What Are The Ramifications of the Doubling of Marijuana Use in a Decade? Look at Our Children for Some Answers

Medical Marijuana DispensaryWhat Are The Ramifications of the Doubling of Marijuana Use in a Decade? Look at Our Children for Some Answers – Vol. 334, November 12, 2015 

According to the article Marijuana Use in U.S. Adults Doubles in Decade, reported in Yahoo News Health, government surveys show that there are more than 22 million mostly recreational users, which accounts for 10% of the population. Recreational use is legalized in four states: Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Reduced penalties for marijuana possession have been adopted in many states. Medical marijuana has been introduced in 23 states while 21 states have proposed laws supporting recreational use. Even with the reported decline to one in three users being dependent or abusers, we are going into some very important discussions about what the ramifications of all of this means, not only to those who may be using the marijuana while driving or operating dangerous equipment, but the problems that arise for employers who may have to allow someone who is prescribed medical marijuana to use it on the job, even if it is not safe given the distorted perceptions and loss of coordination, difficulty thinking and distorted time perception one experiences on the drug.

A 2013 survey done by the United States government has found that current Marijuana use in 8th through 12th graders between 2007 and 2013 has increased from 5.8% in 8th graders to 7%, from 13.8% to 18% in 10th graders and from 19.4% to 22.7% in 12th graders. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) shows a 33% increase in teens who smoked marijuana in the past month in medical marijuana states, but only 6% in the rest of the country.

This is a perplexing problem because medical marijuana has been proved useful in many medical areas such as for the treatment of lack of appetite and pain control in and vomiting in cancer patients, healing, motor coordination, increase memory and learning, while decreasing anxiety and inflammation. This is when the whole plant is used according to some doctors who juice the plant.

When teens use the marijuana it can create many problems because their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed. Because of this, they are not able to make appropriate judgements regarding the use of the marijuana. There is also the fact that the drug today is very different then the recreational drug that was used years ago in many ways.

First, we don’t really know what is in the marijuana of today, given that many of those providing it on the streets are adding other chemicals to it. I had a couple of brothers who came to see me because they were having what felt like panic attacks after using marijuana recreationally.

Andy LaFrate, founder of Charas Scientific, one of eight Colorado labs certified to test cannabis, tested 600 strains of marijuana from dozens producers. The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the psychoactive compound that produces the “high” that people experience has increased from 18 to 30 percent from the 1980’s to 2015. This is because the growers are cross breeding plants to create more powerful strains.

Some manufacturers use butane to strip the plant of all the components but the THC, thus concentrating the THC which will increase the heavy metals, pesticides and other substances that end up in the product. These can create many negative effects on the person using the marijuana.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) warns is about marijuana concentrations which are also known as THC Extractions. The THC levels could range between 40 to 80%, four times the strength of THC in high grade marijuana which normally comes in about 20%.  The street names for this type of marijuana changes often, but currently it is known as 720 (the word oil, spelled backwards) wax, ear wax, honey oil, budder, butane, hash oil, shatter, dabs, black lass and errl. These concentrated forms are put into various foods and drinks, though smoking by water or oil pipes remains the most common form of ingestion.

E-cigarettes or vaporizers are the most disconcerting, being smokeless, it is easy to conceal what is being smoked. The use of these products leads to an instant “high” for the user. Many kids in middle school and high school use them in the back of the classroom and the teachers are unaware of it.

According to the DEA, regular smoking marijuana interferes with memory and learning leading a decrease in IQ and tests scores, which decreases  grades, resulting in dropping out of school.

Researchers have also found that for those teens that have a predisposition to early onset schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, and depression will experience an increased risk of both illnesses.

