Eating Disorders Are On The Rise, May 23, 2024

Eating disorders are on the rise given all the stress that our young adults are dealing with especially post-COVID. So many of our youth are fearful of growing up because they do not see a world that is built to help them grow as inflation is through the roof, social agendas are confusing them even before they are old enough to care about such issues, and the government has demonstrated its incompetence.

We older folks realize that the world has gone through many challenges over the centuries. It is up to us to help the youth gain the ability to see beyond their fears and help them heal and grow up.

I offer services to help those with anorexia and bulimia to get past merely “managing symptoms” because this is no way to live. Certainly not for a lifetime, which is what the conventionally trained mental health providers maintain is the only possibility.

I offer services to help those with anorexia and bulimia to put their eating disorders in their past working one-on-one with them over the internet to keep them from the competitive nature that these patients have with one another to demonstrate that they can be the best at being ill.

The methods used allow the patient to get to the ‘foundational cause’ of the development of the eating disorder so they can let it go. The focus is not merely on letting go of the symptoms that are the eating disorder, but more importantly, to help the patient figure out their ‘compelling future,’ a future that is so compelling that there is finally a reason to get healthy. This is the lynchpin of the treatment, one that the conventional mental health programs never address and then we wonder why these programs have about a 5% success rate.

The other difference between my program and those of the conventional treatment approaches is understanding that these patients are full of ‘self-loathing,’ the phrase every single one of my anorexic and bulimic clients uses to describe how they feel about themselves.

So, the first thing that needs to be addressed is to help these patients understand that they didn’t come into the world loathing themselves. It was something they learned, so it is something they can unlearn while learning how to love and respect themselves, which becomes the foundation of their being able to care enough about themselves to make the changes necessary in thoughts and behaviors to move on in life. These changes need to move from the self-harming thoughts and behaviors to the life-giving thoughts and behaviors. However, one will never get their patient to make these changes using the prefrontal cortex of their patient’s brain where reasoning, rationalization, and judgment are made keeping the patient stuck where they are.

One needs to approach these changes in the patient’s amygdala where the emotions reside and in the hippocampus where the memories are stored. Hypnotic techniques are the way to get the job done. But you need someone who understands psychology and physiology well enough to apply these techniques correctly to bring out the best in the client without harming them from a lack of knowledge.

I have 30 years of experience working with mentally ill patients having come to hypnotism from the world of conventional mental health learning how to best help these patients from an interactive point of view yet realized that much of the treatment went contrary to what these patients require:

They do not need to be medicated in most cases.

They do not need to be in in-patient or out-patient treatment programs where what they eat or don’t eat is the primary approach.

Where they are often placed in 12 Step programs which only solidify the idea that these patients will always have these problems and worse put in 12 step programs for issues they do not have.

Where they are rarely helped to figure out their self-identity.

Where many of their rights are away for the sake of their protection. These patients need their autonomy to be built up, not taken away from them to grow and heal.

If you know anyone who is fighting these issues and is at a healthy weight and ready to heal, please connect with me because there is no reason for these patients to feel hopeless that they will always have to live like this. I have 20 years of clients who have overcome these issues so it is indeed possible. You just need someone who knows how to help the patient navigate through the healing process to get them healed and onto living a contented and fulfilled life. Because these patients are some of the most creative people out there we need them to be productive adding to our communities with their great gifts.

Resource for how Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Fail Patients:

Vinchenzo, C., Lawrence, V., McCombie, C. (2022). Patient perspectives on premature termina-

tion of eating disorder treatment: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Journal of

Eating Disorders, 10 (1), 1-14. 14p. Patient perspectives on premature termination of eating disorder treatment: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis – Journal of Eating Disorders


How Have I Used Neuro-Linguistic Programming Myself? May 16, 2024

How Have I Used Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in My Own Life?

NLP changed my life by helping me to heal from bipolar 2 – no medications required.

