Hi everyone! Donna N here yet again. Who would have thought after being a dug addict for over 20 years I’d be still here and very much alive to tell you all there is a better, easier and permanent solution to your problems!!! I have been clean for over 15 years, since 2006, and have not looked back when I did the work and things I needed to do.
This is going to be a short testimonial because all I can say is hypnosis works but as with any doctor or professional it matters greatly WHO YOU ACTUALLY SEE AND WORK WITH!!!!!
Having seen countless doctors that actually made things worse I’m sure you all can relate to this. Well it’s the same with hypnosis professionals. Some have the talent and the experience and the training, and some just don’t!!
Do yourself a favor, especially if you are an addict because conventional ways DO NOT WORK.
Call Suzanne, She has the experience, training and is always learning. She cares and will help!!!
Donna N. May 8, 2021

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