Research Says that Hypnosis is the Difference that Makes The Difference in Truly Letting Go of Anorexia & Bulimia


Eating-disorder-front-cover-final Research Says that Hypnosis is the Difference that Makes The Difference in Truly Letting Go of Anorexia & Bulimia – Volume 326, September 10, 2015 

Thanks to a few very brave young women who came in to see me over a decade ago, I learned from them, how to help them clear their anorexia and bulimia with hypnotic techniques. All of them asked me to write a book about how I managed to do this for them and so I did. It is called Do I Have An Eating Disorder? Now What? You can find it in the Kindle store on

While many of the conventional programs out there are working on the “presenting problem” level of the eating disorder, meaning the need to change the eating habits and perhaps the over exercise, binging, purging, calorie counting, cutting and any other obsessive compulsive behaviors that go with it. Hypnotists on the other hand are most interested in going to the root cause of the eating disorder itself while treating the obsessive compulsive aspects of the illness.

My clients have taught me that their biggest issues are of self-loathing and an inability to relate to people in an age appropriate way. All of them have had various traumas to overcome. All of them had to learn how to keep good boundaries for themselves while not over running other peoples’s boundaries with their impossible ideas of perfectionism and “people pleasing” behaviors.

There is a cause for the clients to have developed these eating disorders. Though they do indeed run in families, I have yet to have had an eating disordered client who hasn’t suffered some sort of trauma and in many causes multiple traumas. There are multiple levels of work that need to be done because the client is “self-loathing” (their words) and has very little idea in how to relate to both themselves and therefore others their own age. Most often these clients are afraid of the responsibilities represented by growing up which creates other issues for them. The cool thing though, is that there is now research that proves why hypnosis is the way to go and that is what I would like to share with you now.

While in hypnosis one is a dissociative state. When clients are engrossed in the thoughts and behaviors of their eating disorders, they are also in a dissociative state. This is true if they are: binging, purging, cutting themselves or over exercising. Since they are in this state of dissociation, we are using their ease of going into that state to help them heal themselves.

In 2014 there was an article written in the Journal of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis where there was a study done on a 20 year old female diagnosed with anorexia. In the eight sessions that she had, she was given suggestions to strengthen her ego and her overall body image. Regressive work was done to find the root cause of her problem. Three months later there was a vast improvement in both her self-image of her body and gaining healthier eating habits. The article sites a few more cases where the teens were hospitalized because of their very low body weight. In 12 hypnosis sessions they were able to shift to having much better body perceptions while gaining healthier eating habits.

Though these particular case histories didn’t go into the deeper work of interpersonal relationships, these case histories do show us that it is easier for these clients to release their eating disorders with the use of hypnosis then working in the conscious state used in traditional talk therapy.

Given the very serious nature of these illnesses it is very important to follow these clients for a longer period to make sure they have really done the work to clear these self-destructive behaviors. When I work with any of these clients they sign on to work with me for up to a year to make sure they have beat their problem, while living their lives based on a “compelling future” of their design, which they find more enticing then staying ill. In this way they are most likely to regain their health while creating lives of fulfillment and joy.

110:Are You Caregivers Caring For Yourself

If you are caring for others, get some advice on how to care for yourself.

Wayne Dyer’s Last Miracle

  Wayne Dyer By Phil KonstantinWayne Dyer’s Last Miracle – Volume 325, September 3, 2015

Wayne Dyer passed away in his sleep Saturday night, August 29, 2015, at the age of 75. His time here was complete and he was needed elsewhere. He had no fear of dying, realizing that there was a new adventure in the other world, so it’s only appropriate to celebrate his life for all the gifts he gave those he touched through his work, as well as celebrating  his passing to his new destiny.

I have read so many obituaries on his life that speak to his method of having “psychic Surgery” with John of God as being a crazy idea, and yet the man worked up until the very end, with more speaking engagements in his schedule going into the future. He exercised daily and ate healthily along the way. He lived six years after his diagnosis of leukemia and some feel that was a failure of his chosen healing techniques. However, I have a different take on the events than those who are incapable of understanding the congruence between his spiritual and health care beliefs and the manner in which he treated himself.

