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Mar 11 2019
Claim My Excellent Life #266 – Creating an Interesting & Fulfilling Life
Mar 07 2019
It Isn’t The Amount of Years You Live, It’s How You Use Them
It Isn’t The Amount of Years You Live, It’s How You Use Them – Vol.488, March 7, 2019
I find it absolutely amazing that I have received so many upvotes to an answer to one of the questions someone asked me months ago on Quora: What do you NOT fear about getting older?
It seems almost every day there is at least one upvote added to the count. The count is at 379 upvotes, which for me is a lot. So, what is it that I wrote that received that much interaction?
I wrote:
I have worked in elder care for a very long time – well in and out of it. And, I can tell you that the reason people get aged is because they hold much resentment, have too many regrets, eat crap, don’t get out in the sunshine, don’t move their bodies, and blame the world for their problems.
The aged that I worked with who had great attitudes were those who were still interested in the world around them. Many overcame many challenges as immigrants not knowing the language with no money, starting over again during their teens in a brand new country, or elders who came from very poor families who had fulfilled lives because they focused on what they wanted and made it happen.
So, there is no fear of getting older if you take care of your mind, body, and soul. If you involve yourself in activities that you enjoy and fulfill you while having loving relationships – that can be with great friends as well as family members. If you don’t get along with a family member, that’s fine so long as you haven’t any resentment about it – because resentment kills – creates all types of disease of the body and mind.
I am 57 years old now and though I am certainly looking a bit different in the mirror, I can honestly tell you that I have so many things that I still want to do with my life, so many interests and live my life doing those things I enjoy. This is what keeps one young at heart and in the mind. And, I don’t take myself too seriously anymore. Life is too short and is to be enjoyed.
Well since I wrote this piece back on December 26th of last year. I have lost my best friend from college, who never dealt with his emotional and physical issues, and worse blamed the people in his world for his ills. You see, the one thing that we all need to do is to be responsible for our own lives. It isn’t up to anyone else to fulfill you or make you happy – that is your job. If you have issues,- look them square in the face and deal with them.
Over the past 2 months I have been doing a daily FB Live on my personal FB page that has been dealing with the need for adults to speak to the kids in their lives with much more love and understanding, based on the fact that suicide is the 3rd largest reason for kids- get this — from age 10 to 24 killing themselves.
One has to ask why it is that a mere child would feel so helpless, so lacking in love that they would choose to put themselves out of their pain in such a manner? It is a sick society that we have created and one that we adults need to answer to., It is the adults who cry to the doctors about their huge desire to have children and then this is what becomes of those kids. During the course of the FB Lives I start with Cause vs Effect, = taking responsibility for one’s self – then “Perception is Perception” meaning that what one feels inside one’s self is what they will see in the world all around them. An angry person will see anger, for instance. Next, we go into specific learning techniques and even some mystical teachings from Kabbalah, Taoism and Huna (ancient Hawaiian spirituality. Go find those pages, if you feel that you are getting older then you ought to be, needing some clearing of the mind and soul.
I even did a pain relief session with my sister, Kerry, as the subject as she has both peripheral neuropathy thanks to being hit by a car while riding her bike to my dad’s dental office for her biannual cleaning. A compound fracture of the tibia is causing the neuropathy now, 48 years later. She also is dealing with muscle pain all through her body due to fibro – a whole different issue in regard to pain. You can watch the FB Live on the episode, “Everything Nerves” at:
to get yourself in a better frame of mind. It is all there for the self-edification.
Because it is up to us to take care of ourselves so that we can teach and support those who are younger then we, especially if these are the kids that we just “had to have” – it is our responsibility, not theirs!
Mar 06 2019
How Do I Stop Sabotaging My Own Happiness?
How Do I Stop Sabotaging My Own Happiness? Vol. 491, March 28, 2019
Someone on Quora asked me this question and this is what I answered her.
The short answer is that you don’t even understand what happiness is, so therefore you cannot have it. Yes, i know that flies in the face of what everyone else says, but it is true.
Happiness is a way of being, which comes from the inside out. One needn’t accept changes at all – that is not what creates happiness. Happiness comes from being in the moment and enjoying the day-to-day things that one is involved with. So, if you have friends that you enjoy being with, pets to cuddle, sports that you play, Yoga or Pilates, or dance or bike riding, or swimming or…
You are going through the ‘motions’ because you have brainwashed yourself into believing that pretending to be happy one won’t have to deal with all those pains in the butt pestering you with your bad attitude.
But his is the thing; you can make a decision RIGHT NOW TO BE HAPPY AND CONTENTED with all the great stuff you already have in your life. You are free to come and go as you wish most likely – you don’t live in North Korea, Iran, do you? or worst the Congo, Saudi Arabia or Russia, do you?
You can eat whatever you desire, probably have plenty of money to go to the grocery store and purchase some healthy food – one item foods, not the shit that is packaged. You can go to the department that would have the food that comes from nature: meat, fish, produce, and grab some dark chocolate to help your serotonin release, making your real happy. Get some physical activity in, take your Vitamin D3 (or better go out in the sunshine if it is warm and sunny where you live) and hug a kid, pet or partner to get that bonding hormone oxytocin rushing through your system.
So what exactly is your excuse …oh that’s right you don’t have one, do you.?
Come join me on my Facebook Lives at: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck every day at 3 pm Eastern (USA) to get ;yourself out of your self- and learn how to move onto things that matter a hell of a lot more and feel a whole bunch better.
Feb 04 2019
265 – How Do I Avoid Relapsing with My Own Mental Health Issues Working in a Psychiatric Ward?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:45 — 6.6MB)
Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses the necessity for mental health care providers to address their own issues before they deal with the issues of their patients.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:45 — 6.6MB)
Jan 31 2019
I Started College This Year, But Am Finding it Difficult to Be Motivated to Do The Assignments. How Can I Motivate Myself?
Vol. 487, Jan. 31, 2018 – I Started College This Year and I’m Finding It Hard to Just Sit Down and Do The Work. How Can I Motivate Myself?
Another brave question from a young person on Quora, looking for some helpful advice. Here’s what I told the person and anyone else who is in the same boat!
Jan 28 2019
264 – I Started College This Year & I Am Finding it Hard to Sit Down & Do The Assignments
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 7:38 — 7.3MB)
Just because you hit 18 doesn’t mean you are ready for college. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses maturity and higher education.
Jan 24 2019
My Husband Cheated on Me. Am I Wrong For Planning on Making Him Fall Back In Love With Me?
Vol. 486, Jan. 24, 2018 – My Husband Cheated on Me. Am I wrong for Planning on Making Him Fall Back in Love With Me, So I Can Break His Heart?
When I read this question on Quora, I had to dive in and answer it, because there were more than a few. things wrong with the premise. Here is what I wrote in answer: