Heal Our Children, Heal The World – Vol. 281, October 16, 2014
I have been thinking a lot lately about how best to be a channel of healing for our world. The answer was right in front of me really. I realized that through my work with kids who are around 9 to around 23 years of age, I get the best bang for the investment of time and energy. Think about it this way: When one can spend a few hours and help a kid realize that their world is not ending, rather it is just opening up to a myriad of wonderful possibilities, a new soul is released to create something powerful and wonderful.
Kids, needn’t spend years in therapy. Kids needn’t be placed on physiologically destructive, mind numbing psychopharmacological medications in the vast majority of cases. Kids are fantastical in their thinking, eager to live into a fantasy given the great gift of visualizing anything that they may need to help themselves heal. Why would we not take advantage of these wonderful gifts that kids are born with and so capable of using to create their own healing?
I will give you an example of such creativity with a 10 year old female who was having distressing thoughts about becoming ill because one of the other students in her class had inhaled too much primer as they were painting, getting sick to her stomach. This client of mine, has a propensity to believe that whatever happens to others will happen to her. I have since demonstrated to her mother how she can help her own child heal using the natural method of having her child induce a trance state for herself. Once her daughter go into a trance state, the child noted some cabbages were poisoned and causing illness for anyone who came into contact with them. Her mother calmly asked her what she had available to “vanish” the cabbages. Her daughter noted that she had some healing potions that she could douce them with to kill them. So her mother suggested that she use her great natural ability to aim well and toss these potions at the cabbages to kill them. With that suggestion the cabbages were indeed killed, the problem taken care of.
This particular child spends much time playing video games creating worlds of fantasy for herself and as such as a heightened ability to create whatever she desires in her own mind. However, the great majority of kids have this ability if they were only allowed to access it for their own use. Of course the cabbages were a metaphor of those things this child fears, and as a result of being able to take care of these problems with her own ingenuity, she has found inside her the ability to realize that the can indeed take care of many things that may have scared her in some fashion before.
Now the reason that healing our younger kids is so very important at this time in particular is because of the advent of the internet. This is where teens go to find information, much of it of a destructive nature. It is where teens have access to all sorts of injurious activities if engaged for too many hours for kids need to be outside running around developing their muscles, learning how to share as they play together, developing their major motor coordination and mostly importantly to have caring interpersonal relationships with others, so they know that they are liked and indeed loved unconditionally by their own friends.
For any of you who work with children, I invite you to learn more about how you can use their creative abilities to help them to heal themselves holistically, quickly and best of all giving them a feeling of accomplishment by learning how to take care of themselves. Because the reality is that they needn’t get involved with substance abuse, sex addiction or eating disorders, not at all, if we would only take the time to teach them the live giving skills of how to best use their minds to heal themselves before any of that would come into play. What could be better than that?