
Learn how a professional hypnotist rejuvenates herself and what the results are.


Bossy Bosses: How to Best Deal with Them

call center

call center (Photo credit: vlima.com)

Vol. 261, June 12, 2014

In an effort to learn how to close sales and better understand my clients’ aggravation in working in the day-to-day life of having a job, I took a part-time job in a telemarketing company. There is little to no integrity there and the pay is terrible for the managers, though could be decent for the better telemarketers – few make it to this level. Most leave after failing for a couple of months at the work making pennies for their time and effort given that it is a minimum wage job unless you make your quotas.

 Here is a little story of how I handled an incident that I see as office bullying by a boss:

 The other day I went into work in the morning in a very good mood, having had a fabulous weekend having found someone to help me with the business of business building (vs. practice management). Given that I am not a morning person even though I can wake up easily enough and get to work on time – this isn’t my best time of day, truly coming into my best self sometime between 10 and noon. It is for this reason that my clients are told that appointments start at 10 am.

 After having several “new leads” either hang up on me or ask to be put on the “Do Not Call list”, I was asking one of the managers to find me some “happy” people. It was said in an uplifting and fun manner, though my other manager was more than a little put off by my comment, feeling that I was bringing down all the other telemarketers with that request.

 I was finding myself upset and pissed off at said manager as I sat myself down to dial and unable to do so with the requisite “smile” after being treated in such a manner. So, I did what I feel is necessary in any situation of this sort – I spoke to her about the manner in which she came across: hostile and demeaning. She was even more pissed off that I dared to say this to her at her desk instead of asking to speak to her in the office.

 Well, we went into the office a mere two steps away, and she didn’t even close the door. I explained to her that if she wanted me to be “happy” and to “smile while dialing” then she would need to give me the content of her message in a more supportive manner or the result would be a pissed off and frustrated employee, totally unable to do as she desires. In other words, I told her “what was in it for her” to act in a different manner to receive the results she says she desires. She told me that she was such a good manager because of the way she did things, to which I repeated what I had just said. With that second stating of my side of things, first she suggested that I work the night shift. To this I let her know that I would if I didn’t have a business that had responsibilities in the evening, though I will certainly work every night shift I can. Next, she told me she would be more in tune with how she was coming off at least in her interactions with me.

 The truth of the matter is that no one has the right to bully anyone in the work place. It is also true that if you allow yourself to be bullied because you are fearful of losing your job, by not requesting what you need & desire, you are not being responsible for your own wellbeing. If you don’t do it, who will? My boss could have told me to look else where for a job if she wanted to, however she didn’t even come close to doing that. The reason why, was because I told her “what was in it for her” to change her attitude knowing that the only way she makes any money at all for her 40 hours of work is for the telemarketers to make money doing what they do, she making a percentage off their work. I had only learned that the previous night by the night guys – so knowledge is power here.

 Think of it as a form of negotiation and all will be worth while for all the parties concerned. I am certain that if you take this position you may very well find that you not only took care of the issue at hand, you may have found your way to a better situation all together as one of my clients did by getting a lateral transfer when she was so sick of her boss’s over controlling and demeaning manner of treating the professionals under his management. Anything is possible if you are willing to state your truth with a “what’s in it for them” attitude. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you.

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Emotional Abuse Signs: What is Verbal Abuse and the Signs of an Abusive Relationship- Vol. 143, March 22, 2012

emotional abuse signs

Emotional abuse signs

Being in practice for the past decade there are certain clients who come it to see me that are in toxic relationships that they feel are full of love and care wanting to believe that this is the fact when the evidence proves otherwise. Sad but true in too many clients who have lack of self-esteem for whatever the reason, they find themselves subjugated to the untenable, demeaning behavior and commentary of that person who is at the very center of their affections. Sometimes with horrific ramifications as a result of this toxic relationship.

