It is a rather sad day when a 27 year old talent such as Amy Winehouse is reported dead in her home. Reportedly she stated that she was diagnosed as a manic depressive, reported in the AP on July 23, 2011. She was unwilling to receive treatment for her illness, instead seemingly relying on smoking cocaine and drinking alcohol to handle her mood swings. This is the story for some 85% of manic depressives according to Kay Redfield Jamison, PH.D. author of many books on mood disorders including her own autobiography “Unquiet Mind” relating her own battle with manic depression decades ago. One thing that needs to be understood about both mental illness and addictions is that no one can be helped who doesn’t want the help. Given that mood disorders run in my own family I know first hand how this works. I myself sought treatment when my life was out of control and was filled with thoughts of suicidal ideation back in December of 1989. There was never a thought of following through on doing myself in, however, the idea of being free of all the darkness that was hanging over seemed a better place to be. I was one of the lucky ones, willing, wanting and able to get free of this illness, without ever deciding to enter the world of drugs as a method to handle my own mood swings. Luckily for me the thought just never occurred to me. With all the millions of dollars earned, showing up drunk to concerts, married and divorced from another addict who was in court as she for slugging people when fame brought on fans wanting to be closer than desired, and paparazzi looking for photos, it is apparent the excess brought on more troubles than it alleviated. Winehouse had stated that she never wanted the fame thinking of herself simply as a musician. Winehouse reportedly stated that she was fighting eating disorders as well, not an uncommon thing for the eating disordered to have issues of drug addiction. This happens more than many would care to know. When one thinks about it both illnesses are really a matter of obsessive thoughts leading to a compulsive behavior, unable to stop. In my practice about 50% of my eating disordered clients have had substance abuse issues as well. How sad that Winehouse’s parents reportedly knew that her life was to be over in the “not too distant future”, her father having already written his daughter’s eulogy before she even died. This was not a great surprise when one understands her complicating respiratory health issues. She was fighting early stage emphysema according to her father, Mitch Winehouse reporting that her lungs were operating at 70% capacity with an irregular heartbeat due to chain smoking and the smoking of crack cocaine. Without stopping her smoking of crack cocaine and cigarettes her doctors had told her that she would have to wear an oxygen mask and would most certainly die. So there is a very good reason for an autopsy to be done here because there are a myriad of possible causes to this talented yet, ill woman’s death. One thing is for sure though. If she had been willing to get treatment for the underlying issue here, that of her manic depression, Amy Winehouse may still be around today singing at her concerts and enthusing her fans with the great talent that was her. If you are having any of these issues, it is best to get them under control before your life is taken. Hypnosis can help to bring these behaviors under control. Just make sure that your practitioner has experience dealing with them because, as we found in Ms. Winehouse’s case, these are very serious conditions to be sure.
May 18 2012
Distracted Driving: Beyond Texting and Driving – Vol. 149, May 18, 2012
Donna M. Novi
My Godchild Zach, who just turned 17 got his drivers license recently and I cringe every time I think of him driving. He is a very responsible young person and a total athlete, jock as they say. I know because I asked and he told me he would never drink or do any drugs to begin with, much less drive after doing so. I had to ask. I believe him, he has given me no reason not to.
Neurological researchers around the country, spearheaded by Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health, have in recent years found that the brain is not fully developed until after age 18. The brain system that regulates logic and reasoning develops before the area that regulates impulse and emotions, the researchers say.
So even though I feel Zach is an extremely responsible young adult, more than most adults I know, I still cringe at the thought of my loved one on the road.
Another concern to me is that most people, from the young to the old have lost all respect for one another especially on the road. They certainly forget the rules of the road while driving it. They pass in the right lane, travel in the left lanes on highways. Speed limits are out the window for many. And especially in Massachusetts, there is no such thing as merging, yielding lacking any basic driver courtesy.
