Highly Sensitive People Crave Peace and Calm: Here Are 6 Tips To Work with it for an Outstanding Life – Vol. 177, Nov. 30, 2012

Are you or do you know someone who is feels easily overwhelmed by things things that don’t bother most other people – sirens, barking dogs, kids screaming, long social interactions? This same person feels very comfortable at home in the peace and quiet of their own home. These people need time to “just be” without any obligations. According to the research done by Elaine Aron this issue affects 15 to 20% of the population each gender equally effected. Though many of these people may seem to be shy, 30% or actually extroverts.

There is a name for people who have this personality type called “highly sensitive person” or HSP, also known as having sensory processing sensitivity. This personality type has been researched for over 20 years by Dr. Elaine Aron. She states that this has no relation to either Sensory Processing Disorder or Sensory Integration Disorder. It is something that according to the brain research that Dr. Aron has done is part of the genetic make in people as well as animals for survival.

Highly Sensitive people need to do things a bit differently than the rest of the 80% of us who are non-highly sensitive. First realize that their brains operate significantly differently. These are deeply thoughtful people, needing to think things through thoroughly before making a decision. They are highly sensitive to the emotions of others. They also get exhausted by being over stimulated. These are folks who would rather have a deep meaningful conversation with a close friend than hang out at a huge party full of superficial conversations.

The best methods to take care of one’s self if highly sensitive is to first respect the fact that you are a thoughtful person. You can achieve much if you are able to respect your mind for the gifts that it has given you by using it in the manner that it best operates.

Here are some suggestions to help you out from Dr. Aron:

1. Take naps if needed. Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night.
2. Move more slowly so you can observe what is going on, doing it once and correctly.
3. Begin and end your day slowly.
4. Work your eight hours and then allow yourself to rest. You will get more accomplished in that time than others do in twice the time multitasking and getting things done wrong or incomplete.
5. Being more emotional than other people allows for the deep thinking about those things that you care about. Be okay with the fact that you may cry or blush easier than others. This quality allows you to have much stronger friendships.
6. Do work that is meaningful to you and if you can, be self-employed.

Being the high energy person that I innately am, a non-sensitive,  I need the highly sensitive people in my life to teach me to slow down, be respectful of the space that others require and to be okay in being flexible in how I relate to them. All great gifts for a hypnotists such as myself in being able to enter the world of my clients to better help them heal. It has to be done their way for it to work.

Here is the link to Dr. Aron’s website: http://www.hsperson.com/

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Blow Out Your War Traumas Now!

Recently I did some hypnotic work on a gentleman who works with war veterans down in Israel. It so happened that he was interested in having me work with the Israeli soldiers utilizing the same hypnotic techniques that helped him to let go of his own childhood traumas.

I was relating this opportunity to a radio hostess between segments and she suggested I read the book “Flashback” by Penny Coleman. Continue reading

Your Employees Not Productive Enough? Here Are Seven Solutions For You – Vol. 176, Nov.23, 2012

It seems that as the economy has been taking a hit of late, more of my clients are complaining of the undo stress they feel they are under at their jobs. In some cases these people used to love their jobs, believing in the mission of the work they do. In many cases they also got along well with their fellow co-workers feeling that the work that they did together was an important contribution to those they served. With all the down sizing of the larger companies and mergers and acquisitions there are many stressors that the employees feel. Some companies make it a policy to go through laying off employees on a regular basis. This creates a feeling of instability by employees who may even have a secure job, though never really believe that because one does not want to feel over confident while lay offs are happening throughout the company.

With the pulling in on the financials to bring ever greater profits to companies, many of the once counted on benefits are vanishing. Pensions have turned into 401K plans leaving many employees wondering what they will have for retirement unclear in how to invest on their own. Others, are seeing their health benefits getting more expensive as their pay is cut in real terms with a less than cost of living increase while their share of the premiums go up. Many are finding that they are receiving the same pay as the previous year with the real income given the decline in the dollar going down.

