I think I may have anxiety, but I don’t want to self diaganose. How can I tell?

I think I may have anxiety, but I don’t want to self diagnose. How can I tell?  Vol. 551, June 4, 2020

One of the Quoran’s asked this rather interesting question and this is how I answered it:

Anxiety is nothing more than worrying about something that has yet to occur. The real issue is if the anxious feelings are getting in the way of your having a good quality of life.

If not, no issue. No need to make it into something larger than it is. However, if it is negatively impacting your life getting to the cause of it can be helpful in releasing it.

I read a fascinating story about a young man who had anxiety whenever it was time to go to sleep. It went back to when he was really young and a bunk bed fell on him. Gee, that could make the unconscious mind ‘defend’ one against potential harm. I have had clients create anxiety from all sorts of situations in life, Many with no recollection of the cause. I had a client who had a fear of driving over bridges – when I hypnotized her she recalled being in a very bad accident with her mom on a bridge so her unconscious mind was doing what it could to protect her even though the protection was totally out of date. Others develop anxiety because of trauma. I had a really cute college-age client with horrible anxiety due to her older brother’s drug addiction creating endless fights in her family home and on it goes.

There are many people who have these issues and yet have no idea from where they came.

On the other hand, there are some people who have been traumatized and know exactly what caused it and in those cases it can be desensitized as was done for the client whose anxiety was brought on with the fighting in her family due to her brother’s drug addiction.


Claim Your Excellent Life #303 – An Easy Way To Let Go of Stress

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discuss various way to release and handle stress.
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How To Stay Sane In An Insane World?

insane world photoHow To Stay Sane In An Insane World? – Vol. 550, May 28, 2020 

During these days of coronavirus, many people are feeling a bit frustrated by being stuck in their own homes. Some are not doing a very good job of following the safety guidelines going out in public. Apparently people in New York City are having their picnics out on the grass in Central Park based on a photograph someone shot of the scene there a day or so ago as an example.

I have taken an entirely different approach to the situation than many. So here are my best tips and insights to help you shift your thinking on the situation.

  1. Your attitude is where your health and wellbeing begin and end, so these are your most important assets. Do what you need to in order to keep your immune system healthy – which means eating whole foods, getting enough sleep, and staying positive in mind and spirit.
  2. There are many who are going to dramatize this as the worst thing that has ever happened. Well, economically speaking it is among the worst, however, those who were willing to put their heads down and be resourceful figured out how to make a ton of money in times such as these.
  3. You have just been given the best gift ever, especially if you are a person who has been having to commute endless hours to get to your job. You now have the free time to do those things that you have claimed you never had time for, so what are you doing complaining, go get to them!
  4. You have time to spend with your family, so find the things they enjoy doing and do them with them be it playing cards, chess or some other board game, cooking or baking, or maybe playing a game in your backyard together. This is your opportunity to ‘bond’ with your kids so take advantage of it.
  5. You know how you make so many excuses as to why you are unable to connect with those that you say you love and care about – well, you have plenty of time to make that call with all the apps available long-distance calls across the globe cost $0.00. Or you could write a heartfelt email. Or, perhaps you like texting – however, if you text, use real words and take the time to say what you mean so that the receiver understands what you are saying. And, by all means, make sure you are sending the text to the correct person before sending. You will bring some light to another and feel great by doing so. 
  6. You have time to learn some new language, how to start your own online business, or anything that your mind can think of through the many free college courses and of course, there is Khan Academy. If you want more specialized knowledge, there are many online courses that one can pay for as well. You no longer have any excuses.
  7. You have been complaining of all the weight that you have gained for whatever the reason. Though you have closer access to that fridge of yours, you can either use it to eat garbage or to make real food for yourself. Of course, by making the best decisions for ourselves we will put ourselves into a much better emotional state.
  8. Stay away from the catastrophizers out there where everything is a catastrophe. You have more choice now than ever who you allow into your unconscious mind, so choose happy, uplifting people to listen to, learn from, and to be with.
  9. When you feel sick of hanging around your home, be grateful for that home you have to hang around in.
  10. Take the time to really do some inner personal development. This is what I am doing on top of the work for my master’s degree. It is actually much more important work for me now, because I am going to come out the other side of this situation better off than I went into it. That is, my friends called “mindset.” We all need to work on our mindsets every day. For me that includes my morning rituals of doing self-hypnosis or listening to a guided meditation, journaling with gratitude lists, a bit of online yoga, Pilates or resistance band exercises, eating a healthy brunch, and then onto the work of the day.

