Are You Doing The Things That You Say Are most Important to You: 7 Steps to Recreating Your Life

Live your dreams

Live your dreams (Photo credit: duncan)

Are You Doing The Things That You Say Are most Important to You: 7 Steps to Recreating Your Life – Vol. 212, August 22, 2013

When we are children we were curious. We were allowed to go out and investigate those things that we were interested in. In so doing we found much fun and fulfillment. Then we grew up and found we have jobs and families which take up most if not all of our time and energy. It is a subtle change that happens over time. We start feeling more and more depleted. Maybe boredom or even depressed feelings come about because we know that we aren’t spending our time doing those things we once found so fun and interesting. Those things that are so important to our feeling alive.

Maybe you are a person who always had a dream. Maybe to begin a business, or maybe to travel abroad bringing your talents to others. But maybe it is the programming that you received when you were younger that it was foolish to study something that wasn’t sure to make you a decent living.

No matter the particular situation the end result is the same. Somehow you never get around to doing the stuff that you say you most care about. Perhaps you don’t even feel you are in your own life anymore.

The question I have for you is this: What is keeping you from doing those things that you say are most important to you? Because I can tell you that it is easy to find ways to sabotage one’s dreams, blaming the responsibilities that you have getting in the way. Even easier is blaming others from keeping you from your heart’s desires.

So my question to you is this:  When are you going to take back your life and do those things that make you happy and fulfilled? Because the truth be known there is ALWAYS a way to make your dreams come true so long as you are willing to put the time and effort into making them happen.

Interestingly enough, it isn’t your circumstances that are holding you back. It is your own mindset being stuck on what you feel you are “supposed” to do, keeping you in some sort of prison of the mind, instead of allowing your imagination to soar as you create the sort of life that truly is aligned with who you are. The reason that this is so important, to find the time you need to do what you love, is because there are enough unhappy unfulfilled people in this country. Look around you and you will see it is true, especially on public transportation – people shut out the environment in one way or another many times looking tired and drained of their energy.

Here are a 7 steps to help you regain your life and thus your happiness:

1) Make a decision that your happiness is worth making some much needed changes, operative word here is “decision.”

2) Listen to your heart – which has more energy in it then your brain. This is where the most authentic understanding of who you are is located. Get out of your mind and into your heart.

3) Write down all those ideas of things that are most important to you.

4) Put them in order of what is most important.

5) Start journaling ideas of what you can do to turn things around so you can start doing these things that are most important to you- maybe people that you can consult with who can give you ideas on how to do what you desire.  Maybe other people who can help you with the care of your kids if you have any. Maybe people that may have the resources and interest to help you get started. Just journal and see what your unconscious mind brings up. The less thinking and more writing you do the better will be your results.

6) Before going to sleep at night ask your unconscious mind to give you more ideas on how you can make your dreams reality. It will help you if it is asked.

7) Continue to focus on your dream and you will find that the way will be found. Usually in ways you never could have imagined.

I have used this method to help me make my most important dreams come true. I have used this method to help me find my true passion in life in my profession. As great as that is, even better I have fulfilled my dream of crossing the globe to bring this work to 3rd world countries. To people who would never think of using these methods, yet hypnotism is very much a part of their cultural ways though they wouldn’t know it as such. Drumming and dancing into an altered state, story telling and music with a steady beat are all a part of hypnotism. I am just home from my second such journey as I held these opportunities out there to be had. I didn’t have to do anything but be giving with my talents and the opportunities showed up. Why? Because I was open to them and wouldn’t allow anything to get in the way.

Your homework: go through the steps above and go find the glorious life that is waiting for you and allow it to unfold. Life is so much better on this end of things regardless of any other circumstances because you will once again feel alive!


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PTSD for soldiers:How to cure depression naturally without turning to the drugs being promoted as cures for PTSD – Vol. 114, August 18, 2011

PTSDIt seems that the United States government is the largest drug pusher that there is looking for the easiest way to take care of emotional issues by pushing drugs instead of dealing with the cause of the problem.

In the MSNBC report of August 2, 2011, it was reported that a 6 month, randomized control study of combat veterans being treated with an antipsychotic medication known as risperidone worked no better than a placebo at diminishing the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder than a placebo. The Journal of the American Medical Association also reported that risperidone was ineffective in lessoning depression and anxiety.

It seems every few months we are hearing of medications being cross purposed to handle problems that they were not created to work for such as this antipsychotic drug being used for depression or anxiety. Antipsychotics used to stop the hallucinations that a psychotic event would set off. That would be a person seeing or hearing things that are not part of reality. This has nothing whatever to do with the neurotransmitters that are involved in depression or the reasons that people might suffer from anxiety.

