Alecia Lawrence interview – Part 2 of 3

Several months ago, I was interviewed by podcaster Alecia Lawrence. I wanted to share this very useful information with my subscribers. Above is part 2 of a three part interview. Down below is the link to the FREE Gifts we offered to Alicia’s listeners for you to  access for your own use.

The last interviews will be going out to you on June 21st.


Here’s your link for your free gifts:

Clearing a Path to Contentment

The Truth About HIV / AIDS & Teens


The Truth About HIV / AIDS  & Teens -Vol. 313, June 11, 2015

This is a particularly important subject and one that I need to do a bit of education on.

Let’s start at the beginning and learn what these terms mean.

AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by HIV, other wise known in longhand as he human immunodeficiency virus, which weakens the immune system, allowing infections and diseases to enter the body causing all sorts of havoc for the person so compromised.

According to the Center for Disease Control:

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010.
  • Over 50% of youth with HIV in the United States do not know they are infected.
  • In 2010, youth made up 17% of the US population, but accounted for an estimated 26% (12,200) of all new HIV infections (47,500) in the United States.
  • In 2010, young gay and bisexual men accounted for an estimated 19% (8,800) of all new HIV infections in the United States and 72% of new HIV infections among youth. These young men were the only age group that showed a significant increase in estimated new infections—22% from 2008 (7,200) through 2010 (8,800).
  • In 2010, black youth accounted for an estimated 57% (7,000) of all new HIV infections among youth in the United States, followed by Hispanic/Latino (20%, 2,390) and white (20%, 2,380) youth.
  • An estimated 9,961 youth were diagnosed with HIV infection in the United States in 2013, representing 21% of an estimated 47,352 people diagnosed during that year. Eighty-one percent (8,053) of these diagnoses occurred in those aged 20 to 24, the highest number of HIV diagnoses of any age group.
  • At the end of 2012, there were an estimated 62,400 youth living with HIV in the United States. Of these, 32,000 were living with undiagnosed HIV infection.
  • In 2013, an estimated 2,704 youth were diagnosed with AIDS, representing 10% of the 26,688 people diagnosed with AIDS that year.
  • In 2012, an estimated 156 youth with AIDS died, representing 1% of the13,712 people with AIDS who died that year.

The virus spreads through fluids in the body. Blood being a main conduit to the disease makes needle sharing is a horrific idea. Most often the disease spreads through oral, vaginal and anal sex, especially when condoms are not used. It is not spread through sweat, tears, or saliva.

This may be a shocking fact, but the number one way heterosexual females gets AIDS is through sex with men. It is the second most common way for heterosexual men to get aids. More men contract AIDS, yet, the proportion of woman contracting it is increasing.

Using drugs and alcohol are a bad idea because it leads to poor judgment while lowering your inhibitions, maybe leading you to having unprotected sex.

The signs of having AIDS are very similar to many other illnesses, so the only way to know if you have contracted it or not, is to have a blood test for AIDS done by a reputable testing facility.

Here are the signs to look for if you have had unprotected sexual relations or shared a needle with someone (even if not with drugs, but with tattooing yourself).

  • Weight loss
  • Frequent fevers
  • Lack of energy
  • Swollen lymph glands in the armpits, groin, or neck
  • Persistent skin rashes
  • Severe herpes infections that cause mouth, genital or anal sores.
  • Short-term memory loss

Older sexual partners have a higher likelihood of being infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

Many teens believe that they are not concerned about being infected, which means they may not take the proper precautions against contracting AIDS.

And unfortunately there is a very high proportion of students 12 – 20 who are using alcohol coming in at 47%, while 10% of youth 12 to 17 admit to using illicit drugs, and among the 34% of currently sexually active youth, 22% admitted using alcohol or drugs before having sexual relations.

Be smart and use the brain you have to keep yourself aware of what you are doing at all times. If you have sexual relations, use a latex condom and above all stay away from needles and drug use.

If you know someone who is demonstrating risky behavior, be a real friend and encourage your friend to stop using the substances that are putting them at risk. Help them to gain professional help, because if you are willing to do this, you may very well save a life.

097:Healing Through Education

Learn about how what you eat either helps or harms you

Alecia Lawrence interview – Part 1 of 3

Several months ago, I was interviewed by podcaster Alecia Lawrence. I wanted to share this very useful information with my subscribers. Above is part 1 of a three part interview. Down below is the link to the FREE Gifts we offered to Alicia’s listeners for you to  access for your own use.

The other two interviews will be going out to you on the next to Sundays, June 14th and June 21st.


Here’s your to link to your free gifts:

Clearing a path to contentment


Aviophobia: Fear of Flying: How About A Simple Cure?

 Heidi is ready to enjoy the jet set lifestyleAviophobia: Fear of Flying: How About A Simple Cure? – Vol. 312, June 4, 2015

Over the years that I have been in practice I have worked with some very interesting cases of fear of flying.

My excellent friend and ex-bookkeeper (only because I had the nerve to move out of state where it is difficult for her to continue doing my books) referred her boyfriend to me many years ago. He is an accomplished sound engineer by trade involved in international business where he needed to get on planes and fly across the globe. During one such flight he experienced a major issue with the flight that was ultra scary. It was because of this experience that he was referred to me, to get rid of the problem, so he could fly once again without any fear.

I had a woman who came to see me with a fear of flying, not because of the flight, more because of those long wait times when one is forced to stay in their seat such as after boarding, yet before the plane is at cruising speed and altitude, or during turbulence, This was a distinct possibility during the long flights she was due to take from Metro Boston to East Africa.

I had another client who was needing to get over a fear of flight, and she didn’t even know what the reason was that she was fearful when I saw her. Come to find out it had nothing to do with the flight, but everything to do with not trusting the person with whom she was taking this trip. This we learned while she was in the state of hypnosis while I worked with her.

