Learnings From MFinal_Covery Journey: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul is a book of essays based on the wisdom gained through those who have touched me through my own journey in life. Each essay is based on a learning that has come from: overcoming life’s challenges, creative solutions to problems, wisdom gleaned from my elderly clients lives, learnings through the work that I have done with my mental health clients as well as many learnings from  the special people that I have met on my travels. Other learnings shared come from my study and application of hypnotic concepts and various spiritual teachings. You are sure to gain a much better perspective on the relationships that you have in your life as my clients have shared was their experience through my telling these stories  to them through our work together.

This book came about as a result of my being mentally blocked from writing yet another book on hypnosis. My business partner and ex-client suggested that I had more than enough material in all the emails that I had sent her through our work together to write a helpful book. Over the past twenty years people have been telling me to write my life’s story which never really came out well when I tried to put it into writing. With Donna’s suggestion the solution to getting this book written was solved. I trust that you will enjoy these stories as much as I have enjoyed sharing them with you. I look forward to hearing about how your journey is going.


Like stumbling across a long buried knapsack of cash in your backyard, Suzanne Kellner-ZInck’s book is welcome for its very valuable contents. If you are looking for a “self help” book – this is a find! Suzanne’s Learnings has many solutions for you, whether you are looking for your true path in life, healing your own or loved one’s life-threatening physical and psychological illness (that’s right!) or perhaps spiritual assurance (God IS here, loves us and has provided). Herein is all contained.
Suzanne’s book expresses in story, the beautiful philosophy of Time Line Therapy (R) and NLP which she has adopted,, mixed and stirred in her own rich Jewish heritage and spirituality. This is a true story. A story of miracles. As a therapist in the Hypnotherapy Arts, Suzanne distinguishes herself in the book as a GREAT hypnotherapist who tells her own miraculous story of recovery and wellness but more importantly, documents the journey of others and their equally amazing stories under her care as their guide. Well written, brilliant and a must read.

Evan Sachs  May 13, 2012

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