In some companies one unfair manager demonstrating favoritism for one person, while antagonizing others, will do more harm to your organization leading star performers to leave. This puts a further burden on the employees who have to take over the job responsibilities of the departed employee.

The end result of all this stress is unmotivated, depressed and anxious ridden employees who feel trapped in a job that they no longer enjoy, working for managers or employers they feel don’t give a damn about them any longer.

What can be done on the employer’s end of the deal to create a better work environment?

1. Understand that it would be ridiculous to believe that a person who is unsure of having a job tomorrow is going to be in the best frame of mind to be productive for you. Stop the conversations of layoffs before they come through and instead speak to the positive contributions that your employees are making to the wider organization.
2. If there is one employee who is particularly negative, undermining the moral of your organization, it would behoove you to take some constructive action toward getting that employee into a happier place. If that is not possible, best to hand over the pink slip.
3. If there is something that is going wrong on the production end of things, ask the employees what they need to make things operate more smoothly. They know the job and can give you great suggestions if asked (instead of told what to do).
4. If an employee is acting differently such as: isolating from a group s/he was once a part of, is overly emotional, or taking a lot longer to get things done then before, you have someone on your hands who is going through some sort of crisis either at work or at home. The quicker you get some help for that employee either through your employee assistance program or let them know that they are to get help for their problem, the better off your whole organization will be.
5. If your employees are not getting along, bring in a consultant to help to get them working together again. An outside voice can do wonders to bring a new way of communicating  with one another while dealing with the underlying issues.
6. As the manager or employer, you will get much more respect and assistance from your employees if you are willing to do whatever it is that you are asking them to do.
7. If health issues are a particular problem in your work place a program that introduces wellness and health would be a good way to implement some useful changes bringing more energy and enthusiasm to your employees. These programs can deal with anything from smoking cessation, to eating healthier, working out regularly or learning how to better handle stress, the underlying culprit behind lost revenue.

Remember that your employees are people with feelings and needs, same as you. Treat them with the same respect that you would like to be treated. Employers who are understanding of the needs and concerns of their employees will find that the lost productivity due to lack of energy, being out ill or hurt or having a lack of moral losing interest in your company will be headed off. According to the World Health Organization American work places are losing $300 Billion due to stress. Wouldn’t you be happy to reclaim your business’s  part of that money?

Getting to “The Cause” of the Problem

Volume 65, June 2008

I have most recently been working with a woman who has been battling alcoholism for the better part of 30 years. She is a very bright woman who at times feels as if she is not so bright, because in her own mind, if she were she would be able to live a normal life without this particular problem and all the other problems it creates.

I would gather that most of you realize that most people who drink to excess would prefer not to, however they are uncertain as to how to stop. Continue reading

Oppose Opiates: Live Life – Vol. 128, Dec. 1, 2011

As I was reading the “Shape” magazine for this month I came across yet another article called “The Accidental Addiction”. It was a report on the sad situation of increased addiction of opiates given to professional people, many of them woman. It always starts out so innocently with a bit of unrelenting pain bringing them to the doctor who prescribes some form of opiate medication with that devil of a “high” to take all the pain away while giving them taking the stress away.

The article tells of a woman they called “Susan” starting her day getting high on Oxycontin and Roxicondone two forms of pain killers. She began to snort them when she was no longer getting her high, finding that she needed to continuously take them to not suffer the symptoms of withdrawal: feeling panicky, experiencing muscle cramps, diarrhea and nausea.

As a 32 year old nurse and middle class mom her odyssey started seven years ago with horrific pain. Apparently she had fibromyalgia and given a prescription for Oxycontin which did little for the pain yet helped her have the energy to get things done. From there things spiraled out of control.