We could blame it all on the young people, since I am in that age where I am considered an experienced driver now, far past 18 years of age. However, I see everyone from the young to the old demonstrating total disregard for the rules of the road, demonstrating a total disregard for human life.
With all the sleeping pills out there and the world’s seemingly hectic life style, it is scary to think that people actually get behind the wheel the morning after. Because in fact that is truly what it is-the “morning after” you have ingested a mind altering drug.
The half-life of Ambien is about 2 hours. Most drugs are cleared from the body within 5 or 6 half-lives. Therefore, if one took the Ambien on Friday night, it should be out of his system within 10 to 12 hours, before the next afternoon. This is only an estimate. Each individual person will metabolize drugs differently depending on things such as weight, liver function, kidney function, and other factors.
I don’t know many individuals these days that get 10-12 hours of sleep, especially on a weekend. Antihistamines are another problem as many people take them, and then drive thinking nothing of it.
Half-life of some common ingredients in Antihistamines:
- Acrivastine – 1.5 to 3.5 hours.
- Brompheniramine – 2.5 hours.
- Cetirizine – Mean elimination half-life is 7.9 hours
- Chlorpheniramine – 21 to 27 hours.
- Diphenhydramine – 1 to 4 hours.
- Loratadine – 3 to 20 hours (mean, 8.4 hours)
- Triprolidine – 3 to 3.3 hours.
- Sympathomimetic amines:
- Phenylephrine – 2.1 to 3.4 hours.
- Pseudoephedrine – 4.5 to 8 hours.
Half life is defined as the time it takes for HALF of the chemical to clear your body. So if you multiply the half life by 5 or 6 all of the drug should be cleared from your body. Understand that some of these drugs take over 20 hours to totally clear one’s body. Yet we don’t think twice about getting behind the wheel.
Even though it feels like one is fine to drive, some people who are clearly intoxicated feel as if they too can drive safely, as you are trying desperately to wrestle the keys away from that person. We have to understand that sometimes our brains just don’t react the normally on some medications given their influence on our nervous systems including our lack reflexes. With this being the case more care needs to be given to what we are doing before we get in our vehicles to drive.
Perhaps “they” just don’t realize the potential they have when “they” get behind a wheel to harm or even kill. I put “they” in quotes meaning of course not me. Now I understand how easy it is to think that if I were to be excluded in this situation I would be saying that I am super human, which I am not. I too am sad to report am guilty of tailgating too close to the car in front of me, talking on the cell phone while driving and other infractions that could contribute to or cause a fatality.
There is just way too much stimulation in vehicles today. Even TV’s, although in the back seat, one can still hear the Celtic’s play offs or the evening news if the kids are watching it. A huge distraction to any fan of theirs.
The GPS is a great device, however can be a distraction as well just as the chap stick that you drop and try to pick up while you continue to drive, keeping your eyes on the road at all times of course.
It was a great idea to put the radio controls on the steering wheels. I know this for sure as I was rear ended once while sitting at a red light. The young man having looked down to change the station did not look up in time. At least I was in my car, and not crossing the street.
Every time we get in the car, we have the potential to kill or be killed. Pretty scary stuff. Whether intentional or not, the potential is there.
Every time we pick up a gun the potential is there if it is loaded to kill, just like every time we get behind the wheel of a car-if it is “loaded” with gas, we have the potential to kill.
It doesn’t even have to be road rage, it can be simple as missing that exit daydreaming and then trying to compensate for time by speeding up.
I saw a cartoon in the paper today, a guy driving a car and the caption read “Let me call you back. I’m trying to eat, shave and reprogram my GPS.”
Are we really all that busy? Is it really a cartoon or is it reality?
If you are finding yourself feeling overwhelmed or lacking in sleep a good hypnotist can help you to get to the cause of the issue and relieve you of the need to take medications for these symptoms if all physiological causes have been ruled out by a competent doctor.
May 10 2012
Could Hypnosis Have Helped Charlie Sheen? -Vol. 105 – June 9, 2011
By Donna Novi
“…It happened to Matthew Bomer one day at the airport.”
