Heal Our Children, Heal The World

Sessão "Luísa Bruxinha"Heal Our Children, Heal The World  – Vol. 281, October 16, 2014

I have been thinking a lot lately about how best to be a channel of healing for our world. The answer was right in front of me really. I realized that through my work with kids who are around 9 to around 23 years of age, I get the best bang for the investment of time and energy. Think about it this way: When one can spend a few hours and help a kid realize that their world is not ending, rather it is just opening up to a myriad of wonderful possibilities, a new soul is released to create something powerful and wonderful.

Kids, needn’t spend years in therapy. Kids needn’t be placed on physiologically destructive, mind numbing psychopharmacological medications in the vast majority of cases. Kids are fantastical in their thinking, eager to live into a fantasy given the great gift of visualizing anything that they may need to help themselves heal. Why would we not take advantage of these wonderful gifts that kids are born with and so capable of using to create their own healing?

I will give you an example of such creativity with a 10 year old female who was having distressing thoughts about becoming ill because one of the other students in her class had inhaled too much primer as they were painting, getting sick to her stomach. This client of mine, has a propensity to believe that whatever happens to others will happen to her. I have since demonstrated to her mother how she can help her own child heal using the natural method of having her child induce a trance state for herself.  Once her daughter go into a trance state, the child noted some cabbages were poisoned and causing illness for anyone who came into contact with them. Her mother calmly asked her what she had available to “vanish” the cabbages. Her daughter noted that she had some healing potions that she could douce them with to kill them. So her mother suggested that she use her great natural ability to aim well and toss these potions at the cabbages to kill them. With that suggestion the cabbages were indeed killed, the problem taken care of.

This particular child spends much time playing video games creating worlds of fantasy for herself and as such as a heightened ability to create whatever she desires in her own mind. However, the great majority of kids have this ability if they were only allowed to access it for their own use. Of course the cabbages were a metaphor of those things this child fears, and as a result of being able to take care of these problems with her own ingenuity, she has found inside her the ability to realize that the can indeed take care of many things that may have scared her in some fashion before.

Now the reason that healing our younger kids is so very important at this time in particular is because of the advent of the internet. This is where teens go to find information, much of it of a destructive nature. It is where teens have access to all sorts of injurious activities if engaged for too many hours for kids need to be outside running around developing their muscles, learning how to share as they play together, developing their major motor coordination and mostly importantly to have caring interpersonal relationships with others, so they know that they are liked and indeed loved unconditionally by their own friends.

For any of you who work with children, I invite you to learn more about how you can use their creative abilities to help them to heal themselves holistically, quickly and best of all giving them a feeling of accomplishment by learning how to take care of themselves. Because the reality is that they needn’t get involved with substance abuse, sex addiction or eating disorders, not at all, if we would only take the time to teach them the live giving skills of how to best use their minds to heal themselves before any of that would come into play.  What could be better than that?

The Dangers of Over Prescribing Placebos and Narcotics – Vol. 98. April 2011

In the March 7th edition of the Boston Globe, Deborah Kotz cited a few well known studies proving the efficacy of the placebo effect. Three years ago it was noted that antidepressants were only effective on 10% of those who took them, according to Irving Kirsch, who lead the study, a psychologist from the University of Hull in Great Britain. Ms. Kotz cites other studies having to do with the dulling of pain due to irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis and another where Parkinson’s tremors were reduced.

Given that the placebo effect occurs about 30% of the time doctors have been prescribing useless pills to those who complain until they feel heard by their doctor’s writing a prescription. For the doctor who has a patient who is looking for some attention, often it is easier for them to pull out their “script” pad, giving the patient the worthless prescription along with the feeling that they were “heard”.

It was even reported that a woman created an innocuous pill to give children realizing that just the act of taking something, for their ruminated ailment to make it go away. Maybe the children got this idea from the adults around them with more prescriptions being written today than in any other time in our history. Given the hugely increased abuse of prescription medications I feel that this is the opposite direction than we ought to be moving in, especially since we know that our unconscious mind is able to be programmed to let go of much of what ails us if it were only trained how to do so. Continue reading

064:Knowing When to Help and Knowing When to Lay Off: There is a difference

We all want to help those close to us, however our offers may not always be well received. Here’s some guidelines on when to help and when to not get involved.


Why Not Change “State” To Become Fully Empowered?

Dream!Why Not Change “State” To Become Fully Empowered? – Vol. 280, October 9, 2014


For many of us we are spending way too much time devouring the sad and depressing news that the media feeds us daily, usually in the morning and the evening right before going to bed. These are the very worst times to allow your unconscious mind to be permeated with these illusions of misfortune, leaving many feeling depressed and anxiety ridden without ever knowing why. I am telling you “why” right now! You are allowing your unconscious mind to be invested with made up horror that is not of your making or under your control. So, if you must know the news of the day, go read what is of interest to you online on in the papers and magazines and skip over the sensationalized garbage that passes as “news” today.


Now, that you got that under control lets move onto creating the life of your dreams, shall we? We can thank Melanie Benson-Strict for these fabulous questions. She is a business coach who helps business owners create the life of their dreams.


