Diane Keaton Battled Bulimia for Five Years – Vol. 130, Dec. 15, 2011

English: Diane Keaton

English: Diane Keaton (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The 1977 film Annie Hall introduced me to the actress Diane Keaton. In her new biography Then Again Keaton tells the story of the start of her bulimic behavior, though she didn’t think of it in that way back then. It was 1968, she was 22 years old, a struggling actress just cast in the original Broadway production of Hair. She was ordered to lose 10 pounds to make her more attractive during the parts where she would be scantily clothed. Upon hearing another actress speak of throwing up the food that she ate to stay slim Keaton got the idea that she too could eat all she wanted if she would just do the same. This illness of hers lasted for five years ending after five years of daily therapy when one day she just decided she was done with the behavior.

It seems that despite Ms. Keaton’s acting abilities and great success she acknowledges that she has suffered most of her life from a fear of failure, low self-esteem along with worrying what others may think of her. Bulimia seems to have filled those emotional holes by soothing herself with huge amounts of food which she would then purge.

Unfortunately much damage to Ms. Keaton’s body was already done by the time she stopped her illness. With the daily purging of approximately 20,000 calories she managed to give herself 26 cavities in her teeth, heartburn, indigestion, irregular periods, and low blood pressure.

Bulimia is an illness that can be treated to the point where one no longer feels the need to do these behaviors. I know that my clients who have suffered from it have been able to let it go without a bulimic thought or behavior for a few years now. This has been accomplished in a matter of a few short months. If you or anyone you know is fighting this debilitating illness first send them to: http://dawningvisions.com/what-are-eating-disorder-effects-and-how-to-create-a-successful-recovery-for-bulimia-and-anorexia/

Read this article and then sign up for the ezine on the top right side of the page and you will get access to the first chapter of my new upcoming Ebook Do I Have an Eating Disorder? Now What? where you will be able to take a quiz to see if you do indeed have the symptoms of this problem.

If you do I invite you to call to get a free 30 minute consultation to see how I may be able to help you to rid yourself of this problem once and for all, hopefully before you find yourself in comparably ill health to Ms. Keaton’s.

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Are Chemicals Taking Our Capacity to be Compassionate Away? – Volume 112, August 4, 2011

by Donna N.

With all the killings and deaths in the news lately I find myself wondering why it is that we human beings have such little to no regard for human life, or any type of life.

One case comes to mind that resulted in my wanting to write this newsletter and thereby ask this question.

The case of the Lynn, Massachusetts woman who went down the slide in a public pool, and never resurfaced. The woman was dead in the water for over two and one half days.The woman was at the bottom of a public pool used by hundreds of people during those two days. No one saw her at the bottom of this pool because according to reports the pool water was too murky. The fact that the Metropolitan District Commission that owns and runs the pool allowed users to swim in water that is murky and therefore most likely unhealthy is bothersome in itself. I have always owned pools and even in the deepest part of the pool one can clearly see the bottom, especially if there was an adult size body at the bottom. For the water to be so murky one cannot see a body at the bottom is disturbing.

An even more upsetting part of this story as the facts come out, the 9 year old that had preceded the dead woman down the slide had told not one, but two lifeguards that this woman went into the water and did not resurface. One lifeguard said she was on break and to tell another lifeguard.The other lifeguard said he’d look into it and obviously never did. How can one not locate an adult sized body especially if the boy, who at 9 years old stated she was down there? The pool should have been closed and searched thoroughly. We are talking about a human life here. I would think that the minute the 9 year old told the lifeguard there was someone in the pool who went under water and never resurfaced, he or she would have jumped in immediately. To me it would be an automatic response, like breathing.

I feel  as a human being, and as part of the current class of humans we are really losing it as a feeling and caring species. I see and hear on a daily basis mothers killing their children, fathers killing their entire families. I am guessing they are stressed and this is the reason behind these killings.
Drunk drivers wiping out entire families, without even a thought of remorse. If they had any sense of remorse, they wouldn’t repeat the act over and over again one would think.They would do what ever it took to clear their addiction.

An interesting theory that comes to my mind as to why all this disregard for life has to do with drugs. When I mention drugs, I not only mean illegal drugs, I mean all chemical substances: prescriptions, alcohol, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, weight loss drugs, drugs to stop smoking, drugs that are put on our foods such as insecticides or in our foods such as antibiotics. All of it.

Dr. Daniel Amen has done numerous studies on brains that have been exposed to illegal substances as well as alcohol. He has shown in his studies that these substances literally cause holes in our brains. I am wondering if these holes are causing us as humans to have no feelings over the years.The feeling part of our brains just is not functioning and we are evolving into a non-caring species, without the regard for human life.

