Where Does True Healing Begin? Maybe with You

 Healing powerWhere Does True Healing Begin? Maybe with You – Vol. 284, November 6, 2014

I was listening to a few Ted talks by three educators this morning. The first was a third generation elementary school teacher with forty years of experience. Her message was that it was up to the teachers to teach with compassion and care. Their job was not to ”like” all of their students, rather to allow each student to feel liked and appreciated anyway.

The second teacher was a teacher of high school math who made it quite clear that the text books make it easy for any student to get answers correct without ever having to use the reason of the principles of math, so useful in every day life. He reconstructs every lesson he teaches to make sure his students actually learn able to apply these important concepts to their every day lives.

The third was a high school teacher of chemistry who spoke of the way in which curiosity is killed in our classrooms every day. He brought it back to his four year old daughter whose favorite question, like every four year old is “Why/”.

We live in a world where the cynical, sensationalized, and subverted rule. We live in a world where technology has taken the humanity out of the artistry of educating, supervising and health care. We then wonder why it is that so many of us feel empty, lost, and frustrated in life, and that is only if we are lucky. Because there are many who feel hurt, angry and depressed to the point of destruction of others and the self.

I have shared many of these negative feelings through out my life wondering why it is that those who harm and steal from others are the ones who are making more money than those who are doing life saving work. I wonder why it is that people feel that they have to be something that they are not in order to “succeed” in life. And I wonder why it is that when life doesn’t work so well, that help is not accepted, even when it is glaringly obvious as a once beautiful home is now falling apart with trash strewn all about inside and out. Or, the feeling inside of being oppressed by alcoholic hangovers, constant urges for drugs, alcohol, sex or a gambling fix are ignored. How about a body that is crumbling under the constant assault on it due to the emotional stressors of every day life coupled with the abuse of it feeding it franco foods, leading to aches, pains, thoughts of anger or feelings of loss?

I was blessed to be raised by a self-made man. A man who was raised by his widowed mother who had to care not only for him, but his two older sisters. He had a dream in his heart to be a dentist from the age of five in 1928. He pursued that dream making it his reality even when called to the army against his wishes and against his personal plan at the age of 18. The most important thing I learned from my father was that one has to be true to themselves. One has to understand that one’s life is of one’s own creation for better or for worse. If you like the life that you created for yourself, congratulations. However, if you have some problems with the life you have, well, it I up to you to get real with yourself and ask the important questions such as:

Why is it that I am feeling these negative feelings that I am feeling?

Am I happy with my relationship with myself?

Am I happy with my day-to-day existence?

Am I happy with the way that I am treating my body?

What is it that isn’t working for me in how I am living my life?

Am I happy with my work?

Am I happy with where I am living?

Am I happy with all my relationships in m life?

Am I happy with how I am in the world?

Am I happy with the way that I treat the people in my life?

Am I happy with the opportunities that I have and am I taking advantage of them?

I learned from observing my father as he did his dentistry the pure joy of doing something he loved doing each day. He loved the combination of art and science in making a beautiful smile and healthy mouth for his patients. He loved the interactions that he had with his patients telling them stories, giving them brain teasers to get their minds off of the procedure he was doing. He loved the fact that he had total control over the hours and days that he worked. And, most of all he loved the fact that his work made his patients lives happier and healthier. This was proven by the hundreds of patients who came by the house upon his death in 1985 and the long caravan of cars that went to his grave for the final blessings over his body.

I learned from this man, that one needn’t feel stuck by the circumstances of one’s life. That one can dream of what one desires and with daily work toward that goal, even with interruptions out of one’s control, life can be lived on one’s own terms, only if one is willing to make the sacrifices along the way to make that dream a reality. My father didn’t have to cheat his patients in any way to make a living that more than provided for his wife and five daughters. He always over delivered and charged fair rates – and was beloved by his patients and his community for that honesty.

If there is something that isn’t working in your life, you owe it to yourself first and then to those who are in your life to ask these hard questions. To look inside yourself to figure out what it is that you truly want for your own life. And, then go and pursue it with an open heart to what truly matters to you from the inside out.

I never felt compelled to stay in a job where I was disrespected, felt the need to do things that I felt were a disservice to those I was serving, or be expected to be anyone other than who I was at my very center. I left the corporate world early on realizing that I was not willing to be a pawn used for some larger entities’ bidding without any humanity involved at all. I left placements in mental health due to the cruelty I witnessed and was to perform on those that were placed in our programs for their own safety, yet safety of the emotional being was far from what these programs were providing. I had to find another way to help my clients to heal. I can tell you that it is from their successes that I know that anyone can create any life they so desire. It is up to you to be real with yourself, allowing yourself to have a life that works for your health, happiness and fulfillment. No one can do it for you, but many can help you to fulfill it if you would only be real and then ask for the help you require to make the stand that is your life.

