How Do I Stop Avoiding Things That are Difficult For Me?

Vol. 517, October 3,  2019 – How Do I Stop Avoiding Things That are Difficult For Me?

The best way to change this is to realize that you are avoiding difficult things to not have to deal with what we in the psych world would call ‘fear of failure most likely.

I can only tell you that it is only through walking through the fear of seemingly difficult things that we can find that most of these difficult things were not at all difficult. I will give you an example from my yesterday.

I am off to Isreal for a year to do a master’s degree over there. I had to go to the Israeli consulate to apply for my student visa. I was very concerned that my paperwork would be illegible, or that they would find some reason to deny it forcing me to redo what I had done because I hate filling out forms. In fact, I always print off two of them knowing that I need that many to get it right.

It so happened that I got to the consulate very early and was out of there 15 minutes before my appointment was supposed to happen. The paperwork was fine – so I built up this whole problem in my own mind. Now, to be honest there were many others who did not have whatever they needed for passports or visas and had to return – however, I was not among them because I took the time in advance to have everything done exactly as I was requested including leaving my cell phones at home. It ended up that it didn’t matter because almost everyone had their cell phones, but I do believe that because I followed the directives on the Israeli consulate page, things went a lot smoother for me than the majority of people who just want to do what they want to do irrespective of what they are asked to do.

Another example was writing the literature review for my master’s thesis in July. I had no idea how to go about doing this even though I looked up every resource the university had to offer. It took me quite a few tries and a few times with tutors at the school to get the thing written. For all that effort I was awarded a 7 out of 7 points. Doing the thesis in total was also a new situation and I wasn’t sure how the professor was going to grade it, but again it was 35 out of 35 points – because I did what I had to do to the best of my abilities. That accomplishment was most fulfilling to me given all the hours of work that went into it, including figuring out what sections had to be included in the final paper.

I tell you these stories so that you can understand that it is only through overcoming the difficult things that we learn that we can pretty much handle anything that life hands us – because one learns how to think critically and inventively to get things done.

So, for you, the outcome is to feel much better about yourself by learning that you can indeed figure out how to do the difficult things in life along the way.

What Do You Do When You’re Down to Feel Better?

What Do You Do When You’re Down to Feel Better? – Vol. 516, Sept. 26, 2019

This was a question that was asked by a Quoran on Quora back in June. I thought it was a great question. This is how I answered it:

I am completing my master’s program in medical sociology. So, I have to write a master’s thesis on a research project. One piece of this is called the ‘literature review.’

I spent 3 full days researching and writing the literature review than had a tutor review it. I knew that I really hadn’t a clue what I was doing even with taking advantage of all the materials given to help with the process.

When I got the tutor’s review back I was devastated. He wrote it in the kindest way possible, but I hadn’t gotten the manner in which to write the thing – though my research was on point and my conclusion was fine.

Talk about frustration!

So, what did I do next? I took a breath, sat at my computer, rewrote it and sent the first two paragraphs to a tutor who with whom I had on online chat. I rewrote it again, still having missed the point and went online again with another tutor who explicitly explained what I needed to do and where to place the information.

I rewrote the whole paper again sent it into Grammarly, made the 60 corrections it suggested and then uploaded it for grading.

I received a perfect grade to my astonishment for all that effort.

So, in short:

Allow yourself to be upset for a few minutes then fully apply yourself to figuring out how to resolve the problem, with humility asking for help as often as necessary to do a great job on said project.

Those of us who care about those things we endeavor to do can be very hard on ourselves. However, it is best to realize that we all have areas in life that are challenges and to be humble and ask for help.

Getting down on ourselves is only useful to the degree that it forces us to take productive action toward a respectable solution. This includes apologizing for our hurting someone, failing at something or anything in life where one could be down on one’s self.

What Specific Aspects of Social Media Seem to be Triggering Mental Health Issues?

What Specific Aspects of Social Media Seem to be Triggering Mental Health Issues? – Vol. 515 – Sept. 19. 2019

Too many people believe that social media is the same as socializing face-to-face, eye-to-eye and soul-to-soul and it isn’t even close. People are social in nature like ants and Beas needing to be with people in person to feel the sense of belonging that goes back to our tribal survival ways of living back in our histories to cave living times.