For the life of me I can’t understand why it is that medications with all of their terrible side effects so completely disclosed for the safety of the consumer on the television, radio and print advertisements  would be the way that one would go about dealing with these issues of the mind. It seems to me that if you have an issue of the mind the best way to contend with it is to work in the mind to disengage the thought processes that are behind the ill mental state. We have known for hundreds of years how one can go about doing this without polluting our bodies with harsh drugs that create ever more problems as the body goes about clearing out what it knows as toxins from the liver or kidneys depending on which organ is to do this job.

For the past 10 years I have been doing hypnosis, going to the cause of the issues involved in the unconscious mind to work with clients to clear out the negative thoughts and behaviors that create the emotional problems that the medical world just can’t seem to eradicate on any real level as proven by their own studies.

Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to deal with post traumatic stress as proven with all the clients that I have assisted in dealing with physical, mental and sexual abuse over the years.

My question to you is simply this? Are you willing continue tossing harsh chemicals into your body for the potential of receiving a placebo effect or are you ready to confront those issues head on and finally be released from them?

If you want a solid solution without any side effects hypnosis is your answer. As always, do look for a practitioner that has solid knowledge of your particular issue and say good-bye to your problem. It is well worth the time and investment to do this for yourself.

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What Creates An Emotionally Toxic Environment? You May Be Surprised


I’M ALLERGIC TO MY HUSBAND (Photo credit: live w mcs)

What Creates An Emotionally Toxic Environment? You May Be Surprised – Vol. 213, August 15, 2013

One of the more interesting aspects of being in the profession that I am is getting a sense of how people interact with others on a very deep and personal level. Yes, one can and does learn much about their friends and the negative things that may be going on in their relationships. However, on this end of things, not only does one get to hear about what is going on, one gets to understand why it is allowed to go on. In this weblog I am going to educate you a bit about what I have learned from being on this side of the fence. You may find it fascinating. However, what I truly hope you will do is assess the relationships that you have in your life and make a decision to up the anti into healthier more productive ones if warranted.

I want you to think about the relationships that you have in your life.

For too many of my clients they are in relationships that are toxic and they never really realized it. These things happen so subtly over a long period of time. No one wants to think of their relationships as being toxic. One way you can determine this is the way that you feel once you have been in the company of a person. Does this person energize you or sap you of all your energy? Does this person care about you? Is this person interested in the things that you are doing in your life?

Closer to home:

Do you have a spouse who is loving and interested in what you are doing in your life? Or do you have a spouse that seems to be centered on what is going on in his/her life without much desire to know much of anything that is going on in yours?

Do you have a spouse that is very jealous of your friends and family? Your spouse will do anything to keep you from spending any time with them?

Is your spouse angry with you and you have no understanding why?

Do you have a kid who is dependent on you for their needs, yet is angry and hostile never listening to anything that you have to say?

Do you have friends that call and only want to complain about all that is wrong with their world and rarely if ever allow you to speak about what is going on in your life?

Are you a person who has many vague symptoms that the doctors can’t really treat effectively?

Are you a person who gets into accidents a lot?

If you answered “yes” to any of these I have a question for you: What are you getting out of being involved in these relationships?

There are a few reasons why people stay in these relationships.

The first is that there is a feeling of being needed. However, in any relationship that is healthy especially when it comes to those with other adults, being needed will only create a sense of dependence resulting in anger. The only reason to be in any relationship is because you “want” to be in it.

The second is because you feel you are supposed to be in this relationship. I had a client who was in a relationship with a spouse because the rest of her family thought the man was a perfect catch. The only problem is that they have nothing in common and really aren’t in love. It is an empty marriage and one that she is working on releasing herself from.

The third is because you haven’t any real idea on how to set boundaries in your household with your children. Since when was it okay to allow your dependent child to be abusive to you? The day you will stop the abuse is the day you no longer allow it. If your kid is angry with you, that is quite fine – because just maybe your kid will learn how to respect you instead of creating the stress that you are dealing with in your world. If your kid is an adult, it is time to invite him/her to find their own place since they are smarter than you anyway from their perspective. With this attitude on their behallf allow them to move on.

You will find that when you exit these toxic relationships some very interesting things will result. First you will find yourself feeling much healthier, no longer feeling strangulated by these suffocating relationships. Second, you will find that you will have more respectful relationships with those that you draw clear boundaries with in terms of acceptable behavior. And, lastly, you will find that you will be attracting much healthier relationships into your life. All because you were willing to let go of the toxins and bring in some nice clean energy into your the realm of your relationships.

Relationships are so important to how it is that we feel about ourselves. Trust me that if you are feeling down on yourself, this is a great place to begin to start feeling much better about who you are and what you are doing here. Extra benefit, you will find yourself physically healthier and no longer having accidents if either of these were happening too often in your life.

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Are You Smoking to Cover Up A Deeper Problem?

