So You Want To Be “Happy” and Feel “Love”: Come Join My FB LIVE to learn These 2 Words Actually Mean

So You Want to Be “Happy” and Feel “Love”: Come Join My FB LIVE today to find out what the 3,000 plus Kabbalist have taught about these very two important human needs. My guess is that it has nothing to do with what you were taught to believe, because to tell you the truth, I learned a lot on this subject from these amazing Ravs (Rabbi = teacher) regarding these two subjects.

Understand that I do these Face Book Lives every day at 2 pm (and on the weekends I add 9 AM as well for my friends on the other side of the world), as a year long mission to stop 100 kids from committing suicide this year – by teaching the adults who so desperately had to have their kids how to better communicate first with themselves and then with their kids.

If you are a professional who works with kids, you too will find these lives to be wonderfully helpful as well.

Where: My personal FB page: Suzanne Kellner-ZInck

When: 2 pm today – which as I write this is in about a half hour. So, it is how the day flows….

If you miss it, the video will be on the page for you to watch and learn and most of all clear your own inner stuff – because we ALL HAVE IT and we ALL NEED TO CONTINUOUSLY CLEAR IT – and that is what hypnotist NLP people like me do in this world and have a great time doing so if I do say so myself. See you there.

So, You Are Miserable in Your Career Y Your Life and You Don’t Know Why: How About Learning How to Be Happy Anyway?


How About Learning How to Be Happy Regardless of Your Circumstances?

Why is it that people continue to do those things they say they do not like, do not want to do, and then resent the fact that they CHOSE to do them anyway? Sounds crazy, yet this is what most adults do every single day, throwing themselves into a deeper abyss of emotional dismay, leading to depression. And yet, there is absolutely no reason to be stuck there, absolutely none.

The great Kabbalists through the ages have taught that we are not our circumstances, We are capable of rising so high above them that what they call “the chaos” of the world can occur around us, and not effect us in any way. Why? Because we are spiritual in nature, yet so many have bought into the false pretenses that 1) You don’t have control over how you feel, 2) that you have to be a part of the circumstances, thus stuck there and 3) that your circumstances dictate the quality of your life. Well, quite honestly none of these pretenses matter at all, nope not a bit. Why? Because, as just told you, you are not stuck in the material world, you are a spiritual being and as such, you are capable of divining your own life – or as we the NLP people would say:

Creating Your Future the Way You Want It!

Sounds a hell of a lot better put that way, doesn’t it? But, now you ask: How do I do that, because I don’t have a clue.

Well, let’s get something straight right here, right now – until you take control of the THOUGHTS that go into your head, you will always be a ‘VICTIM’ to the ‘drama and trauma’ of your life. Until YOU make the DECISION to CHANGE the thoughts that you ALLOW into your mind, and LEARN how to reprogram your mind for HAPPINESS and FULFILLMENT, nothing will change.

You already have the proof of that based on the results you see in your life:

How happy are you in your current situation at work, the geographic area in which you live, your relationships with friends and most especially FAMILY?

How’s your health doing? NOW, that’s a big one – YOUR HEALTH, HOW IS IT DOING?

Mentally, is your thinking clear and quick OR fuzzy and you can’t remember many important things you need to during your day.

Emotionally: Are you sad, angry, holding on to old resentments, feeling shame or guilt of things you have said or done in the past?

Physically: This is IMPORTANT, because when we ignore the warnings our mind gives us in the MENTAL and EMOTIONAL areas, we develop all sorts of illnesses with VAGUE SYMPTOMS that the doctors haven’t a clue in how to help you with. You feel the pain in your physical body, and you know you aren’t making it up, and yet the doctor tells you it’s all in you head. And then you get incredibly pissed off with him. But, I have a secret to share with you here and you may not like it and I don’t really care because it is the truth:

It is in your head that the pain signals are triggered for all the repressed mental and emotional issues from the past that are living in what we in the world of NLP call your “cellular memory,” which is causing all the stress hormones to be released:

cortisol and adrenaline

and that breaks down you immune system,

which causes the pain that you are feeling –

So you see, your doc was quite correct, but most likely not in the manner s/he thought, because the great majority never learned how the brain actually works – nope, they don’t know how the 3 minds other wise known as the 3 parts of the brain they learned in med school work together. Sad, but true!

Today I am going to be doing a FB Live and we are going to go deeper into this information, which may well go a long way in helping you that suffer from these vague symptoms:

…understand why they are there making your life so miserable

…and what you can do about it

AND, as always, I will do a clearing for you live and in person.

Just understand that sometimes the wifi disconnects, so I have to jump off and then go right back on – Hey, we do the best we can with the awesome technology we have.

Where: My personal FB page: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

When: 2 pm eastern today.

If you miss it, feel free to watch the video later, It will be right on the page, and it will have a description similar to the title of this article.


263 – Does Being Single and Alone Make You Stronger?

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck goes over some of the advantages to being single

Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.


I Have A Friend That Teases Me A Lot And I Feel Totally Insecure About it? Am I Being Oversensitive?

respect photoVol. 485, Jan. 17, 2018 – I Have a Friend that Teases me A lot and I Feel Totally Insecure About it. Am I Being Too Sensitive?

