Forgiveness, Don’t Leave Home Without It

Asking For Forgiveness

Asking For Forgiveness (Photo credit: hang_in_there)

Vol. 83 December 2009- Forgiveness, Don’t Leave Home Without It

For most of us, health will not depend on who we are, but on how we live.  The body you have at 20 depends on your genes, but the body you have at 40, 60 or 80 is the body  you deserve; that reflects your behavior. (Readers Digest, 1996)

Fact is even though our body is constantly evolving our body’s cells remember everything.  Any illness we get unless we are born with it, is a result of our feelings. Louise L Hay, Catherine Ponder and Caroline Myss amongst others have written books on this.

Deepak Chopra tells us that there is a hidden intelligence that is at work in our bodies that scientists have not been able to tap into yet, but they are finding more  proof this is true.  He states that if that intelligence can cause our bodies to become diseased, then that intelligence can also reverse that. Continue reading

Musings on the fraudulent misrepresentation of GlaxoSmithKline


GlaxoSmithKline (Photo credit: Ian Wilson)

Vol.158 July, 20, 2012

David Ingram of Reuters in his article of July 3, 2012 has given us a reality check of the total disregard not only for the financial abuses of GSK, worse the lies that were told to sell their drugs to the unknowing public.

For example I have heard for many years about the kickbacks that doctors receive for pushing the drugs the pharmaceutical companies make. In Ingram’s article he mentions that it was found that the kickbacks were in the form of expensive spa treatments and meals that pharmaceutical companies pay to doctors, though I did not want to believe this to be true. This is among the many ways that GlaxosmithKline used to get doctors to prescribe their drugs.

We have spoken many times about the over prescribing of antidepressants in this blog, most especially upon realizing that they are no better than placebos in most cases. Paxil for example has only been approved for those over 18 and yet GSK seemed just fine having doctors prescribe it to those under 18. GSK also pushed Wellbutrin, another antidepressant for treatments it was never approved for such as: weight loss and treatment of sexual dysfunction.

Avandia, GSK’s drug for diabetes was released to be prescribed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration because the agency never received the full safety data on the drug.

The only thing that makes my stomach turn more is realizing that GSK has the $1 billion for criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines in its cash reserve. This is disgusting, to know that this company has made so much of a profit on their deceitful policies that paying $3 billion in this settlement will be of no real consequence to them. The money is going back to federal and state governments for being over billed for these drugs and for the years 1994 to 2003. The whistle blower will also get a substantial part of the settlement, about $96 million dollars. Worse, the people who have been adversely affected by this policies, the consumers will be getting nothing back in return.

It is well known at this point that black box labels have been placed on many of the antidepressants most especially the SSRIs because of the suicidal thoughts and violent behaviors those under 18 years of age have suffered.

One has to ask how it is that doctors are supposed to prescribe medicine for their patients when they are unable to rely on any of the data that they are basing their decision on. It leaves the population at risk because it is evident there is no way to be able to trust the pharmaceutical companies.

If you took care of your emotional issues and your eating habits through the use of hypnosis, this whole article would be of no concern to you.

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“Wake Up Doc”: I Think I Will Label Myself Happy Today – Vol. 157, July 14 , 2012

Article written by Donna M. Novi

I had the misfortune of having to go to the emergency room for treatment over the Christmas Holiday.

I had been to my primary care doctor about 2 months prior for another condition and due to the wonderful world of computers the ER doctors were able to look up my records and discover the nature of my visit without even talking to me. Amazing. Hopefully there is no other person with my name.

I had seen my primary care for OCD which is actually believed to be anxiety based.There are other theories that it could have been caused by strep throat when one was a child. No one really knows or understands exactly what causes OCD nor is there any real treatment to cure it. Most diseases of the brain are little understood. Having tried old fashion cognitive therapy, and Prozac in the past I can honestly say that neither worked for me. For the most part those are the two therapies that are used the most with really unsuccessful results.

When I found myself in the ER, I found myself categorized as an anxiety ridden patient.This was not the case, and if someone had talked with me I could have explained, but again, this was not the case. I was offered Ativan after being there only a short time like someone was offered coffee at a social gathering. Actually I wasn’t even offered it, the nurse just came and tried to administer it and thankfully I was with it enough to ask what she was trying to give me so I could have the opportunity to refuse, which I did.  It was the easiest thing to do I suppose. The doctors had not even figured out what was wrong with me yet. After a while it was evident that these doctors had seen on their computer records that I was treated for my OCD by my primary care and it must have been put in as anxiety. This was over several months ago. I am wondering would these doctors have offered me penicillin for the Flu I had last month as well?