There is a drug for every human undesirable behavior one can imagine, as there is a drug for every desirable human behavior imaginable. All at our disposal.There for the asking, but do we really need them?

With all these drugs and chemicals in our bodies one wonders what is becoming of our brains over the years. What is our human body, mind and spirit morphing into from all this chemical use? The scary part is we don’t just have to go through the act of physically ingesting these drugs. We are getting “drugged” on a daily basis every time we eat or breathe. Chemicals in the air as pollution. Chemicals in our food supply from antibiotics in the chickens, to mercury in our fish, to oil in the shellfish, to radioactive iodine in our milk. Even a bag of candy M & M’s  – read the package sometime and notice all the chemicals listed for the colors.

Drugs and chemicals are for the most part unavoidable. Even if we buy all organic and eat the best meat and food available, we still need to breathe. Every time we put on bug spray or even wash our hair or bodies, we are introducing chemicals into our bodies.

I just can’t help but wonder what these chemicals are doing to us over time. How are they are affecting out thoughts and our actions? Are our thoughts and our minds being changed because our brains are being slowly altered due to the ingestion of these chemicals?

I don’t believe that people are just born killers or rapists or drug addicts. I believe that for whatever reason our environment contributes to this in some manner. I feel if one treats their body in a healthy manner, they are at least doing all they can to ensure good health. Along those same lines, one needs to do the same for their brain as well. Just as one takes care of their body, one needs to take care of their minds and their brain. I can’t help but wonder how all the chemicals and drugs are effecting one’s brains.

I once did an experiment for a high school biology course. It involved taking apart a Sudafed and painfully separating the white dots from the red ones in the capsule. I placed the red ones on a live goldfish’s tail and we looked under a microscope and saw the blood flow speed up dramatically, we did the same for the white particles and the blood flow slowed down considerably. Now keep in mind you as the human consumer are taking both white and red together in the capsule as Sudafed, a nasal decongestant. Also keep in mind that your body and brain are getting these “medications”, as a harmless capsule, telling your body and brain to speed up and slow down at the same time. It is no wonder people are it seems, going insane? Please note that no goldfish were killed during this experiment, though they were a bit dazed when put back into the tank.

I for one, having found hypnosis make it a point in my life to avoid putting any chemicals  into my body, as much as I reasonably can.
I stopped my need for antidepressants through hypnosis. I ended my addictions through hypnosis. I am eating more healthy food and working on weight control currently using hypnosis.

It just seems to me, any way I can prevent putting a drug or chemical into my body makes sense. I can’t totally keep my body free from all drugs or chemicals, but I can make a substantial reduction in the amount I choose to ingest. I just can’t help but wonder what all these chemicals might be doing to my body and my mind on a daily basis.

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Did Ambien Side Effects cause Kerry Kennedy to Sleep Drive

Ambien side effects can cook you.

Ambien side effects can cook you.

Volume 161, August 10, 2012

There is a reason that driving has become quite difficult in the past few years. With $17 Billion spent on pharmaceuticals last year there are many more people being placed on medications which in one way or another makes for unsafe driving.

Kerry Kennedy, ex-wife of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is only the latest of the famous to have found herself in a legal action due to pharmaceutical usage for “sleep driving.” She told the police that she may have taken an Ambien on Friday morning, the day she crashed into a tractor trailer on a New York Highway leaving the scene of the accident.  She had no memory of the incident. She tested negative for any drugs that day. Given the short half life of the drug it could have been out of Ms. Kennedy’s system before she was tested, a negative result quite plausible.
Back in 2006 Kerry’s cousin Patrick brought the attention of “sleep driving” to the public when he had a crashed his Mustang into a capitol hill barrier at 2 AM thinking he was late for a vote.  There was a class action suit brought against French pharmaceutical company Sanofi around the time of Patrick’s accident. This because of more than a dozen reported accidents based on sleep driving. It was mentioned in that suit that people were found to be doing weird things in their sleep like eating weird concoctions, having sex or getting up to drive without being aware of it and with no memory of their behavior. The FDA forced Sanofi to place a warning of the side effects on the drug label stating that people may get up out of bed and do activities that they may not be aware of such as sleep driving. Sadly, it seems that few of the 39 million people who are taking the drug take these side-effects very seriously thinking that it may not happen to them.

Worse there is no mention of the legal ramifications of any behavior that could be seen as illegal when one is under the influence of such a medication. In some cases the plaintiff’s case gets dismissed stating that this behavior is a side effect and not misconduct now known as the Ambien defense. In others plaintiff’s end up in prison especially if someone was hurt or killed as a result of the behavior while under the influence of the drug. It is really up to the judge to decide if a side effect of a drug merits the same disciplinary action as when a defendant is voluntarily intoxicated.
The FDA has suggested the drug maker to research how and why these side effects are taking place. To date no research has been done to find out. With 60 million Americans taking sleeping medication with Ambien the number one prescribed sleep pill one has to wonder how safe we all are given what people are doing without even knowing it while on these legally prescribed drugs.

