
All my eating disordered clients ask me the same question: If you treat me for my eating disorder, will it be gone forever? I am happy to report that once this problem is taken care of your quality of life will be much better. You will no longer be abusing your body with your behaviors associated with your eating disorder. You will no longer have any of the guilt associated with this problem, no longer living a double life. You will notice much better relationships forming with all the people that you care about, most especially yourself. Living a life free of fear of being found out will allow that once wasted energy to be used for more important and productive endeavors, enriching your life. Most importantly think about all the time and energy you will be able to put toward those things that are truly important to you, while allowing your body to heal. It is a most magnificent life awaiting you for the minimal time and energy required with the treatment that is explained in this book. This is proven with the increased health and well being of those clients who have undergone my treatment program. For those of you who require professional care, including those of you whose life is being taken over more and more, as the condition is one that is progressive in nature, I strongly urge you to seek professional assistance immediately.

NOTE: If you are a person who is 15% or more underweight, medical intervention by a licensed medical doctor specializing in care of eating disorders is required before working with any professional hypnotist for your health and well being. 

This book is meant to be paired with a hypnotic induction titled “Induction for Eating Disorders”. This induction is freely available as an MP3 via the authors website signing up for the Dawning Visions Newsletter.

 Fight eating disorders NOW. Purchase your copy below by clicking on the Amazon image

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