Even my own Godson had a very turbulent ride on his flight from Florida to Boston a few years ago. Given his love for exploration and doing cool things, especially if it involves escaping the harsh winter weather in New England, that just wouldn’t do. So, one day while he was visiting me he asked me to hypnotize him so that he would no longer have that dreaded feeling while up in the air, especially if any turbulence occurred. In his case, he is able to get on the aircraft, and hope for the best. I wouldn’t say that all his fears have been allayed, yet, he never allows it to get in his way of doing something that he wants to do wherever in the world he may have the opportunity to go.

For the rest of the cases above, they have been totally cleared of their issues so far as I know. They all took their trips and are flying when they have places they would like to go that would make that the best travel choice for them.

So, how does this work? Great question and t so happens I have a bit of research to back it up for those of you who like the science behind the results for the case histories.

There was a study that was done on 30 participants who had an overwhelming fear of flying. Twenty percent ranked their fear as severe while 40% ranked their fear as serious enough to evade flying. After the initial treatment 80% were improved and 6 months later 78% embarked on a flight without any panic. Most of the participants lost their fear of flight entirely while the rest had significant reduction in their phobic responses. 

For all of the case histories that I have told you above, it took one session to handle this issue of fear of flying, no matter the cause of it. So, if you are a person who is putting off flying, or taking alcohol or anti-anxiety medication to put you into a better mind space, perhaps it is time for you to consider getting rid of the problem instead of medicating it. How could you lose when it takes so little time and effort to put this barrier to your living a full life in your past where it belongs?

096:How To Better Communicate with Women, Advise From John Gray

Solid advice for women on communicating with men from John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus.


Bruce Jenner and Chaz Bono: What Can We Learn From Them?


Sexuality confusion

Sexuality confusion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bruce Jenner and Chaz Bono: What Can We Learn From Them? – Vol. 311, May 28, 2015 

It is rather unfortunate when people who have gone through enough pan all their lives are harassed, bad mouthed and treated like dirt. Being a person who works in a field that few people understand, yet, many assume they know more than they do, I totally understand the frustration and upset of being labeled, being scorned and being told that my clients are not “ill” they are just out of control. Well, if someone is unable to control their urges, by that very definition, there is something that needs to be acknowledged and dealt with in a respectful and helpful manner.

A specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital stated that their are over 700,000 transgendered people in the U.S. While it is normal for a young child to demonstrate the opposite gender’s interests and behaviors, if it remains strong through the child’s pre-teens and teen years it is best to get the required help because 45% of them will attempt suicide. So, this is no laughing matter. It is time for adults to grow up and understand the very true pain others feel when they are dealing with something that was never of one’s own making, rather it is something that one was born with, necessitating appropriate treatment and the compassion of the rest of us.

In the world of transgendered people, the stigma attached is unbelievable. I could never understand the feelings they have, the confusion they go through figuring out their sexuality vs. their gender. Chaz Bono put it in easy to understand terms: Who you are when you go to bed is your gender, who you sleep with is your sexuality.

This is an important distinction because for Bruce Jenner, he always felt hat he was a girl trapped in a boy’s body, yet always was attractive to females never males. Chaz felt trapped in a girl’s body, never identified with his mother Cher, while always looking up to his father wanting to be strong like him.

When Bruce Jenner explained to his kids what was going on for him when he decided to  make the “change over” to a female, he told them: that because he was so good at everything he did, this was God’s way of letting him know that he had a challenge in life. He further explained that this is because everyone has some challenges to overcome.

Many years ago right after I graduated college, I had a couple of neighbors who I liked very much who were homosexual. One was a male and the other was a female. Looking back on those times hanging around with their friends, I got a little bit of an inside view of what goes on with the gay and transexual world. The gay neighbor had a friend who visited often who was transgender. He was a man who was over 6 feet tall, wore his hair very long, wore bright red nail polish on his huge fingers, and was going through hair removal. His personality was outgoing and friendly. He wanted to be known by his feminine name. I would be remiss to say that he looked like a “normal” female, however, I found him to be a fun loving person who was quite at peace with himself. He had a very healthy attitude concerning his life and how he was living it.

Years ago, I had a client come to see me who was a male who wanted to have more feminine behaviors. He had a very slim build and a very soft voice, no friends and didn’t get along with his parents, though he was living with them at the time. When I suggested he get a consultation by a specialist at a nearby clinic to see if going through a sex change would be appropriate, he backed off from doing so. I really don’t know what happened with him because I didn’t see that there was anything that I could do for him. My feeling was that he really needed to figure out his gender identity and once that was done, he may have been able to make some friends.

Because I deal with many people who have all sorts of difficult life situations, some of them very traumatic, I have learned to listen to their stories and engage them in self-discovery. Because in reality that is what this work I do is all about. Likewise, the transgendered need to be understood for the challenges they face as they reconcile themselves with the fate that they have been given. It is challenging enough to understand that your gender doesn’t fit the mind you were given, because sexuality lives in one’s mind, not in one’s crotch as Chaz put it. Once this is understood by the person affected, they have many fears of how those who love them will take the news that they need to be authentically who they are, and that many times may mean changing their gender surgically.

Bruce Jenner has come out with his problem with the hope that he may be able to help some transgendered people realize that they aren’t alone and that they can live authentic lives. He is clear that if the reality show was a vehicle to allow him to at long last tell his true story after the 400 plus episodes, helping some others in the process the hardships he has underwent will have been worth it.

The last thing that I would like to say here is that until and unless you have experienced what another has, your need to listen without judgment, allowing you to learn that thing you would like for yourself, called” compassion.” For we all have our times of difficulties when an interested ear and a compassionate heart help more than pretty much anything else.

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