First I would like you to ask what you want in life? What are you dreaming about having?


What do you feel about it, when you think about it? Do I feel, “excited” or “contracted?”


What would have to take place to make this happen, to take action on this?


Ask yourself: Do I need a mentor? Do I need support? Do I need training?


What small steps can I take to make this come together for myself?


Do I feel contracted?


What do I tell myself that I am believing will happen if I move forward?


Whatever you are feeling, whatever you are believing, is this REAL or is it POSSIBLE that YOU are making this up?


NOTE: IT IS ALL MADE UP – so this is the KEY to shifting yourself.

You are creating your reality with these beliefs.


As we hypnotists like to say, “Life is an illusion and the meaning is what we give it.”


What would be a more supporting belief, framework, story that will allow you to move into what you desire?




You are looking for “NEUTRAL” or “EXCITED” feelings.


Ex: from Melanie Benson-Strict: Struggle for money


Mentored by her parents as many of you, to “struggle for money,” never being a time when there was money without struggling for it. She realized that over time she had made up that story because many others were able to get what they wanted. It was what she came to realize as being a “limited belief” that wasn’t true. Sometimes money comes from somewhere else, somewhere she never would have thought of on her own. Sometimes people sent her checks for over due accounts, or a refund from the IRS audit of a company she had done business with previously.


So allow yourself to let go of those old stories that were never true for you in the first place and replace them with a story of happiness and success for yourself. Because as all of us who are in the business of working with the mind understand, that by shifting our perceptions we can shift our lives into a place that is full of wonder, excitement, fulfillment and most of all love.





How Committed Are You To Feeling Better? – Vol. 109, July 14, 2011

Donna N.

How many of us are really willing to do what it takes to get the END results that we want? We may get some results and want to stop because we are lazy, have time constraints, money issues or whatever the EXCUSE. We sign up for programs that promise results in 90 days. Do we really give 100% for the entire 90 days, or fizzle out after 10 days? Are we committed to do what ever it takes to get the job done. Or do we poop out and quit before the end of the program, only to blame the program or teacher for our failings. It is easy to blame someone else for our short comings and our inability to follow through on projects. It’s just as easy as to blame others for not starting the project, when in fact we should. Procrastination has a way of making things seem worse the longer we put things off.

I have been feeling poorly for a while now and finally got the energy to do something about it besides complaining about feeling poorly. I decided due to my symptoms that I would go back to the chiropractor that helped me six years ago with similar issues. Unfortunately he is located about 20 miles away from where I currently live. Add in the fact that I will be seeing him after work having to fight the rush hour traffic to get home, needing to do this three days a week for at least three months – during the summer months, making driving home in the rush hour traffic even worse. Keeping in mind it takes me an average of ten minutes to get home from work normally, in virtually no traffic. I am now committing myself to 40-60 minutes of rush hour, bumper to bumper traffic to get home. I had to ask myself do I really want to commit myself to this? Then I asked myself do I really want to feel better or continue on feeling poorly and complaining about it. I could go to another chiropractor, but I know this doctor is successful. It seemed like a no brainier as I did really want to feel better and it seemed like I would not really mind as much going the 20 miles even in the rush hour traffic making my commute five to six times longer. It has been almost a month now, and I have to tell you it is getting harder to continue to keep these appointments. There are days that I feel that it is helping and I am feeling better, better enough to stop the treatment.  And then there are days that I am feeling just as bad as I started with no improvement feeling why am I bothering, it isn’t helping, and I want to stop the treatment, blaming my not feeling better on my provider. But then I have to realize that I have not finished the treatment so it is unfair to say it isn’t helping or I am well enough to stop.

Sometimes things are not totally linear, that is they don’t always go in exact order in gradients of one’s feeling better. I have good days after treatment and I have bad days. On the good days of course it is easy to want to continue, but on the bad days I really feel like I need a kick in the ass to get myself to go. However, even though the pain may be gone today, the necessary corrections that need to take place have not, so the pain will come back if I stop prematurely. So I guess it all circles back to how bad do I really want to feel better. Am I able to commit by following through with my treatment? Do I really want this issue to be totally resolved once and for all or do I want to continue feeling miserable?  Am I willing to gamble on stopping treatment basically ignoring the providers treatment plan?  Do I know more than this provider in his field of expertise? It is the following through part that gets most folks.

Following through with things that are fun and easy to do can be easy, but following through with things that are difficult requiring hard work and discomfort are not so easy to do. Nobody likes discomfort, but as the Nike commercial states: “No pain, no gain”. Sometimes it hurts a little to get better. It is like that hill Jack and Jill had to climb to get to the other side. Going up wasn’t easy but going down once they did get up there was.

