Your Attitude Is EVERYTHING!

attitude photoYour Attitude Is EVERYTHING! – Vol. 499, May 23, 2019

Over these many years that I have been in the profession of health care, I have noticed a huge difference in the manner in which people live.

There are those who complain about everything, making those around them wrong for the most insignificant of details, unable to note the unhappiness that would allow that sort of attitude in the first place. Because you see, people who are happy and fulfilled never have to point out shortcomings in others. Instead, they will make it a habit to point out the great attributes of those with whom they choose to spend their time.

Unhappy people become ill, and then endlessly complain about being ill to anyone who will listen. Happy people may have physical or emotional challenges, yet, they never allow those issues to become their lives. No, these folks are too busy living their lives to spend any more time than necessary to deal with their issues, because, of course, one needs to deal with the issues to overcome them, instead of succumbing to them.

People who feel successful in life have a different definition of success than those who are always speaking about scarcity. Yes, they do enjoy their income, yet, their income producing activities come from those things that fulfill them, never those things that drain them.

People who are able to live happy and fulfilling lives are the sort of people that shine a bright light and share their magnetic energy bringing other like-minded people to them. They are full of life because of the many interesting things that they are involved with, always working to get their curiosity fulfilled with knowledge. There is no age limit in learning for these folks.

People who are happy and abundant are those who realize that the world is full of abundance in all things. They are moved to volunteer and mentor others bringing fulfillment to themselves in the process.

Your attitude in life will determine your health and your level of happiness. The ball is in your court to create the life of your own dreams by being the person that you would love to find in a really great friend.

276 – Whose Life is Your Child Living?

Did you miss the chance to be a football star in a high school? Was your dream career to be an artist or actor? Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses the consequences when children are forced to live the dreams of their parents and how it perpetuates a cycle of unhappiness.

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Claiming Your Excellent Life!

happiness photoClaiming Your Excellent Life! -Volume 498, May 16, 2019

Today we are going to deal with a subject that is close to my own heart and soul, and that is how one claims their own excellent life!

You see, we human beings have this thing called a mind, and with that mind we can and do make choices every single day about how we experience this other thing we call ‘life.’ However, most of us have been hypnotized into believing that there are only a couple of ways to live that life based on societal norms. Well, I have to tell you, that being in health care for over 25 years, I have seen what the stress of living according to societal norms have done not only to my clients but those with whom I am closest – my own friends and family.

On the other side, I have witnessed what a well-lived life is all about, having worked in elder care for years, the first and most important philosophies learned by women in their 90’s. One a survivor of the Armenian Holocaust (having lost all but one of her brothers and her father – summarily shot to death when she was 7 years old) and the other who moved out of her family’s home when she was 16, because her parents could not afford to have her there any longer, financially. The Armenian woman told me that all relationships are 150% on both side, as ‘One hand washes the other.” The other women taught me to live without any resentments or regrets. And, it was with those words that I went forward and invested in my education in hypnotism, NLP and now a Masters in Medical Sociology. This principle of living without any regrets also was what allowed me to take any interesting opportunity that came my way, bringing me to distant lands, most only dream of seeing.

Over the past year or so, I have been involved in this group of people known as ‘couchsurfers.’ It is a way to travel the world staying with others who also open their homes to others while they are traveling. These people are intrigued with learning about others, and show them their life, their communities, and share their homes and their food. It is a group of people who see the beauty in others as I have seen in some of those with whom I have couch surfed myself. A couple who have chosen very different lifestyles than the societal norms that enslave us forever to the materialism and false notion of retirement being the best time and perhaps only time for travel.

The first couch surfer I ever stayed with was staying on a farm of his friend’s helping to clear the land and plant hemp. This 30-year-old male had traveled the world for 5 years couch surfing and camping with his hammock when there were no couch surfing opportunities. He learned from shaman and holistic healers all over the world how to naturally heal himself from most anything. He came back to the farm to live off the grid. This young man had the bluest and most soulful of eyes that one could ever hope to encounter, so at peace and so at ease in his very simple life. He had a huge tent with his homemade full-size bed in there, his van that was a converted camper of sorts with a burner to cook food. His kitchen was a raised slab of wood with a tarp covering it. I was there to reclaim my own self after having helped a friend for several months who ended up in the hospital due to his own pains – both physical and emotional, still held on to after 71 years of life. I spent my time reading and journaling that week out there in nature to reground myself, and I was in very good hands for sure.

