Mental illness to mental health using hypnosis

Dawning Visions is a company that created itself really, evolving from twenty years of trying to understand why it was that certain individuals were able to figure out how to create a world of fulfillment filled with purpose and joyful fun, while for others it was a difficult struggle to understand what life had to offer.

After working with severely mentally ill adults for over ten years and with the elderly for six years, I realized that in this society people make snap judgments without “seeing” the person for whom they judge. I wanted to make a difference for the individuals who felt that they would like to try something other than the usual treatment methods to deal with their issues.  In many cases most clients come to hypnosis after the more traditional methods of treatment have not worked.

I have found that most people do understand how best to improve their quality of life. They just need to be heard. This is true no matter what their condition.  By following the client’s truth, it is much easier to reach the goals desired.

Dawning Visions is a company that believes in a philosophy that all people regardless of age, or chronic nature of the illness can be treated quickly and effectively with hypnosis.

In service to the client a holistic approach to the work is used, knowing that the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of you, my client, needs to be taken under consideration with any treatment you may choose to undertake with me.

“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help that fact.”-William James


“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.”-Arabian Proverb

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If you have found this website helpful and informative and either you or someone you care about has an issue that might need clearing. Then Suzanne would like to invite you to experience a 1/2 hour free no obligation consultation via phone or Skype. Suzanne has successfully helped people all over the world, why not give her the chance to help you. Get the facts about your personal situation from a caring professional source and change your life for the better today!

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How hypnosis is used to clear OCD behaviors such as sexual addiction, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse and smoking.

Hypnosis is a very relaxing and soothing way to deal with all sorts of human issues. Our specialty is with working with individuals with obsessive compulsive behaviors such as sexual addiction, eating disorders, substance abuse (drug and alcohol) and helping people to quit smoking. A lot of work is also done with individuals who are …

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