It seems that when a person is categorized and labelled with a psychiatric condition that label sticks like glue because it is believed that most if not all psychiatric conditions are incurable. Well the joke is on the doctors and shrinks because not only are they wrong, I am living proof they are wrong.

Having been labeled as a depressed person nearly all of my adult life and placed on countless antidepressants that never really helped-I finally tried a new way of treating myself after a psychiatric nursed tried unsuccessfully to commit me. This I have discussed in previous newsletters, however to sum it up-I found hypnosis after years and years of therapy and pills. What I have learned and discovered with the help of my hypnotist is the fact that depression is just a label. Same as addict, and the same as alcoholic or smoker or anorexic amongst others. If we tell ourselves we are not depressed we can actually become just that. It sounds too easy to be true.

The fact is that there is something to just saying no to drugs, or telling yourself you aren’t depressed. If it is done in the unconscious mind it sticks.  It really changes your thought process and thinking on the conscious level.  It has to be done by a trained hypnotist that understands and knows how to help you access your unconscious mind. I didn’t just go home one day and tell myself I was not depressed. I had worked on the work that needed to be done with my hypnotist, however it was done on a different level.  Overall though, it came down to the fact that my unconscious mind learned that depression was just a name that someone assigned me based on their observation and that stuck with me where ever I went or whatever I tried to do and I was unable to get free from that label, until I found hypnosis and was able to get to the part of my brain that controlled my thinking. And it seemed as if after working with my hypnotist that one day I went home and told myself I wasn’t depressed and I wasn’t. Years and years of talk therapy and pills only re-enforced my depression label. And I was unable to really do the work needed to free myself from the causes that did result in my depression.

I just don’t understand why doctors and psychiatric doctors have the need to keep people stuck as who they were.They go over and over and rehash the same old scenes never really getting rid of the cause.  Only reenforcing  it by talking about it over and over. I guess part of the reason is they don’t know how to work with patients. They really for the most part work on the conscious level and changes are easily made on the unconscious level when one knows how to access it as hypnotists do.

One therapist when I asked her if I would always be depressed for the rest of my life and feel the way I did told me yes, I am predisposed to it, it runs in my genes. Just what I needed to hear, so why am I bothering? What I really feel is these doctors and psychiatric workers want you to remain ill. It sounds terrible, but why would a social worker who I pay to help me not be depressed tell any depressed person there is no hope to not be depressed.   That in itself is depressing. Tell a person long enough and they will believe it as well. My grandmother used to say if you don’t have something nice to say to someone, don’t say it. I really believe she was ahead of her time.  Who we are and what we are changes constantly. Nothing remains the same ever-time moves and we change, even if we don’t think we do. As time changes who we are changes hence the labels we are assigned can also change.

I was 2 years old once and now I am 58. Would those doctors treat me the same when I was 2 as now when I am 58, I would tend to think not. I would hope not. Then why do they treat a person who has been treated for anxiety as a person needing Valium or some other form of tranquillizer all of the time? Or if another person was anorexic and is no longer, why would they not respect that person and believe that they are no longer an eating disorder individual? Or even if a person had asthma suggest that they take an inhaler medication on a daily basis even if they have no symptoms. I had asthma pretty badly for a period and my doctor suggested just that, take the inhaler daily. I declined and eventually my symptoms disappeared and I have not been bothered by my asthma for literally years now.

Because just as depression and addiction are incurable, eating disorders evidently are as well in the medical community. Wake up doctors, nurses and psych workers-these once thought incurable illnesses can be dealt with and eliminated with hypnosis. Depression, addiction, eating disorders, anxiety, OCD and even asthma amongst others are afflictions that are not able to be diagnosed with blood tests or any other diagnostic tool. It is one man or woman’s opinion based on man’s criteria that one is suffering from these illnesses. And just as easy as they can diagnose a person with such, that person can overcome such an illness, should they choose to because it is for the most part in the mind.

Why is it that cancer patients only go into remission? Why is it that a person can not be rid of the disease if they show no symptoms or no indication that they still  have the disease by blood or other tests that first confirmed the illness in the first place? Yet, the flu that I had several months ago that I treated with antibiotics is now gone for good?

Whatever we tell ourselves we will believe and whatever others tell us we tend to believe as well to a certain degree. We rely on doctors to treat us and they should be 100% unbiased each visit meaning that they should see us as a person free from any label we may have had previously. If they don’t they may be doing us a great disservice and actually keeping us ill with diseases we may no longer even have!