NLP helped me turn what was a horrible case of bronchial asthma into a warning that I need to get toxic people out of my life or to stop overworking and get some sleep. That is the only 2 ways that asthma has occurred since 2004 – it used to be triggered by almost anything.

Visualization with hypnosis helped me disappear a 2.2 cm meningioma tumor on the covering of my brain.

NLP helped me to help hundreds of clients get rid of their traumas, anxiety, and limiting beliefs.

It is a wonderful thing to learn and know how to use it. However, one needs to learn in person from someone who truly knows how to do it or you will learn how to do it wrong and will not get the results one could if one had taken the time and money to learn it correctly. I would never, ever try to learn hypnotic skills online -it was only through hands-on training and lots and lots of practice that I got any good at it at all.



What are Some Simple Self-Care Activities Anyone Can Do? May 9, 2024

I believe that keeping this simple is the best way to go.

First, we need to be aware of our environments both at home and at work. You want to be surrounded by people who believe in you and support you in what you are doing with your life. To many people stay in toxic places because they do not believe they can get out of them. I am telling you that I left every toxic workplace and every toxic roommate situation I found myself in my entire life. No, it is not always easy, but it is necessary.

Second, I have found that morning rituals are very important. For me, being a hypnotist, I like to do self-hypnosis to relax and future pace myself to what I want to bring into my life next. Meditation is also a great way to go because it will even out one’s emotions, making it so easy to deal with even the most aggravating of people. I know because I found this to be true while I was meditating daily as a requirement for a workshop I took for one of my Master’s degrees for being able to negotiate well. The workshop was on negotiation, facilitation, and mediation.

Third, I have found having a journal – one that I write in with my terrible handwriting has been a fabulous way to empty my thoughts and bring in great ideas of what I want to do with my life, places I want to go, and how I can bring these things into my life. It has worked every time, though sometimes it takes a while for things to show up. Writing consistently shows the way.

How Can Someone Who Is Emotionally Numb Due To Trauma Regain Their Emotions, Vol. 671, April 25, 2024

A person on Quora asked this question. This is how I answered it:

Thank you for this question. I am answering this from the perspective of being a hypnotist who has helped many clients over 20+ to overcome trauma. Some of these clients had become emotionally numb due to trauma and they have indeed been able to regain their emotions through the healing process. There are many techniques that I use in my practice to help my clients heal their trauma including desensitizing the negative emotional events, doing inner child work, and forgiveness, and appreciation work.

The interesting thing is that once my clients regain their emotions they get upset with me because they do not know how to deal with normal human emotions. So that is the next piece of work that needs to be dealt with so the client can constructively deal with their emotions.

Thank you again for this question because it is an important part of some trauma-harmed clients’ lives and deserves to be better understood.

How Can You Tell If Someone Has Experienced Emotional Trauma? Vol. 670 – April 18, 2024

A person on Quora asked this question. This is how I answered it: 

This is an interesting question.

Trauma can show itself in various ways. Here are some of them:

1) The person is triggered by things that others say hitting too close to what occurred or who may have caused their trauma. The person may get very angry with you yelling or throwing things depending on how emotionally traumatized they are.

2) The person tells you what you can and cannot say and do around them wanting you to walk on eggshells around them.

3) They make you wrong for having your opinions.

4) If you dare do anything that the person feels is harmful to them they will let you know in no uncertain terms.

5) They may isolate themself to not have to deal with others.

6) They may not get much sleep or sleep too much.

7) They may eat much more than they need.

8) They may develop mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and other emotionally based problems.

9) They may manipulate you to do those things they want you to do but that they do not want to do themselves, especially around household chores or maybe even holding a job.

10) They make excuses for their behavior.

There are many more but these are the ones that come to my mind.

When one is around another who has experienced trauma it is important to do what you can to be sensitive to it without feeling like you are walking on eggs around the person. If it feels like you have to walk on eggs around the person to keep the person from demonstrating negative behavior, it is time to do what you can to limit your time around them. You are not a therapist most likely so it is not your job to make sure that you do not do anything to trigger them.

