Hard To Explain the Horrors of Fort Hood

A Moment of Silence for Fort HoodHard To Explain the Horrors of Fort Hood – Vol. 257, May 15, 2014

It is an army base of 100,000 people strong covering many miles of the Texas desert. The question is this: What does the government owe it’s service members in terms of safety while on the base and mental services both while in and out of the service?

We have heard the reports repeatedly by veterans of the lack of psychological and psychiatric care given for many reasons. At a program I attended on Veterans Day I learned that many of the military personnel will not come forward to get help when suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or depression with the belief that they will be treated worse for being “wimps” by their superiors. The result of this lack of care is 22 suicidal deaths of military service members every day here in the USA.

While on the base, the thought is to keep out the transgressors who could cause great harm to those who belong on base. Though this is important, the issues that has come up since the 2009 shootings at Fort Hood by an army psychiatrist, is what about the service members who can become deadly forces who belong inside the compound?

Supposedly there were some changes that were to be done after the 2009 shootings at Fort Hood. However, it seems those changes were never made according to a New York Times article written on April 4, 2014 called, Soldier’s Attack at Base Echoes Rampage in 2009. According to the article no reasons were given as to the lack of action on the new policies which would have included things such as developing guidance and awareness programs so that the commanders could identify risky behavior within the ranks; share information regarding potential threats inside the military bureaucracy; and develop more sophisticated responses to this sort of internal emergencies.

These issues need to be contended with as well as the need for better treatment for those who suffered injury be it physical or emotional as a result of an internal attack. I read a few articles that made it clear that those who are harmed in these situations are dismissed from duty, many times without any treatment for the traumas that they suffered while on duty to our government. It is disheartening to realize how little our government cares about the damage that has been done to its own service memebers once they are no longer able to serve. Many are left without income or treatment because as one article put it “this was not a terrorist act” meaning an act done by someone outside the US military service.

Frankly, I would have a very hard time seeing anyone I love fight for our country knowing how bad the situation can be should something happen to them while in service. Our government needs to stop the hypocritical manner in which it operates the military service, speaking of all the benefits while never taking full responsibility for making right what may go very wrong in a service member’s career through no fault of his/her own. Given the billions of dollars it pisses away every day, our government must be held accountable to more effectively deal with the human aspect of the human beings it presses into service.




Closed Head Injury: Why Doctors may have missed Junior Seau’s Head Trauma Symptoms – Vol.147, May, 4, 2012

New England Patriots linebacker Junior Seau du...

New England Patriots linebacker Junior Seau during a game against the Oakland Raiders. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Donna Novi

Ever wonder why there seems to be more killings and just plain unhappy crazy people “out there” in the world these days.  It’s hard not to hear, see or read about people shooting one another or harming one another since there are TV’s every where these days: work cafeterias, laundromats, doctors offices,  even cars, just about anywhere one turns.

This week coming up has to be one of the longest of my life; I am awaiting blood tests that hopefully will explain why I am feeling so downright miserable, with a lack of energy, feeling achy, and just plain sick like from the moment I awaken to the time I go to bed. I have been feeling this way for quite some time now, years actually.  I have been complaining to my primary care physician who has done numerous blood tests, only to come back completely normal, time after time, year after year.

What I have discovered after living and dealing with the American Medical System for many years now is that they do not in most cases do the right tests. By the right tests I mean they do not go deep enough. The doctors seem to be in a “box” and limited in what they do. This is also true for the psychiatric community.

So if I am not getting the results I desire I need to find another way that will work, or else live being one of the miserable crazy people in the world today. The reason I know this to be true at least for myself is that I had spent literally years in “treatment” with social workers, psychiatrists and the like only to get deeper into my problems.

It was not until I was at my ropes end, no pun intended, that I decided there had to be a better way.  I googled and found “hypnosis”. Within a relatively short period of time, I was not only better, I was relieved of “illnesses” that I was told were incurable.

I no longer had to live with the problems that I was told I would always have.  Because hypnosis goes deeper than just the surface I had been skimming over and over and over, week after week, year after year. Just like the recent blood tests I just paid for to be done by my functional medicine doctor. He is a different type of doctor, one my insurance would not “cover” in that they would not pay for his services. These blood tests are more detailed to get to the root of my problem. Now I am getting results.

In reading and looking into my “issues” I discovered much information that I was not aware of that explains a lot to me. One thing I discovered was that there is an ingredient in gluten that causes addiction for some people to wheat products similar to opiate addiction.

I always thought it was me and just my lack of will power ending up in my getting so down on myself for eating that piece of bread knowing it would make me feel ill. The gluteomorphin that is found in wheat products like the breads and pastries that most of us crave is acting just like highly addicting opiate drugs in my brain. I was relieved to know that it just wasn’t me and most importantly that I can do something about it now.