According to the Prescription Research Center 139 million prescriptions were written for hydrocodone up from 112 million just four years ago making them the most prescribed drugs in the country. Being prescriptions drugs they are without the stigma of heroin a chemical relative of these drugs also known as Percocet or Vicodin. Each of these drugs are made from opium or a synthetic of it making them highly addictive sometimes after only a few weeks.They are easy to get and less expensive with insurance co-pays then street drugs.

About 50% addicts of the prescription pain killers are women, which is 20 to 30% higher than for illicit drugs use including marijuana. The reasons for this may be because: more women are affected by conditions associated with chronic pain, women are more likely to go to the doctor to get help, and the higher levels of the hormone estrogen hormone may make a woman more susceptible to feeling high.

If you are suffering from pain, the first thing you need to know is that not all pain is because of a physical condition. Many people have what feels like pain due to emotional trauma. This was true of one of my early clients Lisa E. You can read her story in her testimonial on this website. In other cases, one can get their chronic pain under better control by learning how to relax, taking away the tension that increases the pain one feels. Meditation is a great way to do this. If you want a more structured way of relaxing which includes suggestions of pain reduction, one can learn from a hypnotist in a few sessions how to use one’s mind to take control of the situation before you ever need to reach for any drugs. You can read the testimonial of Mary Ann McNulty on this website to see how that worked in her case with a fast intervention to get her pain under control.

Do make sure that any hypnotist you work with has experience in this specialized area. Check out their website to make sure they can help you.

If you have gotten to the point where you know that your out of control abusing the drugs and most certainly suffering withdrawal as Susan in the article is, please GO TO A  REHAB  program where they can safely get you off the drugs.

If you know you are getting out of control and you are NOT suffering withdrawal look for a hypnotist to help you to stay away from these drugs. In the testimonial section of this website there are two testimonials from my client Donna N. of her 30 year odyssey with addiction and how she finally dumped it out of her life. These days she is dealing with a tear in her shoulder ligament which caused horrific pain for several months and even with a prescription to use, she hasn’t touched it since she received it a few months ago. She claims her hypnosis is the reason for not even wanting to go there even with a non-narcotic drug.

There are many alternatives to taking drugs which only mask the pain anyway. It is much better to allow the healing ability of your mind to deal with chronic pain giving you the freedom from ever becoming an addict.

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How to be happy in life by creating happy thoughts – Vol. 175, Nov.17, 2012


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Over the course of doing hypnosis for the past decade and more, I have learned that the one thing that all people are looking for is that thing called “happiness”. The interesting thing about this is that most people have a very strange idea of what would bring them happiness. Many are brainwashed by the advertisers to purchase ever more things believing that will increase the feeling of happiness. In truth once these items are purchased it only takes a few weeks to feel the same as one did before. Where it comes to income production, $250,000/year is the magic number. This is the amount where all needs are taken care of with enough left over for a very comfortable life style. Any more money has no impact on happiness. In some cases people believe that if they get married or have a child they will feel happy. However, unless it is a healthy relationship and a near perfect child, many challenges can arise.

So where does one find the happiness that is craved? Well, to be sure it is nothing that can be found from anything that is outside of you. The reason for this is that happiness is a feeling, and feelings come from the self. It is a decision that we make to allow ourselves to be happy from moment to moment, regardless of the chaos that may be encroaching on us. This is because happiness is really a state of mind. Given this understanding that it is from your mind which happiness comes, here are a few things that you can do to bring some happiness into your life:

