Do Your Speak Your Truth or Just Allow Others to Run Over You?

Close talkers Do Your Speak Your Truth or Just Allow Others to Run Over You? -Vol. 295, Jan. 22, 2013 

There are many people in the world who feel that it is easier to allow others to have their way, then to create any sort of discomfort for another. I have seen many of these types of folks come into my practice over the years and the one thing that they all have in common is a sense of resentment toward the very same people that they allowed to do as they pleased.These sorts of situations vary widely, however the end result is the same.

Let’s take a relatively minor situation to begin to understand how this can become a real problem when not addressed in a timely fashion.

Years ago I had a client who had to wake up very early for work since she worked in a high school. She would complain often about her family members calling her at all hours of the night awakening her and then being unable to fall back asleep. I suggested that she remind the people in her life in a kind pleasant way to be mindful of the time when they called her and to give then the times that would work for her schedule. She had a very hard tine doing this because she thought that they ought to know and just do it. The only problem was that she never really made this request clear to the people in her life. It took a bit of work to get her to finally approach the people in her life and just make this simple request to them. She found to her great surprise that most of the people in her life were more than willing to respect this need of hers to get a decent night’s rest. For the one or two who couldn’t remember, she needed to reinforce this need of hers on the phone by reminding them that she needed to wake up in only a few hours and to just not do it again. In a few months time the problem was gone..

Grandparents being expected to take care of their grandchildren even when it is not convenient for them to do so is another area that comes up regularly in my practice. It seems that once a grown child has a baby they feel it is their right to do as they please so long as grandma and grandpa are able to take care of their children. While this may be okay some of the time, many of my older clients who have had this situation arise have had a very difficult time letting their children know that they are too tired to take care of the grandkids for the many hours they are expected when they agree to babysit. They get resentful of the fact that this is an expectation placed upon them that they never really agreed to, they just never were able to say, “no” to the request, being fearful of hurting their relationship with their grown child. In this case I advise the grandparents to have a discussion with their grown child about the circumstances that would work for them. They are instructed to tell their grown child that they have already raised their own children and are too tired to handle the grandkids for any longer than a couple of hours – or whatever works for my client. To the amazement of my clients they find out that though their grown child may be a bit disappointed that the built in babysitter is no longer available “on call”, that the time restraints are respected and the relationships that may have gotten a bit sticky, have come back to a healthy love and respect for one another.

In relationships with our primary partners many times the woman will think that the man will know by ESP what it is that she wants or doesn’t want. Sorry to tell any of you who may feel your “hints” are all that are needed, that this is not the case.

I had a client who was very sick of the fact that her husband was never willing to bring her any gifts or show the sort of appreciation she felt she deserved just for being his partner. She was very upset about this during our session together. She was also pissed off that he never called to see how she was doing during the day. She felt like she didn’t matter to him any more. I asked her if she had ever told him that this lack of attentiveness really bothered her. She told me that she had let him know on many occasions. I asked her how she let him “know” and she told me that she had spoken about her friend whose husband did these kind things for her and how happy it made her. I asked her what the response was from her husband and she said, “nothing”. I told her that all he knew was that he was a good provider and doing what was expected of him. I suggested she have a conversation with him. She was to first thank him for being a great provider and then tell him how he could get a much happier partner in life. She was then to ask him if there was anything that she could do to make him happier. She was a bit apprehensive about having this conversation, but went home and did as I suggested and was amazed that it was just as I told her. He never knew any of that mattered and thanked her for helping him to make the relationship stronger because he really loves and cares for her and wants to know how to keep her happy. The only thing he requested of her was to be more affectionate. She said she could easily be more affectionate having her needs fulfilled by him.

Leaving clues and dropping hints or worse ignoring these situations all together is never going to end up giving you what you want. To attain what you want you need to respectfully request it and explain why it matters to you. To be honest, it is also in your best interest to ask the other party if there is anything that you can do on your end to make their life easier or happier as well. In this way true communication is had building stronger relationships without the anger or resentment martyrdom naturally brings with it.

077:Letting Go of Judgements of Others

What is the harm you do to yourself when you judge others? Find out.