I also was relieved to know that I could alter this behavior if I chose to do so, by using the hypnosis I had already successfully used to rid myself of the previous behaviors I no longer wanted.

So as I eagerly await the blood tests that will help me know what to eat and what not to eat, that will help my body heal, and make me feel well again, I think of Junior Seau who just committed suicide yesterday. My feelings on this is that all the hits he took to his head could have contributed to his death. It is sad that we as a people do this to ourselves.

Our brains and our mind control our bodies and our emotions.  Dr. Amen through his brain scan research on football players has proven that our brains are not meant to be banged around the way they do in football, soccer and other sports where one routinely gets hit in one’s head. I just find it sad .

Ever wonder why there are seems to be so many more crazy people in the world lately?

No one seems to be getting to the root of the problems. The NFL treats their players with concussions with a few games on the sidelines and then sends them right back out there only to be hit again. The players are unaware that they are killing themselves. The American Medical Society and its doctors send patients on their way with a prescription treating the symptoms and most often not the illness.

Psychiatrists never really heal you, only keep you coming back for more.

No one ever seems to get to the root of the problem, because it is deeper than the surface.

The mind and the brain are mysterious yet, we do know that the answers lie in our unconscious minds. The answers are not with a prescription, or numerous talk sessions. We have the ability to heal ourselves with the right guidance. The right hypnotist can do wonders for one’s life.  What we feed into our bodies in the way of food and thoughts is most important to what we get out of our bodies.  Feed it crap and we will feel like crap.

I have to stay away from gluten and sweets if I want to heal and feel good and tried so hard only to cheat now and again not knowing it was my brain wired to the gluteomorphin acting like heroin causing me to cheat over and over again.

I turned once again to hypnosis to get rid of the behavior. Sometimes we need a little help to do the things we want to do. Always there is an answer to our behaviors, there can be a solution if we look hard for it, are willing to work and pay for it. Most things that are worth it in life are worth paying and working for, especially ones dealing with our health and well being.

There is a reason why there are so many unhappy crazy people in the world today.  If we guide them to hypnosis to change their way of viewing the world, helping them to solve their issues perhaps Junior Seau would still be with us today.

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042:How Do You Know You Are Living an Inspired Life?

Do you just sleepwalk through life? Maybe it’s time to wake up.

How Do You Know You Are Living an Inspired Life?

To be inspiredHow Do You Know You Are Living an Inspired Life? -Vol. 256, May 8, 2014


For many years I have followed Wayne Dyer, a man who has overcome much to become a man who knows the very meaning of living an inspired life. He wrote a book on the subject called Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. To be honest I haven’t read the book yet. However, I did watch the Youtube video of his PBS program of the same title and was moved by much of what he had to say. Unlike the majority of Americans who go to work to make an income and create what is known in our society as “security,” I have chosen to find the “right work” for me. It took me 23 years to find my “right work” which is so “right” for me I can’t imagine myself ever not doing it. In fact the very thought of not doing my work makes me ill in my heart and soul. Wayne explains where these feelings come from and for those of you who feel similarly, I believe you will find this to be very helpful – why you don’t fit the “norm” and perhaps don’t want to even with the challenges that can come with it.

Let us first define the word “inspiration” to get a better idea of what Wayne is speaking of here. Wayne’s definition is “living in-spired, which is felt as being moved by a force greater than ourselves. It is an idea that gains hold of us from the invisible reality of spirit that is more powerful than ourselves. This is the place from which we connect with the invisible reality that ultimately calls us to our calling.”

Some interesting things happen to us when we are inspired by our calling according to Wayne. “All your thoughts break through the bonds allowing you to break through any limitations. Your consciousness expands in every direction finding yourself in a new, great wonderful world. Dormant forces allow faculties and talents to come alive and you discover yourself to be a forced to be a greater person by the force you demand yourself to be.”

Wayne explains that this is really one’s connection to spirit where happiness reigns.

When one stops doing that which they are inspired by, their world contracts into a depressed and contracted place, life no longer working. This is why people who are living an inspired life feel compelled to do the impossible, listening to their inner calling because it resonates inside them. There is no stopping the truly inspired regardless of the challenges experienced.

Living in this way can sometimes help one to overcome great challenges such as one of his guests on the program who was a lone survivor of her family and her neighbors after the genocide of Rwanda. She said she discovered God in the midst of this genocide with her total belief and connection to God. She had to learn what God was like in her thoughts, but she had to almost learn how to be in a state of forgiveness for those who were hunting her. She left the 3X4 bathroom she hid in with seven other women in her Pastor’s home at 5’9” and 65 pounds after her 91 days of hiding. Her name was Immaculee Ilibagiza and she wrote the book Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. Her learning was one of empathy when someone is hurt. She explains that when you hurt another you hurt yourself in one way or another. You can’t hate people if they are struggling with the truth because they don’t know what they are doing – as the bible says. For every pain there is a great purpose. She aligned herself with Anne Frank’s belief to never give up on mankind knowing that peace is possible.

