FEAR – 92% Of Your Fears Are Outside Your Reality

Fear - Graffiti


Vol.162, August 21, 2012

Fear is something that most mortals feel from time to time. It is even more common for those who watch or read the news with all the doom and gloom that is conveyed there on a daily basis. Unfortunately our American government is also great at creating anxious fearful feelings. As we wait for our rides on mass transit or at airports we are perpetually told to be on the lookout for anyone who may be out to do harm to us and report them to the authorities.

There is something interesting about fear in that most often the feelings we feel are just that, feelings. In truth most of our fears have little to do with reality. A University of Pennsylvania study done around 2005 demonstrated the following results as quoted in the book “True Prosperity: How To Have Everything” by Yehuda Berg:

40% of our worries never materialize
30% of our worries deal with the past (the researchers say nothing can be done about
them, however hypnotically one can do much about flattening them)
12% were directed at other peoples’ business – nothing to be done about them
10% spent on imagined illnesses
8% of worries are to be justified

So the idea that FEAR stands for: False Evidence Appearing Real is true. There are really only 8% of fears that have a chance to create any real issue for you in your life. The rest have nothing to do with how you currently live.

With this knowledge you can go forward and go for those things that really matter to you. Maybe there is something that you are dreading that you have to do. Walk through the feelings of fear to get to the other side. As you do so you most likely will find constructive ways to overcome the unwarranted fears.  An added plus is that you will also find new ways to achieve those things that most matter to you. Best of all you will find that dealing with the fear head on was much easier than you ever imagined it could be. As a result of dealing with that issue you will realize the fantastic feelings of achieving something that was important to you to handle.

Think back to a fear that you had and that you conquered. When you think back on it wasn’t it something that you blew totally out of proportion with what was really required? Or maybe that thing that you feared never came to fruition in reality.  Or maybe one day you found out that the issue was completely resolved because you had the guts to ask someone for a bit of help.

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Leigh Steinberg Learns the Hard Life Lessons of Alcoholism on His Career and Finances – Vol. 139, February 16, 2012

How is it that a man who has represented so many sports legends finds himself having to have filed for Chapter 7, personal bankruptcy? It is as is so often the case that the impulsive behaviors that manifest one with alcoholism are to be the cause for much of this man’s sad situation in life. Even more sad for the positive impact that he has had on many men for whom sports became a way to having self-esteem while gaining a better understanding of the possibilities that were available in life through Steinberg’s donation to causes such as helping to raise over $660 million for college scholarships for young men as well as raising funds to fight racism and hate.

Unfortunately he let his eye of his business where one of his partners had unbeknown to him, taken a loan of $300,000 with one of their NFL clients which was in a forbidden act in violation of the NFL Players Association regulations. This brought about a suit forcing Mr. Steinberg to pay back the debt with any penalties that have accrued. With the negative press of his “no-show” to the court proceeding to resolve the matter, which he claims his lawyer told him he need not be present for having said representation by his own attorney, the presses went wild making him seem like a “deadbeat.”

Steinberg to his credit wrote an article to allow the public to hear his side of the story so he may once again be able to earn a living now that he has gotten himself sober with the use of a 12-step program of which taking responsibility of all his acts under the influence is a central part.

The lessons here are many. First, that one can indeed get the help that they require once they are willing to confess to themselves that they do indeed have a problem that requires outside help. Second, that the ramifications of the behavior associated with a problem of this kind once gotten out of hand can easily ruin a person, especially a person who has some stature in our society. Third, that what you read in the papers has little merit given that one is only hearing someone’s interpretation of what occurred many times without any point of the view of the one being spoken of. Fourth, that even when people do what they need to making amends and letting go of the offensive behavior, society finds a way to make that process even more difficult rather than giving credit where it is due. And lastly, if you want to have others stop harassing you, speaking negatively of you, you best take a stand for the truth that is your life without the need to blame anyone else or defend you actions. The only thing one need do is say their truth as they know it to be once the situation is seen for what it is and the actions necessary have been taken.

For anyone who has any sort of addiction issue, hypnosis is a great way to go. Really, it is because it is a matter of learning how to let go of the addiction which is the opposite of what the 12-step programs teach which is that you will always be identified with having this problem merely managing it. I have written many times of the manner in which I work with my clients based on my own belief that it is in the client’s own mind that the changes take place, to no longer have the urges or desire for any behavior that could be considered addictive. One merely needs to make the choice that they would prefer to learn how to not think or act in the manner of an addict, replacing that with thoughts and behaviors that are in line with that person’s values and beliefs, with thoughts and activities that are productive.

*My newly released book called “Do I Have an Eating Disorder? Now What? is now available on Amazon.com. If you are a “Select member” and have access to their free library you can access the book their for free. It is my desire to educate as many people as possible about this number one killer of teen girls so as to get them the help they need before it is too late.
Here’s the link for those who are interested:

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Robin Williams could Have Lived Had He Understood John Gray’s Method of Healing Parkinson’s – He did it for himself!