When people rely too much on social media they are actually isolating themselves and that is very unhealthy.

People lie or exaggerate about how their lives are going leaving out the normalcy that most people live. So others compare themselves and feel that they are living lesser lives than those explained in the comments made by others. In these cases, depression can occur. For others being bullied by others can happen. I have seen this happen even between professionals on linkedin. It happens because one person believes they have the right to tell others what they may or may not post, without having any idea who the person is that they are trying to contain, crossing the boundaries between the questioner and the person who answers. It is a total travesty. 

Others go endlessly on about how disordered they are and that too can be problematic I see a ton of this on Quora (a forum where people ask and answer questions). I no longer answer those questions that are phrased in what I consider a ‘victim’ mentality especially if the questioner is using psychiatric terms that are obviously being misused in the context of the question.

Social media is good for business building, but that is becoming ever more crowded and difficult. It is good for keeping up with a certain group of people that you associate with like business groups or groups tied to an educational program that you are in and to share family photos with those family members who live far from you.

Social media is disastrous if you truly believe these strangers are your friends. They are not real friends because the only way one knows them is through their very well thought out posting and nothing more.

Go out into the real world and interact with real people doing something that you enjoy doing. You will definitely find yourself having a much better time and perhaps you will create a long-time friendship that could never have happened had you not gotten out from behind your computer.

What Does It Mean When Someone Needs To Control Everything?

puppet photoWhat Does It Mean When Someone Needs To Control Everything? —Vol. 514 – Sept. 12, 2019

The first thing I ask anyone who asks me about another’s controlling behavior is, “Why do you believe they are so controlling?” This is important because there is ALWAYS a purpose for controlling behavior.

People become controlling because they feel threatened, and feel safer by being controlling.

Why do people feel threatened? Because they have something of value to them they feel they will lose. A controlling boss who is fearful of losing his position to a person s/he manages. A person who has a lot of assets financially speaking worried he will lose his assets. A man who is dating a beautiful woman he is fearful some other guy might try to take away from him (jealousy being a controlling emotion).

So, what happened in the person’s life that created this emotion of being threatened by whatever it is that they are controlling? This is what needs to be healed to let it go.


We have all had the experience of encountering a controlling person and probably wondered why they are that way? Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses the motivations behind this behavior.
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What Does it Take To Attain One’s Goals?

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What Does it Take To Attain One’s Goals? -Vol. 513 – Sept. 5, 2019

I do believe that the fear of failure is one of the things that holds people back from going for their goals. Going through the school system that we currently have, it is all about achieving great grades usually by regurgitating a bunch of memorized information back on exams. Little is done in the current methods of teaching at the high school level to teach students how to creatively solve problems, because that would mean trying new ideas that may fail.

I also believe that there are many challenges that can arise when a person chooses to do something outside the ordinary idea of what one is supposed to do in the society in which one lives. Usually, going to school, purchasing a home, having kids and then retiring is the manner in which people have been socialized to live. However, there are other people for whom those societal expectations are confining in many ways so they make other choices for themselves.

Over the last 5 years, I have been doing a lot of new things with my own life. I had wanted to live in Southern California for over 20 years when I finally had the opportunity to move out there and see what I could do. Honestly, with the cost of living being what it is out there, it was most difficult to make a real go of it. It was also very difficult to make real friends out there because of the major defense mechanisms so many had in place. I did make a few lasting relationships but given my outgoing personality and my networking through the entire time I was out there, that was very little in return for the efforts put forth. Now, some may think that because that move did not turn out the way I wanted it to that it was a failure. However, I do not see it that way at all. I see it as my fulfilling a dream I had for over 20 years and no matter the outcome, I never have to regret never taking the chance to make the move. So, I see it as a positive addition to my life’s journey.