Then there is the whole problem of synthesized marijuana as reported by ABC News, on October 15, 2015 where it was reported that federal drug agents having arrested more than 100 people across the country. The problem is that the synthesized compounds found in these substances bind much more strongly to the THC receptors than natural marijuana leading to dangerous and unpredictable effects. Anxiety and paranoia have been noted as well as the overdoses that have lead to four times the overdoses then last year as reported on the CBS Evening News on April 15, 2015. This is one reason that some people believe it is better to allow for the legalization of real marijuana, since people will find a way to get into an altered state if they are determined to do so.

However, there are problems with the consistent use of marijuana including heart disease, as well as a trigger to stroke, the third after tobacco smoking and cocaine use according to the European risk analysis, the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation System.

So, depending on what research one reads, one will get different viewpoints of how marijuana will effect one. My own opinion is that we have enough problems with drunk driving and all the people on pharmaceutical medications which both sedate and excite in this country. I find it amazing how it is that we Americans can find so many ways to harm ourselves which shows in the increase of children having so many psychological and physical ailments before their time.

Though I do understand that medical marijuana given to those who are truly in need of it, which in my opinion are those who will die if they can’t take in the nutrition their body needs to fight disease processes, I believe we are going way too far to the other side in treating marijuana as a safe and even a health preserving agent.

I am worried about the ever younger children who are using this drug, and the damage that it can do to their brain’s development as well as the cardiopulmonary problems that can develop. I worry about those who ingest it in food and drink having horrific effects from it, and the issue of psychotic events being triggered in those who are susceptible to them .

If we adults want our children to be healthy, we need to model healthy behavior, and stop making excuses as to why it is okay for us to have behaviors we don’t want our children to emulate. This is the only way to turn the tide and have our children become healthy adults.

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The One Thing That Matters More Than Anything Else

Cincinnati - Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum "Time Passes"  The One Thing That Matters More Than Anything Else – Vol. 333, November 5, 2015

These last few months have been very difficult for me, more than I ever really noted for one simple reason. My ex-mother-in-law who still considers me her daughter-in-law even though her son is no longer married to me (though we are still very good friends) is dealing with very difficult chemotherapy sessions, feels tired most of the time and frankly, it is difficult to deal with. It is difficult to deal with because though I have lost many people to cancer and other medical issues much too early, my mother-in-law played a very important part in my life right after my own father’s too early passing away 31 years ago when I was only 23 ½ years old.

You see, the difference that made the difference for me was how my mother-in-law just took me into her family. She gave me the best Christmas ever that first Christmas after my father passed away.  No matter how difficult I could be over the years, she always loved and accepted me. There were times while I was still very ill with the manic depression when I said and did things that weren’t always easy for her to deal with and yet, through it all she was always loving and present for me.

So this is the thing, it is my turn to give back to this wonderful woman what she gave me in the way that I can. I call her often to check in with her. Sometimes I can make her laugh. I send cards to her periodically to lift her spirits because old fashioned cards sent in the mail can be kept if desired. Because the most important thing that matters when someone is in the condition that she is, is to know that those who love and care about them are present while they are alive. It’s true that I may be 3,000 miles away from her currently, however, the cell phone works very well so long as I remember to call during the time that she is awake and able to take the calls.

Regarding my dad’s passing. I can honestly say that though it was a shock to me, he only being 61 years old at the time, I had let him know while he was alive what he meant to me with all the wonderful bits of wisdom he shared with me (though I learned more as I got older and could understand it more deeply). I let him know that I loved and respected him many times before he passed away, so that when it happened, I was clear that he knew what he needed to know. I had the opportunity because I worked in his dental office and it was there when we had many one-on-one talks. Was everything perfect? Hell no, because there were times he blamed me for things that he had no business doing so, but because I had a built a great relationship with him, I could honestly tell him my point of view and clear up the matter.

So, this is what I want you to understand more than anything else in this world. If you have people in your life that you love and you haven’t told them, tell them and let them know specifically what you love most about them. Your gift back in most cases will be to have them reflect back to you what you mean to them.

