010: Why do I continue to do destructive things to myself? What are Addictions really and 8 mindsets needed to beat them.

Episode #10 Why do I continue to do destructive things to myself? What are Addictions really and 8 mindsets needed to beat them. This is one of the questions that…

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009: Isn’t there more to life then this? So long as you are asking the question, here are 10 steps to get in tune with your purpose in Life

Episode #9 Isn’t there more to life then this? So long as you are asking the question, here are 10 steps to get in tune with your purpose in Life…

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Why Does Our Government Never Learn the Obvious: Lessons From the D.C. Naval Shooting – Vol. 217, September 19, 2013

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Why Does Our Government Never Learn the Obvious: Lessons From the D.C. Naval Shooting - Vol. 217, September 19, 2013 - We, the citizens of the United States wonder why…

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