The Destructive Habit of Comparing Ourselves to Others

Jealousy photoThe Destructive Habit of Comparing Ourselves to Others -Vol. 505, July 11, 2019

It seems we humans are excellent at thinking of ways to feel bad about ourselves. One of the worst habits we can have working against us is that of comparing ourselves to others. For one thing, one can never really understand what another is doing in their lives.

For example, over the years, I have had many young women come to me because they had yet to achieve some vocational goal or find themselves a mate to marry. They were always comparing themselves to their friends or family members wondering what was wrong with them.

Let me tell you something really important here: Until you walk in another’s shoes, you have no idea what that person’s life is like. You have no idea how happy or unhappy they are in that relationship you are believing is perfect. You have no idea the amount of school work that had to be done to get those wonderful grades. You have no idea how many hours went into building that successful business and all the close calls that were involved in keeping it liquid in assets.

I know for myself from being able to see into others most personal lives given the work that I do, that most of the fluff folks see on the outside, has little to nothing to do with the reality behind closed doors.

So, what do you do? Easy enough: compare yourself to yourself only. Look at those things that you have been able to achieve over the years. All the challenges that you have overcome. Then look to the goals that you want to achieve and work on them a little each day. Because you are the only one who creates your future the way you want it.

Here’s another piece of information for those who feel they need another to make them complete. No one out there can fill you up, completing you. This is something that each of us must learn to do for ourselves first. Be the partner you want to meet, and you will have an easier time attracting someone who is worthy of your time and emotions.

Claim Your Excellent Life 283: How To Come Back Up After Being Down

Life knocks all of us down at some point. It’s how you get back up that makes all the difference.
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Stop the  Manipulation of Those That You Say You Love

Stop the  Manipulation of Those That You Say You Love -Vol. 504, July 4, 2019

I received a question on Quora (a platform where people from around the world ask and others answer questions) from a woman who threatened to drink bleach because her husband was unwilling to stay home from work to comfort her. He thought she needed to sign herself into a mental hospital. She stated that she suffers from depression but is not crazy and asked what she should do.

Well, let me tell you something important here. This was a form of manipulation that this woman was using to get her husband to pay more attention to her because she has no idea how to comfort herself. I told her straight out that this was a manipulative act that she used and that is NEVER OKAY, especially when her husband is doing the best he can to provide for her and her family. I suggested that just making that threat suggested that she probably needed more support then what her husband can give her (or is trained to give her).

I further told this woman that she needs to learn how to better deal with her depression so it doesn’t consume her life. Lastly, I told her that depression is not always an emotional issue. Many times it is caused by a physiological issue such as hormonal imbalances, leaky gut or something else.

The main message that I want to convey here, is that your mental health is your issue. It is up to you to get the professional help you require without quilting those who love you for their inability to help you at every moment you feel you need it. That is not their job, being totally unequipped to deal with it.

I do expect partners to be supportive of one another, however, I don’t expect partners to be manipulated or quilted into anything by their partners. There is a huge difference between these two things. The first feels positive and loving the second feels abusive and terrible.

If you truly love your partner, show some respect for both yourself and for them. If you are unable to respect yourself, by acting in a respectful manner (non-manipulative manner), then you really need to focus on learning how to do that, before expecting others to be able to respect you (and love you).

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – 282

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her thoughts on comparing yourself to other people. Sometimes the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
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Client Healing

forgiveness photo Client Healing – Vol. 503,  June 27, 2019

Over the last couple of decades, I have had the opportunity to work with many people from all socio-economic classes and many different cultures. I can honestly say that each has taught me so much, as our clients are indeed our best teachers.

I have wondered over the years what allows one person to look at themselves in the mirror, honest and true, knowing that this is required to move out of distress and into contentment. Because the truth is that very few people are willing to honestly address those parts of them that they have been taught are deficits.

In some cases, the pain has been so great over the many years, that life felt hopeless. When the call was made to me, it was their ‘last hope’ for healing. In other cases, it was a matter of the same issues constantly coming up, and causing distress that was no longer willing to be lived with. In other situations, headaches and other physical pain would arise, and no other treatment would get it to go away. In all the situations, my clients had an understanding that the causes of the problems were stuck in their unconscious mind, which is why they called a hypnotist.

