056:Fascinate The World Around You: Here’s How

Unleash your true self and be truly fascinating

Pain Killers Are Killing Us: There Are Other Better Methods for Pain Control

Image from page 19 of "The chemist and druggist [electronic resource]" (1859)Vol. 272, August 14,2014 – Pain Killers Are Killing Us: There Are Other Better Methods for Pain Control

In 2012 there were 82.5 prescriptions for opioids and other narcotic painkillers written for every 100 Americans equaling a total of 259 million prescriptions. There were 46 deaths each day equaling 16,790 deaths a year as a result of those narcotic prescriptions.

With 70 million prescriptions for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) written each year, every single adult in the United State could be medicated for a month according to 2010 data.

Americans use twice as many opioids as Canadians, who won second place, behind the US for narcotics prescriptions.

There is a great risk of a life long addiction developing if given just a single course of the drug, according to CDC Director Tom Frieden.

Chicago and the two counties of Orange and Santa Clara, California have filed lawsuits on the behalf of the entire state of California against five drug companies that manufacture OcyContin, charging them with contributing to the epidemic level of drug abuse. There has been a tripling of the death rate in Santa Clara in the last decade due to the marketing plans the drug companies have been using over the decades. A marketing plan that’s created by the drug companies to create a market for these drugs that never should have existed, contended County Counsel Danny Cho. He would like the companies to pay for the high cost of treating overdoses and addiction in the public hospitals, similar to the manner in which the cigarette companies were forced to pay after being sued in the 1990s.

According to Chou, it is the drug companies that minimize the negative effects of their drugs, deceiving the patients who ask for these drugs from their doctors. Worse than that, the companies lie to the doctors about the risk and benefits, by manipulating the data in their drug testing. This makes it impossible for the doctors to know how best to prescribe for their patients.

There are cover ups by “front organizations” such as the Pain and Policy Group out of the University of Wisconsin that received $2.5 million from the drug companies that manufacture pain pills, working against stricter guidelines for there use.

Considering the avove, one would be wise to think twice before taking any of these narcotics. There are other ways to control one’s pain.

The first step is to fid out what is causing the pain because there are many instances when people feel pain, and it has an easy remedy. For instance, I know that I have had several clients who experience head aches and stomach pains only to find out that there was an emotional reason for experiencing them. In two cases it was because they had a parent that was over running their boundaries and creating so much stress, that the headaches formed. I have another client who had stabbing stomach pains caused by a trauma that she experienced when she was four years old. The remedy for her was to stay away from controlling and abusive men. These were figured out after all the tests for physical causes came back without a physiological reason. So the first step is to see your doctor and rule out any physiological reason.

If there is a physiological reason, there are many ways to treat pain that work with your body’s natural healing system. Here are 20 ideas to get you started from Dr. Mercola whose in depth article gave me the statistics stated above. You will learn much about how inflammation is formed woven in his ideas below. I would advise anyone  who is interested in great health to sign up for Dr. Mercola’s free daily E-Newsletter to learn about diet, exercise and general health care. His information is well researched while being written in an easily understood manner, as you will find to be true in his writing below: you can sign up for his newsletter at: http://www.mercola.com/ and to read the entire article you may find it here:


In his article you will find hyper links to other postings that he has written further explaining the techniques involved.

Here are 20 Non-pharmaceutical Pain Relief Techniques:

1. Eliminate or radically reduce most grains and sugars from your diet. Avoiding grains and sugars will lower your insulin and leptin levels (leptin is what controls your appetite) and decrease insulin and leptin resistance, which is one of the most important reasons why inflammatory prostaglandins are produced. That is why stopping sugar and sweets is so important to controlling your pain and other types of chronic illnesses.

