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Is there space in your own life for you?
Dec 29 2014
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 12:58 — 11.9MB)
Is there space in your own life for you?
Dec 25 2014
Merry Christmas To You: A Different Idea For You -Vol. 291, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas to you. It has been a pleasure to serve you with these weblogs and the podcasts that you can download right from the website or for free from both I-tunes and stitcher.com.
Christmas is a time for many where much pressure is felt to fulfill others expectations for us. This may be true for you if you have family that you need to visit. For others it can be a lonely time because maybe you are away from your loved ones, or perhaps you don’t have many loved ones.
No matter what your own situation is, Christmas is that time before the New Year comes. With the coming of the New Year many will sit down and get in touch with the goals that they had set for the previous year and then make new goals for the new year.
These are helpful exercises to do, but I want to take a different perspective.
This is for many vacation time. I would like you to think about what the word “vacation” means to you. For some it is a grand vacation somewhere beautiful, for others it is working around the house doing all those things that never were gotten to, and for others it is spending time with loved ones.
Though those all fit a general definition of “vacation” I want you to think deeper down to what would be a great vacation for you. My guess is that it has a whole lot to do with peace and calm. Not having any expectations placed upon you. A freedom to be and do what you want to be and do in the time frame that fits your lifestyle at the time.
I am going to invite you to take the time you desire to just do as you choose for a change. There are no expectations placed on you.Call it a mental health break. During this time you stay away from any work related technology and just deeply enjoy your own freedom for a change. You can do this for as little as half an hour to a week or more depending on your own situation.
I never realized how important this time without any expectation placed upon me was till I stopped having to run around to fulfill everyone else’s expectations of me. I never realized how much stress was involved in doing that till it stopped. And, the freedom to just be and do as I pleased – WOW!!! For someone who loves to read and write and take adventures there is nothing better.
So, give yourself the Christmas present to be in the present doing what you choose to do for a change. You may be surprised at what new ideas or visions you may come up with for your own immediate future by taking this time for yourself.
Dec 22 2014
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 17:18 — 15.8MB)
Have you ever felt like you are living your life in a box. Discover how to step outside the box.
Dec 18 2014
Being a True Friend Sometimes is Scary – Vol. 290, December 18, 2014
A couple of weekends ago I attended a training where teens were invited to accompany their parents. It was a training to help those of us with a businesses to learn how to sell our products and services without really selling them. What I mean by that is that we were taught a much more helpful way for our prospects to learn about whether what we have to offer is something they would find helpful.
Well, there was this amazing eleven year old girl who I was teamed up with for a few moments to go through the sales process we were taught. After explaining what I did, I asked her if she had any issues that she thought I could help her with and she told me this story.
She was feeling very scared because one of her friends was in a very abusive family situation where she was being sexually abused repeatedly. However, the eleven year old in front of me had a mother who was very involved in helping women, children and even animals that were being abused to get the help they required. The young woman in front of me was fearing losing her friend if the friend knew that it was she that had called the police to get her out of that house.
I told her that there are many times in life when it is so much easier to walk away from a horrid situation then to do something to make things better. I told her that she could only live her life from her own values, which from her own actions meant “doing the right thing” regardless of how scary it was or what the ramifications might be later. Because at least she knew that she did her best to better a situation that her friend could not do without some sort of outside intervention.
Because we were in the midst of practicing the new sales process and were to only spend about 15 seconds with each person, we had gone way over time. So, I gave her a hug and told her that we needed to continue the exercise we were given to do.
About twenty minutes later she found me with a huge smile on her face. She told me that she had just made three sales and was feeling fine and thanked me for our chat.
Do you think you would have had the guts to do what this eleven year old did by sending the police to her friend’s house to do something for her young friend. To be honest with you, I don’t think I would have been able to take that brave an action at her age. I do know as an adult I have taken many brave actions that haven’t always made people happy, but when someone is at risk, my own gut tells me it is better to do something then be guilty of not doing so should the outcome be horrific for walking away.
Dec 11 2014
Is That Your Argumentative Relationship Worth Shortening Your Life? – Vol. 289, December 11, 2014
You may be one of the people who believes that no matter what, you have to hold on to all the relationships that you have in your life. You may feel this is true because the person is a relative of yours, a long time friend, a neighbor or perhaps a coworker. Maybe it is a person who relies on you for some sort of care or is financially dependent on you.
I know that during my work with my clients there are those relationships that have caused so much stress and hurt that in some cases physical ailments like headaches and stomach aches arise. In others, feelings of depression or anxiety may show up. I know for myself when I am in a toxic relationship, a terrible asthmatic response is my body’s way of telling me to release this person from my life.
As unwanted as these ailments may be, worse was a finding, of a 50% to 100% increase in death from all causes in the Danish Longitudinal Study on Work, Unemployment and Health from 2000 to the end of 2011, published on line in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
The study found that frequent worries or demands generated by partners and children resulted in 196 women (4%) and 226 men (6%) to die. About half the deaths were from cancer. Heart disease, stroke, liver diseases, accidents and suicide made up the rest.
Those who had the worst outcome where men who were out of work.
Healthy relationships with a wide social network is important for our health and wellbeing. I suggest to my clients to do the following if they are experincing a difficult relationship:
Note that some people are never going to be able to change for you because they have issues in their personalities that make it impossible for them. So, you may have to make a decision to either limit your time with that person or release yourself from the relationship. I personally like letting the person I am releasing from my life know why because it can be very hurtful to just disappear without that person ever having the opportunity to allow the relationship to become healthier.