“I noticed myself at the ticket booth in Houston trying to charm myself into a first-class seat with the girls at the ticket counter,” says the actor, who plays smooth-talking forger Neal Caffrey on USA Network’s “White Collar.” “When you spend 12 to 15 hours a day on a role, a strange symbiosis happens where you influence the character and the character influences your life.”
“A thin line between player and role – Longtime characters can start looking awfully familiar to the actors who play them”
Lauren Beale of the “Los Angeles Times” asks was it Charlie’s show “Two and a Half Men” that caused his demise or was it Charlie himself? One can blame ones environment for ones losses or not. Regardless of what it was or is, Charlie Sheen definitely has some important issues he needs to deal with and confront.
Not dealing with these issues has indeed been detrimental to say the least to not only his career but his health and his overall life. One’s career does seem to overspill into ones life. The two are at times hard to keep apart, no matter how much one tries. Having a bad day at work makes it hard for most to have a good evening at home. Having a bad evening at home often makes it hard to have a good day at work as well.
Some are indeed better at this than others, but if you are like me, one who has to really practice at letting go of the negative, which seems sometimes to be every where I look these days, it does indeed take practice. It is almost impossible if ones suffers from a mental or emotional illness such I suspect, along with many other people, that Charlie’s Sheen does. Some have gone so far as to say Charlie suffers from Bipolar disorder. Others say he has a problem with substance abuse. Both of these characteristics he portrayed on his hit TV show, which was a comedy and very funny as I have watched numerous reruns. Although it may seem funny for some of us looking from the outside in, having to actually live a life such has Charlie portrayed on TV and now in reality is two different things. On TV there is non-reality and one can laugh and joke about it. In real life where one is dealing with reality one is forced to confront the things that are spiraling out of control and no longer appear funny. Or one can ignore these things and spirals so deep in a hole that they loose it all: your kids, your home, your money and even your life.
Distinguishing from the real and the not so real can be hard for some. For most it is called denial. Addicts are very good at this, maybe the drugs help them in this area. But, pretending it isn’t easy and only works for so long as we all have finite life’s that can only handle finite “stuff”. Our livers can only handle finite drugs passing through them filtering out the toxic stuff, as our minds can only handle so much interference with its natural state as well.
One can only deal with toxic waste for so long till one eventually looses it all, maybe little by little, or all at once. Eventually it gets taken away. All the good things we have built up over the years, if we are not careful how we manage things, in the blink of an eye it can be taken away from us. This includes not only monetary items, more importantly our health as well. Our health, which more often than not can’t be fixed or replaced should we stray too far not paying attention to our minds and our bodies in getting the help we need to get ourselves whole and well.
Charlie’s own father Martin Sheen told People Magazine in March 3, 2011 that he thought of his son as “emotionally crippled” and in February 23, 2010 Charlie entered a rehab for alcohol and cocaine addiction.
Charlie said he was going in for a “tune-up”.If one thinks of entering a rehab in terms of a tune-up, just like an old car, sooner or later that car is going to need new parts, and eventually those parts become unavailable and obsolete and death occurs.
The term rehab, or rehabilitation is a verb and according to wikepedia it means”
To restore (someone) to their former state, reputation, possessions, status etc.
To vindicate; to restore the reputation or image of (a person, concept etc.).
To return (something) to its original condition.
To restore or repair (a vehicle, building); to make habitable or usable again.
To restore to (a criminal etc.) the necessary training and education to allow for a successful reintegration into society; to retrain
To return (someone) to good health after illness, addiction etc.
To go through such a process; to recover.