2.Take high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fat. Dr. Mercola’s  personal favorite is krill oil. Omega-3 fats are precursors to mediators of inflammation called prostaglandins. (In fact, that is how anti-inflammatory painkillers work, they manipulate prostaglandins.)
3. By getting about 20 minutes of daily exposure to the sun a day you will optimize  your production of vitamin D , which will work through a variety of different mechanisms to reduce your pain.
4. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a drug-free approach for pain management of all kinds. EFT uses some of the acupuncture points helping you balance out your subtle energy system. It helps resolve underlying, often subconscious, negative emotions that may be worsening your physical pain. By stimulating yourself by tapping with your fingertips on well-established acupuncture points, you are able to rebalance your energy system, which tends to lessen pain. Find out more about this at: http://www.emofree.com/
5. K-Laser Class 4 Laser Therapy. If you suffer pain from an injury, arthritis, or other inflammation-based pain, Dr. Mercola strongly encourages you to try K-Laser therapy. A great  choice for many painful conditions, including acute injuries. By getting to the underlying cause of the pain, there will no longer be a need to rely on painkillers. K-Laser is a class 4 infrared laser therapy treatment that helps reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and enhance tissue healing—both in hard and soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, or even bones. The infrared wavelengths used in the K-Laser allow for targeting specific areas of your body, and can penetrate deeply into the body to reach areas such as your spine and hip. For more information about this groundbreaking technology, and how it can help heal chronic pain, listen to Dr. Mercola’s  previous interview with Dr. Harrington here: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/28/k-laser-benefits.aspx

6. Chiropractic. Many studies have confirmed that chiropractic management is much safer and less expensive than allopathic medical treatments, especially when used for pain, such as low-back pain. Qualified chiropractic, osteopathic, and naturopathic physicians are reliable, as they have received extensive training in the management of musculoskeletal disorders during their course of graduate healthcare training, which lasts between four to six years. These health experts have comprehensive training in musculoskeletal management.
7. Acupuncture can also effectively treat many kinds of pain. Research has discovered a “clear and robust” effect of acupuncture in the treatment of back, neck, and shoulder pain, osteoarthritis, and headaches.
8. Physical and massage therapy has been shown to be as good as surgery for painful conditions such as torn cartilage and arthritis.
9. Astaxanthin is one of the most effective fat-soluble antioxidants known. Having very potent anti-inflammatory properties it   works far more effectively than many anti-inflammatory drugs. You may need 8 mg or more per day to achieve this benefit.
10. Ginger: A potent anti-inflammatory offerering pain relief and stomach-settling. Use fresh ginger  well steeped in boiling water as a tea or grated into vegetable juice.
11. Curcumin: In a study of osteoarthritis patients, those who added 200 mg of curcumin a day to their treatment plan had reduced pain and increased mobility. A past study also found that a turmeric extract composed of curcuminoids blocked inflammatory pathways, effectively preventing the overproduction of a protein that triggers swelling and pain.
12. Boswellia: Also known as boswellin or “Indian frankincense,” this herb contains specific active anti-inflammatory ingredients. This is one of Dr. Mercola’s personal favorites having seen it work well with many rheumatoid arthritis patients.
13. Bromelain: This enzyme, found in pineapples, is a natural anti-inflammatory. Though available as a supplement, it is better to eat the pineapple, including some of the bromelain-rich stem.
14. Cetyl myristoleate (CMO): An oil, found in fish and dairy butter, acts as a “joint lubricant” and an anti-inflammatory. Dr. Mercola has used this for himself to relieve ganglion cysts and a mild annoying carpal tunnel syndrome that pops up when he types too much on non-ergonomic keyboards. He used a topical preparation for this.

15. Evening primrose, black currant, and borage oils: Containing essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA), useful for treating arthritic pain.
16. Cayenne cream: Also called capsaicin cream, found in dried hot peppers, it eases pain by depleting the body’s supply of substance P, a chemical component of nerve cells that transmits pain signals to your brain.

17. Medical cannabis has a long history as a natural analgesic. Currently 20 US states have legalized cannabis for medical purposes. Its medicinal qualities are due to high amounts (about 10-20 percent) of cannabidiol (CBD), medicinal terpenes, and flavanoids.  Varieties of cannabis exist that are very low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes you feel “stoned”—and high in medicinal CBD. The Journal of Pain, a publication by the American Pain Society, has a long list of studies on the pain-relieving effects of cannabis.
18. Methods such as yoga, Foundation Training, massage, meditation, hot and cold packs, and other mind-body techniques can also result in astonishing pain relief without any drugs.
19. Grounding, or walking barefoot on the earth, may also provide a certain measure of pain relief by combating inflammation.
20. Hypnosis & meditation, Pain is increased when one is stressed out, so getting into a relaxed hypnotic or meditative state will reduce your discomfort.

