The Government is Finally Waking Up: Treatment for Heroin Addiction Instead of Incarceration

Hard Rock Las Vegas Rehab  The Government is Finally Waking Up: Treatment for Heroin  Addiction Instead of Incarceration – Volume 329, October 1, 2015

In an article in the Washington Post as quoted by on August 17th, titled White House to Focus on Treatment in New Strategy Against Heroin Use in U.S.  reports that our government is finally addressing the real need for treatment over prosecution for addicts. Anyone who has been involved in the healthcare system understands that drug addiction is an illness. The body craves the drugs and as such the addict needs help to overcome the addiction, not prosecution and a jail term to make matters worse for them. Archives of General Psychiatry shows that heroin addicts have only a 50 percent survival rate making treatment even more relevant.

The reason the White House is changing its strategy is because of the huge number of overdoses that are occurring each day. There was a five fold increase in overdoses from heroin use from 2001 to 2005 according to the National Institute of Health.The death rate from heroin overdose doubled from 2010 to 2012 according to the National Vital Statistics System.

The government’s program is to be started in 15 states with $2.5 million in funding by the White House Office of Drug Control Policy to trace the sources of heroin with the deadly additive of Fentanyl.                 

It is now understood that people who are given addictive opioid prescription medication are 40 times more likely to become heroin addicts. Heroin is less expensive and more easily obtained, sadly making it the drug of choice.

I celebrate our government finally making the decision to both go after the people who are putting this crap out there on the streets as well as treating the illness of addiction as an illness, instead of the wrongheaded approach of incarceration.

If you or someone you are close to is given an opioid to control pain after a surgery use it with care. People who have the tendency to get addicted easily will find themselves going very quickly down the path to dependence and addiction.

If you or someone you know has a history of addiction, please let your doctor know so that the doctor can prescribe a non-addictive pain control medication. They are out there and they do work, so ask for it. It could very well save your life.

113:My Learnings for This Year 2015

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck reflects on what she has learned over the past year.

Hypnosis Clears Hair Pulling – Trichotillomania By Getting to The Root Cause

 AAAARRRGGGHHHHypnosis Clears Hair Pulling – Trichotillomania By Getting to The Root Cause – Volume 328, September 24, 2015

Whenever I do my work as a hypnotist, the first thing I need to understand is the root cause of the thought or behavior. The subconscious mind’s most important job is to stop a person from knowing things that the person is unable to handle consciously.

Sometimes repression of the memory is the safety valve that is placed in there. However, there are many times when the subconscious mind will put in thoughts and behaviors to distract the conscious from having to deal with the real cause of the problem.

The American Journals of Clinical Hypnosis, had an article in 2011 where hypnosis was used to help three children that were unaware of their habit of pulling their own hair, otherwise known as Trichotillomania.  In these cases the researches found that the hair pulling was created to help the children to deal with negative feelings towards their parents. The parents worked with the researchers to get a better understanding of how to better relate to their children while the hypnosis helped them to stop the behavior as demonstrated in a six month follow-up.

I had a 14 year old boy who had a habit of pulling out his eye lashes, which was making his father crazy because of the silly way his son looked as a result. The son was doing this behavior because he was upset with his baby sister having broken a snow globe of his several years earlier. Once we cleared this event for him, his eye lashes grew back in to stay.

If you know anyone who is pulling out their hair, understand that there is usually a deeper cause. Many times it is a feeling of  having ones boundaries being over run that needs to be cleared to allow the behavior to release.

112:Be Yourself

Be authentic, be happy, be yourself.

Hypnosis Works Brilliantly With Children & Young Adults

 BP1 BWHypnosis Works Brilliantly With Children & Young Adults – Volume 327, September 17, 2015 

Children and Young Adults are gifted at doing hypnosis for a few reasons.

First they are already in trance and rarely need a formal induction to put them into one. This makes them gifted at doing hypnosis.

Second, they are fascinated by the process, it being a bit mysterious in nature.

Third, they are in the session to use their own creative abilities to come up with the solutions to their issues, empowering them to heal.

With this mind-body technique children are easily able to build their self-esteem, learn coping skills and do better in school.

I generally ask the child if they would like their parent present during the session. If they are willing, healing of all sorts can occur for both the child and the parent.

I have had 15 year old client whose mother really didn’t understand the amount of pressure she was placing on her daughter to be in many advanced placement courses, even wondering why her daughter felt compelled to do so. During the session the mother apologized for this pressure that she never knew she was placing on her daughter. During the session, the mother spoke about how she took many advanced placement courses to “please” her mother and apologized to her daughter for passing that pressure on to her.

I had another mother bring her son in to see me. He was 13 years old at the time. He had special needs and found it hard to do the hypnosis. His mother was in the session and apparently learned a lot about how to accept her son for exactly who he is as a person. She wrote me a thank you for that aspect of our work together, though she also let me know that she didn’t believe the hypnosis worked for her son. I was pleased that the mother had shifted her feelings for her son. Sometimes it is the parent that needs the help more then the child. When that is accomplished things can go better for the child.

I had a 19 year old come in to see me who was unable to write his music any longer. We cleared the sadness from many losses of his grandparents and pets. Ar the next session he was writing his music again, right in front of me. It was absolutely amazing to watch.

It is helpful to have the parents involved because, as you can see, sometimes they can heal issues that they have with their children. Here’s a wonderful case to demonstrate this:  I had a case where one mother was in the session with her 17 year old daughter for a problem with her ice hockey coach. However, the larger problem was written in the message the mother wrote on a slip of paper and passed to me. She had lost 4 of her good friends in the past 3 years. She wanted to know if I could help her with it. An hour later all those losses were healed for her daughter. If the mother wasn’t present for that session, I never would have known.

It is important for the parent to be willing to be part of the process of healing and to support the changes their child is making in the session.

I had one mother whose daughter was seeing me, age 10 who was still wetting her bed. During the whole session I couldn’t get the mother to stop texting as she was busy working on her business. It wasn’t fair to the daughter so I continued the sessions with the daughter over the phone. The results were not as good as they could have been if the mother was more present for her daughter’s needs.

On the other end of the spectrum, I met a father and son from Nairobi a few years ago. The son was 19 years old and very depressed. I showed the son how to do some self-hypnosis and a bullying issue came up with him. I cleared that for him. His demeanor changed for a bit. His parents were so glad for the change they saw that they invited me to Nairobi, Kenya to work with all three of them to get on the same page regarding their son. His father explained it by saying he thought the mother and he were confusing the son with different messages to him. He’s doing real well now, because his parents were totally behind his treatment.

If you have a teen or college age student who is suffering from eating disorders, find a hypnotist who knows how to work with them because the results are amazing. I have had several of these clients and they stop their purging and binging along with the other self-destructive behaviors setting out to create lives that are happy and fulfilling for them.

So, if your child or young adult is having difficulties, hypnosis is a great way to go. It works quicker then regular talk therapy by using the innate talent these clients have to create their own healing while learning a great skill to help them throughout life.

Need Your Help to Win A Grant to Get My Book Published!

eating-disorder-front-cover-final-200x300I just submitted a grant to get my downloadable book Do I Have An Eating Disorder? Now What? published in hard copy to Shop Local. It is important for young girls and guys to realize that starving or binging themselves into illness isn’t the way to attain a happy life. It is more important for them to learn that they can indeed heal themselves of anorexia and bulimia if they have the right method to get the job done.


I need you to vote for my grant to have a chance of getting this break through work out there into the world. You can see my grant proposal here:

I thank you for your support.



111:How to Have a Happy Family

Get some practical, effective advice on how to have a happy, harmonious family.

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