Suzanne_with_John_Gray_P1010002-300x2251Vol. 273 August 21, 2014

How very sad it was that Robin Williams may have had what is thought of as a progressive disease. However, one that is totally healable if one knows how to do so.

John Gray, author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus had his own battle with pre-Parkinson’s Disease a few years ago. He took a much different path than Robin Williams did, to Dr. Gray’s benefit. You see, Dr. Gray is by nature a very curious guy. He started his career in psychology getting his Ph.D. to help save his older brother who was afflicted with Bipolar Illness. His brother asked John to help him out and John did so, first by teaching him meditation, something he knew a lot about having spent several years as a monk in India. When that didn’t work, he got his PH.D. in psychology. Sadly, his brother ended up committing suicide as 20% of those afflicted will.

John next found himself in a relationship with his first wfe that wasn’t going very well. He set out to figure out what needed to be done to have an excellent relationship, understanding that there were inherent differences in the two genders culturally with the roles assigned, psychologically with the variance in thinking, and physiologically with the biochemistry involved. His world famous book Men are From Mars, Woman are From Venus, was a compilation of his findings.

Next, he was diagnosed with pre-Parkinson’s Disease and being the curious fellow he is, not willing to take medications that would hit a “tolerance level” and then not work for him, as he was given other body damaging medications for the side-effects for the first medication, he did the research he needed to and figured out how to heal himself. His approach is based on reducing one’s stress. Hypnosis is of course “meditation with a purpose” – one can’t be in a meditative state, and be stressed out at the same time. So, this is very important for one’s overall health,  even more important for one dealing with any sort of chronic health condition.

You can watch John Gray’s video on how he healed himself of this dreadful disease before it progressed to being Parkinson’s with the text included right here:


The largest message that I want to put out there is that just because the doctors say something, doesn’t make it true. All too many of them are unwilling to search out how the body and mind and spirit all work together to keep us whole and complete functioning humans. As such, it is nigh impossible for them to heal us – because many times the problems that look like one thing, has nothing to do with that thing. It has to do with the underlying manner in which our whole body was meant to operate which includes great nutrition so that we have the building blocks for our health which sometimes includes what looks like mental or emotional disorders, but are just a symptom of our neurotransmitters not working effectively or perhaps our hormones being thrown off balance or malnutrition from leaky gut for example.

Again, we have to look outside “the box.” Looking at the whole person where we can figure out how to truly heal a person of most of what is bothering them. If it can’t be done 100%, at least we can greatly improve the quality of one’s life. However, this can’t be achieved unless we get rid of the presumption that whatever ails us is something that we need to be ashamed of – that is terribly misguided, untrue and unnecessary!

There is always an underlining reason for what ails us and those of us who are in the helping professionals better start being a hell of a lot more creative, insightful and most of all sensitive to our patients/clients emotional need for support and understanding through their healing process.

Go to the Podcasts interviews that I did with John Gray here, to get more of his story and much more about the problems with the medical/psychiatric world and what you can

do take control of your own life here:


John Gray interviews from the Podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life”

John Gray Interview Part 1 from Podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life”

Dr. John Gray explains how his years of being a monk gave him a unique perspective of what makes healthy primary relationships. He also speaks of finding his authentic self, why he became a psychologist, and manic depression. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview. John Gray Interview Video Part 1)

John Gray Interview Part 2 from Podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life”

Dr. John Gray discusses why he chose to use nutrition to clear himself of Parkinson’s Disease declining his doctor’s treatment, the 3,500% increase of mental illness in America due to the non-healing quality of psychotropic medications, what is needed for brain health, the research of Dr. Hans Nieper healing mental illness with minerals, his new book on focus explaining that stress and sugar consumption as the main causes of mental illness which is injury in the brain. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview. John Gray Interview Video Part 2)

John Gray Interview Part 3 from Podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life”

Dr. John Gray discusses the correct mineral supplements needed for brain health to protect against brain damage, why he said “no” to his doctor’s treatment for his Parkinson’s Disease explaining how he healed himself, why we have addictions and what that causes, gender differences in focus and normal human behavior based in our hormonal and emotional differences, all the damage we create in our bodies with medications and sugar. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview. John Gray Interview Video Part 3)

John Gray Interview Part 4 from Podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life”


John Gray discusses his new book “The Mars Venus Wellness Solution for Focus” which explains  how to use nutrition to heal illnesses of the brain. He explains how over-the-counter medications damage brain health, glutathione vs. Antioxidents to heal the brain, the role of vitamin C in healing, the role of healthy sexual relations for human regeneration of energy, the deficiency of nutrients in our food, Time Line Therapy ®, NLP, hypnosis and meditation for restructuring of our thinking processes. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview. John Gray Interview Video Part 4)
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