It is similar to the term in recovery. Many people look at these two terms as ongoing processes. After all they are verbs. They check in and out of rehab and recovery as often as some people change the oil in their cars.Their cars however don’t have to last a lifetime. Until they get to the point that Charlie Sheen has, where it has affected his mental health and emotional well-being. It is possible Charlie has been bipolar all along and it has just come to surface it’s ugly head due to his addiction behaviors. Who knows what those drugs such as cocaine and other legal and illegal substances can do to one’s brain. Every human’s make up and brain wiring is as different as the DNA we carry. None of us are identical however we are enough alike to the point of where damages will occur. It is just how much damage and in what fashion that damage appears.
Some people can smoke cigarettes their whole lives and never develop lung cancer, where others are not so lucky. Some people develop bipolar disorder for what ever reason, and others do not. The key to living a long, happy and productive life is recognizing, accepting the facts and then dealing the right way with what one has been dealt with. Checking in and out of recovery and rehabs doesn’t correct things. It only prolongs the inevitable. As I pointed out in a quote at the beginning of this newslettter-you spend 12-15 hours in a TV role, or you hang around addicts for that long every day-you tend to become one. If you find yourself in that unfortunate situation, you need to remove yourself from the toxic environment and then find the appropriate help, unless you enjoy your situation. Similarly if you find your behavior is not appropriate and find yourself unhappy in your life, you need to take action. This includes mental health. For mental health will ultimately affect ones physical health.
Back in1972 B.J.Harman, J.D., Th.D., Ph.D., Director of Advisement, Whittier College in Whittier California wrote an article called “The Use of Hypnosis in the Treatment of Drug Addiction.” In his research found that with the use of hypnosis addictions could be stopped.
Harman sites W. J. Bryon, Jr.’s article “Hypnosis and Drug Addiction” in the Journal of American Institute of Hypnosis Vol. 8, 1967 that results in stopping addictions to hard core opiates (morphine, heroin, pantapon, etc.) have been poor. However, good results were had provided the five following things are present: 1) the patient himself must be motivated enough to have any lasting benefit: 2) the patient must be under constant supervision; 3) the drug supply must be permanently shut off from the patient: 4) extensive hypnoanalysis must be done to uncover every significant neurosis and direct suggestion must be given to for the patient for new ways to replace the use of opiates; and 5) this is the most important, the patient must be seen a minimum of one or two hours daily until a complete cure is effected with hypnotic suggestion continuing until one is positively assured that recurrence is unlikely.
A.M. Ludwig and J. A. Levine in their article “A controlled Comparison of Five Brief Treatment Techniques Employing LSD, Hypnosis and Psychotherapy” reported in the American Journal of Psychotherapy Vol. 19, 1965 in working with 70 drug addicts that when hypnotherapy was evaluated two weeks and two months after treatment programs employing hypnosis the success rates have consistently been between 60% and 70%. Without the use of hypnosis the rate of success dwindles down to 2%.
In a paper submitted by A. L. Ackerman to the California State psychological Association Convention, Coronado, California, January, 1971 called “TheT-Group Approach: Applications to a Neurotic Addict Population” it was found in 36 hour weekend encounter marathons, with female addicts given ego-strengthening suggestions based on J. Hartland’s work in the Book “Medical and Dental Hypnosis” while allowing them to feel pleasurable emotions that difficulties with addicts association with the criminal elements in order to procure drugs were largely eliminated.
All these studies go back decades. Dr. Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Addictions has completed many studies showing how the neurotransmitters in any addictive behavior works in the same manner. What one needs to do to help the addict heal is to give a way for them to experience the pleasure they are seeking in a manner that is consistent with health and well being. She has stated that hypnosis is a viable option, better than putting addicts on drugs that take away the “highs” while allowing the addict to function simply because of the side effects that these alternative drugs have, most especially that they too are difficult to stop.
Dr. Richard Gray in his research and work in the Brooklyn Program noted that one need not even use the word addiction in attaining the 30% success rate he did in a prison population court forced to go through his program. He too used pleasant states of being such as feeling confident, peaceful, happy, and capable that were anchored in using a simple technique from neuro-linguistic programming. He also integrated in the idea of his patients needing a compelling future where they were doing fulfilling things with their lives that made a difference to the larger world.