If you care about keeping the sort of life that you currently have without the mind being hijacked by these drugs, putting you at all sorts of risk, you will do everything you can to stay away from narcotic medication.  I can tell you that I have dealt with too many really good people, professional people, who ended up addicted to the stuff after having a surgery. This happened when the lower dose prescribed didn’t quite do the job.  Before they realized it they were full blown addicts, unable to stop the habit. In some cases it lead to  heroin or cocaine addiction, which are places you really don’t want to ever go if you can help it, which you can. Think before you act, always. Ask your doctor for other alternatives. If you have ANY history of ANY sort of addiction to ANYTHING at all, it is in your best interest to stay away from ANY sort of addictive substance, period. Use the brain G_d gave you to keep you safe from addiction to these terribly destructive drugs.

“The Long Journey Home” A Story of Incest, Drug Abuse & Healling – Vol. 135, Jan. 19, 2012

About a month ago I started to interact with other mental health professionals on linkedin. Being a person who works with sexual addicts I was drawn to a discussion that was called “Sex, Shame and Addiction: Who Turned on the Red Light?”

Interestingly enough, I missed the article that was originally posted from which the name came for the discussion. Instead I moved onto a newer post by a woman who created this most heart wrenching and heart warming of documentary videos 12 minutes in length. In it she details the story of sexual violation of her older daughter, the deeper ramifications in her life and that of the larger family. Culminating in the journey back home where the healing took place as the daughter first learns to take responsibility for her own actions getting out of the “victim” state and finds the freedom to be found through forgiveness.

You can watch the video here:  http://vimeo.com/12008525

Please pass this video onto anyone else who you may feel can gain some hope and healing from it. The videographer, Janelle Vigil would like this video to be shared with anyone who can be given some hope and healing as a result of viewing it. We both thank you in advance.

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The Wrongful Loss of Robin Williams: We Needn’t Lose Any More Great Creative Talents Just Because they Have Mental Health Challenges

RIP Robin Williams.Vol. 271, Aug 12, 2014

It so happens that many of the most creative people on this planet suffer from chronic mental health issues. When mood dysfunction is involved, substance abuse often develops into addiction, which results with the desire to self-medicate.

Robin Williams was known as a very well rounded actor and comic, warm hearted and funny. Though he was very open about his alcoholism, nobody close to him knew of his “depression.” It is my sense that given his manic energy while performing that Robin was most likely a manic depressive suffering from bouts of being “high” on his own brain chemicals as well as being plunged into great depths of depression as he cycled up and down. The alcohol was used to numb away his depressed feelings and have some space where people weren’t able to “get to him” because being a “star” one has little to no privacy – one of the prices one pays to be “famous.” At least that is what he mentioned in an interview that was replayed from years ago on Good Morning America this morning as they payed a tribute to the man’s artistic genius and his great heart.

Most people do not realize this, but 85% of all manic depressives will commit suicide while 20% of depressives will, according to Kay Redfield Jamison, Psychologist in her book, Touched By Fire. Dr. Jamison also has illustrations of many family trees of gifted artist, showing the genealogical connections of families in which these mood disorders are present. It is a stunning, eye opening history that allows my clients to understand from whence their illnesses came.

Dr. Jamison also has graphs depicting the work product of such artists as Vincent Van Gogh, who had been touched by Manic Depression, now more well known as Bipolar Disorder. It is evident how little gets done when one is in a depressed state versus when one is either hypomanic (with poor judgement, yet grounded in reality) or manic (out of touch with reality).

However, there are better ways to treat these people and save their lives then medicating them with the harsh psycho pharmaceuticals that injure their livers or kidneys.

Given my own battle with manic depression from when it was diagnosed in 1989 till it was finally cleared with the use of NLP back in 2004, I understand the cycles of this illness better than many. Though I was lucky enough to never think of self-medicating myself – one of only 15% of the manic depressives out there, I was never at risk for over dosing. It’s been a little over a decade since I was experiencing the symptoms that one would attach to a diagnosis of manic depression – long enough to know that I have beat this illness, psychiatrist and drug free all these years.

How did I do it? Well, the one thing that I realized when I was chemically stabilized on lithium going back to 1990 or so, was that I had a “compelling future,” meaning that I knew that I had things that I wanted to do that were more important to me than allowing my brain to get me “high” on its own. Being one of the lucky ones, when I was ill I spent 6 months of the year naturally “high” with more than enough energy to do anything I wanted or needed to do no matter how physically tired I was. My mind was razor sharp during these times, and yet, I realized that being in this state was unhealthy as my heart was racing. I realized that if I allowed myself to go at such a speed, a heart attack wasn’t out of the question. Learning how to hypnotize others, needing to slow down to my client’s ability to process information was integral in forcing me to slow down. Learning self-hypnosis, I was finally able to calm myself down while figuring out ways to move my life forward, without the need to empty my mind as is required in meditation, something my ex-husband worked very hard to teach me, and yet, I was unable to sit long enough to learn how, much to his dismay.