In these cases the client will come in telling me how much in love s/he is with their partner. As we go through the Detailed Personal History the story of myriad situations where the mood shifts, threats and condescending remarks hurled in my client’s direction for no apparent reason have been a recurring theme throughout the relationship. Sure, couples can and do get into arguments and disagreements, however this is very different then allowing yourself to be bullied by that person who one moment tells you how much they love you as they lean on your for comfort and assistance one moment and then in the next goes on to take every ounce of your dignity which allows you to calmly and effectively navigate yourself through this life.

Let me explain to you what is an unhealthy relationship versus a healthy relationship so that you don’t find yourself feeling so bad about yourself that you would prefer to ask a co-worker for some pain killers to rid yourself, maybe permanently from the pain you are in from a temporary problem. A problem that is able to be contended with even if it is the last thing on this earth that you want to deal with given all the mixed emotions involved.

An unhealthy relationship is any time you find yourself in a conversation with your beloved, where you are feeling lousy as a result of something that was uttered in your direction. An unhealthy relationship is one in which you feel that you always have to defend yourself, especially if it is for a trespass such as a lie or over sight that you have already apologized for in the past. An unhealthy relationship is one where mental health labels are placed on you in accounting your behaviors when in truth this person has no training or insight into what those labels actually mean as used by a professional. An unhealthy relationship is one where you are always feeling “down” or out of control of your own life. And most especially when you feel that you have to constantly demonstrate your love to the other to the point where you are no longer taking care of your own needs – forgetting to get your license to drive renewed, getting your own bills paid instead of helping the other with their financial obligations, caring more about their health and well being if they are dealing with a chronic or acute health issue be it physical, emotional or both while you ignore your own mental health and physical well being totally usurped in your mates issues. Lastly, finding yourself lying to this other person fearful of being the target of their wrath for some injustice you may have done against them in that mind of theirs. Walking on egg shells is not and never will be a sign of a healthy relationship. It is instead a sign of a dead relationship that needs to be ended as soon as possible.

A healthy relationship is where honesty and trust is at the very core. It is a relationship where the coming together of two souls as one give the feeling of something larger and more important than the two separate lives would be, yet allowing for each of you to be yourselves doing those things that bring each of you comfort, enjoyment and fulfillment feeling supported by one another in those endeavors. A healthy relationship is where intimacy is something profound and yet, where each understands that the idiosyncrasies that each has are there to remind us that we too have our own to be contended by our mate. To be loved for those aspects of ourselves that drive us nuts, in what could only be expressed as unconditional love and acceptance – that my readers is what “love” is inside a primary relationship and among friends and relatives. It is that knowing that the relationship is special, nurturing and respectful of our whole being.

If you find yourself moving through life and some of these relationships change, it means that one or the other of you has changed. Take an inventory of your life and see if it is you who may need to do a bit more inner work to get back on track, or maybe to see if maybe one or you has out grown the other. This can and will occur if we are perpetually motivated to make our lives better. This is especially true when we are dealing with confronting our naked selves on a soul level as we work to clear out the pain and frustrations of the past, taking a sincere inventory of where we have been including accountability to those we may have harmed on our path including most importantly our self. It is, by no means a reason for one to feel poorly about one’s self for it is only the strongest of people who even think of the idea of the need to do this very important work, instead of continuing to blame everyone else in their life for the misery that they feel.

It is for those of you who understand that your life is to be reconciled for your own health and well being that this blog posting was written. Those of you who understand that your life is in your own hands to rectify the ills allowing the creation of that which is worthy of your time here on this earth. Regardless of anything that you may have done in your past there are only two sources that have the right to place a judgment on you: God the almighty the Creator (if you believe in this Source of all that is and ever will be and the judge’s that are employed in the court system of the country in which you live to ensure justice. Though there is one other person who has the right to decide if you are worthy the most important of all, and that is you, yourself – for it is only you that can make the decision to change that which isn’t working to that which can work better than one ever could have imagined if willing to do the internal work required.