Teens Enjoy The Benefits Of Meditation: Decreases Stress & Increases Grades in School

  Reception MeditationTeens Enjoy The Benefits Of Meditation: Decreases Stress & Increases Grades in School – Vol. 294, Jan. 15, 2015

What would happen if teens were able to go inside themselves and find peacefulness and calm?

According to the neuroscience done by Harvard University, many very positive results would come about. There are many reasons for this including the developmental stage of the adolescent’s brain. Adolescents live in a world where they are living very much in the present and where they are experiencing much emotional upheaval from the hormonal changes they are undergoing. Add to that the current world of technology where instantaneous interruptions are everywhere, their attention spans are getting shorter. All of this quick interaction has taken away our teens ability to understand how to develop meaningful relationships, staying focused and the ability to be calm, Instead, their brains are developing in a manner that is increasing their stress, raising anxiety and increasing violence.

The researchers from Harvard University found that after eight weeks of meditation, the gray cell matter of the brain associated with self-awareness and compassion grew, while the area of the brain associated with stress shrank. This study was published in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.

By learning how to meditate teens can more effectively regulate emotions, boost their grades all the while reducing their stress and the violence that sometimes accompanies it. Teens can learn how to meditate easily because their minds naturally work in this state of being anyway. Cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton speaks to this great talent teens have for meditation because they are operating from this part of the mind already, also known as the hypnotic state where their brain is operating on the level of alpha and theta brain waves. 

Meditation can take on many forms.  Dr. Herbert Benson, of Harvard University has developed the Relaxation Response which is one of the easiest methods to use. Turn off any devise that would disrupt you before beginning.

  1. Sit quietly in a comfortable position
  2. Close your eyes
  3. Deeply relax all your muscles starting with your feet, progressing all the way up to your face. An easy way to do this is to tense each muscle group for a second and then relax moving from the feet to the head
  4. Breathe through your nose. As you breathe out say the word “one’ silently to yourself.
  5. Continue for 10 to 20 minutes.
  6. If distracting thoughts occur, ignore them and go to your breathing and saying the word “one”.
  7. Practice will get you to this very relaxed state with little effort. A passive attitude of allowing it to just occur at its own pace will bring you success.


Refrain from eating for 2 hours before meditating because the digestive process seems to interfere with the elicitation of the Relaxation Response.

Even though Dr. Benson suggest 10 – 20 minutes to start, my suggestion is to start at 5 minutes and build up as you get more comfortable with the process.


076:Listen to Your Body For True Health & Happiness

Your body is always talking to you. Are you listening?

Your Pain May Not Be What You Think It Is


Woman's Feet Holding Pink Rose Fresh Pedicure Your Pain May Not Be What You Think It Is – Vol. 293, Jan. 8, 2015

Many people believe that the pain only indicates that there is something physically wrong with you. It is true that the pain is there to tell you that there is something that needs to be addressed. With that in mind I am going to go through 6 common pain triggers that you may not think of on your own.

  1. Emotional trauma

When we are stressed we stimulate molecules in our nervous system called microglia which release inflammatory chemicals resulting in pain. So doing anything that can decrease your stress is helpful in reducing your pain.

One can do many things to release stress. How about meditation or self-hypnosis to begin. Some form of exercise is also helpful. Get on the phone with someone who makes you laugh, or listen to some relaxing music. Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to figure out what it is that is stressing you out and make the changes required to eliminate it.

   2. Pain medication

The reason that there are so many addicts of pain medications out there is because over time your body builds up a tolerance to it. What that means is that you require more of the medication to get relief. At some point no matter how much is ingested, the body no longer responds to it. All one needs to make taking pain medication deadly is to add a bit of wine to the mix, and one may never wake up.

   3. Poor sleep

Our body operates on circadian rhythms of wake and sleep states. When we don’t get enough sleep our body is unable to do the tissue repair and growth that is mandatory to relieve the pain.

   4. Leaky gut

When undigested food leaks into the gut, inflammation occurs. Pain can also come from bloating, gas and abdominal pain. Dietary changes are required to take care of this issue.

5. Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium blocks the pain triggers of glutamate, a neurotransmitter that may cause you to become hypersensitive to pain. Stress and the use of pain killers deplete your body of magnesium causing pain.