If you know someone who is very ill, weak and needs to have your loving, caring support, think of ways that you can add something special to their lives and do it – not later – but now, while you still can. If I had waited for a few more years thinking my dad would live into his 70’s he never would have heard my loving words. My mother-in-law gets to hear my loving words while I listen to what is going on for her currently on a weekly basis at least. Whether, I make it to her funeral is immaterial because she got what she needed most while she was able to hear those words, share the interactions and know that she is loved without a doubt.

We all too often take our relationships for granted. STOP doing this right now! Let those who you love know that you love them. Be present for them and you will get more than you ever thought you would back in return for your efforts. That is a promise I can make to you.

118:13 things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Mental health and mental strength are two separate qualities. In this episode, Suzanne explores what to avoid and what to do in order to be mentally strong.

Whose Watching the FDA When It Comes to Pharmaceuticals?

English: Logo of the U.S. Food and Drug Admini...

English: Logo of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2006) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Whose Watching the FDA When It Comes to Pharmaceuticals?  Vol. 332, October 29, 2015 –

When I first got involved in hypnosis, I met a medical hypnotist who was once a pharmaceutical representative. Her name is Melissa Roth and she came to hypnosis after healing herself of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS. Ms. Roth wrote a particularly realistic if disturbing article for the International Hypnosis Federation’s paper, Hyp-News of the Day, for Oct, 2015 called Failings of the FDA. As, you know, I have written some articles for this blog and certainly have written on many of the deeper issues involved in the over selling of conventional medicine, in my downloadable book Wake Up Doctors, free when one signs up for the weblog on this website.

The reason that you need to know this information is so that you can protect yourself from our medical industrial complex, which is more interested in making money off your illness then helping to heal you. Ms. Roth has some scary statistics that I am going to share with you below, so you can find out for yourself who it is that is watching the FDA.

In 2000 there were 267,000 adverse drug reactions reported to the FDA. By 2006 there were 471,000 adverse drug reactions reported. If that weren’t bad enough, the number of deaths practically tripled, from 5,519 to 15,107. According to the CDC 37,485 died from prescription drug overdose. When did this all begin? Ms Roth reports that it was back in 2004 when staff scientists who concluded that antidepressants could increase suicidal behavior in teens, were silenced. Also during 2004 the FDA took their time in getting Vioxx of the market after it was shown to increase heart attacks and strokes. Two years later, in 2006 it was withdrawn from the market.

FDA commissioner Dr. Edward Van Eshchenbach requested a special assessment to determine if the FDA was even capable of doing its job. The conclusion of the report was that the FDA is unable to even keep up with the science, never mind fulfilling its mission because of its lack of capacity.

However, there is an even more damning reality that is going on here which you need to better understand. Ask yourself who is funding the FDA? It seems that it is the pharmaceutical companies. These companies fund over 50% of the drug review budget. And five years from now it is expected to account for 70% of the drug review budget. And, I bet you didn’t know that 22% of the FDA’s advisory board members who vote on which drugs and devises get approved have direct financial interest in the companies that they are supposed to evaluate. Talk about a conflict in interest!

So, what do you do? Do your best to not need to take any medications by making healthy eating choices, get a bit of exercise every day, hang out with positive and fulfilled people and do some self-hypnosis every day Doing self-hypnosis every day has been found to boosts the number of circulating immune cells in your body preventing many illnesses. The very act of doing self-hypnosis will lower your blood pressure and blood sugar as well, Ms. Roth reports. So, if you can’t trust the FDA to protect you, then perhaps you can trust yourself to take the actions needed to never require any of these pharmaceuticals.

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STOP Medicating Our Kids For Depression – Antidepressants Don’t Work For Teens!

138/365 Frustrated.STOP Medicating Our Kids For Depression – Antidepressants Don’t Work For Teens! – Vol. 331, October 22, 2015 

I am totally sick of our pharmaceutical companies screwing with our kids minds. When is it ever justified to give your kid a substance that has been proven only as successful as a placebo, while creating horrible side effects such as suicidal behavior? I will tell you when; Never!