067:Creating Every Day Miracles In Your Life

Make everyday a miracle

Are You a “True Friend?”

With good friends & family. Every hour is happy hour.Are You a “True Friend?” -Vol. 283, October 30, 2014

Taking a great leap of faith, leaving the Boston area after 35 grueling years of ill health, lack of success in my chosen profession and the break up of a 20+ year marriage, I drove myself across the United States. I took this trip on “a wing and a prayer” knowing that one of my previous clients had many friends with “contacts” out here to help my going be easier than if I just came on my own. I won’t say that her friends have been totally useless, but what I will say, is that they have been very reticent to help me out, even with her glowing words of introduction, with one notable exception.

I have found that the people who live in Hollywood have their defenses up very high in response to their so-called “friends” repeatedly screwing them one way or another. I would say that many of the people that I have met here, know, or should I say, are acquainted with “celebrities.” Some of these famed people are in movies, some are in television, many rock and rollers from bands that I have never heard of and never would, thinking of what they call “music” no more than noise for the most part.

I have found that there is a good reason for this attitude, sadly. Many of the people out in Hollywood are taking part in the “fast life” partying their sorrows away. It’s hard to be present for another as a friend, when you are drowning yourself in vodka and Red Bull, and maybe a line of coke or so, whiling away into the early morning hours. For this is the way people out here live, calling it “awesome,” while I think of the damage they are doing to their bodies wondering how long till there is yet, another causality of living in the fast lane of life.

All the while as these “friends” hang out getting ever more inebriated, the conversations get louder as one takes offense to some statement made by another, the impulse control gone. Busted in doors are a way of life here as anger comes to the fore unable to be controlled with all the drugs circulating in the body.

It’s an interesting and sad culture, those in Hollywood partake in, wasting their bodies away as they pursue whatever they came here to do. I wouldn’t call these relationships “friendships” because friends do not abuse friends and support them in self-destructive behavior.

Being the outcast here, not being a drinker and certainly not into doing drugs, I am seen as an interloper, because no one here wants to receive help, or so say the loud mouths who yell this at me. And, so I let it all go….one can’t help those who are unwilling to be helped.

But, what about this larger idea of “friends”?  My client said that her friends would be able to help out. That was until the proverbial shit hit the fan, the help minimal. Most of her friends are “too busy” in their own dramas to be bothered helping someone they don’t know and can’t trust, even for a very good friend of theirs, who made it clear that I was here to do something of great value for the world at large. They can’t hear it because they can’t get outside their own heads long enough to contemplate anything but their own internal pains and problems. Each of these people could be a client of mine, had they any money left to invest in treatment, but they don’t value themselves or their bodies enough to think about it. The one helpful friend of my contact is in Narcotics Anonymous and has been for over 30 years, as a result of his older brother dying of a drug overdose at the age of 25 when he was 17 years old.

I told him of the “addicts house” I am currently living in and how things work there, something he understands and feels bad about. He told me that he is so glad that he no longer is associated with people who live like pigs unable to understand what they are doing to themselves – they just can’t see it.

This is so foreign to me because my friends are there whenever they are called to the best of their abilities. They refuse to make excuses, simply because their friends have always been their to help them out. Friendship denotes caring about another, to be present and help out even if it stretches you a bit to do so, realizing that when the time comes, and it always does sooner than one would like to admit, the one helped will be there for them without question. This is what true friendship is without the need to pretend to care, without the need to be too busy or overwhelmed to be present. You are just there because you know it matters to both of you.

So, I told my ex-client about the horrific behavior of these contacts of hers and now she is feeling rather embarrassed for their behavior. She was so wanting to move here to L.A. And, now she texts me she has no idea what happened in the eight months since she was last here because in her words “things have changed.”

I don’t believe things have “changed’ so much as I am a different person from her and am not interested in having romantic relationships with “bad boys” or “pretty boys” to be taken care of. Unlike her, I am not infatuated with “stars” or “celebrities” and am unable to say if I even respect them as people till I get to know them. John Gray was amazing – he’s a man who has accomplished much and helped millions of people with his books and trainings. Celebrities who get paid massive amounts of money to entertain – well, it will take more than that for me to give a damn, especially realizing that most of them have a real lack of self-esteem, relying on their fans outpouring of affection to feel any sense of relevance at all. Just read some biographies of these people and you will see what I mean.