1) Follow the advise of all the spiritual teachers by living in the moment. Think of the way a young child lives. The child lives from one moment to the next never worrying about either the past or the future. The child lives in a world open to curiosity through exploration right in the present moment.
2) Think about what your true values are: If you really value your family the way to show it is by giving them something more precious than anything you can purchase, your undivided attention toward what matters to them. As is often pointed out, most people lying on their death bed will not be concerned that they didn’t work more. They will be concerned that they gave and received love.
3) Think about what is fulfilling to you. If you are doing a job, or spending time in activities to please another, you are not living your own life. Given the relatively short period you are here living, it is up to you to get real with yourself about what truly matters to you and spend your time doing those activities!
4) If spending money on things is short lived, spending time and money on having memorable experiences is not. Take the time to figure out what those experiences are that bring you the most enjoyment and do those as often as you can.
5) Healthy relationships are very important. Spend time with those people who you can relate to in an easy manner where you are constantly finding yourself being stretched and with those with whom you have fun.
6) A healthy body and mind is most important so getting enough activity in and healthy food with plenty of water so your body and mind are able to function is most important.
7) Living to give of yourself is most fulfilling of all. If for some reason you aren’t feeling very happy go out and find someone whose life you can brighten up. The smile that you bring to that other person’s face will be enough for you to feel lighter and happier in every way.

It is up to you to take control of your own life pursuing those things that truly matter to you. Once you allow yourself to do that, happiness will be the end result.

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Wake Up Doctors: Patients Need Pain Control Without Contaminated Injections – Vol. 174, Nov. 9, 2012

As many of you may have heard in the news this past few weeks the CDC has connected the fungal meningitis epidemic to the injected pain medicine, methylprednisolone acetate, a steroid in which eight people had died by October 9, 2012. The medication were injected directly into their spinal fluid. Unfortunately the compounding pharmacy that made the medication omitted the preservatives from the medication allowing for the growth of fungus such as the Aspergillus and Exserohilum the CDC said it found in nine patients. Compounding pharmacies usually would include a preservative to stop this from occurring. One thing that you need to understand is that compounding pharmacies are not regulated by the FDA, though they are called in when something like this happens.

Meningitis is very serious it being the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spine. It can also be caused by bacteria and viruses as well as by fungus. Patients with meningitis can experience: stroke, confusion, dizziness and discomfort from bright lights along with other vague symptoms like: headache, fever, nausea, and stiffness of the neck.

My question to you though is this? Why take an injected pain killer when you are constantly hearing about all the issues with all sorts of drugs being recalled for worse side-effects than what they are being created to address? Pharmaceutical companies are being held accountable for lying about the efficacy of their products with the government forcing them to pay back huge amounts of money for patients’ care covered by the government under medicaid and medicare.

This does not even allow for the stress that one’s body goes through after having received a medication that may have been contaminated. Many times the patient has to wait for a few weeks to find out based on a culture that is done on the patients spinal fluid.  Here are a few ideas to help you to relieve your chronic pain and by doing so releasing stress associated with it.

By relaxing the body you are able to release the muscle tension throughout your body. From there you are able to remove the attention from the pain.

You can start your relaxation by reclining back and taking a nice, deep breath. Hold it for a couple of seconds and then release it. Do this a couple of times and then shut your eyes, From here you can tell your mind and body to “relax, relax, relax.” Do this for a minute or two and you will notice that your breathing will get slower and deeper as a result. Next work with some of the ideas below to help you to lesson your discomfort. Some may work better for you than others. With a bit of practice it will be easier to get into this state and reduce your discomfort.

1) Change your focus: Focus your attention on any part of your body that is without any sort of discomfort. Concentrate on that part of the body imagining it warming up. By doing this your attention will be taken away from the area that is experiencing discomfort.

Pleasant Imagery: Imagine yourself in the most beautiful and relaxing place that you have ever been. A place where you feel calm, secure and happy. Allow yourself to stay in that place for a few minutes allowing your mind to remove itself from the discomfort.

3) Remove the pain from your body: Imagine the pain has a shape and a color and a size. Go ahead and incrementally make the size of the shape smaller and smaller as you make the color dimmer and dimmer. When the size is very, very small, the size of a head of a pin and barely visible go ahead and remove it from your body. Just tell your body to do it and it will do so.

How about dealing with the stress of not knowing if you were contaminated or not?

By accessing the subconscious mind through these techniques one is relieving the stress as a by product. You may be amazed at what your own mind can allow you to do if you take the time to train it to do so.

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