Unfortunately in these days of scams, the big pharma ever more greedy for income has ditched many of the studies that have been done that show that their sometimes deadly substances are well, deadly and ineffective. The BMJ under the RIAT, (Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials) initiative, seeks to have these abandoned and misreported studies published or formally corrected.

There is a whole article that was printed up in Medical News Today, Thursday, September 17th that explains how the drug Paroxetine is not safe, causing thoughts of suicide while being no more effective than a placebo. There were many errors made in the original research. Worse, the original manuscript was not written by any of the 22 named authors, instead it was written by a drug company employee.

You can find synopsis of that article here: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/299485.php – but before you read that, please read below how you can better help your kid let go of their depressed feelings.

What I want all of you to understand is that kids don’t need to be medicated to get their problems dealt with. What they need is a loving parent who is able to validate their feelings. We all have them and we all need others to validate them. They need parents that are interested in them enough to ask them what is bothering them. They need to know that they can have choices given to them from which they can choose. They need to know that they have the ability to come up with their own solutions to those problems because this is indeed what I have found to be true in my hypnosis practice.

Children and teens are very talented at hypnosis because they operate naturally from their unconscious mind. The youngest kid I worked with was a 9 year old gymnast. I treated her as an adult because she had more determination to make her goal then many adults. She was able to figure out in one session what her issue was. She no longer wanted to work the uneven parallel bars because her coach’s assistant was tossing her so hard her hips got bruised every time she was put on them. The solution: easy, speak with her coach to remedy the problem, no longer slamming her against the bars, which was done. I had the kid speak to her coach, because this was her arena, not her parents. I told her mother if her daughter needed her to talk to the coach to step in, but not without her daughter first given the chance to advocate for herself.

I have worked with another teen who was 19 years old. He was a song writer and could no longer write his songs. He came to me for two sessions. In the first we discovered that his problem was that he had lost three of his grandparents and a few of his animals so he was grieving. No wonder why he couldn’t create? We regressed him back to all the losses and then helped him to heal those losses. By the next session a week later he was asking me for some paper. Why? Because he had the lyrics of a new song come to him, right there in front of me.

Kids have reasons to feel poorly. Here’s another one: A 10 year old whose parents divorced when he was 7 years old. Why? Because his mother got involved in cocaine addiction and got into all sort of trouble including losing her nursing job. All this kid needed was for his dad to first explain how people can change resulting in relationships no longer working, and second to have his dad give him the time he craved to play with him – tossing balls, or playing video games – it didn’t matter – he just needed to know that he mattered.

I could go on and on with case histories of kids that I have worked with who had simple situations that just needed to be better understood. How about the kid who was taking seven advanced placement classes feeling pressured into it, yet her mother didn’t have any idea that she was placing this sort of pressure on her daughter. They had a great relationship except for this aspect. A bit of understanding went a long way in healing that relationship in all of two sessions.

If your kid doesn’t know why they are doing what they are doing, hire a hypnotist to help them get underneath the conscious awareness to pull out the cause of the negative feelings from their subconscious.

I had a psychiatric nurse send her teen daughter to me because she was very upset that her boyfriend had dumped her. One session, the situation was resolved. Really, do we need to medicate the normal emotions that we all have when upsetting situations arise? No. Do we need our kids to spend months or years in therapy to resolve them? No.

Why not work with your kid’s mind the way it was made to be worked with and then you will find in most cases, not all, but most, the problem is easily resolved. Work with a hypnotist who allows the kid some say in the treatment planning. It makes all the difference to give them the respect they rarely if ever receive in life, especially where their own treatment is concerned. They know what they are feeling and they have their own answers inside their own mind. Give them the access to that resource. In the long run it will save your kid and your family much grief, that I can promise you.   

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