Certainly when one who feels good about themselves and what they are doing in this world, one needn’t abuse drugs, fall into deep depressions that lead to suicide attempts and suicides. One would think with all the money they have they could find competent help to get them over the temporary desperate feelings they feel so encumbered by, and yet, few do. It is impossible to love and care for another if there is no love and care for yourself. This is what permeates the feelings of being alone as I read in a biography written about John Lennon. John Lennon was quoted as resenting the crazy young female teens who screamed over their music. Yet, with a lack of a sense of self, once off the stage and no longer receiving all the accolades, felt all alone and unloved. He was a very angry man based on what I read and a very bad person to have to work with in close quarters as traveling musicians do. He had no respect for Paul McCartney whatsoever and without Paul, John Lennon would not have become the star he did – that is my opinion after reading a couple of books on the man.

So, are you being a friend, being present for your friends even when you have to tell them the hard stuff, the stuff they don’t want to hear, but need to because you are genuinely concerned for their wellbeing? Or, are you a co-conspirator in your friend’s dysfunction and self-destruction because you would prefer to get high and drunk even as you see your friend is slowly falling apart, and about to lose everything?

Are you a friend who is willing to help a person because you know that it is necessary for that person at that time, in the ways that you can? Or, do you make excuses because, well, it’s not your problem, so who cares anyway? That is, until you find yourself in a situation where some help would indeed be more than useful and then, well, sorry, no one is there to care about you…

066:Happiness: What You Need to Create it

How to be happy is a question that is often asked. Learn what a master hypnotist answer is.

 Presented by Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Dawning Visions Hypnosis


Why Do Our Docs Hand Out Psychotropic Medication So Easily to Our Children: The Side Effects Are Harming Them

  Rust BeltWhy Do Our Docs Hand Out Psychotropic Medication So Easily to Our Children: The Side Effects Are Harming Them – Vol. 282, October 23, 2014

It seems that with the use of the bible of the mental health professionals, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental Disorders, that even the most of normal emotions and mental states now fall under one “disorder” or another. The problem is that these diagnoses are based on the votes of the members of the American Psychological Association without any science to back it up.

When a child of 18 months old is placed on a antipsychotic drugs when the disorders they are prescribed for, don’t show in the child till their teen years, demonstrates the abusive manner in which our children are being medicated. When a child of this age is placed on such a drug it is usually to sedate the child. The misuse of these very strong chemicals are creating all sorts of problems in our children, many of which we are uninformed because the drug trials are never done on children.

As a result of this over medication, our kids they may suffer from psychotic events (ironically, even when placed on antipsychotics), reduced or deaden emotions, decrease in self-esteem and attitude, weight gain which can lead to obesity, while maybe placing users at risk for diabetes, heart disease and eating disorders.

When one thinks that many of these drugs are prescribed in combination, it becomes difficult to figure out which drug may be creating any positive or negative effects.

In 2002 one in 40 kids was placed on antidepressants. One million kids are labeled bipolar and 88% of kids are seen as autistic. Only during adolescents can a child be capable of feeling the loss of not being able to achieving an important goal in life without any alternative.

Other than the negative side-effects of giving these kids these medications we need to ask how a child feels about having such a label? Will the child be on these drugs for their entire lives because they are seen as a solution to the mental health issue? And how does being on these drugs affect their ability to be productive and happy adults?

Why is this happening? Sadly, because doctors are being paid by the prescription drug companies to sell their drugs. You can go to this link to find out what payments are being made in your state here: http://projects.propublica.org/docdollars/

Also note that drug companies spend twice as much on promotion than on research and development. This while lying about their drug study results and doing illegal promotions.

The drug companies have paid billions of dollars in fines for marketing fraud and lying about the results of their testing. Pfizer paid $2.3 million for marketing fraud of Bextra, Lyrica and other drugs. AstraZeneca settled for $520 million for trying to persuade doctors to prescribe its drug Seroquel for unapproved uses. Johnson & Johnson paid $2.2 billion for illegal marketing of Risperdal for unapproved uses in children. GlaxoSmithKline was fined $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability charges related to illegal drug marketing,withholding information about health hazards associated with its diabetes drug Avandia and Paxel which was illegally marketed to children.

What can you do if your doctor is telling you that your kid needs to be medicated?