6. Lyme Disease

If you are having chronic pain and cannot find any other source get your self checked out for lyme disease. You probably don’t realize that the ticks that bite resulting in this disease numb the area never making the person aware of the incident.

There are non-pharmaceutical pain relievers which you can use. Here are a few of them:

  1. Massage to induce relaxation and relieving stress will help out.
  2. Acupuncture is also very helpful in chronic pain relief, especially headaches and back aches.
  3. Magnesium as mentioned above to block the pain triggers of glutamate.
  4. Proper posture so your body is aligned correctly taking the stress off those areas that are painful.
  5. Cayenne cream which is topically applied to stop the pain signals going to the brain.
  6. Ginger to take care of stomach discomfort. Make a ginger tea or slowly drink ginger ale.
  7. Curcumin which has been found to be the compound in tumeric to relieve pain in many studies. Adding 200 mg of curcumin has helped those with osteoporosis gain mobility and decrease their pain according to Dr. Mercola in his newsletter.
  8. Physical therapy can also decrease pain from those areas of the body where there has been an injury.
  9. Notice if eating gluten based products cause discomfort, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. If so, stop eating them to regain physical comfort.
  10.  Stop eating packaged foods and eat whole foods instead. So many of us eat poor diets including many inflammatory chemicals we can’t even pronounce. If you stop eating these foods you may well find yourself feeling a whole lot better.

Pain is there to let us know that something needs to be addressed, so please don’t ignore it and do what you can to relieve yourself from it. In so doing you will bring yourself a much better quality of life.

If you want a more thorough understanding of how to relieve yourself of pain I will suggest you go to Dr. Mercola’s blog post on the subject from where I got this information. You can access it here:

075:Enthusiasm & Excitement Are Contagious

Ever notice how other peoples energy can affect your mood? Use this effect to your own advantage.

What’s Up For Your New Year? How About Some Fun?

 New Years ResolutionsWhat’s Up For Your New Year? – Vol. 292, Jan. 1, 2015 

So many people make New Year’s resolutions and yet very few make it past the first few weeks before they give up. There is a reason for this to happen. Mainly its because people are socialized as to what is expected of them like stopping smoking, losing weight, being more focused on their careers and myriads of other agendas that may not match up with what you want for yourself.

I am going to suggest to you that you not make any resolutions this year. I am going to suggest that instead you focus on being the person that you choose to be. You may ask how one does this? It’s really very simple. You get quiet and allow yourself to think about what it is that matters to you in your life. You see, you only have one life and the manner in which you spend your time is the way that you are using up your life. So, instead of having life use you up, how about you using up your life to do all the things that are important to you and that most assuredly includes fun!

An interesting thing happens when you focus your attention on what really matters to us. Without your even realizing it you will manage to bring into your life just those things that you were desiring all along.

The problem that most people have in making their lives be what they want is that they find excuses. Maybe you think that you don’t have the money or the time or the ability to get away. Maybe you feel that you are stuck in a rut and can’t find a way to get yourself out.

I will tell you something very interesting here. Sam, my webman gave me some homework a couple of weeks ago as I was getting a bit stressed over some things that I had to deal with. He suggested that I write down those things that were simply pleasurable to me. Sadly, I failed his mission because I always had the pleasure of someone else tied to my own pleasure, so I had to think deeper and figure this out for myself. For me seeing new places while being stunned with the history and beauty, meeting new people and being intrigued with other cultures, eating tasty food, or simply laughing with a friend over something silly were my simple pleasures.

Inside of a week of finally completing this homework that Sam gave me I found myself having a blast with my Godson doing all sorts of fun things together. We went to the San Diego Zoo and were delighted with some of the animals there, enjoyed many tasty meals and conversations together and travelled up into the canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains thrilling him with all the tight turns overlooking the valley below. We also took the training together that I spoke of in last week’s weblog where he impressed many with his fun and easy going manner. To him everything that is new is an adventure and fun. Who wouldn’t want to be around someone life that?

So, I ask you, what do you have to lose? Go figure out what you truly find to be simple pleasures and go enjoy them as soon as you can. Life is to be enjoyed, and the best way is through positive experiences that you create for yourself. Hell, if a 26 year old can do that, how hard can it be for you? Answer: Only as hard as you make it – that was my learning and hopefully won’t be yours.

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