I have found in my work with my clients since 2002, that if someone has a “compelling future” that is more important than the secondary gains of being ill (getting attention, not having to deal with everyday life as while in rehab, getting disability payments, etc.) they will succeed in healing and no longer demonstrate the symptoms of these mental health illnesses, including drug and alcohol addiction. If one’s unconscious mind is in the way, working hard to protect the client’s conscious mind from learning those things it is unable to deal with, then its best to work in the super conscious mind where the unconscious is taken out of the way, as the conscious is taken out of the way by working in the unconscious mind. It is then possible to help these people to fully heal. It is done in an efficient manner using their talents at going into altered states, making the work even more healing for these creative people.  By allowing us to use what they already know how to do to do their healing, this is a very natural manner in which for them to do their healing work. What could make more sense than that? Because in the end there is always a reason for a person to have a mood disorder or a drug addiction, which shows up in the images of the brains in one way or another. However, what is not understood is that given the brain’s plasticity with a neurobiology that is changeable, by using hypnotic techniques we can help heal the client. We do this by changing the perceptions of the client from those that are negative in nature, to those that are positive and helpful in a safe, non-invasive manner using the natural way in which the client’s mind works. What could be better than that?


055:Lets Stop Ignoring the Psychology of Weight Loss

Weight loss is more than just counting calories. It’s what’s in your head that really matters.


How To Be IN A World Where People Are Unconscious 95% of the time

A repeated creates a feelingHow To Be IN A World Where People Are Unconscious 95% of the time – Vol. 270, August 7, 2014

Being a hypnotist, I realize that people are normally living their lives out of their unconscious mind. What this means is that people are not critically thinking about their thoughts and their actions 95% of the time. Think about those times when you were operating out of the “automatic” mode. These are all the times that you found yourself reacting to everything that occurs in your life, versus reflective thoughtful actions.

What this means is that people are using their unconscious mind, their unconscious programming which is based on all the programming that was input into one’s brain from the time they were 0-7 years old. It is the non-critical part of the mind that operates on this level, which is important to understand. Because once you do understand this, you can realize that many people have no idea about how they come across to others. They are just doing their recorded program as programmed by their parents when they were younger. You would realize this when you notice similarities between how a child emulates some aspect of their parent.

Now, this is a very important to understand: if someone is unconscious about their behavior, including you, yourself, you cannot be held responsible for it. No shame, blame, guilt or victimhood needs to be attached to it.Why? Because one can’t be responsible for something of which they were unaware.

However, the other side of this coin is that once you are made aware of the negative thoughts or behaviors that you may have been programmed to have, it is up to you to take responsibility and change those thoughts and behaviors. Because it is not reasonable to expect others to put up with our dysfunctional behaviors.

How do you shift these behaviors around once you become conscious of them? You get yourself into a relaxed hypnotic state by taking a couple of deep breaths in and exhaling.

Focus your eyes above eye level till they get tired and start blinking.

Shut your eyes and then imagine a spiral stair case floating in the air. Make it beautiful.

Tell yourself that you are doubling your relaxation with every step you walk down to the bottom of the staircase.

From there you can tell yourself what you would like to be doing instead of the behavior you are doing. There you can direct your thoughts to be placed on gratitude for all you have in your life. There you can ask your self what it is that would work better for you going forward in any given situation.

Then you just wait and listen to what you hear comes up, and that would be a great way for you to continue going forward, without the negative thoughts and behaviors upsetting you or upsetting those with whom you are interacting every day.

It is a simple thing to do, and takes very little time, a few minutes in most cases.

The best time to do it is right before going to sleep at night or right when you awaken in the morning since you are in a hypnotic state at those times anyway.

How to be happy by facing your inner demons- Vol. 152, June 7, 2012

Smiley face

Smiley face (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Article Written By Donna M. Novi

Trying to take control of your life to feel happy and content is not an easy thing to do sometimes.This could be for a variety of reasons, known and unknown, or as hypnotists say, conscious or unconscious.

A lot of times there are issues that are running in the background of our lives that we are unaware of. These issues can prevent us from feeling happy or fulfilled. Often times we may not even know what they are or even that they exist, just that we are not feeling good about ourselves or our lives. Often times these issues can make us angry, or sad. We don’t know why, or may not even know that we come across to others as just that, angry. We get irritable for no apparent reason and most often we take out our frustrations on the people closest to us such as our spouse or mate.