In my decade of work I have worked with ex-cons, drug addicts, sex addicts, eating disordered, gang members, lost and destructive teens, schizophrenics, suicidal depressives and more. All of them had to reconcile themselves with their past, forgiving themselves and anyone who may have hurt them in some fashion. It is only through true forgiveness that the lightness of feeling and brightness of the potential you have is freed allowing for a new ray of sunshine pointing out the new directions that are now possible.

This is an important message because just this week I had a client who had gone to the depths of desperation working so hard to over come his own shortcomings only to be repeatedly told be his beloved how worthless and harmful he is to her and yet, all he wanted was to prove that he was worthy. My question to him was: Worthy of what? To be beaten down so far as to feel castrated by this same woman who admittedly is going though her own hell now? Worthy of being pushed so low he just wanted to end his psychic pain befallen on him by her harsh words and deeds without placing any sort of responsibility on her for her untenable behavior?

My message is very simple: There is never and will never be a time that no matter what horrible thing you may have done do you need to believe that this is the sum total of your being. It is up to you to realize that you are much more than that and to go about your business of correcting whatever may have brought this sort of assessment of you from past actions. You behavior is not the same as who you are, nor is it something that is locked in stone. I have worked with people with unbelievably sad histories, who have ended up in situations that perhaps they would rather not have and yet, given the chance to realize the magnificent soul inside them, just needing to know that it is safe to come out and be realized, amazing lives have been returned.

Please do yourself a favor. If you find yourself feeling beaten down, down to the point past feeling depressed, to the point where you can’t go on any more, seek out some professional help and then do your best to follow that person’s advise for they are objective to your situation and will let you know what needs to happen. If you are told to leave the situation, then by all means do whatever it takes to make that happen so you need not be in the situation that my client has found himself in. He is doing better now, though till he releases himself from the toxic person he is with, it will be a struggle for him. This is the reality of life. Make sure you do better for yourself.

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046:What Does it Mean To You That Doctors Are Killing Themselves?

Have you ever noticed that a lot of doctors follow a do as I say not as I do philosophy? What does it mean for you if your doctor is depressed, anxious or suicidal? Will they seek the same help they would advise for you?


Use the Joy Code to live an inspired life (Special offer)

I would like to introduce you to my new friend Alecia Lawrence. Over the past few years she went from feeling like she was her own worst enemy as she tried to achieve the success she desired. She felt that others were getting more out of life then she.

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you feel you are your own worst enemy trying to achieve the success you desire?

Do you feel that others are getting more out of life than you? 

Do you feel your life is not as rewarding as it could be?


Alecia felt that her job, career and family life were going nowhere fast. There were times she felt she didn’t want to face the day. With so little confidence she was afraid to even attempt to succeed in life. She suffered from emotional paralysis to take any action to make things better. The result was that her life kept going into a downward spiral getting more into debt. She realized that anxiety and panic were destroying her life.

Nobody was going to be able to solve her problems but her. It was at this point that she knew she had to take decisive action to get herself out of this tailspin.


You can reverse your tailspin by getting your Joy Code.

She went to her first self-help seminar where she realized that she wan’t alone in feeling the way she did. There were 100’s of others also looking for solutions to make their lives turn around for the better. There she learned processes and techniques to use to improve her situation using her talents. She applied what she learned immediately.

She started achieving positive results from the very first day. She is now a completely different person than on that day, having changed every aspect of her life.

So happy to have learned from those people who were there to help her turn her life around, she has committed herself to help turn others who experience the same negativity around. As a result she created the Joy Code, which will help you to turn your life around right away. Here is an easy to follow training course that synthesizes everything that she has learned though all her studies, conferences she attended and interviews she has done with leaders in the self-help field.