Immaculee learned English in the three months that she couldn’t speak while in the bathroom. There was no way for her to know that as a spokeswomen for overcoming hatred, she would be living in America using her third language speaking to Americans five years later. It was a trust in her conscious to be pulled by spirit where nothing is impossible that lead her to learn English.You find yourself to do that which you allow yourself to do according to Wayne.

What sort of world can one create for one’s self living an inspired life? What cool things could you create? What sorts of healing messages could you get out in the world if you have overcome adversity?

I really don’t know about you. What I do know is that by being called to do the work I do regardless of the challenges inherent in owning my own business – I am more fulfilled than many. I have been offered unbelievable opportunities to bring this healing work to others across the globe. These are applications that I would never have thought of myself brought to me by those who were inspired by the work that I do. That alone is a priceless knowing that I have received. I also realize that since this has already happened two times, there is no reason to believe that it won’t happen again when the next person who I meet can see the possibilities in new applications in other areas of the world. Certainly these are dreams of mine that have come true being willing to follow the inspired life. My wish is that for you who reads these words, that they too will have the experience of doing the unimaginable in constructive and fulfilling ways following your calling living your inspired life.






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Why Is Suicide the #3 Killer of kids 15 -24 Years of Age? – Vol.107, June 30, 2011

Having worked with quite a few teens of late it seems that many are angry with their lives. Listening to a recent interview with Dr. Bernie Siegal, a very well respected surgeon known for his work with kids with cancer, he mentioned that 70% of teens 14-18 are suicidal at some point. According to the National Institute of Health suicide is the leading cause of death for 15 -24 year olds.

These statistics are important because it demonstrates how much pain our kids are suffering even though most of them have anything they could possibly want on the material level. Dr. Siegal stated emphatically that it is his belief that parents are forcing kids to get all A’s for their grades and when they don’t achieve it because of other interests, the parents tell the kids that they have to stop those other interests till they get their grades up. One of the cases that Dr. Siegal spoke of was a child who volunteered his time to a cause he really believed in. When his grades slid a bit, the parents told him that he had to stop his volunteering. The day after his parents told him this, he went to school and shot himself in the head killing himself. Dr. Siegal explained that It is as if the kids are not allowed to live their own lives and when this occurs, kids can and will take their lives, feeling they have no control over their lives. If you believe that you as a parent may be more interested in school grades then your child having a well rounded life, do realize that there are many other areas of life that children can learn important lessons from as was true in the case above.

In regards to another topical issue, I just worked with a college student who had been feeling like a demon had taken him over from the time he was four years old. He felt his life had been drained from him. During the first hypnosis session it became evident that this particular teen first recalled being bullied by an eight year old when he was six. He reported feeling like he was different and never felt he fit in with other kids. During the second session he recalled being molested when he was four years old. His father was present during the second session and was amazed at what he was hearing his son say. He now understood why his son went from being a happy four year old to a very thoughtful serious young man, grades falling in his college studies. To the parents credit they did get a counselor to work with him a few years ago. For whatever the reason the teen was not ready to do the work until now. Bullying is a major reason that kids are not feeling very good with a recent study citing that 70% of all kids have either been bullied or were victims of it. Sadly an average of 162,000 kids stay home from school daily fearful of being bullied.

With the advent of social networking and all the technology that kids have at their fingertips it is imperative that they learn how to respect how to use it, according to Elizabeth Englander, PH.D., a specialist of anger reduction in school kids. Many times kids act impulsively saying things on Facebook and Myspace that can be very hurtful to those they call their friends. It is easy to do this because the hurt kid is not being faced by the bully, Dr. Englander explained. The same hurt response can occur when unbecoming pictures are texted to their friends by another. One needs to ask where all this anger is coming from to inflict this sort of pain on another.

Another cause of distress for kids is the divorce of their parents and then partnering of the parents with someone else, sometimes with kids of their own. They end up becoming a part of a larger family after feeling the loss of their own. I just had this situation recently with one of my young clients. He was an only child, whose parents got divorced. His father hooked up with an old friend and two of her kids moved in with them. All of a sudden he is living in a house with three kids with another of the kids of his father’s companion living at his father’s house. The issue here was first whether he was at fault for the divorce in some way. This was effectively dealt with by his dad explaining how it is that sometimes we have friends who we no longer have anything in common with and so we move on. The issue of having all these other kids become part of his family was handled by his becoming aware of the positive relationships he can have especially with the oldest one who he looks up to even if he isn’t allowed to participate in all the activities of this older teen.