Thank you for the question. 


How Do You Improve Your Life While Feeling Overwhelmed or Depressed? Vol. 669, April 11, 2024

I receive many requests from people on Quora regarding how to improve their lives be it feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or feeling unmotivated to do those things that they need to do. One of the most important aspects of our lives is that of our environments including where we live and where we work.

If we are surrounded by people who are angry, sad, or manipulative it makes our lives much more difficult than they need be. This is because it is easier to be dragged down by others than to lift them. If you are in unhappy relationships it is up to you to figure out if the relationship can be worked on and improved or if it is toxic and needs to be discontinued. This is easy to figure out because you will feel heavier while experiencing a negative emotion as a result of the time you are spending with them.

I have my clients make a list of the people in their lives. They fall into a few categories:

  1. Family: these are the people that you know have your back regardless and whom you know you will have their back. These are not necessarily your family because not all families are created in this unconditionally loving manner. For many, it is their family is their best friends. These are the people with whom you feel unconditional love and they feel unconditional love for you.
  2. Friends: These are people with whom you enjoy being with shared interests and values. You will do your best to be there for them and they are most often able to be counted on to help you when you need it.
  3. Acquaintances: These are people that you know through a shared activity/hobby or people with whom you work. You get along with them but on a superficial level.
  4. Leaches: These are the people who glom onto you sucking your energy and time with their problems. Sometimes these people let you know that unless you behave in a certain manner you will “trigger” them. These are people that you are best to let go of.

One of the things that I realized working in corporate America and law firms decades ago was the lack of respect I received from my bosses and the nepotism that permeated these places. I chose to leave these environments figuring out a way for me to be self-employed to never have to deal with these negative attitudes again gaining authority over my life. It has not been the easiest route, but it has helped my emotional and physical health never having to deal with these problems again. I also found a way to work from home so the stress of commuting was gone.

I invite you to figure out what is not working in the psychodynamics between yourself and those in your life and take the necessary steps to correct it.

I can tell you that leaving the US in October of 2019 has been a Godsend, traveling the world and meeting happy and loving people even when I found myself in compromised situations such as spraining my ankle in San Jose, Mexico. I got better care from the workers in the $10/night hotel I was staying at, at the time than some of the hospital visits I had in the US.

I can also tell you that it does my heart good to be living in a Villa here in Golem, Albania the Ionian Sea a 3-minute walk with the nicest family owning it. They bring me lots of hugs and smiles and great food letting me know that they love and care for me every time we interact. Understand that we do not speak each other’s language so most of it is done through Google Translate which can come up with some funny interpretations so we have to try again using different words.

Think creatively based on your values and interests to create a life that works best for you leaving behind those who cannot interact with you in a loving and caring manner. There is a whole world out there to be explored with fabulous people if you would only get out there and learn that for yourself.


Why Do People Believe They Have A Mental Illness Even if They Do Not? Vol. 668, April 4, 2024

A person on Quora asked this question , and this is how I answered it:

This is an interesting question.

Many people on Quora believe they have some mental illness. Yet, they have never been diagnosed by a licensed person. They go online take some so-called test and come up with the diagnosis themselves. Worse, they will falsely believe because they may have some of the symptoms without having debilitating symptoms that they have the diagnosis.

Why do people do this?

Because these people are looking for answers to why their lives may not be how they thought they would be. In many instances, the diagnosis is used as a way to get out of doing things they do not want to do because their ADD or depression makes it too hard for them. Some do it for sympathy because they cannot gain the attention they desire positively.

Sadly, people do this to themselves because those who have these problems would do anything so they do not have to live with them because they can be very destructive to living a contented and productive life. I know because I have worked with thousands of psych patients and hypnosis clients over the past 30 years who have found this to be true.

If someone feels they are dealing with the symptoms of a mental illness, they should be seen by a licensed professional to be diagnosed so they can at least know if they have the problem or not and go from there. Because people who self-diagnose get it wrong and with it cause themselves more harm in the end.

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