There is much more research pointing to the efficacy of hypnotism in the clearing of addictions.
Checking in and out of hospitals, rehabs and recovery programs only prolongs the situation. If you want to resolve and clear the situation an alternative method is hypnosis. You can see for yourself that It has been proven to clear the unwanted behaviors provided the person does what it takes to do so, or you can continue as Charlie Sheen and countless others until you loose it all, and ultimately your life.
Apr 14 2012
How to Help Someone with Depression When the Cause is Physical – Vol. 144, April 12, 2012
Back in May 2010, Donna N wrote an important weblog for Dawning Visions Hypnosis, “Are You Truly Depressed? Maybe it is Something Else Entirely” in which she listed eighteen ways that one could have the syndrome of depression with fourteen of them contributed by diet alone. These would include deficiencies in one or more of the following: Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B, Vitamin E and Vitamin K, calcium, copper, Iron magnesium, biotin, hypoglycemia which is low sugar combined with high cortisol levels, anemia which is caused by too little iron in the blood, food allergies which can cause inflammation of the gut, and excess caffeine.
In that article she missed that parasites could also create something now known as “leaky gut” which can cause all sorts of emotional looking issues such as anxiety, irritability, lack of sleep due to aches and pains mostly all due to malabsorption of nutrients from the food eaten.
It has become evident to me over the past few years that more of my clients are dealing with this sort of issue, versus just that of emotionally charged issues from their past histories.
In Donna’s case she had cleared her emotionally based depression with me back during the summer of 2008 never requiring antidepressants again this no longer being her issue. What was her issue was lack of energy, fuzzy mind, flu like aches and pains and feeling sleepy most of the day. She went forward to find out what was causing all these symptoms. During the past few months she has been seeing a “functional doctor”, a chiropractor who is well versed in nutritionally based medicine. He found that she had an infection of H. Pylori whjch can cause fatigue, depression and weight gain among many other symptoms. He also found that she had reactive hypoglycemia which means that she is really pre-diabetic with low blood sugars her body unable to use the insulin that it produces along with higher cortizol levels with an over active adrenal gland. This too can depress the body into fatigue and sleepiness.
On top of these two issues there seems to be a food allergy to eggs, a staple of her regular Saturday morning breakfasts which she has now had to give up. There are other food allergens that she needs to get tested for because she is still even two months into the process still feeling physically sick to her stomach, dealing with lack of energy and suffering from aches in her legs. These allergies are causing some form of inflammation which can cause these symptoms.
One other very important piece of information here for all of you who may be prescribed antidepressants. Donna didn’t have any of these difficulties to the degree that she has experienced them since she was first placed on 40 mg of Prozac for a “checking behavior” that got out of control. She was talked into the idea by her well meaning yet misguided ex-primary care doctor to help her through a difficult time. It was to be a very short term solution for the problem. However, the end result was Donna becoming very ill as she missed one dose of Prozac it having made her feel very ill seven hours after missing the dose and then five hours later, iexperiencing the DT’s, this being known as Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome. It was during the 3 ½ weeks that she was getting the Prozac out of her system that she experienced multiple physical and emotional symptoms some of which she believes are still with her. She certainly did not seem to have a problem eating and enjoying eggs, nuts, seeds, tea or coffee and yet she is now told that these substances are things that her body cannot tolerate. The hope is that once she heals her leaky gut, she will find that she is no longer allergic to these foods and will have the normal energy and contented disposition of someone who is healthy. However, until the rest of the story is written we will have to wait to find out what is creating all these symptoms that are taking the life out of a person who would like nothing more than to be able to go out and enjoy the nice weather doing things she enjoys with those she enjoys being with.
