088:What is This Thing We Call Love – The Kabalist Explanation

The world has so many definitions of love. Find out how the Kablists define it.

Another Look at How to Heal Depression without toxic Antidepressants

 Maria C Dawson: Stupefied "Nature"Another Look at How to Heal Depression without  toxic Antidepressants – Vol.303, April 2, 2015

Dr. Mercola wrote a very important article on depression on his website: drmercola.com called How Nutritional and Alternative Treatments Can Help You Avoid Using Drugs for Depression. He wonders whether antidepressants are the best approach to helping the up to 30,000 people who are depressed and commit suicide every year.

Back in May, 2010 Donna, an ex-client and most helpful researcher and writer wrote an excellent article for the Dawning Visions Hypnosis weblog called: Are Your Truly Depressed? It May Be Something Else. In this article she lists 18 different ways one may have some of the symptoms that could fall under the “syndrome” one would call “depression.” Donna calls it a syndrome because it is really your body’s way of telling you that there is something that needs to be attended to, like “pain” is an indicator that there is something in the body that needs to be attended to, it is not an “illness” on its own. You can access Donna’s article here:


Dr. Mercola brings this up because many people including myself, have had horrible side-effects with these very strong psychotropic medications which are being handed out as if they were candy.

In my own case, many years ago I was very depressed and needed some help. Because I showed up as being “depressed” emotionally, because I was, I was placed on the tricyclic antidepressant Desipramine. The only problem with that strategy was that as it turned out, I like many manic depressives (people today known as being Bipolar), cycled up into hypomania (a step below the psychotic event known as “mania” where reality is no longer understood). This happened because anyone with manic depression needs a mood stabilizer, especially if given an antidepressant to stabilize the mood.

Another very horrible side effect I suffered being on lithium for over a decade was the permanent damage to my thumb nails which will never grow in normally again. My hair thinned out as well, and though many years after being taken off the lithium some of it has grown in a bit thicker, it is no where nearly as thick as it once had been. It turned out that my kidneys were “slowing down” demonstrated through a creatinine level test. One can’t live very long without kidneys functioning, so off the lithium I went.

I know from the reading that I have done of James Greenblattbook, M.D’s book The Breakthrough Solution: A Personalized 9-Step Method to Beating the Causes of Your Depression that malnutrition is a very common cause of depression. It is rather simple to understand that if one doesn’t have the basic amino acids – the building blocks necessary for making protein, then one may not be able to produce enough of the neurotransmitters necessary to allow the brain to function normally.

My own book, Wake Up Doctors: 10 Steps to Regain Your Patients Respect and Trust, available for FREE on this website, when one opts-in to receive the upcoming weblogs, podcasts, and events, is based on the very complicated case history of a Donna Novi, co-author of the book and a client of mine who was diagnosed with “depression” when in fact her so-called depression was really due to leaky gut, hormonal imbalances, various infections and food allergies. She is still working to regain her health after a very bad episode with Prozac, given to her for a problem that it really wasn’t meant to help. It is at once a “Wake Up call” to doctors to think and then do the necessary testing for physiological causes, before handing out these toxic pills. This is especially true given the “placebo effect” that these pills can create. Dr. Irving Kirsch of Harvard University has been doing placebo research for over 36 years demonstrating that the antidepressants work about 30% of the time, the same amount that a placebo would. His research is backed up by Walter A. Brown, M.D. who did 25 years of research on the placebo effect in antidepressant use.

So one part of the holistic dietary remedy is to increase one’s niacin. A deficiency in niacin, also known as Vitamin B3 causes pellagra, which produces symptoms such as is  seen in depressed patients: irrational anger, feelings of persecution, mania and dementia. Without enough Vitamin C, one can also feel depressed. So patients are encouraged to take large doses of it as well.

The article suggests many of the other concerns that are mentioned in my book as well, regarding the very poor nutritional value in our food stuffs these days with the leaching of minerals from the soil with over farming, the overuse of pesticides and of course the GMOs that are used. We have no idea what the ramifications of all this Is on our population, though our children are less happy, more confrontational and having more food allergies then ever before.

The hormonal levels are being placed out of balance in many of our children, with them developing sexually much quicker than was the case a couple of generations ago, not allowing them to be children very long before being forced into puberty and all that it entails both emotionally and physically.

Please, if you are diagnosed with so-called depression do your best to have the correct testing done by a functional or integrative doctor to find out what exactly is going on with you so that you can receive the appropriate treatment. Because one doesn’t need to deal with emotional issues, if the problem isn’t emotional, right?

If it is emotional, one still needs to deal with the “cause” of the emotional distress, not dampen it by using antidepressants. The work I do often brings up what seems like “depression” and many times isn’t. In those cases where emotions are involved, I have found that depression is a side-effect of many other problems. It can be from losses of physical abilities due to age or illness, anxiety, obsessive compulsive, etc. Lack of feelings of control over one’s own life, or being an abusive relationship, though the client sometimes doesn’t recognize the abuse for what it is. Any time you feel that ill feeling in your gut, or your mind is telling you that you are feeling uncomfortable, irritable, sad or angry, chances are you have had your emotional boundaries over run. This is what abuse in relationships is and it is also what kills a person’s sense of self-esteem, self- love and authority over one’s life.