I moved back east because I had a few hypnosis clients who wanted me to work with them. That was great. However, getting resettled out here was again a much more difficult enterprise then one would imagine. I spent the better part of a year Couchsurfing after the friend with whom I was staying and helping out was placed in the hospital for an extended period of time. I have to say that I met some of the coolest people on the planet living in this manner – all the while doing my papers for my Master’s in Medical Sociology. People who are involved in the Couchsurfing world are generally people who have traveled the world and want to give back to other travelers. They have a view of the world that is different from those who have never seen a place outside the few miles of their homes. I got to spend time in a tent up in Northern Vt, not a small tent – no this was a tent large enough for all my stuff to be spread out and tall enough for me to stand in on a platform a couple of feet off the ground to keep dry. This is the gentleman who gave me my entry into Couchsurfing as he was the first one who accepted my request to stay with him. I loved this man for his piercing soulful eyes, his own exploration of the world for over 5 years Couchsurfing, and most of all his gentle manner of being. I met a 72-year-old woman in Sarasota, Florida who spent 25 years living on a 40-foot sailboat sailing the Caribbean with her husband. And, I met a friend of another who was Muslim who I had the experience of ‘breaking fast’ with. There were many others along the way. However, the thing that was interesting was that many of those others were from other countries with whom I could learn about their culture, which was awesome. By the way, this is the whole point of doing Couchsurfing, to learn about one another’s cultures (and travels).

Now, I am on my way into a whole other adventure, in returning to Israel for my second master’s, this time in Peace & Conflict Management. What will be the outcome of this goal? I really cannot say as I have not even begun it yet. But, what I can say, is that since being in Isreal back in 2009, I wanted to move into the world of peace and conflict management. It’s a decade later, and now I am doing it. It is interesting to me to see the different feedback that I receive from those in my life. Some believe it is a great thing to be able to do and to have fun and learn lots. Others wonder why I would choose to go to a war-torn area to learn about peace and conflict resolution and believe I should study it here in the USA. Still, others think it is a great thing to do as an outgrowth of my knowledge in how the unconscious drivers work in humans and believe that being able to do the studies abroad is a great opportunity.

My point is that there will always be a chance that the goal that one goes for may not work out. My other point is that it is not up to anyone to dampen the dreams and aspirations of others because they do not have the guts to do it for themselves.

So, if you have a goal, I say go for it. Because, as the late great Millie Aiken told me about 25 years ago now, “To live a good life, you never want to have any regrets or resentments.” I do believe at the age of 95 she knew more about how to make a great life than those who have less life’s experience and never experienced any adventures or their own. If you have a goal, there is nothing to be lost by going for it. Until you do, you will never know what you could have made of yourself.

How Can We De-Stigamatize Mental Health?

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Credit: Image from Brian D’Cruz Hypno Plus

How Can We De-Stigamatize Mental Health? Vol. 512, August 29, 2019

Considering that it is estimated that 50% of all people will experience depression and that is but one of the mental illnesses, it is about time people got real regarding the fact that few will get through life without experiencing some form of it.

I believe that the most important thing that we can do is to share our experiences and let others know that there are many who live normal lives despite some diagnosis.

The worst thing a person can do is to whine and cry about how hard life is for them, and demand others put up with their selfish demands. I call these people “survivors” and I will never work with them. The only people that I will work within my practice are those who are done being ill and are ready to do whatever it takes to heal! I tell the survivors to hang out with some kids with cancer to learn how to be mature about their situation. I had that experience back in the summer of 2009 when I was treated for a non-cancerous brain tumor. These kids laughed and had fun with their families as they waited for their treatment.

The other issue since the publication of the DSM 5, the manual that the licensed mental health practitioners for diagnosing and receiving their insurance payments have made pathology every normal emotion taking away whatever merit the manual may have had.

Let’s remember that one cannot diagnose mental health issues by looking at the body as one can with physiological problems, so the lists that are in the DSM are observable behaviors and thoughts, that overlap one with the other leading to many misdiagnoses and in my estimation over-diagnosis. For example, a person who is dealing with a normal life situation like losing a spouse does not need to be medicated, They need help with the grieving process maybe. A kid who is angry over being treated badly or feels that they were abandoned, needs help to deal with these emotions, not be labeled and medicated. I know this from the 18 years that I have been in the business of hypnosis and NLP helping my clients overcome these issues in a couple of sessions without a label or medication needed.

I have some very unorthodox views given my having been a patient – no more since it was all healed by NLP in 2004, working in the business of conventional mental health and working outside the world of conventional health as a hypnotist & NLP practitioner. My job is to take the labels away forever – and it is most gratifying, to say the least!

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