You need to understand that the body is a very complex mechanism and as such needs to be treated as such. When I do my free telephone consultations with prospective clients it is to “rule out” the physical reasons why one may be feeling emotionally upset. Only after that is done do I suggest that the person come in for a meeting to find out what may be the cause of the problem that prompted the call to me. That being said, the mind is the ruler of the person, especially the unconscious mind. However, one does need to be astutely aware that though the mind can be reframed to assist with many of the issues a client may have, there are many instances when the problem has more to do with some sort of physical distress where a medical intervention may be required even when the problem SEEMS to be emotional.
If you are feeling you are dealing with an emotional issue, I would suggest that you first look at physiological reasons that may be affecting you in this way. Once you are clear that the issue is based on some sort of emotional event that you have come through, then is the time to go for some emotional assistance with a competent hypnotist who realizes the complexity of the human condition respecting all levels of your being. Some times it is helpful to have the hypnotist work in concert with the medical professional to assist you in feeling better.
*The Dawning Visions Hypnosis Store is ready for your business. There are all sorts of books and MP3s for you to check out there, including the best hypnosis and NLP books for a lay person to understand.
Also, go over to the Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. Facebook page and “like” the page if you find this information to be helpful to you. That would be much appreciated.
Feb 09 2012
Are You A Woman Who Suffers From Sex Addiction? There is Help – Vol. 138, Feb. 9, 2012
It is believed that between 3% to 6% of the population is afflicted with sex addiction which renown sex addiction researcher Dr. Patrick Carnes defines as intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges and behaviors that is uncontrollable regardless of the ramifications of the behavior.
Women are less likely to seek help with this problem given the overwhelming shame they feel made worse by the negative connotations of words applied to such behavior like “slut” and “promiscuity” when applied to a female.
It so happens that women fantasize about being sexual in public, picking up a stranger with whom to have anonymous encounters, as well as spending many hours on the internet looking at pornography similar to their male counterparts. Some women spend hours online in chat rooms interacting with men while some women have many affairs while still others engage in exhibitionism and dangerous sexual practices.
All addictions are formed in the brain where the neurotransmitter dopamine is released into action bringing with it the great feelings of pleasure. Because of this biology, the addiction brings cravings for the rewarding experiences without regard to any negative consequences involved in the behavior. This is based on research that was done on addictions at the National Institute of Health Drug Addictions (NIDA) reported by it’s director Nora Volkow.
There are many possible reasons why there is an increase in sexual addiction in women including the ease of interacting on the internet, women feeling more free to do as they chose in society earning their own way in life, and of course there is the whole issue of being sexually violated at some point in their lives. The U.S. Bureau of Justice statistics from 2009 revealed that in 2008 females age 12 or older experienced an estimated 182,000 rapes or sexual assaults, while males experienced 40,000 rapes or sexual assaults.
To know if you have this problem you only need to ask yourself if your behavior is making you ashamed of yourself? Is your sex seeking behavior sucking so many hours of your day that it is intruding on the normal healthy activities of living? Are you spending more money than you can afford seeking to act on your urges? Lastly, are you living what you would call a “double life” as you work to avoid anyone in your life finding out about these sexual activities?
It is only when one gets real with themselves that it is possible to deal with the problem. The good news is that it is most definitely treatable to the point where you can indeed be sex addiction free should you go for help. I have helped many sex addicts as well as women who wanted to exit the sex trade becoming free of all of the thoughts and behaviors involved in sex addiction using a fairly straight forward program which released them from this problem in a matter of a month or less of out patient treatment.
Hypnosis and NLP are the way to go because with this treatment you are able to most easily access the part of your mind that creates the urges and behaviors that got you into this situation. The hypnotic state is an altered state by definition so any negative emotions or forgiveness work that would need to be done would be less emotionally trying in that state. Interestingly enough one is in a hypnotic state as one is surfing the internet or cruising for sexual partners according to Dr. Carnes’s research. All I do is use that same hypnotic state to help you to let go of the problem permanently.
If you choose to seek work with a hypnotist or NLP practitioner regarding this issue, please make sure they are able to prove to you that they have had success in freeing others from this addiction.