Why would I want to take a drug for anxiety if I am no longer anxious, or for depression if I am no longer depressed or for asthma if I no longer have any symptoms?  Why would I want to support the pharmaceutical companies by taking these drugs I no longer or perhaps never needed in the first place just because someone told me I was what they thought I was and I believed it because I trust my doctors? There is not to say that at times people do need medication, but one needs to evaluate whether they are really being helped and if there is a chance of getting rid of their symptoms for good instead of just managing their symptoms with medications and drugs thereby supporting their labels.  All I want to be is who I want to be, free from any labels or diseases or afflictions. It is possible no matter what anyone may tell you. You can be free of any label or affliction you may have if you so desire with the right help.

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Sexual Addiction: Is it Getting You Down?

Vol. 40, July 2006

Recently I had a gentleman call asking if I help people with obsessive compulsive behaviors. I asked him to explain what he was talking about so I could get a better idea of what was going on here. He explained that he was very upset with his behavior which followed his never ending thoughts of needing sexual stimulation. It started around ten years ago when his wife started drinking heavily on the weekends. Continue reading

Let’s Stop Labeling People

Vol. 74, March 2009- Let’s Stop Labeling People

There is this idea in the medical world that patients need to be labeled in order to be helped. What happens when a person is given a label? Generally speaking that person learns to believe that they have whatever that disorder or disease is labeled which in turn gives them a very good reason to not have to be responsible for them selves. They are the victim. You see, they are ill and that means that they can’t help doing or thinking the things they do. It is just the way it is. This is especially true for individuals who are given a mental health diagnosis or two or three or more. Continue reading

Facts About Smoking: What Happens When You Quit Smoking using Nicotine Replacement – Vol.154, June 22, 2012

Stop for no smoking terror

Stop for no smoking terror (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are 40 million adult smokers in the United State with 70% of them wanting to quit. Sadly only 5% of those who quit remain smoke – free after 12 months according to the CDC.
Nicotine replacement therapies were designed to replace harmful forms of nicotine ingested through smoking yet are only “mildly effective” according to the marketing data put out by NicVAX®. According to the research that I have done these replacement therapies are between 3 and13% effective or less meaning that there is between a 97 to 87% failure rate.
NicVAX® is going to be sold to aid in smoking cessation as well as to prevent relapse in a treated smoker. However the vaccine itself isn’t enough to do the job. Maybe they learned from the other nicotine replacement therapies that chemical treatment is not enough to do the job alone. For this reason their own marketing materials say one needs to use the vaccination in concert with behavioral modification counseling as stated in the paragraph below:
“(a) Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) represent a first generation approach to assisting smokers to quit by substituting a less harmful form of nicotine than inhalation by smoking. NRTs are mildly effective and support smoking cessation in combination with behavioral modification counseling. NRTs come in gums, patches, lozenges and inhalers. Many forms of NRTs are currently available over the counter.”

If you are thinking of using this or any other form of chemical therapy to stop smoking it would be wise to think about the whole solution before going forward with any of it.

In one session you can stop your smoking cessation habit without the chemical reactions causing all the negative side effects one can encounter using the medical solution. I can tell you that if you are willing to invest the relatively small sum of money to stop your smoking habit with the use of hypnosis especially if done in an individualized session with a practitioner who is well versed in this specialization, your success rate will go up to anywhere between 63% and 95%. This would be a much better way to go using the power of your own mind instead of relying on some chemical that may have worse side effects than the even the smoking can have on you.

Chantex for example is being prescribed for smoking cessation to those who have been diagnosed with depression. There is a huge problem here because even the marketers of Chantix® have a black label on the box saying that one can have “…suicidal thoughts or actions while taking Chantix®.” They go on to explain that these side effects can occur upon taking the Chantex ® or several weeks after beginning. One can also develop anxiety, anger, panic, aggression, mania, etc.

My question to those of you who are wanting to stop smoking is simply this: Why would you want to pay this price to have your body and mind tampered with in such a manner when it is totally unnecessary? Why don’t you just allow a hypnotist to put you into a very nice and relaxed state for an hour or two leaving with the problem handled without all the side-effects to contend with?

If you chose to use the chemical methods, you can already understand that some form of behavioral modification is recommended to be able to fully stop your habit. If this is the way you wish to go, using a hypnotist for a session or two is going to be much more cost effective in getting the job done.


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A better way to treat anxiety disorders in children

Vol. 60, January 2008

According to a study conducted by the New York state mental health officials by Peter Jensen, Director of the Center for Children’s Mental Health at Columbia University there has been an increase in 1990 from 50,000 children aged 6 to 18 years  taking antipsychotic medication children to 532,000 nationwide in 2000. This is excluding stimulants for ADD and antidepressants, the most commonly used psychiatric drugs. Continue reading

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