Several years ago I had an emergency nurse bring in her teen who had gone through a tough break up of her relationship with her boyfriend. She decided that I as a hypnotist would be able to swiftly help her daughter as I had helped the younger brother with his pulling of his eye lashes. In this case it was a two session intervention and all was fine with this young girl.

I had another high school female brought to me because she was having some difficulties with her ice hockey coach. It was during our session that her mother wrote on a piece of paper of her four young friends that had passed away in the past three years, one of them a suicide. She was carrying around much grief that was dealt with in one session in a matter of two hours total.

Kids are easy to work with hypnotically. They are in fantasy as a normal state of being making it easy for them to enter the hypnotic work. They are usually willing to resolve the problems that they come in to attend to. If they are not ready, they are not invited to do the work. They have to want to resolve their issues for the work to be effective.

If you have a child who seems sad, is isolating and not interested in those things that they used to be, understand that there is definitely something going on deep inside that kid. If they are bullying others, acting out in an angry manner, this is a sign that needs to be taken seriously. To the teen there are no answers and worse no one who can help them. However, this is a false notion.

These young people do indeed know what the issue is that is the cause of their sadness or anger, but may do not have conscious access to it. In many of the cases when I have worked with teens they have been able to fairly easily tap into their unconscious mind to find the answer and, more importantly the solution. For teens it usually takes a couple of sessions to clear them of their problems because they are able to work very quickly. They have had very little time being stuck in that problem.

I know that many hypnotists do not allow the parents to be in session with their children. My policy is to leave it up to the teen because as you can see as in the some of the cases above, the parents gave me information that was very important to clearing the problem as well as integral to the healing process itself. I would suggest that you call a hypnotist who knows how to work with kids of their age to quickly resolve their problem. The beautiful thing is that hypnosis can be done without medication clearing that teen of whatever is bothering them.

I would like to comment here on the recent media coverage of the principle in Florida who hypnotized some of the students in his school to increase their grades and enhance their sports performance. While it is true that two of the students went on to commit suicide, that one cannot stop another from doing anything they are going to do. The coverage did not say that the principle had any idea that these kids may be in emotional trouble. IF the principle was aware of these teens having any ideas of suicide, it was his responsibility to refer them for professional help. At the time of this coverage there is no evidence that he was aware of any such problems. The issue that I see with the media coverage is that it is implying that the two suicides were caused by hypnotic sessions when there currently is no evidence to prove that was the case.

Understand that even licensed mental health workers who know that their clients are suicidal do the best that they can to protect their patients from doing anything that would place them in harms way. However, sadly, no one can control the actions of another. Once a person has made the decision to end their life, that is their decision. All we can do is wake up to any symptoms that may be telling us that our kids are going through a difficult time and let them know we are there to help them in any way we can.

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041:Image Isn’t Everything

There is image and then there is reality. Guess which one is healthier.

What Emotions Are Necessary For Success?

Gratitude JournalWhat Emotions Are Necessary For Success? -Vol. 255, May 1, 2014


Geoffrey James wrote the article 3 Emotions at the Root of Success in Inc.com where he explained his desire to figure out what emotions are necessary for business success.

He came up with three equations based on the three emotions he found necessary for businesses to succeed: gratitude, commitment and empathy. I found this idea especially interesting being a person who is always delving into my clients’ emotions working to have them feel more success in their lives generally. With that in mind I believe this template could be used for any successful endeavor no matter the area in which it is applied. Here are the three equations Mr. James came up with:


  1. Gratitude=>Patience=>Timing=>Success


Gratitude works to help to delay financial gratification. Being grateful allows for the patience to have a larger financial gain later. This was proven in a study that was published in Psychological Science, according to the article. This comes into effect when a company is willing to wait for the right conditions to release a product or when an employer is grateful for the employees work.


2. Commitment=>Courage=>Action=>Success


Commitment is tied to motivation which will get one to take action through the difficult times which take courage, while sprinting during the more favorable times.


  1. Empathy=>Insight=>Relationships=>Success


By having empathy one can gain better insight into another’s thoughts building the relationships that are necessary for a successful business.


I found these ideas to be right on target because without the understanding of how our emotions work in our businesses, we are left at a great loss. As important as these concepts are in business, they are just as important when dealing with our personal relationships. A great relationship must be nurtured over time always being grateful, never taking another for granted, while respecting the timing needed to be right for it to work.


One must be committed to the relationship with the courage to take action especially if it is something that feels hard, yet necessary to be done.


Always being able to feel empathy toward the other’s point of view to gain the required insight to allow for the relationship to grow I also necessary.


If you keep these simple ideas in mind you too can find yourself having much better and more fulfilling relationships adding to your overall feelings of success in life.



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