076:Listen to Your Body For True Health & Happiness
Your body is always talking to you. Are you listening?
Your body is always talking to you. Are you listening?
Your Pain May Not Be What You Think It Is - Vol. 293, Jan. 8, 2015 Many people believe that the pain only indicates that there is something physically wrong…
Ever notice how other peoples energy can affect your mood? Use this effect to your own advantage.
What’s Up For Your New Year? - Vol. 292, Jan. 1, 2015 So many people make New Year’s resolutions and yet very few make it past the first few weeks before…
Is there space in your own life for you?
Merry Christmas To You: A Different Idea For You -Vol. 291, December 25, 2014 Merry Christmas to you. It has been a pleasure to serve you with these weblogs…
Have you ever felt like you are living your life in a box. Discover how to step outside the box.