The second person that I met was a 72-year-old woman with the heart and soul of a 30-year-old. It wasn’t because she hadn’t had her own challenges – a back that requires chiropractic help and massage during the week, yet she never once complained of any pain the entire time that I spent with her. Instead, she told me of her fun time in Columbia after divorcing her first husband and then her wonderful 25 years of cruising on their 40 foot 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom sailboat in the Caribbean – just enjoying life. Her husband became ill with Parkinson’s and so they had to come back on land. She was his primary caregiver for several years till his death five years ago. His death was indeed a challenge for her to deal with, and yet, to see how she is out in the world doing all sorts of fun things, taking trips that are inviting to her while surrounded by friends and neighbors was truly a wonder to be invited to witness.

My message to you here is that we only have one life for sure that we know that we are to live, and we have some choices in how we choose to live it. To believe that one has to be enslaved to a lifestyle that may not fit one’s personality is to fail at living one’s excellent life. There are so many things to see in the greater world, a world that I have had the opportunity to begin to explore – cultures so different then our own here in the United States, and even subcultures in the US that I touched as I transversed my way across it twice and up the West coast from South of L.A. to Seattle and taking the road trip from Bridgeport, CT to Sarasota Florida. This last trip was to gather the information necessary to put together a hell of a retreat for healthcare practitioners down there. I am currently in North Carolina as I am writing this post on my way back up to New Jersey to attend a hypnosis convention where I will be meeting people that I have known for the better part of 20 years and others that I have learned of years ago, and have yet to meet.

That is what life is about my friends – exploring those things that are interest to you, exploring those places that call you to them, as my trips have done for me, and to know that there is so much to learn. There are so many beautiful people to meet on your journey in real life, where you can feel their magnetic appeal, see into their soulful eyes and experience their loving presence. But, this can only be done if, as my newest soul sister in Sarasota tells her complaining friends, “You get up off your ass and go do it.”, instead of endlessly complaining of their ill health. My what a thought: to be able to live a fulfilling life even if your body is letting you know it needs some extra attention. This is the same philosophy as my very young hearted soul driven cousin of 88 years – give your body what it needs, and by all means, get out in the world and do what you are here to do. In his case, it is to continue doing the work he has been doing all over the world on his father’s genealogy, a project he has been working on for over 30 years, putting on reunions along the way so we can each meet our extended families and learn about where we all came from. Totally fascinating and it is an amazing family that my dad’s mom came from, that is for sure.

Because, this is the thing: We can either live our lives as we are living it, or we can regret those dreams we never brought into our lives. The choice is ours. One we make with every decision we make each and every day.

275 – Turning a Negative Into a Positive

When bad things happen to us, we often struggle with why did this happen to us. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck talks about how every event, no matter how terrible has a lesson buried somewhere deep within it.

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What to Do When Those You Love Don’t ‘Get’ You?

conflict photoWhat to Do When Those You Love Don’t ‘Get You’ – Vol. 497, May 9, 2019

Someone asked this question on Quora recently, and frankly, I wish I had the time to answer it since I have been feeling similarly regarding some of my family members. You see, sometimes values and beliefs just do not mesh with those who say they love you, and even for those who believe they understand you. One knows this is true when comments like “You really need to rethink what you are doing.” Or when they speak to you because they have their own fears blocking them from doing those things that you find second nature.

An example from my own life is the need to finally move on to doing group trainings. It is the only way to leverage my time and increase the value that I can offer to those who could use my specialized knowledge and skill set. Well, these family members do not really understand why it is that I am doing this at this time, because of my financial resources (or lack thereof). And yet, nothing will change, if I don’t change what I am doing. So, like most entrepreneurial types, I move with my inner knowing and do the best I can to make the best from the actions that are taken.