Wayne Dyer taught many things that were of most importance to those who followed his teachings, many coming from Eastern thought. He always credited his teachers and the sources from where his ideas came so it is a matter of record. In the Eastern traditions the body, mind and spirit all work together as a whole.  So he did his best to take those actions that would enable him to heal his body and allow it and his mind to function as best he could.

The belief in being a good person and giving back was one of Dr. Dyer’s wonderful legacies to the schools and non-profits that he supported. During his radio show a person would call in with a particular issue, he would have his people mail out free to the caller whatever of his products he thought would be of the most help. He was a man who lived his philosophy.

Those who were great friends of his on the speaking circuit, always remarked that he was the one truly humble and heart centered speaker they knew who lived his life in integrity, as he taught others to do from the stage.

He never complained about his life, he worked through his issues and came to better understand who he was and what he wanted to stand for in this life. He said that it was never to late to have a good childhood. His belief was that one can interpret one’s life in a manner that supports health and wellbeing. This instead of blaming others for whatever hurtful actions may have been done during one’s life. Forgiveness is the tonic of anger, blame and guilt.

He understood very well that the thoughts in the mind control the functioning of the body, so was very careful in the working through all of his own self-damaging thoughts. This brings me back to the original idea of this weblog; he fed his mind with ideas and spiritual practices that brought peace and calm to his life. As a hypnotist, all I have to work with is the perceptions of my client’s mind to help the healing process. The mind is the most powerful tool we have. When we know how to use it for health and good will,   someone in Dr. Dyer’s condition was able to add six more years of productivity and love to his life to the age of 69 when the leukemia first was diagnosed. Not a bad result at all, I would call it miraculous.

109:Bringing Your Dreams Into Reality based on Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture

Remember when you were a kid and you had dreams? Did you lose them on the journey to adulthood? You are invite to explore who you used to be and how to use that to live a full life now.

How to Know When A Teens Drinking Is Getting Out of Control

Beer Keg BWHow to Know When Your Teens Drinking Is Getting Out of Control – Volume 324, August 27, 2015 

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 24.6 percent of people ages18 or older reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the past month; 6.8 percent reported that they engaged in heavy drinking in the past month.

This is an increasing problem among our youth with 697,000 teens ages 12 – 17 being treated for alcohol abuse with 385,000 females and 311,000 males.

I attended a Youth Summit for the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse in the city of Torrance, California where teens were asked the reasons they drank. Peer pressure being one of them. Some of the reason given: were that older friends influenced them to drink, they felt it was the “cool” thing to do, it feels good, and they were imitating people idolized. If you are a parent who drinks a lot with your kids present, think about this before drinking alcohol in their presence.

Even though many realized that others may get uncomfortable with too much drinking and the behavior associated with it, that there was a possibility of blacking out losing their memories of what happened while drunk, and that it could harm their health, teens will still go about their drinking.

For older teens, the problem can be a bit worse as they can get into cars with a drunk driver, or perhaps be a victim of sexual assault during a blackout. These are very serious concerns that need to be strongly enforced while educating our teens as to the possible horrific effects of their or their friends’ drinking habits.

Male teens tend to get angry and aggressive when they drink alcohol which means they can get into fights with others.

If you are a teen who is reading this, here are a 12 questions that you can ask yourself to see if you have an issue that needs some serious thought:

  1. Do you drink to relax when you have problems?
  2. Do you drink when you get irritated, frustrated, unhappy or angry?
  3. Do you prefer to drink alone?
  4. Are your grades slipping or are you having trouble at work?
  5. Do you ever try to stop drinking, or drink less, and fail?
  6. Do you take drinks in the morning?
  7. Do you guzzle drinks?
  8. Have you ever forgotten what happened when you were drinking?
  9. Do you ever lie about your drinking?
  10. Do you ever get in trouble when you drink?
  11. Do you get drunk when you drink, even though you don’t want to?
  12. Do you think it is cool to be able to drink a lot?

Alcoholism is the problem when you can no longer stop your drinking when you so desire. You have reached your tolerance for the alcohol so your body is now addicted to it. It is an illness and can hit anyone regardless of their age. It doesn’t matter how long you have been drinking because everyone’s tolerance for it is different. All that matters is what the alcohol does to you when you drink.

