefits You

meditation photo8 Ways Meditation Benefits You – Vol. 464, Aug. 23, 2018

Today there are many people who are meditating at least once a day, most do so twice a day and there is a good reason for them to do so. However, I do know that meditation isn’t for everyone, because I have found it impossible to get into the habit. Thankfully, I do self-hypnotism and that puts one at the same brain wave level as meditation. So, for those of you, who like me are unable to do meditation, learn how to do self-hypnosis instead.

Here are the reasons that you want to be putting your brain waves out of beta and into alpha or theta are:

  1. You are able to lower the stress levels you feel, and therefore anxiety goes down. How does this happen? Because the cell volume in your brain’s amygdala is lowered, the part of your brain that is responsible for emotional content.
  1. Meditation stops people from being so self-involved, by focusing your surroundings helping you to live in the present.
  1. Keep your brain young, by meditating. A UCLA study found that people who had meditated for 20 years or more, had more gray matter in their brains. Gray matter is the part of the brain that allows you to control your muscles, allows for your sensory perception through your five senses, keeps your memory strong, deal with emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control. Basically most of the abilities that allow you to be human.
  1. Meditation helps with self-control making it easier to break bad habits. 

5.   Meditation improves focus, by stopping the mind from wandering. 

6.  Meditation can make you happy by having he brain signal increases in the left side of

     the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for positive emotions. 

7.  Meditation helps with self-acceptance by allowing one to explore one’s inner self.

8. Meditation benefits cardiovascular and immune health by inducing relaxation. It works by

    Increasing the amount of nitric oxide in the system, opening up blood vessels, leading to a

drop in blood pressure. 

if you are a persistent person, who is willing to put the time in to learn how to meditate, you could greatly influence your health and attitude for the better. 

242: How to Deal with Self-Involved People

Have you ever had that “friend” that won’t stop complaining and yet won’t take any positive action to change their situation? Here’s some practical advice on how to handle the situation.

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The Doctor Crisis!

doctors photoThe Doctor Crisis! – Vol. 463, Aug. 16, 2018

One of the weblogs that I read often is Kevin, M.D., which is really a compilation of blog posts written by various doctors. The ‘doctor crisis’ is one of the subjects that is written about often. There are different areas that are spoken about in the various blogs and I am going to write about a few of them here.

Burnout: This is a popular one given the number of hours the doctors have to work seeing patients, in five minute periods, gazing into their electronic medical record screens as they try to do an exam. Many speak of the inability to do the paperwork required during their work hours, so they end up bringing it home with them to do after they have dinner. The one good meal they have because there is not enough time during their work day to have a meal. Many live on candy bars and energy bars, which are similar to candy bars. Or the crap they can get out of the vending machines at their places of employment. The huge medical practices are not interested in the wellbeing of their professionals at all. All they care about is income flow.

Doctor Suicides: We have a very sick environment for medical doctors to work in. About 400 doctors and 400 residents kill themselves every year here in the USA.  The training is harsh, not allowing humans to have feelings. Once a doctor has all the credentials to practice, the pressure to produce is ridiculous. Older doctors harassing younger doctors, or females being harassed by male doctors is also a huge issue in the world of medical capitalism. 

Keep in mind the fact that with all the new drugs, all the new knowledge in all the different specialties, no doctor is going to have all the answers to everything. It is far too much to ask a human being to know. Hopefully, if you have done your research before going to your appointment, your doctor will be glad that you want to be a participant in your own health care. Not all of them are, so make sure that you are seeing one who is happy that you want to help yourself. 

 Worst of all, there is no place for doctors to go to deal with their own feelings of loss when things don’t go the way they would have hoped with some of their patients. As we know doctors are people and have their own personal issues to contend with as well, not all of it happy and fun. If doctors are found to have a mental health diagnosis and to have gone for help for it, they are stigmatized by their bosses, which can lead to not only losing their jobs but their licenses as well. 

Why this is the way it is for those who care for everyone else, I don’t know. With the knowledge of these poor work conditions going on, the better understanding of mental health and the need to get appropriate care, it seems our doctors have been shortchanged. 

So, when you see your doctor, instead of being upset that they may be running a bit late, have a bit of compassion. Have your questions ready before you meet with your doctor so that you can get your questions answered. And, be compassionate toward the one who is helping you. Because without our doctors, especially for acute problems, we would be in a very difficult situation indeed.

241: Traveling Inexpensively By Thinking Differently

Travel doesn’t have to be this expensive affair involving familiar tourist traps. Suzanne shares her tips for traveling inexpensively and having unique experiences.

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