Let’s Get A Bit More Educated About Hypnotism – Vol. 588, March 25, 2021

Today we are going to get a bit more educated about the world of hypnotism since this is indeed my profession so it is my responsibility to educate my readers especially because the masses are being hypnotized and do not realize it, because – well the masses are regularly hypnotized and don’t realize it because they have no idea what hypnotism actually is in reality.
Let me start with the myth that one cannot be hypnotized against their will because this is not true in the venue of the public realm. You are hypnotized all day long and you don’t realize it. What is exactly is hypnotism? It is simply putting a person in a heightened emotional state with focused attention on the message. Every time you are listening to political figures, talented preachers, excellent storytellers, advertisers who know what they are doing, and of course all the media that you ingest wherever it may be coming from most especially your beloved news feeds on social media and the worst by far – the so-called news which is given to you in the smallest of soundbites without any context repeated every few minutes to make sure it enters your unconscious mind.
My job as a hypnotist (I never use the term hypnotherapist because if I wanted to be a ‘therapist” I would have gone the licensed route – and I did not for many, many reasons) is to dehypnotize my clients from whatever has been hypnotizing them, most often traumatic events from so far in their past that they may not even remember, yet, their unconscious mind has repressed it and is driving them to do or not do those things that the unconscious mind feels is harmful to the conscious mind to recognize.
Back when I first got certified in 2002 we did not understand the physiological mechanism that allowed a person to enter the hypnotic state, so we used a mind model to explain it. Now, with brain scans we understand that the hypnotic state is the same state as one who is in meditation goes into slowing the brain waves down from the waking alert beta state to alpha (where most of you are being hypnotized by the above stated stimuli) and theta which is where the young kids operate from which is why it is so important to be thoughtful in how you speak with them. They record everything that is said and are without the ability to reason, rationalize or judge what you are saying simply because their pre-frontal cortex has not fully developed – that doe not occur till a female is 25 and a male 26. This is why all you parents get so infuriated trying to get your kid’s attention and they are in their own little world. They are not being rude, they are just in a different consciousness than you, in their own head doing their own thing oblivious to anything outside their own mind. For those of you with teens – this is the reason for their total lack of impulse control – they live in the moment and haven’t the ability yet to understand the natural consequences to their behavior’ as my Godson’s dad eloquently put it.
We are living in times where the media and politicians are telling you a certain story – a story where you need to be worried for your own life, and yet, the science – I mean the real science states that this is utterly untrue. I am speaking of those who have been studying this science as PH.Ds in labs for 20 or more years who have no interest in falsely leading the masses. I am speaking of the statisticians who understand how numbers can be inflated or deflated at the whim of the reporters to say whatever they want them to. You need to realize that the news is there to put fear into you because it is in that manner that the little ‘lemmings’ will all do as told even to their own demise because they were hypnotized into believing things that are patently false.
One needs to ask a very important question which too many are not: Why is it that people who are medical docs, virologists, chiropractors, and doctors of osteopathy having their social media being de-platformed? Maybe because they are the ones who are fighting to have you be able to regain your 1st Amendment Rights in the US, your rights to autonomy where you choose what goes into your body or on your body, etc. Why, because the call to action to de-hypnotize you is being silenced so that you will soon find you have lost your rights to those who have whatever nefarious ideas of control that they would like to control the masses. It has been done in the past and it is even easier now with the internet to put people into complacency and just go along with these horrific acts.
So, this post is all about teaching you about that which many of you do not understand because those who have not been trained in hypnotism and Neuro-Linguistic programming (another manner of getting people to do as one would like with the use of languaging (tonality, phraseology, speed of talk, and if in-person body movements- great in helping people to shift from self-harmful acts to helpful healthy acts, horrible if used against your best interest) would never know that they are being hypnotized against their will each and every day by those you would like to believe have your best interest at heart.
Learning: Many people are fearful of being hypnotized as a healing modality, however, if one chooses the right professional that is a misguided fear. However, in the realm of your everyday life, you are being hypnotized and you are totally unaware of it. It is time to wake up and reclaim your own minds – most especially your unconscious mind – or you may not be very happy with the circumstances in which you are leading your life!

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Suzanne Kellner-Zinck founded Dawning Visions Hypnosis in 2002, She has become an innovator in the use of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming in the areas of obsessive compulsive disorders such as: eating disorders, sexual addiction and substance abuse as well as working with those with anxiety and mood disorders.

Her clients have come to work with her from across the United States and as far away as Africa to help them to finally be freed from these emotional issues that once ruled their lives. Today she is in the process of bringing her work to many more in the form of ebooks and other downloadable formats.

She is a member of American Holistic Medical Association and the American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Prior to founding Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Kellner-Zinck worked within vendor programs for the mentally ill working to help them to live up to their fullest potential. Many of her previous clients were able to move out on their own and find fulfilling work.

Kellner-Zinck is a Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic programing through Tad James Company, Inc. and a Master Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming through Advanced Neuro Dynamics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and political studies from Curry College.

Dawning Visions Hypnosis is teaching people that they can indeed leave their unwanted behaviors behind as they move forward to living fulfilling and joy filled lives.

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