Kenya Trip in August, 2011

The trip to Kenya came about as a brain storm of a gentleman I met at an iInternet marketing training in Denver, Colorado a couple of months ealier in May. When he found out what I did for a living, helping people who were depressed he realized that there were few therapists in his city of Nairob who were able to handle this serious situationi. He told me of the many teenagers committing suicide and believed that I had  a better way to handle this most serious of problems. He brought me to Nairobi to educate some of the therpist in training.

Pascal Kaumbutho is a genteel and geerous hearted man who does much for his country. He runs three non-profit organizations, one being a safe place for kids to play and do educationally based activities. He invited me to come to his country to educate some masters level psychology students in the art and science of hypnosis allowing them to integrate it into their new practices.

It was a fun and fulfilling opportuinty and one which I look forward to repeating sometime in the not too distant future. Below, I have shared photos and videos from this rewarding trip.


This was a sign outside a restaurant on our way to Meru to visit with Pascal’s mother. Meru is near Mt. Kenya.







Explaining what we are going to cover for the first day before the training began. The college instructor is sitting to my left with some of his students who were taking my training.






The Maasai people welcoming us to their village in the Serengeti National Park.








The Nairobi National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya









This Kenyan student absolutely loved being in the hypnotic trance state!









Teaching the students during the training.











Introducing the students to the many ways that hypnosis can be used to help people improve their lives.