You need to understand there are are myriads of reasons why people may have issues, all of which need to be ruled out, before calling it “depression, to allow the right treatment to allow the symptoms of depression to vanish!

087:Take Action to Move Your Life Along

Are you a talker or do you take action on your dreams

How To Help Your Teen Grieve the Loss of a Friend

  How To Help Your Teen Grieve the Loss of a Friend – Vol. 303, March 26, 2015

Though the number of teens dying has gone down according to the National Center for Health Statistics, an average of 16,375 teenagers 12 – 19 died from 1999 to 2008. That equals 49.5 deaths per 100,000 population. Motor vehicle fatality is the leading cause of accidental death in teens representing over a third of the deaths. Homicide is the leading cause of death for non-Hispanic black male teenagers accounting for tw"My Boy" (1/12)o of every five deaths. Suicide, cancer and heart disease were the next highest leading cause of death to teenagers. I bring this up because the fact of the matter is that the probability of one of your teenage children losing a friend during their teen years is fairly high. With this knowledge perhaps you would like to know how to best help your teenager process the loss of one of their friends.

The most important thing that you can do for your teenager is to just allow them to have their feelings. They may not want to talk about it at all. That is fine – just be there silently with them if that is what they need.

Also realize just as is true for you when you lose someone in your life, there is no time limit in which one is going to finish the grieving process. When someone close to you dies, especially a person who is so young, the loss will never be fully accounted for. Over time the loss will become less of a factor in the day-to-day life of your teenager.

If your teenager asks for some help to process the loss, look for someone who has had some experience in dealing with this sort of trauma. Sensitivity is so important. This may be the first time your teenager realizes the finality of the loss and gets in touch with his/her own mortality which can be scary to admit.

I had a client come in to see me many years ago now for some help with her coach. The two of them weren’t getting along very well. The finals were coming around and she needed to play as the goalie for her team. The problem was that she didn’t want to play. So her mother brought her then almost 18 year old daughter in to see me. As I was doing the work to clear the issues regarding her coach, her mother passed a piece of paper to me with the message that she had lost four of her close friends over the past three years. It was in the next moments that I helped this young woman to heal the grief that she was carrying around with her. She mentioned at our follow-up meeting that the friend that she had lost who was on her team, was with her as she played her game.

So, I suggest that you let your teenager know that they can always hold the special bonds that were present during life, those special attributes that made them real close friends, close to their hearts for that is where they can always find that friend going forward.

086:Relationships: They can Make You or Break You: How to Know the Difference

A toxic relationship can destroy your life. A healthy one can make your life wonderful. Can you tell the difference?

The Real Cause of Addictions:Isolation and Loneliness

 Loneliness of ManThe Real Cause of Addictions: Isolation and Loneliness -Vol. 302 – March 19, 2015 

For many years now I have been speaking to anyone who would listen that the internet with all of its “fake relationships” is creating a world full of unconnected, isolated and lonely people who have lost the art of live, in person communication.

I had a discussion about this issue with my Godson who is now 26 years old. He is a master of texting, able to do so quicker than I can touch type, using all the abbreviations that most texting experts use. When I raised my concern of the lack of communication that one is really having with this form of electronic connection while also pointing out the false friendships one has with their so-called Facebook friends, he surprised me by agreeing with my hypothesis. He agreed that if one is to have a meaningful conversation with someone, face-to-face is the way to do it, to make sure the true meaning comes through. He went on to say that he can’t understand why people put up such meaningless posts on their Facebook pages, though he admitted that he does keep up with some of his family that live far away through Facebook.

The reason that this is important is that this social norm for online communication has created a society of individuals that feel cut off from real human interaction “eye-to-eye – soul-to-soul” as I like to express it.

The research that has been done demonstrates that addiction becomes more pervasive  when prisoners of the drug war are isolated first in jail for their abuse of drugs and later when let out into society, without the ability to get a job and feel fulfilled and productive.

Portugal had one of the worst drug problems in Europe nearly 15 years ago with 1% of the population addicted to heroin. The problem got worse when they took the approach of fighting “a war on drugs,” so they decided to do something different. They decriminalized all drugs, spending all the money they once used to arrest and jail addicts on reconnecting them to their own feelings and to the wider society finding them subsidized housing and subsidized jobs so they would have a purpose.

The results as reported by the British Journal of Criminology found that injecting drug use was down 50%.

The point is that human beings need to connect with one another being social animals like the ants and bees. As such everyone needs to feel connected with other humans, to feel loved and respected and to be able to give love and respect to others. When that is missing, one drowns out one’s misery  with addictive behavior. It can be any sort of addiction including eating disorders.

As a society we have to learn how to reintegrate addicts into our society and place a greater emphasis on real “in person” social interaction to help heal our societies from the devastation of addiction.

085:How to Turn A Really Bad Day Around?

How to turn a bad day into a good day.

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