I think there also has to be a certain level of trust in the service you are receiving.Trust that it will indeed be worth the time and effort you are putting forth to get the results you desire. If you don’t feel it is worth your time and effort, if you don’t have 100% trust in your provider, it makes it harder to continue through the difficult times. One needs to be open and honest in their feelings for trust issues can come and go during the treatment. Should this happen and you feel your trust waning, one needs to talk with the provider in regards to this issue. This is most important because it is natural for one to lose trust or even feel anger when a provider is requiring you to do things that you really find difficult or do not want to do. There were times when I was really doubting my ability to follow through on the treatment plan that was laid out with my seeing Suzanne. I had initially come to her with a specific set of issues, however during the course of her treatment, other issues became evident that were related and had to be dealt with. It was these new and related issues that I found difficult to deal with. I had to trust in her being my provider that I could not only get through these issues, but that they were necessary as part of the over all treatment program. Sometimes one doesn’t always know what lies ahead and has to be prepared to deal with things that come up, even if one hadn’t planned on it at the start. Life is like that box of chocolates  Forrest Gump commented on. You never know if you are going to get a nut or a soft center. You never know what is around the corner, however if you do decide to begin a program and you do decide to trust in the provider, you need to follow through with the program to the end, no matter what.  Walking away and quitting just shouldn’t be an option unless you are not really serious in overcoming your issue, and if that is the case you need not sign on for the program.

Quitting treatment and walking away due to the fact one does not want to do the work required is also a problem. During my work with Suzanne a lot of the work required were things that I found hard to do. Had Suzanne not been in my face and pushed me to the brink, I would not have been successful in my treatment. This is one of the main reasons all my previous treatments failed. The provider never really required my doing all of the work. If I didn’t really need that nudge, I wouldn’t have really have had an issue in the first place and there would really have been no need to see Suzanne. But if I really want to be honest with myself, and you the reader, I did have a problem and I did go to Suzanne and I did sign up for the treatment plan, so I really needed to stick with it and follow that which I agreed to in the first place if I really planned clearing the issue that I brought me to her in the first place.

I need to trust in Suzanne or whomever my provider, even when I feel I can’t, because in the overall scheme of things – they are the experts in their fields and I am the one, or WAS the one needing their help. (I did complete my program with Suzanne, and I AM completing my program with my chiropractor.)

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063:Great Questions To Improve Your Life With

Are you asking the right questions?

brought to you by Dawning Visions Hypnosis


How Do You Know Your Relationship Is Healthy?

English: A young woman and man embracing while...

English: A young woman and man embracing while outdoors. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How Do You Know Your Relationship Is Healthy? -Vol. 279, October 2, 2014

It is important to have an understanding of what the words “love,” “in love,” and “chemistry” mean in terms of being in “relationship,” because these feelings have very different roles in our lives. Love, really is the emotion of resonating with another, wanting to be supportive of and helpful to another in ways that the other would liked to be helped, as well as sharing the “hard to hear” observations. Love is about deep friendship, shared interests, and most importantly usually values and beliefs. When one loves another they are there through thick and thin never making excuses why it is that they couldn’t be relied on when needed. There is never any jealousy, no comparisons and no one up-manship, because friends care so much about one another they accept each for who they are without that sort of mental depreciation toward another.

Being “in love” means that you love the other which includes all of the above plus you feel a special chemistry that makes you desire the other especially when away from one another – you “long for one another.” On top of that you build one another up, and do special gestures for one another to help the other feel, “special.” This is not done because it is expected, it is done because one feels, “moved to do so” the caring being that deep.

Now, there is this thing called “chemistry” that can be very confusing for many people, because they confuse the feeling of “chemistry” for that of being “in love” when nothing could be further from the truth. Chemistry can be present – the attraction on a physical level. However, one can become chemically attracted to another that is the worst person for them. Perhaps that person is disrespectful or hurtful in some way.  This is where many abusive relationships happen because the person confuses “chemistry” with being “in love” and as such allows the abusive partner to get away with much that a person with better self-esteem would never allow to occur, or if it did occur would end the relationship.

Now here is an exercise that you can do to better understand if your relationship is healthy:


First go deeply inside yourself and ask you heart what it needs to feel love and supported in a primary relationship?


Next, ask your heart if it is being so supported in the relationship that you are now involved?


If it is finding areas in which it is not being supported, you need to ask your heart: What needs to change for it to feel supported?


Lastly, you need to ask your heart if you feel that this is something that your partner can do inside the relationship with you? Be brutally honest in that assessment.

If one of the partners comes to the conclusion that the relationship isn’t working, then the relationship isn’t working and needs to be reassessed from where it currently is. No one can say they love a person by guilting another into staying in a relationship that isn’t healthy for them. To love another, is to respect their needs. In so doing, you will most likely find that it is best for you to move on as well for your basic needs are no longer being truly taken care of in this current relationship. If they were, than your partner would not be asking to move on.

On the other hand, there are relationships that last for life times. These are available to people who unconditionally love and adore their partners, being there in any way they can to be supportive and loving, showing love and interests in what they are doing with their lives. There is a healthy interdependence where each is a complete person in his/her own right, and is complimented by their partner.

For one to achieve this sort of relationship one needs to become the person that they want to be in relationship with, never taking the other for granted, while understanding the human frailties we all experience. However, the best way to know that you have a relationship of this sort is to know that your partners idiosyncrasies are what make them endearing to you. Because to tell you the truth we all have them and they are the aspects of your partner that you will most miss once they are gone.


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