Now, there are certainly risk involved and anybody who has tried to build any sort of practice or business is well aware of the fact because the needs of people change, as well as the delivery methods. Thankfully the delivery methods have gotten much easier since I jumped into the ring in 2002. However, if one is unwilling to do what one knows they need to do to move ahead in life because others are fearful, that is a great problem.

Well, things are a lot different this time around because I have a team to help me to put it all together. That is a great benefit. And besides, one cannot be stymied by others fear. We have but one life to live and it is our job to use it up, not let it use us up with conjured up “What if” scenarios, of which 80% never come true, 10% of which one can do something about and the other 10% that nothing can be done. It is our jobs as human beings to create services and products that are helpful to others. It is our job to positively influence as many people as we can and to that end, it is worth whatever it takes to make that a reality.

So, respect your inner calling and do what you feel is correct, so long as you have the backing necessary to make it happen. Send love and light to those who love you and leave it at that, as they will never be able to understand your soul and your mission, and that is okay. They don’t need to. Only you need to understand why you are doing what you are with the contacts and symbiotic partners you have on board to help you make the biggest and most valuable impact you can on this planet earth while you are here.

274 – Living Life on Your Own Terms

Are you living the life you want or are you living a life that others have created for you? Learn from Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck how to create the life you want to live.

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What Happens When the Healers Have Mental Health Issues Themselves?

mental health photoWhat Happens When the Healers Have Mental Health Issues Themselves? -Vol. 496, May 2, 2019 

Many people get into the world of helping others to heal, because it is much easier to work on another, instead of looking in the mirror at one’s self. Anyone who has confronted their own issues be they emotional, where many physical issues actually begin, can tell you that it was one of the hardest things they have ever done.

Why is this true, that looking at ourselves, our behaviors, our emotions, our human condition is so difficult to do?

Unfortunately, we live in a world where people feel very sure of the fact that if they were to actually look deeply into themselves, they would not like what they found. I find it so interesting that so many who call themselves ‘healers’ are utterly unwilling to “walk the walk” themselves.

You see, most people who get into mental health do so, because of issues that they have yet to resolve. They want to learn more about themselves through the academics, the theory and then go and deliver services to others. However, there is something backward with this notion. You see, it is rather impossible to help others heal when one is still feeling, ‘victimized’ by someone in their family of origin, or maybe an ex-spouse or partner. It is rather impossible to help someone to gain confidence and self-respect if one has yet to do that for themselves. And, for all those practitioners out there who feel that the mentally ill are lesser people than themselves — and trust me they are indeed out there — the ones who put protecting their licenses above showing the discernment necessary when their patients report things such as “Sure, there are times when I felt suicidal.” Which is very different than someone who is feeling suicidal at the moment putting their patients into a hospital for a mental status check. Or worse, projecting their anger toward a certain population onto their unknowing clients.

You see, counseling is about you, the patient, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the negative life experiences of your counselor – unless they have overcome the same issue that you are looking to overcome. That doesn’t mean telling you their sob stories. It means giving you knowledge that they gained (wisdom) from actually overcoming the problem for many years.

I would also add, that the only true tonic for people feeling hurt or abused, etc is to forgive the person who did it. Because, this is the reality: Forgiveness is about freeing one from their history, the story that one is telling themselves about an event in the past. The perpetrator most likely has moved on with their life without a thought of what behavior they did to you, or perhaps has been dead for many years, and yet, this anger, this resentment is just eating up at the person who feels, ‘victimized.’ Anger causes heart attacks and death, so is it really worth holding onto? So, any therapist type person who is going to take your side and tell you that it wasn’t your fault and blaming the other person, a person they most likely never met, is not helping the situation, rather they are continuing the story the person has been telling themselves to stay in a ‘victim’ mentality. And to tell you the truth, I have yet to meet a person with a ‘victim’ mentality who has any sense of joyfulness or contentment in life.

If you find yourself being treated by such a person, do yourself a favor and fire them. Find someone who is willing to help you to truly heal the trauma and move onto a much more functional life. Because, in the end, only you can make the decision to stay or to find a better practitioner for you.

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