If you are having an issue with sleep disturbance first get whatever physiological reasons could be causing the problem ruled out by medical testing. Once that is done a hypnotist could very well be the safest way for you to contend with whatever may be keeping you awake at night. I have worked with several clients with this issue and it rarely takes more than a couple of sessions to clear the emotional issues that are creating the problem.

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Holiday Blahs – Vol. 95, December 2010

Vol. 95, December 2010 – Holiday Blahs

During the holidays many people go through a difficult time. When people are depressed they find the regular activities of life to be daunting enough. However, when the holidays are upon us with the increased expectations like the buying gifts, preparing meals, the many social invitations and the impact of perhaps having to spend time with family members with who you have strained relations. This while being expected to be happy, while inside you are not feeling happy at all is enough to overwhelm anyone. Continue reading

Relationship Advice for Women

relationship advice for women

relationship advice for women

Vol. 160, August 3, 2012

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine recently about the pros and cons of dating and being in a serious relationship. We are both over 40 years old and have vastly different views of this issue. We are both self-employed people and given the expense of things these days, making it on our own is more difficult than it once was.

My friend has the notion that her life would be made so much better if she could find a like-minded man with whom to share her life. Someone who could respect her for all the great things she has to offer while giving her a respite from the financial ups and downs that the self-employed deal with on a regular basis. She is also someone who would very much love to have her own home with a white picket fence including a garden and a dog and a cat. Being in her 40’s having children is no longer something that she desires.

For me, I have come out of a 20+ year marriage, childless by choice. I thought for a long time that the best way for me to deal with my own financial ups and downs was to marry a person with similar values sharing the expenses by living together. It would also be nice to have a companion with which to do things.

After reaching inside myself after being in the dating game on and off for the past 4 years, I decided that this really wasn’t what I desired – not by a long shot. Why? Well, there are many reasons the first and the foremost is because I enjoy having my own space be mine without worrying about when my significant other may need to use the bathroom during my long baths, or having the television on till all hours when I care nothing for the content so don’t watch it myself. However, the biggest reason is because I am a free spirit and as such it is hard for me to stay in one place for very long. I love my trips and adventures never knowing where I may be going next. The opportunities show up and I take them.

My friend is also a well traveled woman having been to Africa and Europe many times. However, she doesn’t see this as something that may be a difficulty with a significant other. I have found through my marriage that this was indeed one of the reasons my ex decided that he wanted out. He wasn’t interested in the trips I was taking and felt lonely while I was gone doing my trainings. It is interesting to note that his current spouse travels quite often and he sometimes goes with her sharing her interests more than he ever did mine.

Though the above may matter to some extent there is something that is a bit more important that I share with my clients who are looking to have meaningful relationships with a significant other. This would be the fact that it is really up to us to fulfill our own lives first without the need to have someone to do it for us. The reason for this is simple. Until we are complete as we are, it will be quite impossible for a partner to fill that part of us. You see, one cannot expect another to fulfill us. That is too high a standard to place on a relationship. The other can merely reflect those aspects of ourselves to help us grow as we are already whole and complete as individuals.

With my own challenges still in front of me, until I get them under control, it isn’t fair to expect another to come and “save” me from myself. I need to be the sort of person that I would be looking for in a relationship before I am even ready to find a relationship that would be worth having.

I say this quite sincerely because many woman (and even men) believe that if they could only find “the one” that all would be wonderful. The reality of the situation is that this is not true. How do we know? Look at the divorce statistics of over 50% of marriages failing. I would have to say this is because too many people are falling in love with the idea of having someone to have as a financial engine instead of relying on one’s self. Too many people are looking for another to help raise kids that they brought into the world with someone else which has many more layers of complexities involved.

I would ask you to think about your life and how you feel about it, separate from anyone who you may find it easier to share it with. Think about what it is that you really desire in a mate that you would find attractive and then set yourself up to be that person no matter what it takes. It is only when this is achieved that a loving and equal relationship can be formed. By achieving this goal, you will be in a much better place to attract someone who is worthy of being your partner in life and someone with whom the endless work of being in relationship would be worthwhile.

If you have any issues especially regarding unconscious patterns that keep you in negative relationships, do yourself a favor and reach out for some help. A hypnotist can help you to better understand the repeating patterns and why it is that you create them. Once this is understood you can learn how to de-create those negative aspects of your relationships going forward. Add to that learning some basic communication skills so that it will be much easier for you to relate with the special person who you may find entering your life when you least expect it.