It is so important for us to take this sacred time to really look deep inside ourselves to find that which is most important. This is the ultimate gift – to have to slow down and be real. This instead of endlessly pursuing whatever we have been without much thought at all.

If you were unhappy for whatever reason before this coronavirus situation, this is your time to work on anything that needs to be worked on to help you find your happiness – and that is guided by listening to your inner self and then doing what it tells you is most important to you as your contribution to this world. No one says it is easy, however, it is meaningful and that is how to have a well-lived life. Physical things aren’t going to do it, meaningful things will.

Claim Your Excellent Life #302 Stop Your Excuses & Step Up To Your Life

Are you taking responsibility for your life or are you blaming other people for a lackluster life. The choice you make to that question has a huge impact on the quality of your life.
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Mental Distress Due to Type 2 Diabetes

type 2 diabetes photo

Photo by EpicTop10.com

Mental Distress Due to Type 2 Diabetes – Vol. 551 – May 21, 2020

I have a bit of a story to share with you on this particular subject.

About five years ago I received a call from my best friend from college. He was 52 at the time. This was the third time that I had ever heard him be in such distress in over 30 years of friendship. He told me that he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and that he was scared by that diagnosis. He reminded me of his older brother dying from a heart attack that was secondary to uncontrolled type 2 diabetes when he was only 50 years old. I also knew that his father had been dealing with type 2 diabetes for years as well. So, I personally was not surprised to hear this from him, given that he absolutely loved carbohydrates and especially sweet sugary things, most especially ice cream and gelato.

Diabetes can indeed cause mental distress because of the terrible health conditions that can come from it. People can become anxious and/or depressed. Depending on their blood sugars they can become irritable, some looking as if they are drunk, even though they are not. One of my past roommates blacked out while driving and had her car impounded costing her a few hundred dollars to retrieve.

However, the biggest distress people have over this diagnosis is the fact that conventional doctors are not able to treat them effectively. They may start on a low dose of metformin, then they are given a higher dose when that does not work. Next comes more pills and then finally insulin. And all the while the patients are getting sicker and sicker because blood glucose is not the problem, it is the symptom.

I have been studying this for a while, because my best friend from college, Richard, actually died on the operating table while he was on vacation with his girlfriend. They landed in Miami, headed for the beach and he had a seizure. Whisked off to the hospital to find he had all sorts of problems, including internal bleeding and a very weakened heart. They were trying to put a stent in his heart when he died on the table, age 57.

Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist has specialized in treating those with type 2 diabetes. He accepts the fact that blood sugars do need to be dealt with in those whose blood sugars are very high, but that is not the cause of the problem and has never been the problem. The real problem is insulin resistance. Insulin does not get rid of the sugar – it takes the sugar that is in your blood and pushes it into all your body parts – rotting your body parts.

So, one has to ask why someone who has a resistance to a substance is put on more of it? He likens it to giving a shaking alcoholic more alcohol to stop the shakes as the alcoholism gets worse.

So, how does one take care of this problem? Very simply by altering one’s diet and eating less food to allow the sugar in the body to be burned. What a concept? Treat the illness based on its cause. We know that this works because those who have had bariatric surgery have had their stomachs made smaller, were eating a lot less food and in a matter of weeks their sugar and insulin levels went down and they had reversed their diabetes. We have known that fasting has worked since 1918. All the major religions have periods of fasting in them – they knew that this was good for the body. And it is because it allows the body to get rid of dead and damaged cells, it allows the body to use the sugar and after that, it burns the fat. It also helps with increasing human growth hormone which decreases massively once a person is in their 30s. So, for all these reasons Dr. Fun uses intermittent diets to help type 2 diabetics to reverse their disease.

However, there is one problem with all of this great information and that is that most people find it very difficult to do this on their own. So, I am in the process of putting together an online live program to teach people how to go about doing this safely and with their doctor’s support. Using the ability of the unconscious mind to eat healthier foods, to increase that activity level, and to have a positive mindset, letting go of those things that perhaps have put you more at risk for developing the disease in the first place.

I know my best friend from college had spent decades dealing with his parents and their issues, and then he had years of dealing with his daughter and her poor choices. It is my belief that he really died of a broken heart. There is something to these sayings you know.