We try to compensate and to feel good by using external means such as alcohol, or smoking to relieve the stress that we feel and think is causing the pain we feel. Sometimes we don’t even know what it is that we feel that makes us unhappy. We may just know that we are unhappy and we spend so much time searching and looking for reasons and answers that we have no energy to even feel happy. It is a vicious circle. It may end up causing us to turn to alcohol on a more regular basis or even addicting drugs to simply sleep or just to feel calm. What we don’t realize is that when those drugs make us feel calm, or that drink does give us some carefree happy moments – it really isn’t us that is feeling those feelings – it is the effects of the drugs that are causing those feelings for as soon as the alcohol or drug, be it legal or illegal wears off we are left with the same exact problem of not feeling content in our lives running forever in the background. Until we deal with that background issue causing the pain and our problems, we will never feel better or have the relief we seek. We will never experience true happiness.

There are many things that can cause a person to feel unhappy in their lives. Most often though with the right help these can be discovered and overcome.

Ever watch a new born baby laugh and smile. They never seem to be angry or sad unless they have a reason for it such they are hungry or need a diaper change. There is always a reason for their discomfort. As they grow older, issues and life happens and they begin to experience events that form their lives. For example if they are raised by angry parents they will learn anger and feel anger as their minds grow and mature. To them this feeling is normal and this is how they may look at the world. If they are raised by loving parents they will feel love as a natural emotion and it will not feel foreign to them as they grow older.

Many of the issues that people battle on a daily basis such as eating disorders or drug addiction begin in the mind and need not be thought of today as incurable with the proper treatment. There are causes for all behaviors that can be dealt with when they can be discovered. Many of these causes are in the unconscious mind forever running and stuck in the background.

There are so many causes for depression as I noted in an earlier newsletter (Are You Truly Depressed? Maybe it is Something Else Entirely -Vol. 88, May, 2010).There are just as many reasons for other issues as well, such as sex addiction, eating disorders or just feeling angry for no apparent reason. For every unpleasant feeling there usually is a drug to help us overcome that unpleasant and unwanted feeling. Prozac for depression, Valium for anger and to make a person feel calm. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to take drugs to alter my state of mind to feel good.

I want to treat the source of my discomfort and eradicate the problem for good so I have no need to take any drugs and medications.

The older we grow, the more these problems that are causing us discomfort grow and before we know it a simple issue that is running in the background of our lives is actually taking over our lives and causing serious problems left untreated. It is like a small tumor that just gets bigger and bigger. Don’t let something that occurred when you were 2 years of age for example define who you are today. Don’t let demons that you may not even be aware of run your life and make you feel unhappy.
There is always a reason, for everything. There is always a cause and the effect it creates. Make those effects good and happy ones. If you feel unhappy get to the root of it, get to the source of that unhappy feeling.  Don’t just medicate and cover it up. It will not go away on its own unless it is confronted and dealt with, and only gets bigger and uglier causing more and more problems with age.

On a personal note for most of my adult life I was unhappy and depressed and didn’t know why. For years I took antidepressants with no real relief. I went from therapist to therapist talking and trying to figure it out only to be told it was just me – a biochemical imbalance and I would always feel depressed. This biochemical theory is just a myth and has not been proven. Dr. Irving Kirsh of Harvard has proved this to be so after over 30 years of studying the placebo effect of antidepressants.

I finally discovered hypnotism and within a relatively short period of time compared to a lifetime conventional therapy I discovered an incident that took place as a teenager which was so traumatic for me causing me to have survivors guilt for decades without even realizing it. This incident that happened as a teenager simply stayed with me in the background of my mind running me and causing me pain and discomfort surfacing as depression. Never really knowing or understanding why I was depressed. Finally decades later having made this discovery thru hypnotism I was able to once and for all let it go, put it at peace and move on with my life un-depressed with absolutely no need for medication, drugs or alcohol or any therapy – all of which were tried previously unsuccessfully. No amount of therapy would have been able to help me because these feelings stemming from this decades old incident was in my unconscious mind and I was not even aware it was causing the problems.

You too can successfully get rid of any unwanted background noises and issues that may be the cause your unwanted problems.  Don’t believe that you can not overcome what ever it is that is making you feel unhappy or preventing you from achieving your goals.  Live the life you desire today.

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