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Meaningfully Releasing Grief in a Healthy and and Quick Manner

Vol. 73, February 2009- Meaningfully Releasing Grief in a Healthy and Quick Manner

I recently received news that a very dearly loved and respected uncle of mine passed away. In this particular case it was a matter of when, not if, given the man’s age, 94. He was one of those people who had done amazing things all through his life, yet was as humble as anyone could ever be. I will never forget the visit to his home I made with my ex-husband many years ago. As my uncle was showing us around his house, my ex excitedly pointed to a photo that was taken of my uncle and his older son along with President Kennedy. Continue reading

Why Katie Upton should model swimsuits for women

Kate Upton modeling swimsuits for women

Kate Upton modeling swimsuits for women

Vol. 159, July 28, 2012

One needs to ask the question why it is necessary for one female to pick on another female’s body as the blogger of “Skinny Girl” has done. She goes as far as to call Kate Upton a “ little piggy. ”This because of this bloggers notion that Miss Upton has no body definition with “”huge thighs, NO waist, big fat floppy boobs, terrible body definition…”

The blogger says her comments were really about the double standard she sees in how people ask skinny woman if they are eating where she claims that the overweight are never asked why they eat so much. She goes onto explain that she has her own issues with food and eating. As a woman who stands at 5’ 7” and is trying to stay around 100 pounds it is obvious there are some very deep issues here that need to be handled.  She says that she is a professional in the fashion world, a world that used to be more in line with this bloggers thinking about weight. Yet, things are changing and Kate Upton is a part of that change.

Kate Upton has been chosen to be a cover model now given her more natural bodily form, even if not trim and toned. Any one who reads the news is well aware of the fact that the fashion industry has been ridiculed for many years for using models that are so thin that they themselves are suffering with eating disorders to keep at these unreasonable and unrealistic weights. In 2006 the Madrid’s regional government banned overly thin models in a show that they sponsored stating that the fashion industry had a responsibility to portray healthy body images. Soon after the Mayor of Milan, Italy said that she was seeking a similar restriction on her city’s fashion show. They each commented that the idea is to show beautiful fashion designs which never required the use of unhealthy bodily forms.

More recently even teenagers have asked the editors of their magazines to stop using photoshopping to create unrealistic images of the young woman models inside their covers. They too are looking for a more realistic representation of what young woman look like. This to stem the tide of feelings of low self worth sometimes leading to the development of eating disorders by comparing them selves to the doctored photographs in the magazines.

How woman view one another is one side of the issue. However, the voice that is lacking here is that of the male viewer. I have been working in the field of hypnosis for over a decade and I can tell you that men are not looking to hug skeletal figures. My male clients think of a healthy woman as one that has something to “grab” onto. Woman are supposed to have a form, a form that requires some fat to have that hour glass figure requiring a bit of a butt and a bit of a bust on top. They are expected to have larger more shapely thighs verses a male form where the thighs are generally less shapely. Is it necessary for her to be toned up. Not according to my clients. What they desire more is a woman with a sense of self, a woman who is happy and contented with her own form and a woman who has a life that is about more than obsessing about herself and how she looks.

So to all you woman who are desiring a bit more freedom in how to go about living your lives, free of all the propaganda out there of unrealistic and even unhealthy bodily forms, your dreams are already true. Ask the men and stop comparing yourself to unhealthy and unwanted ideas of what you should be, and be happy in who and what you are about – all those attributes of yours that go much further than skin deep.

If you have an issue with your body for whatever reason, consult with a hypnotist to release you from them. There is a healthier way to live and with a bit of help that could be realized by you in the least painful and quickest way I know to accomplish that end.

As one who works with people with eating disorders I note the adversarial role the blogger of “Skinny Girl” has taken with the shape of Kate Upton’s body. Her take that Kate is a “Piggy” because in her opinion there is no body definition and no traditional female form – that of an hour glass

There is indeed a double standard of sorts however it isn’t the one that blogger is speaking to where skinny woman are asked if they are eating enough.  where over weight people are never asked the same. What this woman fails to recognize is that not being an over weight person herself she would have no idea of the teases and looks that one receives when over weight or the reason that the over weight person may be that way. There are many reasons becoming better understood in the area of holding weight that go beyond the simple notion that all one need do is to diet and exercise to stay at a healthy weight. There are all sorts of hormonal imbalances, food sensitivities, medication issues and genetic factors that are involved in weight gain. So taking this immature attitude against fellow women is as destructive as publishing a blog that has to do with how one is to starve them self


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