What Do Emotionally Stable People Do? – Claim Your Excellent Life- 290

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck comments on the elements of emotional maturity.


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Probing Questions To Ask A Mental Health Professional To See If They Are A Good Fit For You

psychiatry  photoProbing Questions To Ask A Mental Health Professional to See If They Are A Good Match For You – Vol. 511, August 22, 2019

I really believe that one can tell if the relationship will work, more by the interaction that you have and the gut feeling that you have as a result of that interaction. It is a relationship after all.

Listen to the manner in which the therapist is speaking to you. Is it warm and supportive or cold and distant?

Is the therapist talking ‘to’ you or ‘at’ you?

Is the therapist respectful of you and your insights into your own situation?

Is the therapist jumping to all sorts of conclusions that have no basis in your reality?

If your gut is telling you that it isn’t a good match, look for someone else. Remember that it is you who are employing this person, so you have the right to stop therapy – they can’t keep you going to them.

This is not to say that a therapist may not challenge you to grow, which may piss you off. In fact, I tell my potential clients before they sign on to work with me, that they very well may get pissed off with me, and that this is a very important part of the work. If they can get through it with me, they can better handle the people in their lives.

I also tell my clients that if necessary I may kick them in the butt to do those things that they need to do (based on what comes out of their subconscious mind) holding them accountable. My clients want that from me, those who can’t understand why that would be important, are definitely not suited for the manner in which I work.

I share this with you so you can have an idea of how different people work. I am a hypnotist and NLP master practitioner (actually a trainer of both) because I am utterly uninterested in hearing my clients repeatedly whine over stupid issues. My clients are ready to stop telling their sad stories and get down to doing the change work. Others may be more inclined to see a therapist for the rest of their lives whining about the lives they are living, looking for endless sympathy. I am into helping my clients heal as fast as possible so they can finally get onto to living a life worth living.

Are Passions Things You Need to Find, Or Do They Find You? – Claim Your Excellent Life – 289

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck comments on the idea in our culture that you have to find your passion.


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Why Is There Such A Huge Increase In Those With Mental Health Issues?

mental health photoWhy Is There Such A Huge Increase In Those With Mental Health Issues? – Vol. 510, August 15, 2019


This is a very important question that you ask and I am learning much about it through my research for my master’s in medical sociology.

I believe the most helpful answer comes from the kids themselves. They feel totally stressed out with all the pressures on them to succeed in school and every extra-curricular activity to gain entry to the best university possible.

They see the warnings all over the newscast regarding war, specifically that we Americans will always be at war someplace as it is all they have experienced.

They hear how the government is doing nothing about climate control with many scientists claiming that we are killing the earth.

And that doesn’t even touch the GMO and irradiated food here in the US, none of it labeled. The 6- fold increase in prescribed psych pharmaceuticals to kids with their gray matter being decreased as a result causing impulse control issues and lack of ability to have emotional control. We have 10,000 toddlers on psychotropic medications, so we are poisoning them and the list goes on.

However, the issue for high school and college-bound is how to go to college with heavy debt realizing that the income once graduated (if they can find a job) will be less then what a person their parent’s age would have earned on their graduation into the workforce. Inflation is killing us and low paying jobs make it worse. How are they to pay tremendously high college debt, ridiculously high rents at least on the coasts and raise a family?

After listening to the work of Dr. Gabor Mate, a psychiatrist who has worked with the poor dealing with serious mental health problems, drug addictions, and HIV, we need to consider the role of parents. He states that parents are so stressed out, they are not emotionally available to their children. What this does is stunt the growth of the hippocampus of the brain, which is responsible for the memories, emotional regulation and learning. He is very clear that he is not blaming parents for the society in which we live. He is just pointing out the importance of parents being present for their kids especially during the first seven or eight years of life when the brain is developing the most. Kids need loving interested parents to care for them.

These are real issues that these kids are confronting which need to be dealt with in a realistic manner by the various governmental agencies involved.

It’s a naive person who believes that this is all about diagnosis, as we are a label happy society, especially in the USA. Check out all the questions on Quora where people are asking about psychiatric labels trying to label themselves or worse someone else without the basic understanding of how convoluted the DSM 5 is, especially with every normal emotion being pathologized to match some prescription to it, instead of focusing on teaching these folks emotional regulation and coping skills.

The Mental health system is a travesty, and so are many other areas of life here in the USA.

I was born here in the USA in 1961, to a father who was a dentist, now long passed away. So, I was raised believing in conventional medical services, however, my eyes have been open after being in the field since 1993 and dealing with psychiatrists who had zero ability to listen to their patients’ concerns especially regarding over medication. Sad, but true.

How To Find A Mental Health Provider Who Is A Good Match For You – Claim Your Excellent Life – 288

For those who find themselves in need of mental health assistance, choosing a provider can be a daunting task. Here are some criteria suggested by Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck for finding the best mental health professional for you.


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Are Passions Things That You Need to Find, or Do They Find You?

passion photoAre Passions Things That You Need to Find, or Do They Find You? – Vol. 509- August 8, 2019

This was a question that a person on Quora asked me to answer. Because, so many people are told to find their passions, my take on them may be a different point of view from what you have heard from others. Here it is:

Passions are those things that you find as you live life, so they find people. Most people never find any, because they are fine living their day-to-day lives. However, these are the people who are empty in life. They may have great jobs, great pay, etc. but they don’t feel fulfilled.

Passions fulfill those who have them. I define passions as those things that one needs to do in order to feel whole and complete. A great example is my ex-husband. He is an artist, and when he is not able to put in the time he needs to photograph or make films, he is miserable. It is a part of who he is, and it cannot be left out, period.

Hypnosis became my passion when I learned how powerful it was to help people with some very traumatic lives overcome the trauma, quickly and effectively (much quicker than anything one can achieve with conventional psychotherapy). While I am doing it, I am in another world – all the answers channel through me to help my clients to let go of those troubling issues. Yes, I have a protocol I use, but the information necessary to help a person clear their problem comes from the subconscious (not conscious) part of their mind. Not to mention that it is a fascinating subject – how the mind really works and heals itself.

So, I wouldn’t go looking for my passion. I would lead my life and as certain experiences occur, the passion shows itself for what they are and it is a wonderful thing. Because, when one has a passion in life, no matter what garbage one has to deal in life, one’s passion can always bring a sense of gratification and fulfillment to lessen the load. It’s a beautiful thing indeed.

Dr_Gabor_Mate’s_Teaching_on_How_Our_Emotions_Affect_Our_Cognitive_Functioning- Claim Your Excellent Life – 287

Most people consider the mind and emotions to be two separate aspects of our being. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses how strongly emotional health is linked to intellectual ability.


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