Simple step-by-step instructions are given to help you to make radical changes in your life from the very first day. Mind blowing techniques:

  •  To improve your:self-esteem
  •  Simple actions you can take to help you feel more valued, loved and appreciated.
  •  A road map to living a happier more fulfilled life.
  •  How to visualize your ideal life and turn that vision into reality.
  • So simple to use that anybody can do it.
  • Real tangible results in 24 hours or less.


You can find the Joy Code at this link.


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Forcing Better Drug Rehab for Our Addicts in The USA

3235325498_1fed337360Forcing Better Drug Rehab for Our Addicts in The USA  – Vol. 260, June 5, 2014

The issue of better drug rehabilitation has been a primary concern of Dawning Visions Hypnosis especially over the past few years. Donna N. who has written many articles for the DVH, Inc website over the years has been particularly interested in getting the public to better understand the role that hypnosis can play in helping drug addicts to more easily overcome their addiction as she experienced for herself. She brought it to my attention that there is indeed someone out there that is at least doing something to hold the drug rehabilitation centers accountable for their lack of results by getting unbiased studies done with the help of Consumer’s Union, the publishers of Consumer Reports.

The gentleman on the forefront of this is Dr. Thomas McLennan who was a research psychologist specializing in the field of drug addiction at the University of Pennsylvania when his own son died of a drug overdose. It was at this point that he realized that if he as researcher in the field of addictions couldn’t assess which drug rehab program was best for his son, how could an ordinary citizen be able to do so for their loved one?

In the article that was on NBC online written by Tony Dokoupil on April 7th, Dr. McLennan spoke of the many ways that he found that the conventional drug treatment centers fail those that are needing it. He first mentioned that the stigma attached to addiction is a large reason that addicts are given the bare minimum of treatment, many times allowing for a few days to withdraw from the drug or alcohol never getting to the cause of the addiction itself. He further noticed that many of these programs were of a “one size fits all” mentality which doesn’t take into consideration the individual circumstances that lead to the addiction for each participant of the program. Further he states that he 12-step program can do more harm than good as it blames the addict for his/her illness which he observes would be cause of malpractice for any other form of health care.

Dr. McLennan lobbied the White House to get addiction treatment included in the Affordable Care Act as one of the 10 Pillars of Health included in the act. He is in the process of getting the research done on each of the drug rehabilitation programs in Philadelphia. After that he is going to move onto Pennsylvania and then to the rest of the country.

I am heartened to finally have someone with great research knowledge as well as someone who has intimate knowledge of what drug addiction can do when left untreated, being listened to in the highest offices of our land. I know from the work that I do with addicts that they can overcome drug addiction if given: the right tools, treatment that allows them to see themselves as being able to fully overcome their addictions, while creating a compelling future that is so alluring to them that the thought of abusing drugs is no longer a part of their every day life.

My hope is that hypnosis and NLP will become the instrumental tool that is used in helping the addicts to turn their lives around. I have written Dr. McLennan with a few research studies that prove the many ways in which hypnosis has been used to help addicts to stop their habits. In the mean time he is doing more to help addicts get the help they require than most anyone that has been working in the field in many decades.

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All You Have to do is Believe in Spirit – Vol. 89 June, 2010

Written by Donna N.

Somehow Spirit has guided me through all I have been through lately and I know as long as I continue to believe in Spirit, all will work out for the better.

It was about one year and 9 months ago I first came to view the Dawning Visions Website on my computer. Some how a spirit guided me to that website. I was determined to find an alternative method to rid myself of the demons of alcohol and drug addiction that had plagued me since the age of 19 or so.  I was 54 at the time I googled the word “alcohol” and somehow came up with the Dawning Visions Hypnosis website.  I knew a little about hypnosis because I had tried it when I was in my early 20’s for a fear of dentists and needles. I knew that I could be hypnotized and I knew that it could work, at least in the case of the dentist and needles, because it had. I surfed around the DVH website and read all the testimonials and for the first time in a long time I had felt some hope.
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