One of the best modern hypnotists of our day, Jerry Kien stated years ago after working with type 2 diabetics that they had built up resentments and sadness mostly toward the way they treated those they loved. I would say, that any program that is going to truly help people needs to take these issues into account and get them cleared. And the best way I know of doing that is through the use of hypnosis. I have helped people do this sort of thing through my Facebook lives when I couldn’t see them and yet, they still had great results.

So, if you are a person who has this issue, or if you know of someone who is dealing with this issue, do get in touch with me. The program is going to be starting in June and I look forward to helping those of you who find yourselves with this condition a holistic way to let it be in your past.

You can email me at suzanne@dawningvisions.com. We will set up a time for a consultation call to see if you are a good fit for the program. Because it is a beta program it is going to be done live so only 20 people will be in it. Being in beta, those who participate will be able to give their input and access the program at half its actual price once it is in its final state.

Type 2 diabetes can be quite destructive before one dies from the complications that it causes, however, that needn’t be the case, not at all. It’s your choice of course.

Photo by EpicTop10.com

Claim Your Excellent Life #301 – Staying Healthy & Engaged In Life at a More Advanced Age

If we are lucky, some of us will have the privilege of reaching an advanced age. However, growing older doesn’t have to mean becoming less engaged with life. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck share her thoughts on the subject.
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If hypnotism is so good in helping with behavioral issues and addiction why isn’t it use more often?

hypnotism mental illness photoIf hypnotism is so good in helping with behavioral issues and addiction why isn’t it use more often? Vol. 549 – May 14, 2020

The sad fact of the matter is that there is a lot of bullshit out there by the licensed practitioners that do not believe that lay practitioners have the ability to help people heal, therefore it is downplayed and even spoken of in negative terms. These same licensed practitioners, many who have never taken a course in it so have not a clue what it is and what it isn’t. Case in point:

Many years ago I had a client that was being over-medicated on 6 different medications while diagnosed with 6 different diagnoses, none of them applied in truth. However, that did not stop the person who was the licensed mental health practitioner from not only not taking her sweet time to check out the course of treatment that I was going to be doing with this client, she tried to scare his father from accessing it. When I spoke to his father I asked him one question, “Who has guardianship of your son right now?” He told me that he did. So, I firmly suggested that he use his own mind to make the best decision for his son who had spent so many days in the hospital that he wasn’t attending school through the program.

Well, his father came to me because of training that he took in his search for real help for his son. In that training he learned NLP and lead him to believe that Time Line Therapy (R) as developed by Tad James would certainly help his son to overcome the anger and sadness that his son was demonstrating – hell the kid never knew his biological father and his mother died when he was 6 months old. He thought that she abandoned him, and that is where all the anger came from that lead to many of the ill-thought-out diagnoses. However, that is not what happened in reality, she died of a deadly disease.

What I need to be clear about here is that we did a lot of very deep clearing work over a few days time to help this client to get his own life back. It took a couple of years for him to fully integrate everything, and now he is doing just fine, thank you very much. My point here is that we need to understand that one cannot say what is viable if one has no idea what one is speaking of.

The other thing that pisses me off about the whole licensed mental health professional thing is that many of them try to do hypnosis and have no idea what they are doing with it. This has been seen many times over my years in practice. It is an art and a science and needs the same respect given to learning it as any profession does. It is not a matter of a weekend course and then applying what one knows about psychological theory to it. It is much more nuanced than that.

I happen to have worked in the world of mental health before entering the world of hypnosis so I have a good understanding of how the mind operates, and that has certainly helped me to gain much better results with my clients than other hypnotists may be able. I would also have to say that clearing my own mental health and physical health issues with the use of hypnosis has helped me in understanding on a very deep level how to work with this modality as well.

I thank you for this question and believe it will help many others who are maybe thinking of using hypnosis to overcome their unconscious/subconscious beliefs to move forward in seeking out a hypnotist that can help them to do so. With the coronavirus, you can access anyone from around the world. I have been working from Haifa, Israel with clients back in the US without any issues. The only thing I would say is to check out that their websites and look for similar types of clients that they have helped via an in-depth testimonial from past clients. Because it is true that there are many people out there who really haven’t a clue what they are doing – but that is true in ALL professions, not just hypnotists (or hypnotherapists – a legal differentiation in some states and not in others.)

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