How hypnosis is used to clear OCD behaviors such as sexual addiction, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse and smoking.

Hypnosis is a very relaxing and soothing way to deal with all sorts of human issues. Our specialty is with working with individuals with obsessive compulsive behaviors such as sexual addiction, eating disorders, substance abuse (drug and alcohol) and helping people to quit smoking. A lot of work is also done with individuals who are just feeling “stuck” in life. We also provide services for some medical conditions. Be assured that if a medical condition is involved your doctor will be informed of your request for hypnosis for healing. This is so that we can coordinate the best care possible.

In order to start the process I will need you to fill out two forms (both of which are available for download below.) The first form is an intake form designed to give any pertinent information required.  It will tell me what your goal is and if you are under treatment elsewhere.  It will also give me some information for any hypnosis that may be done.

The second form is a Learning Channels form.  This will help me to understand how you best take in information.  This is very important for each client has a specialized treatment and as such I need to know how to present the information to you while under trance.

Once I receive the forms back from you we can set up a date to do the hypnosis session.  This will involve a little information on how it works and what it is going to feel like.  Then the hypnosis will occur.  The session will end with your explaining how the session went for you.  You may discuss what you seemed to work for you and areas that may have been presented differently for a better effect. I will also go over the script so that your conscious is aware of what was placed into your unconscious while you were under trance.


On the day of the hypnosis I require my clients to stay away from alcohol for it interferes with the treatment.  I also require my clients to suspend smoking for two hours before the session.

Hypnosis is a very gentle way to balance your body, mind and spirit assisting you in getting the most out of your life.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and assisting you.

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