Most of my clients were happy with the decision to finally take constructive action to take care of their problems. Many of them had no idea what they had signed up for but were willing to trust that I could help them in a way that no one before could.

However, the ones who did the best with the work were the ones who were willing to do that which most humans find so hard to do: forgive those who caused them harm and to forgive themselves for whatever negative things they felt they did.

You see, it really does not matter what the situation is that a person comes from that causes unwanted thoughts and behaviors. What really DOES matter is the willingness to let go of the blame and to focus on creating the future desired. Because, when one has a future that is worth creating, most all the past history no longer matters, it is past history. What matters is what one is doing with their time and energy in the present and how aligned that is with the life desired.

When the treatment is completed, the clients who have done the work, feel lighter and brighter finally able to do those things that needed to be done, while stopping those behaviors that were no longer wanted. What a gift to give oneself and those with whom one lives!

281 – Reclaim Your Self Respect

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses self-respect, how important it is and how to maintain it.


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When it is Time to Take a Rest

rest photoWhen it is Time to Take a Rest – Vol. 504,  June 20, 2019

In living our very overscheduled and harried lives, we are creating great stress in our bodies. Stress is the cause of most illnesses. So, it is very important for we humans to understand the importance of rest and relaxation in our lives.

First, I want you to think about the normal day you live. Notice how you feel when you get out of bed, go through your morning routine, start your day, do your day and complete your day. How many things did you have scheduled in that day of yours? How many extra items showed up during the day that needed your attention that you hadn’t planned for?

One area that causes a lot of stress has come to my attention given all the traveling that I have been doing over the past few months. The one thing that I have realized is the amount of time people are spending on the road, trapped in their cars dealing with traffic and road work. I do not know how many hours it has added to the average person’s commute, but I can tell you that I was most distressed when I realized that I was going to be stuck in Maryland for the night. This was due to terrible traffic during rush hour and the road work that was being done. Now, do understand that this was all of one day of utter frustration for me, but for many others, it is a daily experience. How does one deal with this day in and day out when it is required to get to the job? Or, how about the subways and trains, full to capacity, nowhere to sit, stuck standing holding on to a bar which may mean reaching around someone else. And, that is only the commute!

Look, we humans were not meant to be in a constant state of stress, pressured by all the necessary things that need to be accomplished to be able to live. Yet, the world in which we live, demands this of the majority of people. And, this is why so many people are now dealing with anxiety, depression, substance abuse and many types of chronic illness.

What can you do to lessen the stress that is your daily life?

What can you do to bring health and wellbeing back into your life?

Because I do know this after this last year in particular. Your chronological age doesn’t really matter. If you are living under constant stress, your body will not be able to keep up with it all, especially if you are feeding it a bunch of over processed garbage.

Think about the cost to your health for living a life of constant movement. Think about the cost to your health of forcing yourself to do so many things that you are not interested in doing, and yet feel obligated to do. Think of all the stuff that is on your plate, that you could delegate to someone else. Think about what you could do instead with that precious time that you just bought back for yourself.

Our lives are only as contented as the alignment that we have with the activities that fill our days. It is through a contented life that true peace of mind and fulfillment come.

I know of many people who dumped there 80+ work weeks to do other things, realizing that a great salary was of little good when there was no time to enjoy it. I know many people who stopped worrying what others thought of them, as they passed on so-called family obligations to be able to spend their precious time doing activities that nurtured them. This is not to say that one needs to be selfish. It is to say that one needs to value one’s time. Take the time you need to rest and relax. Because, if you don’t, your body will force you to do it anyway, and trust me, you won’t like the way you feel when your body tells you it cannot take any more pressure.

I know having ended up in the hospital a couple of times with a kidney infection on one occasion and dehydration another time. My body was so spent with the obligations that it just broke down and forced me to STOP everything. I don’t want this to happen to you, so listen to your body, listen to the inner wisdom that is your unconscious, subconscious mind and protect your physical and emotional health.

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