  1. Cut out any fructose and high fructose corn syrup from your child’s diet as it has been linked to depression and schizophrenia. Read the labels.
  2. Replace juice, soda and milk with pure water. It will subtract many extra calories from your child’s diet and help their body run more efficiently.
  3. Feed your child whole foods, organic if possible to lesson the antibiotics, growth hormones, and estrogens that are fed to our conventionally grown live stock.
  4. Make sure your child gets plenty of activity to burn that energy off, especially young active boys.
  5. Limit the time and sorts of video games they are playing making sure that they are age appropriate and free of carnage. Children under eight years old can’t distinguish between reality and fantasy.
  6. If there are still issues, make sure your doctor goes to the cause of the problem before getting out that prescription pad. There are always reasons why a child would be having any symptom, behavioral and emotional ones included. Every doctor that deals with medical health is charged to do this first and the same needs to be true of dealing with mental health issues. Also understand that something that looks like a mental health issue, could very easily be caused by a hormonal imbalance, drug interaction, or lack of ability to absorb all the nutrients required due to food allergy or leaky gut for example.

Use your common sense and realize that many children are just experiencing normal emotions and need to learn how to regulate them. Also understand that the diet we feed our kids is going to have effects on them, because they are growing and need appropriate nutrition to build their bodies, make the right amount of the hormones that run many of the body’s systems and to make the neurotransmitters that allow the brain to function appropriately. Activity is also very important in building the body, building the self-esteem in looking and feeling healthy, while learning how to get along with others.

Medication needs to be the last resource when all else fails and when the child plainly is having an event that requires some sort of intervention, especially in the case of our children. They are still growing and need the correct nutrients without their bodily systems being compromised by harsh chemicals that may have no positive effect and many negative effects in the long term. 

Sexual Abuse Lingers for Decades: Is This Creating Issues in Your Life? – Vol. 110, July 21, 2011

It is amazing to find researchers are only now telling us what the sexually abused have known from the day their lives were altered for the worse. This study was published in the Cambridge University Press journal “Development and Psychopathology” which tracked 80 racially diverse girls who have experienced sexual abuse starting from between the ages of 6 to 16 from the Washington D.C. area. The girls were abused for an average of two years. The study started in 1987 and followed them for 23 years. The findings were that they had higher rates of depression, obesity, problems regulating their brain chemistry, sleep issues, poor health utilization, and risky behaviors from those of the controls. Sexually abused study participants were more likely to be sexually active at younger ages, have lower educational status, and more mental health problems.

The long term effects of abuse burned out a good proportions of the test subjects cortisol level which is released during the body’s “flight or fight” response. By age 15, testing showed that cortisol levels were below normal, compared to the control group. Lower levels of cortisol have been linked to a decrease in the body’s ability to deal with stress, linking it to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and obesity.

The researchers stated that the earlier an abused person can get help the better off they will be. This is consistent with the way that hypnotists understand the workings of the human mind. The shorter the time that a person has had to contend with the problems the easier it will be to help clear them of it. Although there is an issue here with how early in life the person was abused. The younger the person is when the abuse occurred the deeper the imprint into the unconscious mind, making it a bit more difficult to treat.

It is amazing that so many woman are sexually abused some as early as 2 years old. A sexual assault happens every 2 minutes here in the United States. That would be one in four women are sexually abused according to the United States Bureau of Justice. Sadly, I see this in my practice no matter the age of the woman involved leading to all sorts of obsessive compulsive behaviors. Eating disorders, sexual acting out, substance abuse and depression have been some of the fall out that I have come to see in my clients. It is interesting that many of them have become quite successful in their professional lives, though the lack of self-esteem, most often explained by them as self-loathing creates personal issues making these woman miserable in their day-to-day lives.

When women come to terms with what has happened all too often those closest to them will invalidate their pain and worse blame them for the trespass.

From the another point of view in my practice I have had a few men call who have masturbated in front of their girlfriend’s young girls thinking that this behavior is fine. Unfortunately I am unable to track these men down because they call with unidentified phone numbers. All I can say is that my heart goes out to these young girls who are hurt in this fashion.

Dr. Patrick Carnes research states that eighty-one percent of the men who have been sexually abused become sex addicts. In my practice all the men who have a history of sexual abuse were sexually abused before they were sexually active themselves – often around the time they were 10 years old or so.

So what can we do to help you or someone whom you love who may be battling this problem? I would say that hypnosis is a very good way to go. It is very effective at dealing with desensitizing the trauma involved, forgiving the abuser, allowing your inner child to be healed as well as allowing you to better function in life. It is a much easier way to process the work being in the altered hypnotic state. This is true because you are not associated into the traumatic event as you do the work. Rather you are able to release the trauma feeling much lighter and in more control of yourself after the work is complete. In this way you can move forward to have a much better quality of life able to achieve those things that are meaningful to you, having learned to love yourself while letting go of any issues that are not serving you in a very quick manner because your unconscious mind can process information much quicker than your conscious mind.

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065:Persistence Is The Only Way To Success: Whatever success means to you

Very few get anything right the first time. Learn how to persist until you achieve success.


Presented by

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Dawning Visions Hypnosis


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