With the knowledge that we now have from the almost 10,000 Danish people aged 36 to 52, who were studied, this can indeed become a life or death situation if left unchecked. So please do yourself the favor of having the difficult discussions. Your life may depend on it.
Dec 08 2014
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 14:06 — 12.9MB)
In life, the person with the most options wins. How flexible are you?
Dec 04 2014
What is it Really Like At A Rehab for Sex Addicts? -Vol. 288, December 4th, 2014
The information for this weblog came from an article called This is What It Is Like to Lose Everything to Sex Addiction, written by Brian Whitney, Substance.com, Oct 22, 2014. I share this information with you to give you, the reader a better understanding of what is done in various sex addiction rehab programs and the meager results that come from going through them. First, lets be clear that sexual addiction isn’t about sex. For the author of this article it was about the control and power that came with the ability to have multiple sex partners while lying to each of them. After losing everything including, his marriages, homes and jobs, not once, but twice because he couldn’t stop the behavior, he went to two different rehab programs in 2007. This is what he relates were his experiences in each of them.
The first rehab program was an outpatient that lasted two weeks. The focus was on “sobriety” which meant no acting out in a sexual fashion as well as staying away from drinking and no smoking of pot. This was the opposite end of the spectrum from the acting out that was being done on a daily basis by the men in the program.
He was one of four men who did group sessions all day. They then had individual therapy, went out to dinner with his group and then went to a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting in the evening. Though he found the therapist helpful calling him on his “shit” never allowing him to blame others for his behavior, he found the group meetings to be a place where they talked things out while secretly thinking about how screwed up everyone else was. At the end of the two weeks the families and girlfriends flew out to see the progress that was made. The author stated that his answer was ‘not much.”
He next went to a one month inpatient program with fifteen guys in the program. During the two months he was there, he only had two individual sessions. Mainly it was about being “beaten down” for the terrible behavior demonstrated and then addressing what a terrible person you were to the group. It was a group of men who were dealing with much more serious sex addiction problems then those in the outpatient program. They had to make a “victim list” of all the people that they ever hurt and read it in front of the group. They had to write letters to their partners telling them everything that they had ever done. They went to sex addicts meetings here to, but in the poorer section of the city finding themselves with people who were “sad and hollow.” Talking about sex all day he found to be “numbing.”
After what came to six weeks of treatment the fantasies and impulses remained the same. The only difference was that after acting out, he would feel like “shit.” He lost everything again a couple of years later lying and manipulating the same people and they were not so forgiving that time.
More recently he has been able to see some change in himself, not hating himself so much, working to be honest about about who he is to the people in his life as much as he can. His belief is that he is able to be a bit better these days never wanting to repeat the experience he had at the inpatient program fining it a horrible experience.
The points that this writer makes about his treatment are important. I have never heard of someone healing as a result of beating themselves up, or having others beat them up. It is also a rather pointless act to tell people that they have to stop doing what is a normal human behavior. What needs to be dealt with is why it is that the person is doing that behavior. Because, no matter the addiction that a person is dealing with, there is always an underlying cause.
I know from the research I did for the book I wrote called Do I Have A Sex Addiction? Now What? the reason that sex addicts have their sex addiction is because they never developed what is known as a “normal attachment” with their primary care taker. We are speaking about something that is to occur when a child is an infant. So, one needn’t be blamed for this problem. One needs to understand why they are the way they are and help them to learn how to have “normal attachments” so they can feel the sort of emotional connection that is necessary for them to feel loved and cared for in their primary relationships. Yes, the addiction does need to be addressed, however, that is only a part of the work that needs to be done. As a hypnotist I don’t believe in the brainwashing of addicts telling them that this is all they will ever be, because my clients an other hypnotists clients have demonstrated that this is untrue. I know that the more you tell yourself something or allow others to call you something, that your unconscious mind will play that out. There are much better hypnotic techniques to use to let go of the addiction aspect of the problem.
Compassion and teaching are what is needed here, not shaming and deprivation. Sex to these guys is just that, sex. It has no meaning to it and that is why they have a terrible time staying with one relationship. They don’t know that the lack of ability to form normal attachments is the real reason for their problem and the majority of programs for them don’t teach them this rather important aspect of the genesis of their problem.
After working with sex addicts for over a decade, I can honestly say that they are among my favorite groups to work with for a few reasons. First, by the time they make the decision to drop a few grand for the treatment, they are ready to be done with the shame and double lives they live. Second, they are intelligent and kind people who are confounded by their behavior. They don’t understand it and once given the facts and the tools to do so, in a matter of 4 to 6 weeks they turn it around. This is only true of those who are ready to be done with the sex addiction. Those who are ready to learn how to be honest first with themselves and then with those in their life. Many of my sex addict clients are executives or self-employed. These are men and women that you would never know had this problem by looking at them.
I tell my clients that if they want to get well, then they need to leave the judgments of themselves and those they interact with aside and start dealing with compassion and love for themselves and others. No one chooses to have these problems and for that reason alone our society needs to wake up and deal with the root causes so we can get these individuals back into their relationships in a healthy way for all concerned. In this way we can have normal families living normal lives. That is what the goal needs to be as many of these men have families of their own.