If you answered any one of the questions above with a “yes” it is time for you to get some help with your alcohol problem. You really do want to take care of it before it gets out of hand as happened with one of my clients. He ran his brand new truck into a electric pole creating $3,000 worth of damages. The savings grace is that he walked away and that no one else was involved. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about another client of mine, who was 17 years old when she saw me. Shehad lost two of her friends from drinking while driving in the preceding 3 years.

The thing that you want to always keep in the back of your mind is that you are ALWAYS AWARE of what you are doing at all times. This way no one can take advantage of you.

If you are at a party and one of your friends is getting very ill, call 911 and get the required help.  Alcohol related deaths were the third leading preventable cause of death in this country, many of these involving binge drinking.

The other thing that you need to know is that alcohol use impairs your brain’s ability to develop normally. This is important to recognize especially if you are under the age of 25 when the brain is still developing. I know that many of you teens believe that you are immortal, but the reality of the situation is that you are not. So, please give this information some pause.

Most of all do what you can to help yourself to feel happy and fulfilled with your life. If you aren’t feeling that good about yourself for whatever reason, get yourself some help to build up your sense of self-esteem and love for yourself. Because the truth of the matter is that if you feel good about yourself and those things that you are doing with your life, there is no reason to over drink, ever. People drink because they don’t like the thoughts going around and around in their heads telling them that they are “stupid,“ worthless” or having feelings of guilt of shame. So, again, if you have these sorts of thoughts going around in your head, do yourself a favor and get some help to find those things that are special about you, those things that you are good at and enjoy doing. By taking this action you will rarely find the desire to drink to be present. You will be happy and fulfilled and enjoying your life the way any teen has the right to feel.

108:Is Your Relationship Surviving or Thriving

Is your relationship lifting you up or dragging you down. Step back and examine the truth of your relationship with Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.

Heroin? How Do You Know Your Teen May Be Involved & What to do About it?

 Be careful what you wish for #drugs #heroin #addiction #camp #church Heroin? How Do You Know Your Teen May Be Involved & What to do About it? – Volume 323, August 20, 2015

A couple of years ago, I had a client come in to see me. She had never used any sort of drug before she started shooting up with heroin. Her boyfriend was snorting it, but she thought it would be more fun to inject it. As a result of that decision she got herself addicted to the drug. I tell you this story to let you know, that not everyone comes to heroin after abusing other drugs first, though that is the usual manner in which it happens.  The user will either get a prescription for a pain medication and then move onto heroin once the addiction has taken place, or will be using other illicit and ill gotten prescriptions and work up to a heroin addiction.

According to the Center for Disease Control, heroin deaths have increased 39 percent from 2012 to 2013 as a result of the states clamping down on the prescribing of pain medications. Heroin is easier to access, it being a fraction of the cost of pain medications..

In 2006 less then 1% of teens were using heroin. The average age of first use was 20 years old.

Heroin is an illegal Schedule 1 drug, meaning that it is highly addictive, because it enters the brain so quickly.

Often heroin is used along with alcohol, another depressant to the central nervous system making it even more lethal as the breathing gets more shallow, and in the case of an overdose death, stops completely. Because no one knows how strong the drug taken is, there is no way to know how much heroin got into the body’s system.

Because heroin enters the neurons of the brain and changes the speed of the chemicals in ther brain, it causes the brain to change physically as well as the way the user thinks.

If the heroin is being injected, exposure to HIV, Hepatitis B and C along with other diseases that can be contracted from the use of the needles.

There is no safe way of ingesting heroin, snorting, smoking or injecting it, it is all heroin. As such, you can still get addicted to it and die of an overdose from it as many celebrities have. Heroin is one of the most frequently reported drugs by medical examiners in drug abuse cases.

Withdrawal from heroin produces cravings for the drug, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting which last between three days to a week on average.

How can you tell if your teen is using heroin? Here are the signs:

  • Euphoria
  • Drowsiness
  • Impaired mental functioning
  • Slowed down respiration
  • Constricted pupils
  • Signs of a heroin overdose include:
  • Shallow breathing
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Clammy skin
  • Convulsions
  • Coma

If you know of someone who is using heroin, do them a favor and do your best to get them the help they require, because their life may very well be on the line. If you believe that someone you know is experiencing a drug overdose, call 911 to get them the care they require as soon as possible.

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