This was a great question from someone on Quora, a forum where people ask and answer questions. I liked it because, well some people do get teased to the point of it becoming distressing. This was how I answered the question, from my own personal experience:

I have a story for you that happened to me a few years ago.

I have a very close friend who spent most of her adult life as a middle school French teacher. After one of her older cousins passed away she wanted another pen pal – so I set her up with my mom who loves to write and who had recently lost her second husband.

Well, my mother’s handwriting is pretty hard to read, but sadly mine is even worse. So, one day we are chatting on the phone – and my friend is making fun of my illegible handwriting. Well, I just told her that it may be funny to her, but is a very infuriating issue in my life and always has been so to knock it off. She apologized and it never happened again.

For me, taking notes or writing cards that are legible is very hard. It doesn’t matter how hard I work on making the letters readable if I am tired or whatever, even I can’t read it and that causes frustrations later when I need to take the notes to write a paper. I can’t tell you how glad I am for the computer and my i-pad which I brought to every seminar or lecture I ever went to, able to type fast enough to keep up with even the fastest talkers. Good to know I have a useful skill for the use of writing.

In any case, you get the idea. Sometimes people think they are being funny, and aren’t that thoughtful about how it may land on the other person. Other times, people can just be cruel. It’s up to you to state your truth – not in a defensive way, just in a “I didn’t really appreciate that comment of yours because it made me feel ___. Please, be more mindful in the future. Thanks.

If the person is unable to respect your boundaries, it is time to find a more respectful friend.


262 – Marriage – Do I Stay or Do I Leave?

All relationships have some amount of disharmony. However, when that disharmony reaches the level of dysfunctional, then some hard choices need to be made. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck gives some guidelines to making this important decision.

Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Helping to Stop 100 Kids from Committing Suicide This Year!

Depression and anxiety can become debilitating conditions if they are not treated early on. I have a ton of information on these subjects already in the weblogs and podcasts on this website, which you can easily look up by scrolling down the right side menu “Categories” and at the very end there is a “Search” box where you can put the subject in and all the weblogs and podcasts (and client stories of healing will come up.

The reason for this special posting is to make you aware of my new project on my personal Facebook page:

I am teaching principles of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis – mainly geared toward communicating better with our youth – suicide being the 3rd leading cause of death for 10-24 year olds and we need to STOP it!

However, you will find these principles applicable to yourself as well in your communication with others. I have been honored to have some of the best trainers of hypnosis and NLP join me – they found me on their own – which is a great thing indeed.
For better communication methods got to facebook:
Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
2 pm eastern every day and 9am and 2 pm eastern Sat and Sun
I look forward to teaching you there LIVE!
Or on repeat as the past lives are there to be seen on that page – oh the wonders of technology!

How Do I Overcome PTSD if I Have Multiple Traumas?

fear photoHow Do I Overcome PTSD if I Have Multiple Traumas? – Vol. 484, Jan. 10, 2018

This was a question that was asked by someone on Quora, a forum for people to ask and others to answer questions. This was a great question, in that the person really was confused about how PTSD works, so I could educate them and anyone else who came upon the page. Here was the answer I gave:

You obviously have no idea what the label  PTSD means – – all it means is that you have had a trauma (or traumas) and as a result other things similar to it or thoughts about it, bring you to the emotions you had then usually bringing on the symptoms one knows as a ‘panic attack’- thus the label starting with “Post Traumatic” as in “after the trauma.”

It is amazing to me that so many people are so obsessed with the diagnoses they may have or those diagnoses that others may have, without really understanding what any of it means.

A better exercise would be to figure out what you need to do to clear the problem so you never need to speak about it again because if your life is so amazing that you could care less about any of it, wouldn’t that work better for you? That is the role that I play in my client’s lives. I never work with people who are obsessed with their diagnoses. Rather, I deal with people who are ‘sick of being sick’ or ‘sick of being stuck’ desiring a quality of life that is more than worth living.

It all goes to what you spend your time and emotions on – getting better or being stuck in the medical pathologies, most which are a bunch of bullshit, because this stuff can be cleared and in the past if one so chooses without medications and without a lifetime of therapy – OH WOW, what was that I just claimed – yes, it is true – if you want to be well, there are ways to help you to be so, but you have to do whatever it takes to be well – no obsessing about the diagnoses, or the events, or blaming the world for your problems – nope, none of it works to heal.

What one has to do is clear the events of their emotional charge and then forgive anyone and everyone including themselves along with having a compelling future that is much more alluring than, let’s say, staying ill and putting it all over the internet.

Here’s one of my first client’s stories – she had a few issues to overcome. The second photo was taken a few years ago when we were both invited by her brother to go to Uganda to be a part of an amazing volunteer opportunity which you can read about here: (that was about 11 years after I worked with her).

Woman overcomes chronic pain, PTSD and weight issues after hypnotic intervention

Uganda trip:

Uganda Trip

You see, one can make anything right if one chooses to!

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