Vol. 49, April 2007

Recently I have been receiving phone calls for smoking cessation where the smoking cessation is the presenting problem, but is not the real problem. What do I mean by that? It is true that people smoke because they feel that it relaxes them, but it does not relax them because nicotine is a stimulant. What smoking really does is help to cover up other issues that the client is not dealing with in many cases. Continue reading

I’m Stressed Out Taking Care Of My Elderly Parent: Help!

300px-Nurse_in_geriatryI’m Stressed Out Taking Care Of My Elderly Parent: Help!

Vol. 211, August 8, 2013

Many years before I got involved in hypnotism, I worked in home care for elders. The great majority of the client’s grown children felt overwhelmed and unsupported in the care of their elderly parents. Many felt that they didn’t have a life any more with all the responsibility especially if they still had kids at home that needed parenting. Here are a few things that you can do to help you to reclaim your life:

1. Remember that you are only going to be as helpful to someone else as you are to yourself. So take time off to take care of you so that you are in a better emotional place to help your parent out.
2. Hire other people to do respite for you if you have your parent living with you. It is so important because everyone needs a break from the day-to-day responsibility.

3. Go to a home care company and they will be able to place someone for you to take your place for whatever amount of time you desire from a couple of hours to doing over nights.
4. Make sure that you eat well and get yourself some exercise because these will help you to stay healthy in the first place.
5. Have someone with whom you can speak to from time to time to vent your emotions. This will allow you to feel supported and help you to better communicate with your parent.
6. Many times if you have a sibling who isn’t really helping out much at all, you may find that if you request the assistance you will receive it.
7. Learn how to relax yourself using self-hypnosis, meditation or yoga It will do very well by you.

There is a time when you need to realize that there is more skilled nursing help that is required than you can give on your own. This happens anytime you realize that you are feeling depressed and overwhelmed unable to really keep your parent safe. If you are in this situation you will recognize yourself in this explanation.

We are all human and all have our limits. Please listen to your inner self so that you will be in the best situation possible to help your parent to have the best life possible without losing yourself to this huge responsibility.


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Relaxation: Do You Know Why To Do It?

World Class Spa, Health Facilitates in Riviera NayaritRelaxation: Do You Know Why To Do It? – Vol. 210 – August 1, 2013

Many years ago before I got involved in hypnosis, I was always rushing around…until I would drop from exhaustion. You see I had it in my mind that I had all these things that I needed to do to get ahead in life. There were many courses to take, people to meet and of course projects to get completed. It never dawned on me that perhaps I was pushing too hard and needed to give myself some breathing room.

Now, my ex with whom I was living during this time realized that I was running around all the time. He being a more thoughtful and deliberate person than I, realized that perhaps I was running myself into the ground. He had suggested that I learn Transcendental Meditation. He tried really hard to teach me how to do it but it was hopeless. I was always wound up so tight, never able to allow my mind to empty in the sort of way that one needs to in this form of meditation.

So, what happens when one’s mind is always racing around, and worse when one is constantly on the go, never able to relax?
Well, you end up wearing out your body because all bodies need to rest. When one does learn to relax and implements it into their life here are the benefits gained:

1. Increased levels of helper cells that defend against infectious disease was found in medical students, according to a report in the Journal of Medicine.

2. Releases muscle tension, lowers blood pressure and slows the heart and breath rates in the people who do Howard Benson’s Relaxation Response.

3. An overall sense of calmness and peace of mind is the direct result whenever anyone decides to do any sort of activity that would promote relaxation including yoga, biofeedback, meditation, repetitive prayer and self-hypnosis.

It was learning the last of these, self-hypnosis, that finally allowed me to slow down and enjoy the moment I was experiencing. I know that my heart rate is much healthier without all that running around. I also know that an inner sense of peace and calm are always at hand when I need them, because I have learned that there different paces to life called:  “moderate”, “slow” and even “staying still” to be integrated into my life.

How about you? Are you ready to learn how to slow down, enjoy your life as you are experiencing it? Are you willing to allow yourself to enjoy the simple calmer pleasures in life to help to lengthen you life? Because all that running around is fine when you are young, it isn’t so fine when one gets a bit older and needs the peace and solace offered by just taking it a bit easier, taking in the scene and relaxing, at least some of the time.


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Living gracefully into your 90’s

Vol. 68 September 2009- Let Me Show You How To Live Life With Grace into Your 90’s

Dr. Marion Down at the age of 94 has the simple secrets to living life to the fullest regardless of the challenges that a person of her age may need to overcome.

At the age of 89 she participated in a mini-triathalon (running, swimming and biking).

Won Senior Olympics gold medals in tennis.

Achieved mandated haring tests for more than 90% of US newborns when she was

Audiologist in her 59’s.

Dr. Down says it is fun to be old because you can do almost anything you want to do. Nobody cares! But one thing I she knows is that to continue she must take care of herself physically and mentally. Continue reading

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